Have you Met John Mark Dougan, a Former Florida Deputy Sheriff?

I continue to see friends on Facebook and a few other social media sites claiming that Ukraine’s President Zelensky and his wife are using millions if not billions of U.S. aid money to buy fancy cars and mansions….ehhh….c’mon people do that work please and stop getting punked by a former Marine and sheriff deputy from Florida that too fled to Russia….yes…fled and he is loving his deep fake life there and you are helping him win the bot/disinformation/propaganda war…and many members of Congress have bought into all this….but save yourself the humiliation and read on…


It is not just here in the United States by the way…Europe is getting pummeled too:

The article looks real enough, though petrolheads may note the misspelling of Tourbillon. It even cites as evidence a video recorded by a dealership employee describing the supposed sale, and a picture of a Bugatti invoice for €4.5 million made out to Mrs. Olena Zelenska. If you were under any doubt, the site’s name should lay your fears to rest: Verite Cachee or, in English, hidden truth.

In fact, the video is a deepfake, the invoice is falsified, and the entire site is part of a Kremlin-linked influence operation, using AI-generated content to deliver a payload of Russian talking points. The false attack on Zelenska was designed, it seems, to hint at corruption.

Veritecachee.fr is one of two sites set up less than two weeks after French president Emmanuel Macron announced a surprise election, the other called France en Colere (Angry France). The Bureau of Investigative Journalism (TBIJ) and the Tow Center have connected both to a network of websites linked to John Dougan, an American former police officer now living in Moscow and known for spreading Kremlin-backed disinformation. This network was first identified by researchers at Clemson University in December last year.

Even as this Dougan-affiliated network has targeted the French election, another Russia-linked disinformation operation, unmasked by French authorities earlier this year, has ramped up its activity in Europe. In June, the “Portal Kombat” network launched ten new sites, mostly aimed at Europe. Another five targeting Eastern Europe were set up in April and May. Read it all here for further context. Zelensky just bought a brand new $4.5 Million Dollar Bugatti for his ...

*** In part below:

It starts with a NewsGuard analyst happening upon what appeared to be a fledgling Washington D.C.-based news site promoting Russian propaganda. Unbeknownst to her, this was six months after her boss and his family had been threatened in a YouTube video that included an aerial shot of his home and calls to his unlisted phone number by a Russian disinformation operative working from a studio in Moscow. It turns out that this D.C. website, those threats to NewsGuard’s co-CEO, and what NewsGuard discovered were dozens of similar hostile information operations — including a “documentary” that the Russians used as an excuse to invade Ukraine — were all orchestrated by the same man — John Mark Dougan, a former Florida deputy sheriff who fled to Moscow after being investigated for computer hacking and extortion.

As of this writing, NewsGuard has discovered 167 Russian disinformation websites that appear to be part of Dougan’s network of websites masquerading as independent local news publishers in the U.S. and 15 films on Dougan’s since-removed YouTube channel. Ranging from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky siphoning off money meant to aid the war against Russia so he could buy an estate in England owned by King Charles, to a non-existent U.S. bioweapons lab in Ukraine being the reason the Russians had to invade that country, these concocted stories have been amplified on social media accounts to reach a broad global audience of more than 37 million views—including 1,300,000 views of just the narrative about Zelensky buying the king’s estate.

As a journalist based in Washington who scrutinizes the credibility of news outlets as a profession, I was familiar with the landscape of trusted local publications in the area. DCWeekly did not appear to be one of them.

I first noticed the site when it published an article reporting that the Ukrainian Azov Battalion was recruiting in France. It carried the byline “Jessica Devlin,” who was described as a “distinguished and highly acclaimed journalist.” Another scoop: The U.S. had bought a mansion for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Vero Beach, Florida.

Everything about the website and these articles was a red flag: The site presented itself as a credible new local news source yet was propagating fabricated narratives that smelled of Russian influence.

It turned out that “DCWeekly” is not actually based in the nation’s capital. Nor is “Jessica Delvin” a real person. As uncovered by researchers at Clemson University, the site operates from Moscow, hosted on an IP address belonging to John Mark Dougan.

His is a name I would come to know well over the coming months.

In further briefings, I learned that Dougan, a former marine, had been an officer in the Sheriff’s Department in Palm Beach County, Florida, until 2016, when he fled to Russia and was granted asylum after being targeted in a computer hacking scheme. Since then, I was told, he had become well known to the FBI and, as they put it, “our sister security agencies” as a Russian operative who specialized in producing some of the Russians’ most elaborate disinformation campaigns and narrating them as if he were an independent American journalist. 

Relatedly, it appeared that the aerial video of my home in Dougan’s video was not a simple Google satellite shot. Instead, it had probably been taken by a drone that someone had hired. [Dougan denies this; see below.] I was also told that those same sister agencies reported that Dougan was still in Russia. “So he poses no imminent threat to you,” the lead agent on the case said.

But he knows where I live and the Russians must have people all over the United States, I said. And he must have followers here on his YouTube channel that could act on their own. The FBI agents agreed. This was more serious than a few random crank emails. In a meeting a few days later with three agents and my wife sitting at our dining room table, we agreed on a multifaceted security plan to be implemented by a private security company.

I now live in a home surrounded by twelve motion-detecting security cameras, monitored remotely by the security service, and filled with dead-bolt window and door locks and other reminders of Dougan’s video—which produced multiple new death threats.


Related reading from the BBC 

What the Deep State Really is, Shadow Operatives

Former President Trump has said often, it is not just me they are after, they are really after you and I am in the way. It is quite true, but add intrepid investigative journalists as well and it all began under the Obama administration.

Anyone remember when the Obama Department of Justice went after several Associated Press reporters? Or how about all the way to the Biden administration as noted here:

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department said Saturday that it no longer will secretly obtain reporters’ records during leak investigations, a policy shift that abandons a practice decried by news organizations and press freedom groups.

The reversal follows a pledge last month by President Joe Biden, who said it was “simply, simply wrong” to seize journalists’ records and that he would not permit the Justice Department to continue the practice. Though Biden’s comments in an interview were not immediately accompanied by any change in policy, a pair of statements from the White House and Justice Department on Saturday signaled an official turnabout from an investigative tactic that has persisted for years.

Democratic and Republican administrations alike have used subpoenas and court orders to obtain journalists’ records in an effort to identify sources who have revealed classified information. But the practice had received renewed scrutiny over the past month as Justice Department officials alerted reporters at three news organizations — The Washington Post, CNN and The New York Times — that their phone records had been obtained in the final year of the Trump administration.

The latest revelation came Friday night when the Times reported the existence of a gag order that had barred the newspaper from revealing a secret court fight over efforts to obtain the email records of four reporters. That tussle had begun during the Trump administration but had persisted under the Biden Justice Department, which ultimately moved to withdraw the gag order.

Let’s go back to the days of Fast and Furious or Benghazi shall we? Just in the last week, former CBS investigative correspondent of 21 years Sharyl Attkisson gave an detailed update to her case against the Department of Justice and the FBI as initially explained in her book titled Stonewalled.

In full disclosure, I read that book back and the chill still runs through my veins. After listening to her most recent podcast explanation, the takeaway is how all of government is still being used to stonewall the case not only with her but now too Catherine Herridge, just recently fired from CBS for refusing to reveal her sources for a story. so much for a free press. So, please take the time to hear the Attkisson podcast to fully grasp the government dragnet and then understand how it all flows down to we the people…..including we the people.

Now consider just what these deep state ghost operatives have been plotting and planning going forward. Use your imagination as Miss Sharyl has provided the mission template and tactics.

We are now living in a Stasi environment an additional form of terror…the war on information and truth.

Billions in Private Government Contracts Spent on Illegals Transport and Housing

Then check out the Inspector General’s report found here. 

So, reaching out to a friend of mine, a former contractor with a very large private military contractor put me on to two companies holding contracts. They are MVM and Triple Canopy….check this out please.

MVM = CONTRACTOR WILL PROVIDE STAFFING AND RESOURCES NECESSARY TO ARRANGE TRAVEL AND ESCORT and MVM just during the year 2021 was under contract for $329 million. And by the way, MVM, Inc., a company previously perhaps best known for acting as a contractor for the CIA and the NSA in Iraq, has in recent years become a major player in the U.S. government’s treatment of asylum-seekers, all the while inviting scrutiny for an apparently lax approach to the safety of those in its care. During the infamous 2018 family separation policy, MVM was found to be holding children, including some separated from their parents, in an abandoned Phoenix office building. Most disturbingly, in the past six months alone, MVM has had to shell out $1.8 million to settle federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission claims that it had discriminated against African immigrant workers and subjected women on its payroll to sexual harassment and retaliation. This rattled good government advocates, even though the company avoided any admission of wrongdoing.

Watchdogs found the allegations that triggered the EEOC claims unsettling as well. In December 2020, MVM coughed up $1.6 million to get rid of a federal lawsuit that accused it of subjecting African immigrant security personnel to verbal abuse—including a manager’s mockery of their accents and comments about how the company had brought on “too many Africans”—forced them to work on days off, threatened them with dismissal, and even fired some without cause. Less than a month later, it paid out $200,000 to resolve separate litigation that charged one of its managers made unwanted physical and verbal advances toward a number of female employees. When one complained, the suit asserted, the company canned her. Thanks to the Daily Beast article on this from 2021. 

Now just remember how much President Trump was tarred and feathered and sued over the same things….anyone?

Now let us travel over to Guantanamo shall we? The Biden administration began in 2021 to hire private military contractors for GITMO…why? Haitians…the newcomer supply chain from Haiti to Florida and beyond. Indications are that Triple Canopy has this contract due in part to previous experience in Haiti.

The Department of Homeland Security dusted off mass migration event plans, as they’ve done before with Haiti, including in 2021 as the number of Haitians interdicted at sea ticked up.

Defense Department and military officials told Congress that the department is doing “a number of things to ensure we’re keeping track of” a potential mass migration from Haiti.

Rebecca Zimmerman, the official performing the duties of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Hemispheric Affairs, said that so far, the administration has “not yet seen large numbers, what we would characterize as a maritime mass migration.”

Maritime migration presents its own unique challenges and involves US Customs and Border Protection Air and Marine Operations, the US Border Patrol and Coast Guard, among others, coordinating to interdict migrants who are often taking the dayslong journey in makeshift vessels.

The agencies work together to identify and interdict migrants so they may be repatriated. If migrants make landfall, they’re brought into Border Patrol custody.

Border authorities in southern Florida are monitoring the situation in Haiti and preparation is underway in the event of an influx of Haitians arriving, according to a US Customs and Border Protection official. In the past, more than 100 people amassed on vessels for the dangerous journey by sea.


An aerial view of Bulkeley Hall at Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Bulkeley Hall is the naval station headquarters and administration building. Guantanamo Bay is a logistical hub for U.S. Navy, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Army, and allied vessels and aviation platforms operating in the Caribbean region of the U.S. 4th Fleet.

An aerial view of Bulkeley Hall at Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Bulkeley Hall is the naval station headquarters and administration building. Guantanamo Bay is a logistical hub for U.S. Navy, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Army, and allied vessels and aviation platforms operating in the Caribbean region of the U.S. 4th Fleet. (Bill Mesta/U.S. Navy)

More than 300,000 Haitians have been displaced since gangs overran the capital on Feb. 29 and unleashed chaos, according to the United Nations.

The U.S. on Wednesday deployed a Marine Fleet-Anti-terrorism Security Team, or FAST, to secure its embassy in Port-au-Prince and flew Marines into the country over the weekend to rescue nonessential diplomatic staff.

Other American civilians, including a Marine Corps veteran, remain trapped in the Caribbean nation. Source

A Reminder for You on Who the National Lawyers Guild is Exactly

Back in 2020, this site published an item describing the lawyers working on behalf of Black Lives Matter. Now is the time for a current update.

As recently as 2023, Fox News had an item about the National Lawyers Guild and their representation of ANTIFA. In part:

Two activists arrested Sunday on domestic terrorism charges for the “Cop City” terror attack in Georgia have links to the National Lawyers Guild (NLG), a radical left-wing legal group that defends Antifa extremists and provides support and training to activists involved in and arrested for protest actions.

The NLG has a history of supporting controversial movements, some of its past members later boasted affiliations with militant groups, and it explicitly supports abolishing police and prisons.

The Atlanta Police Department named the 23 activists it arrested for domestic terrorism on Monday after a protest of the proposed 85-acre Atlanta Public Safety Training Center, labeled by opponents as “Cop City,” turned into a violent assault on law enforcement. The individuals arrested conducted a coordinated attack on construction equipment and police officers at the site east of Atlanta, using large rocks, bricks, Molotov cocktails and fireworks.

Among those arrested was Georgia-based Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) staff attorney Tom Jurgens, who the SPLC identified as a legal observer for the NLG. North Carolina resident James Marsicano, who goes by “Jamie” and identifies as a “White trans femme organizer,” was also arrested. Marsicano, a past organizer for Charlotte Uprising, a group that fights for a “world without police or prisons,” was previously arrested for assaulting a police officer in 2020 following the death of George Floyd. He also has ties to the NLG.

Now, today with the massive and violent protests on college campuses….just why are there so few arrests, such reticent in real prosecutions and capitulation? Enter once again the NLG.

The Biden administration has several members of the NLG in official positions. Shocker? Yeah not so much.

Then my friend Sam Faddis published a very recent summary on NLG. Hatip good sir.

In part: Social media documented the presence during the occupation and clearance of a number of legal “observers” from a group called the National Lawyers Guild (NLG). They were there to intercede on behalf of the folks illegally occupying a public space. The NLG opposed the formation of NATO. It opposed the Truman Doctrine which committed the United States to opposing the spread of Communism. It pushed for cooperation between the United States and the Soviet Union.

In the years since, the NLG has consistently been identified with groups that seek to overthrow the existing social order and impose a revolutionary Communist government on the citizens of the United States. NLG attorney William Kunstler wrote in 1975 that “the thing I’m most interested in is keeping people on the street who will forever alter the character of this society: the revolutionaries.” A number of NLG members were connected to the Weather Underground, a domestic terrorist organization that carried out at least 25 bombings in the United States in the 1970s.

Beginning in the 1970’s the NLG increasingly began to forge connections to the foreign enemies of the United States. NLG delegations have since traveled to Vietnam, China, Iran, Guatemala, Southern Africa, Chile, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip. 

The NLG has consistently opposed the state of Israel. In May 2021, the NLG’s International Committee released a statement saying “the Zionist settler colonial movement with the support of imperialist powers established the state of Israel.” It asserted “the legal right of Palestinians to resist the colonizing power that seeks to annihilate them,” including through armed struggle.

The day after the October 7, 2023 attacks by Hamas inside Israel, the NLG affirmed “the legitimacy of the right of the Palestinian people to resist” and declared the group’s support for “the people of Palestine in their struggle against the settler colonial state of Israel.” The NLG argued that the terrorist attacks upon civilians were justified and that the terrorists involved were simply “exercising their fundamental and protected right to self-defense and to liberate their land and people from occupation and colonialism.” The Guild called for “all Palestinian and Lebanese resistance organizations” to be removed from the list of U.S.-designated terrorist groups.  Read more here. 

At least since May of 2021, the NLG has stood firmly to resist the illegal military occupation….as they position it along with the long claims of apartheid and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. Now you understand where and how those terms are used and used everywhere including by the Biden White House.

NLG stands with the corrupt government of Venezuela, they fought successfully for the pardon of Chelsea Manning and they provide robust legal services to ‘asylum seekers.


Biden’s Immigration Policy is Designed to Alter the House of Representatives

A few months ago, this website published an article describing the new development in Texas called Colony Ridge. It is north of Houston and is only for migrants. Anew voting district underway to add another U.S. Representative for only migrants appears to be the mission. But let’s look at some other details for context and history.

  • During the Clinton administration, there were two initiatives launched to stop illegal immigration: Operation Gatekeeper and Operation Hold the Line. In fact during this time, the San Diego Sector was the area enduring the most chaos. so, President Clinton got his Department of Justice to act and AG Janet Reno made several visits and was shocked with what she saw.
  • The Biden Department of Justice is not prosecuting criminal cases of illegals that were previously deported.
    NYC secures $106M in federal funding for reimbursement of migrant costs after months of delays and the $106 million to NYC is just a portion of the $150 aid package promised by the Federal government thanks to Senator Chuck Schumer.
  • DHS failed to file paperwork which caused 200,000 cases to be tossed out under Biden and Mayorkas.Last week, the second-in-command of violent Colombian street gang Los Santanás was apprehended in New Braunfels, Texas, a suburb of San Antonio, by Homeland Security agents working with state and local authorities. He was subsequently handed over to US Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

    Aderbis Pirela, 29, was on INTERPOL’s top 10 most wanted list and has warrants out for his arrest in Colombia in connection with at least four murders, as well as drug trafficking and extortion. He had been in the United States since January after being allowed in by claiming political asylum.

    According to NBC15, Pirela managed to flee Colombia last year before making his way through Central America up to the Mexico-US border. Upon being granted permission to enter, he and his fellow gang members began conducting their business out of a migrant shelter.

    On January 27, authorities were made aware of his actions and began searching for him.

    As Fox News reports, police and the mayor of Bogotá are hoping national law enforcement will ensure he ends up in prison and is rendered unable to continue carrying out his crimes while behind bars.

  • The Chinese have built major marijuana grow operations in several states across the country. Who is buying the land? Some arrests have been made. 
  • A Lebanese man arrested at the southern border told U.S. authorities he traveled from the Middle East because he was a member of the terrorist group Hezbollah and planned to build a bomb once in the United States, the Washington Examiner has learned.
  • Even more interesting,Vadim Wolfson, a friend of Putin, a Russian oligarch was arrested in Texas.The arrest came from a federal warrant issued by the Southern District of New York. According to court documents, Wolfson and others have been indicted on federal charges related to violations of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA) and money laundering. Is he an operative of the Kremlin? Appears to be so according to the charging documents.
  • Bringing it forward many years to just yesterday as reported in part by the Boston Herald (pay-wall):
  • Do we really want these people here that will have representation if the U.S. Congress?