Illegal Immigrant Crime in U.S. Censored by Media

Attkisson: Illegal Immigrant Crime ‘Self-Censored’ By Media, Most Would Be ‘Surprised’ At How Large Problem Is

From Breitbart: “Full Measure” host Sharyl Attkisson said, “most Americans would be very surprised to hear how large the problem” of crimes committed by illegal immigrants is and “many in the media have self-censored the topic” on Friday’s “O’Reilly Factor” on the Fox News Channel.

Attkisson stated, “I think most Americans would be very surprised to hear how large the problem is, of illegal immigrants who come here, not talking about the law-abiding, deserving citizens we hear about a lot, but the ones who go on to commit felonies in the United States, and then the subset of tens of thousands who nonetheless are then rereleased back into the US where they go on to commit more serious crime, including thousands of murders — or hundreds of murders and thousands of rapes, over just a two year period.”

She added, “we discuss in the piece the theory on the part of victims’ families, that both Democrats and Republicans have a vested interest in the dysfunctional system as is, and because they are motivated by their interest and special interests, they are being told or asked not to address, even this subset of the population, the ones who commit serious crime.”

When asked what the Republican interest is, she responded, “The victims’ families believe they’re just bowing to special interests, because they don’t want to crack down on the problem at all, because they get cheap labor.”

Attkisson said she knows she’ll be accused of racism for running the story, but, “That’s why we’re doing the story. We know that this is a very important issue on the minds of many Americans, but that many in the media have self-censored the topic even though it’s significant for the public, and our show is all about bringing forth facts that others don’t want you to hear.”

Attkisson stated that while the show will air on CBS “in many markets,” she doubts that her former employer would have run the piece.

Posted in Citizens Duty, Department of Homeland Security, DOJ, DC and inside the Beltway, Failed foreign policy, government fraud spending collusion, Illegal Immigration, Insurgency, Terror, The Denise Simon Experience, U.S. Constitution, UN United Nations Fraud Corruption.

Denise Simon