Tax Reform on the Immediate Trump Agenda: Details

So it is Flat Tax or Fair Tax? Uncertain at this point. Will it be a reform plank devised by Trump’s financial advisors? Humm, will it be a reform piece of legislation created by the House Republicans? Another humm…but lets look at the following for clues.


A Better Way Forward on Tax Reform

In June, Ways and Means Republicans led the effort to unveil a “Better Way for Tax Reform.” This bold Blueprint delivers a 21st century tax code built for growth – the growth of families’ paychecks, the growth of American businesses, and the growth of our nation’s economy.

The Blueprint also provides unprecedented simplicity and fairness for taxpayers, which means most Americans will be able to file their taxes on a form as simple as a postcard.

With a simpler, fairer tax code, Americans need a simpler, fairer tax collector. The Blueprint redesigns the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) into an agency with a singular focus: Service First.



Fact Sheets
CLICK HERE to read the full text of the Blueprint.
CLICK HERE to read a snapshot of the Blueprint.
CLICK HERE to read an overview of Blueprint Basics.
CLICK HERE to read the Blueprint’s Top 10 Wins for the American People.
CLICK HERE to learn how the Blueprint will Simplify Our Broken Tax Code.
CLICK HERE to learn how the Blueprint Helps Hardworking Taxpayers.
CLICK HERE to learn how the Blueprint Creates New Jobs on Main Street and Across America.
CLICK HERE to learn how the Blueprint Delivers a “Service First” IRS.
CLICK HERE to print the Tax Reform Blueprint Handout
Chairman Brady’s Wall Street Journal Op-Ed:The GOP Plan for Tax Sanity
Chairman Brady’s CNBC Op-Ed:We want to make tax filing so simple that ‘it would fit on a postcard’
Chairman Brady’s National Review Op-Ed:It’s Time for Congress to Pass Reaganesque Tax Reforms
Support for the Blueprint
CLICK HERE to read What They’re Saying (Part I)
CLICK HERE to read What They’re Saying (Part II)
CLICK HERE to read Praise from House Republicans
CLICK HERE to read the Tax Foundation’s findings on the Blueprint
CLICK HERE to read Chairman Brady’s Response to the Tax Foundation’s Blueprint Score
Posted in Citizens Duty, DOJ, DC and inside the Beltway, government fraud spending collusion, Industry Jobs Oil Economics, Legislation, Obamacare, The Denise Simon Experience, Treasury, Trump Administration, Votes voting.

Denise Simon