Kamala Harris Led the Disdain for ‘That Book’

Listening carefully to each of the Democrats during the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearing was quite revealing. Many prefaced their questions with statements challenging Judge Kavanaugh on his fealty to the Constitution. Senator(s) Coons, Booker, Harris, Whitehouse and others proved their hypocrisy and disdain for The Founders, The Federalists, The Heritage Foundation and the Federalist Society calling those organizations highly partisan.  The moral standards and beliefs of the Democrats were applied conveniently as a weapon in countless exchanges during the past several days of the hearings.

In fact, The Heritage Foundation and the Federalist Society was branded often as contentious organizations, right-winged and in some cases radical. Hummm

About ‘that book’ though: Personally, I was struck how Brett Kavanaugh held his pocket edition of the Constitution almost as a his lifeline and how worn out it was. His loyalty and allegiance to the Constitution was quite refreshing and mostly reassuring.

When it comes to the Federalists, they were a group of supporters to the Constitution that were diligent to the assurance of a decentralized system of government. Many of Judge Kavanaugh’s 300 plus decisions were based on that very concept and applying the law as passed by Congress.

What about those demands for documents?

Oh, what about this?

Or this?


If Senator Coons has know Brett Kavanugh for thirty years….why all the challenge then? Watch this video and tally the statements made by the Senator that turned out to be untrue in 11 minutes.

Outside the mainstream? Exactly what does that mean? Anyone? Uphold or undermind the founding principles? Really?

Posted in Citizens Duty, DOJ, DC and inside the Beltway, Legislation, Supreme Court, The Denise Simon Experience, U.S. Constitution, Votes voting, Whistleblower.

Denise Simon

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