I had a dream for what the future would be for America and it vanished as it was transferred by fiat to all non-Americans. There is a full insurgency of aliens pouring into the United States by air, land and sea. They are filling up court rooms, they are filling up schools, they are filling up healthcare facilities, they are filling up applications for every government entitlement program all segments of government offers and the approvals are being rubber-stamped. Such was not to be for my dream. http://www.theblaze.com/blog/2014/06/26/dems-block-gop-bills-to-verify-status-block-tax-credits-to-illegal-immigrants/
I had a dream that American citizens would be protected well by our government but that dream has been given preferential treatment to non-citizens. The borders are wide open, new diseases such as Tuberculosis and H1N1 have been re-introduced into our homeland. Such was not to be. http://www.abc15.com/news/national/immigrants-bringing-diseases-across-border
I had a dream that the threat of terrorism inside our shores had faded after the billions spent on security at all levels and the high collection of intelligence but it is growing from factions planning such events while the Washington regime calls the threats and proven lawlessness phony scandals. Such was not to be. http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/Hayden-Iraq-Obama-ISIS/2014/06/23/id/578674/
I had a dream that America would continue to be a global leader providing for a calmer world delivering equilibrium where it needed to be applied. Such was not to be. http://www.cnn.com/2014/06/27/world/africa/world-fragile-nations/index.html?sr=tw062714sudanfragile1100astorygallLink
I had a dream that American citizens could rely on some sense of trust of the Federal government that it would be honorable, open and fair. We cannot take care of our veterans, we cannot speak freely, we are not allowed to protect ourselves from local threats and we have lost the ability to get a balanced advanced education to compete for viable jobs. Such was not to be. http://t.co/eMwf2pQPbL
I had a dream that all common Americans had and could maintain some expectation of privacy and we would not be data-mined and scored for obscure objectives many still unknown to us and without our approval or knowledge. Such was not to be. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2014/06/prism-local-edition-ny-da-employs-381-secret-orders-gather-complete-digital
I had a dream that Americans could maintain reasonable and quality access to healthcare that America would maintain the cutting edge of eradicating disease, advance medicine that cures maladies and could be affordable. Such was not to be. http://www.forbes.com/sites/sallypipes/2014/03/24/four-years-of-obamacare-failures-is-long-enough/
I had a dream that the most sacrosanct privilege that Americans have is voting and that very precious act of free speech and the ability to redress our grievances would be protected and honest. Such was not to be. http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/297461/reality-voter-fraud-john-fund
I had a dream that our government leadership after 9/11 would have been determined to destroy those who wish to destroy us. The worldwide gesture to call attention our resolve and strength would have been to complete the re-construction of the World Trade Centers at least as quickly as we rebuilt the Pentagon. Such was not to be.
There are many more dreams that could be applied here, in fact you surely have some of your own to add. I have a dream to find America again, who is dreaming with me?