“Perseverance and spirit have done wonders in all ages” General George Washington
“I would not be understood that I should choose to march, but as I engage in this glorious cause, I am willing to go where I am called.” Lt. Joseph Hodgkins
“We want great men who, when fortune frowns, will not be discouraged.” Col. Henry Knox
Is it general fatigue that keeps your distance from the fight to protect and defend the Constitution and the United States of America? Is it a feeble excuse of lack of time to devote to perform your duty as a citizen? Is it envy of others’ wealth and income that alters your focus to dismiss patriotism for a future hour? Is it tantamount to be entertained and live in the moment that prevents you from questioning government?
America is in an age of turmoil. America today is in a time not unlike those historical periods where intrepid forces are minimizing and in most cases destroying our foundation.
The day of reckoning has arrived, there is no option for delay in our quest to protect and preserve our Republic. Honesty and admission are part and parcel, the solution as energy and action finish the equation. Our Founders did more with less, yet vision, integrity and dreams of freedom were the pathway to their success, a legacy we take for granted and exploit.
Indifference and complacency have ruled citizens for decades with a consequence of conditions we find ourselves today. There is no excuse viable for a patriot citizen to not maintain the fight or engage to stop the fall from grace and greatness. There is no room for division in the citizen ranks given the understanding of the risks to freedom. We have a duty to question, a duty to teach, a duty to halt corruption, a duty to embrace and a duty to preserve.
We have no cause to stop, no pretext for fatigue and no excuse to fail. We curse this day with unsound logic. The Founders wore full dress and wigs; we have flip flops and air-conditioning. They had an ink well and parchment, we have email. They had a horse; we have the television remote control. They had artists, we have digital cameras. The Founders had farms, we have grocery stores. The Founders had books, we have DVD’s. The Founders had muskets, we have rocket propelled grenades. They had home medicinal remedies we have lasers.
It is Thanksgiving, it is our day and as with all days ahead, that we give praise for the vision and spirit of the Founders, that we may learn and embrace their virtues for energy, attention and action.
Failure is not an option; men’s souls are tried, while honor and freedom will rise in our pursuit.
Thanks is giving.
Eric Holder, Beyond Fast and Furious
Eric Holder
The Department of Justice is headed by Eric Holder, the United States Attorney General, which is a position confirmed by the Senate. The USAG is also a member of the President’s Cabinet. The annual operating budget for the DoJ is $27.7 Billion dollars and has an estimate employment level of 112,000 positions. The DoJ has several departments that include Anti-trust, Civil, Civil Rights, Criminal, Environmental, Justice Management, National Security and Tax. Additionally, under the DoJ roof is the U.S. Marshall Service, FBI, Bureau of Prisons, Alcohol, Tobacco and Fire Arms, Drug Enforcement Agency and the Office of Inspector Generals. For the most part and to complete the list is Immigration, Police and Law Enforcement, Legislative Affairs, Pardons, Tribal Justice, Sexual Violence, Foreign Claims and Interpol.
There are position levels of the Federal government that require FBI background checks. There are many questions regarding this procedure. Who is required to have a background check? Who decides what parts of the background are to be investigated? Who gets a pass and who does not? Questions include those relating to ‘good moral character’ and risks to ‘national security’.
After some research, it is confounding how Eric Holder could possibly pass an FBI background check or was his ownership of a law license enough?
Let us review some facts of Holder’s background together. Other than the most recent revelations of Holder’s involvement in Solyndra and Fast and Furious, below are some forgotten details regarding Holder’s experience and associations.
1. Under Bill Clinton, Holder was a member of the Pardon committee that gave a green light to Marc Rich of which, Holder admits was an error in judgment. Lawyers are paid to not make mistakes. Lawyers pay particular attention to detail.
2. In a speech in 1998 before the Judiciary Committee in a joint hearing with Janet Reno regarding drug cartels, weapons, and money laundering, it is clear, Holder has a long and deep knowledge of narco-terrorism
3. Holder asked for clemency on 16 FALN (Puerto Rico terror organization) members which resulted in a reduced prison sentence.
4. Holder is a Director of the Eugene & Agnes E. Meyer Foundation that includes funding from such groups and the Tides Foundation and ACORN.
5. The AG refused to investigate ACORN
6. Holder is a supporter of Muslim Advocates as proven in this speech
7. Holder is a Board Member of the American Constitution Society, which is funded by George Soros, the Streisand Foundation and the Ford Foundation. Holder has a close friend among others, named Peter Rubin, who is a founding member of the American Constitution Society of which Janet Reno is also an advising member. The ACS is left wing organization.
8. Holder represented Jose Padilla, also known as Abdullah al-Muhajir, an Islamist that provided material support to Al Qaeda and was leading a dirty bomb plot against the United States.
9. The AG gave a speech in February of 2009 stating that ‘America is a nation of cowards’ regarding racial issues. Yet, Holder won a judgment against the New Black Panthers Party, lead by Malik Zulu Shabazz and chose to drop the case. Even more revealing and according to the White House visitor records, Shabazz visited the private residence at the White House two months after Holder dropped the case.
10. Holder vacated the sentence against Ted Stevens, who was found guilty of many counts of Federal corruption where he took monetary gifts building his personal wealth. He was later killed in a plane crash.
11. Holder admitted under testimony that he had not read the Arizona immigration bill SB 1070, while filing a law suit against Arizona.
12. Holder is also vigorously working to re-institute the expired ‘Assault Weapons Ban’.
13. Eric Holder has yet another close friend, Reid Weingarten, who advised Holder during his confirmation hearings, advised Holder during the pardon of Marc Rich and Weingarten is the lawyer for Roman Polanski.
14. Holder said he did not need a court order to remove Elian Gonzalez from his home. Holder also said the boy was not removed at gun point and in the next sentence, he said that the armed agents acted very sensitively.
15. He released Marilyn Buck, a Marxist and SDS member that was serving an 80 year sentence for a Brinks robbery, the 1983 U.S. Senate bombing and assisting Assata Skakur escape from prison.
16. Holder represented Rod Blagojevich in the Illinois gambling casino case.
17. Holder masterminded the pardoned for Susan Rosenberg, a co-conspirator in the Weather Underground.
18. The AG represented Chiquita Brands International that paid United Self Defense Forces of Columbia, a State Department listed terror organization that killed an estimated 4000 banana farmers. Dole and Del Monte both paid the same group and Nancy Pelosi had a financial interest in Del Monte.
19. Another close friend of Holder is Lanny Breuer, lawyer for Clinton during his impeachment, lawyer representing Freddie Mac, partner at Covington and Burling and head of the ATF, authorizing the wiretaps for Fast and Furious.
20. While the FBI has severed all contact with CAIR, Holder accepts invitation to deliver a speech.
Providing sworn testimony during a Congressional hearing on Fast and Furious, Holder says he only had knowledge of this case for a few weeks. The fact is, he had knowledge in 2010, yet he also had knowledge as early as 2009, as did Hillary Clinton and Janet Napolitano.
“Attorney General Eric Holder at the Mexico/United States Arms Trafficking Conference
CUERNAVACA, MEXICO ~ Thursday, April 2, 2009
Remarks as prepared for delivery.
First, let me express my thanks to Attorney General Medina Mora and Secretary of Government Gomez Mont for making this conference possible.
This is my first trip to another country as Attorney General. I wanted to come to Mexico to deliver a single message: We stand shoulder-to-shoulder with you in this fight against the narcotics cartels. The United States shares responsibility for this problem and we will take responsibility by joining our Mexican counterparts in every step of this fight.
And, together, we will win – thanks in large part to the courage of my Mexican colleagues here today, who are on the front lines every day, and with whom I am proud to collaborate.
The topic that has been addressed over the past two days could not be more important – the development of an arms trafficking prosecution and enforcement strategy on both sides of the border.
I would like to thank the Mexican and U.S. experts who have worked so hard on this issue. On our side, Secretary Napolitano and I are committed to putting the resources in place to increase our attack on arms trafficking into Mexico.
Last week, our administration launched a major new effort to break the backs of the cartels. My department is committing 100 new ATF personnel to the Southwest border in the next 100 days to supplement our ongoing Project Gunrunner, DEA is adding 16 new positions on the border, as well as mobile enforcement teams, and the FBI is creating a new intelligence group focusing on kidnapping and extortion. DHS is making similar commitments, as Secretary Napolitano will detail.
But as today’s conference has emphasized, the problem of arms trafficking will not be stopped at the border alone. Rather, as our experts emphasized, this is a problem that must be met as part of a comprehensive attack against the cartels – an attack in depth, on both sides of the border, that focuses on the leadership and assets of the cartel. This is the type of full-bore, prosecution-driven approach that the U.S. Department of Justice took to dismantle La Cosa Nostra – once the most powerful organized crime group operating in the United States.
With partners like those we have here today, I am confident that together, we will defeat these narcotics cartels in exactly the same way. I am proud to stand with you, and to join you in this fight. Thank you again for inviting me here.”
Quiero que el pueblo Mexicano sepa que mi nación está con ustedes en la lucha contra los narcotraficantes.
México y los Estados Unidos comparten mas que una frontera—compartimos cultura, sangre e intereses comunes. Somos hermanos unidos contra una batalla que ganaremos.
Tenemos que aprender de uno a otro, trabajar juntos y luchar juntos. Si hacemos estas cosas, si nos dedicamos juntos a esta lucha, no tengo duda que tendremos éxito.
Hillary Clinton’s role and responsibility in Fast and Furious starts here.
The White House endorsed Project Gunrunner and used Stimulus Funds to pay for the program. Hillary Clinton’s State Department is responsible for enforcing the Export Arms Control Act, so it with is logic that the FBI, ATF, and the DoJ would enlist the approval of the State Department to move weapons illegally across the border to Mexico. Those in Congress agree as demonstrated in this letter to Mrs. Clinton: it is also important to note that the State Department runs a separate department named U.S. Direct Commercial Sales. Why is this important? Under the Direct Commercial Sales program, the U.S. State Department regulates and licenses businesses to sell weapons and defense services and training for export. In 2009 alone and according to U.S. statistics, the program was used to provide Mexico $416.5 million worth of weapons and equipment, including military-grade weaponry. We also know the cartels have hired away thousands of Mexican military personnel to join their ranks.
Another program called Project Castaway was a carbon copy of Operation Fast and Furious. From the Examiner:
‘On 21 September, 2010, A. Brian Albritton, United States Attorney for the Middle District of Florida issued a press release on Operation Castaway:
United States Attorney A. Brian Albritton, Virginia O’Brien, Special Agent in Charge of central and northern Florida Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) operations, and Susan McCormick, Special Agent in Charge, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Homeland Security Investigations, Tampa Field Office announce the initial results of Operation Castaway, an intensive and wide-ranging Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF) firearms trafficking investigation conducted by ATF, ICE, the Orange County Sheriff’s Office, the Osceola County Sheriff’s Office, the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office, and the Miami-Dade Police Department. ATF describes Operation Castaway as the most significant firearms trafficking investigation in Central Florida history.
According to court documents, a group of defendants connected to Hugh Crumpler, III, were involved in a major international gun trafficking operation. . . . Firearms like those involved in this investigation are often smuggled through Honduras and other Central and South American countries before being used in violent crimes in Mexico and other countries in the region. A number of the firearms trafficked by the defendants in Operation Castaway have been linked to violent crimes around the world.’
So, in summary, there are a few other connections and facts to make. In 2009, Eric Holder admitted before a House Judiciary Committee that water-boarding is not illegal, because the act is not performed with the objective of imposing any kind of harm. Holder however was on a witch hunt of the CIA operatives who took part in the prisoner interrogation teams. The conclusion here is Holder offered a shallow threat for the sake of the International Criminal Court, putting the argument of water-boarding, which is maybe or maybe not torture to debate on behalf of international law.
The Center for Constitutional Rights has received large sums of donations from left-wing organizations as revealed above. There are in fact a few more donors that must be included. They list Teresa and John Kerry, Susan Sarandon, Pete Seeger, Noam Chomsky and Isabel Hiss, the wife of the Russia spy, Alger Hiss. CCR has also benefited from millions of dollars in donations from liberal law firms across the country that has been applied to pro-bono legal assistance for Gitmo detainees. The annual report for Covington and Burling demonstrates large support for CCR and includes more than 3000 hours of legal aid for Gitmo detainees. Looking deeper into Covington and Burling, you will find partnerships with Michael Ratner and Lanny Breuer. CCR was also an additional source of the legal team for the benefit of FALN, the Puerto Rican terrorist group. FALN was found guilty of bank robbery, use of explosives and as many as 130 bombings.
We cannot omit yet another law firm, named Wilmer and Hale. David Ogden comes from Wilmer and Hale as Ogden owned a high profile job in the Obama White House and as the Deputy Attorney General. Why is Wilmer Hale important? This firm filed Habeas petitions on behalf of Guantanamo detainees and is part of the Global Justice Initiatives. The operative word is global, hence diminished the very foundation of the U.S. Constitution. What is even more concerning is, these and more law firms cannot prosecute cases with Gitmo associations due to the fact they were previous legal counsel and must recues themselves, but did they and is it a matter of record?
The matter of Eric Holder and his history goes beyond Fast and Furious, beyond the New Black Panthers Party and beyond the Defense of Marriage Act. He has a history that was neither questioned nor sun-lighted by the FBI, the Judiciary Committee or the Senate. Holder is part of the ‘kill list’ team that approves terrorists to be killed rather than captured and tried. This has for the most part shut down the work of the CIA to gather intelligence with questioning so that our military can make solid and proactive decisions on fighting these wars.
The story of Eric Holder has a beginning but it seems to have no end, while the middle chapters demonstrate he cannot represent our nation’s best interest. How can this man lead a department with such a sizeable staff and budget that is to represent the people of America, all the while protect our National Security when his history is contrary to our best interests?
Hope and Change is Despair and Reverse
Hope and Change
Hope and change was promised, pledged and assured for months
as Obama gained the questionable votes to take the seat in the Oval Office and
the Oath of Office of President, the leader of the free world. Thirty four
months hence, hope is despair and the change put America in high speed reverse.
America has owned the lead position in the war on terror, as
9-11 was the defining moment that would dramatically alter the entire landscape
and lives of our nation. Collectively,
there was a fearful expectation of what our homeland was facing, yet in the ten
years since, ‘nothing’ which is an all encompassing word has been beneficial or
positive. Today, the war on terror has expanded to areas of operation across
the globe as cells, lone wolves, money, weapons, resolutions, agreements and
intelligence has criss-crossed the world. The Rules of Engagement have been
amended. The Enter and Exit Strategies are written in pencil, if at all and it
is suggested that years from today, this will look exactly the same or worse than
The war doctrine for the United States has had robust
interference with NATO, the United Nations and the International Criminal
Court. All AO’s have no concise, comprehensive or assertive strategic or
diplomatic posture. Lives, weapons and money are spent and direction is
At home, we have endured another fear and that is economic
terrorism and lawfare. Obamacare is but one piece of legislation that has moved
our outlook on hope to despair. The healthcare legislation has grown government
bureaucracy with the worst of it still yet ahead of us. Fannie and Freedie, QE1,
2 and 3 have multiplied the fear factor and fractured the very foundation of
the American economic base. Lawfare, the process by which countless government
agencies and the Department of Justice have removed our confidence in what is sacrosanct
in America, the Rule of Law, the Constitution. Daily, we are witness to secrets
that are being revealed, nefarious domestic policies and missions, broken laws, lies, noncompliance with trade agreements, ignored statutes and a breached legal system , where Judges render decisions by the hour that the case has ‘no legal standing’. Our vote at the polls has been corrupted; our tax dollars are seized and spent without our
knowledge or approval. Our land is being ravaged for the sake for a bio-fuel
agenda and to protect a fish or lizard, leaving farms without water and thus
fail, all at the hands of corrupt Judges, leading the charge. Sharia law has
been applied in courtrooms across the nation while international law has been
used with the encouragement and approval from our Department of Justice.
Barack Obama has not changed as pledged, which is to say
improved education, foreign policy, government spending, reduced taxes, grown
exports, closed and protected our borders. His administration has not improved
the value of our currency, laid a pathway to energy independence, or restored
the ability to be the self reliance as an individual or nation. Instead, we
have been forced to learn about Saul Alinsky, Cloward Piven, the Muslim
Brotherhood, Maurice Strong, George Soros, Cass Sunstein, Valerie Jarrett, Eric
Holder, ACORN, SEIU, CAIR, the Tides Foundation, the Ella Baker Center, the
Ford Foundation, Susan Rice and Ban Ki Moon. It is impossible to offer a
comprehensive list here which should also include more terror cell networks
names, the deeper history and voting records and behind the curtain deals of
Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, the loyalty of the Geithner family to China, the
Clinton connections to global initiatives, the Millennium Challenge, Fast and
Furious, Operation Castaway and the Merida Initiative. We have come to know
that we have CIA and Special Forces are in Columbia, Mexico and Sudan. It has
been revealed we have missing weapons of a nasty nature, names are added daily
to the terror list and the lion share of the TARP money was a gift to foreign
banks. We still watch the Arab Spring events daily, we have staged demonstrations against Wall Street in cities across our country, we have Senators calling for runs on Bank of America and SWAT has been engaged to collect a past due debt on a college loan.
You are invited to join this editorial and make additions
that are most focused in your sights in the comments section. Without writing one thousand pages or more, this process is fluid and cannot begin to include all that was to be hoped for and changed.
In a small effort to conclude with another side of hope and change, we have seen the birth of the Tea Party, FreedomWorks, grassroots survival groups, Patriot associations, a
growth in conservative blogs and websites, Veteran support groups and Memorial
funds. This proves we can be self reliant and possess the common sense that is so absent in DC politics. We have come to appreciate the Founders and their legacy documents. It is our duty to redress our grievances on a national stage that is if we can find a court and
Judge that will GIVE us standing.
If our heads are down, we can’t see where we are going.
Four Corners of the Document, The Constitution
Federal government + Legislation = Politics
Politics + Lobbyists = Federal government
Executive Orders + Department mandates = Federal government
Back room deals + Hidden earmarks = Legislation
Get the point? What is missing from the equations? The Rule of law, the people’s representation, the Constitution, is missing.
Hour by hour we are spoon fed news from inside the beltway. News items cover local, state, Federal and international events, conflicts and decisions. As it relates to the United States, how much of what our government works at daily is actually constitutional?
The use of the word ‘politics’ is ubiquitous. The core of all the banter as it relates to local, state, Federal and international events should include compliance with the Rule of Law. The people have the right to question with authority and boldness, the power is in our hearts, minds, hands and feet. But is it? Do we know it? Do we use it? Was it legal for President Clinton to bail out the Mexican Peso? NO Is it legal to tax labor? NO Is it legal to interfere in foreign sovereignty? NO Is it legal to force a person to buy a service or product? NO
Most disturbing and often not noticed is how the United States is prosecuting the War on Terror. The WoT is a cancer and the fatal cells have found another host, the United States. Our very liberties, provided to us in the Bill of Rights are under attack and the Patriot Act is the laboratory. America is under siege by virtue of an established police state. America has its War on Terror within our homeland and it violates the Rule of Law.
We cannot give an accurate count of the cases that have been presented in a courtroom setting where the Judge’s decision was returned by all that included the words “you have no standing’. Legal cases have been debated in local courtrooms and all the way to the Supreme Court over religion, speech and the right to assemble. Stop now and read the last ten words of Amendment One. It reads, “And to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”
This is where we are commonly told we have no standing. Yet, these ten words are the core of our representative republic and they define our duty. Presently, no Judge in any court across the land has taken a case, providing a decision in favor of the people to aid us in our duty of redress.
The Call to Action here is to write a letter to any Judge at any level and write to legislators at all levels with demands that they respect the Rule of law, demand they comply with the Rights of the people, and demand they obey the Four Corners of the Document, the United States Constitution.
Let us no longer confuse politics with the Rule of Law. Let us no accept deals, payoffs, mandates and interference with the Rule of Law.
We must reassume control and understand the real equation.
The Rule of Law + the Bill of Rights = People
Obama as Diocletian, With Wild Abandon
He regulated courts by decree. He established a council of advisors. He gutted the Praetorian Guard. He forced the worship of Roman religious doctrine. He persecuted Christians. He divided nations. He imposed radical reforms creating repeated economic crisis. He created a new fiscal and monetary system. He established a brutal regime and relied on slavery. He extinguished all threats to his power. He built a massive bureaucratic government. He established price controls to curb inflation. His family had no social status. He saw his destiny to be that of a reformer. He maintained a quest of forced peacekeeping. He elevated himself above the citizenry. He focused on massive building projects of bridges, palaces and public use facilities. He created higher taxes. He ordered all scriptures to be burned. He demanded exclusive political authority.
His name was Diocletian, the emperor of the Roman Empire from 285-305
Today, we are witness to all the same both at home and globally under the Obama regime. It started early within his election campaign with a backdrop of Roman columns. In 2011, we face the exact autocratic condition. Our military is under the budgetary scalpel. Daily, the Christian Doctrine and worship is a fatal decision. America, joined with other nations worldwide is failing due a complete re-tooling of a fiscal and tax policy to delay the eventual destruction. Ruling power is forced by subjugating law and structure. All slurs and challenges to his ability and objective are deemed a violation of compliance and must be exposed and revealed to Obama’s agencies for investigation.
Diocletian closed the borders to his empire, forbidding access to debate and discourse. Obama has created a protection of his empire with the employment of czars and advisors, who are armed with a quest that destroys the American foundation aid forth more than two hundred years ago.
Diocletian, due to exhaustion from opposition, confusion, lack of confidence and mismanagement, caused by his own hand, resigned from power and faded away in Croatia. Constantine, a convert to Christianity and devout follower, rose to lead the Roman Empire by reconstructing the largest military and protecting the worship of all faiths. Constantine restored the monetary system with gold.
No more wild abandon and order was established within the Empire.