Next, Pardon a Traitor?

The list of traitors to America is growing and the list includes many within the Obama administration. Remember, traitors are in violation of their oath and traitors joining forces with the declared enemy fall to treason.

Reminder: during the Obama administration we have had three attacks, Ft. Hood, Boston Bombing and Benghazi.

Several months ago, Saudi Arabia announced they were disgusted with the Obama administration over the matters in Syria and Iran. Saudi Arabia part of the Gulf States declared along with Egypt that Turkey and Qatar were no longer going to be part of a new coalition to fight the war on terror given Qatar especially has aligned and allowed Hamas and AQAP a supportive foothold in the Middle East.  Sadly, the United States continues to recognize Qatar as an ally, knowing full well we are sleeping with the enemy.

For three years hence,  U.S. State Department and the White House through Qatar has been negotiating with Haqqani and the Taliban for a misguided truce of sorts such that the United States paid through USAID for the Taliban to have a headquarters office in Qatar. Once that was exposed it fell apart. However, in March of 2012, during the negotiations with the Taliban, those leaders made a major demand of the release of 5 Gitmo detainees and May 31, 2014, the deed was done, Barack Obama fulfilled that request at the peril of future kidnappings, beheadings or worse.

For a real summary review of who the Taliban are historically, click here.

Yesterday, we learned that a covert operation occurred that Barack Obama used a U.S. citizen, once a PVT, but promoted to Sgt during his defection to the Taliban was at the core of a prisoner swap releasing the top 5 Taliban leadership from Guantanamo to Qatar.  These Taliban had direct action in killing Americans and they were flown by America leaving Gitmo at 2 PM, Saturday, 5/31/14 for Qatar. The al Thani family in leadership in Qatar worked this deal and will keep the released Gitmo detainees under house arrest for a year. Barack Obama rewarded the Taliban and then brought home a defector, the moral equivalence of high crimes and misdemeanors.

There is NO higher proof that Bergdahl was a deserter when even the FBI was brought in to investigate the case. In 2010, the military deemed Bergdahl a deserter. The Obama administration has known for years that Bergdahl defected and Barack Obama used this traitor who left his unit and uniform behind to advance the Taliban, now successfully so.

The happiest man globally is Mullah Omar, and this site is a follower of Robert Bergdahl on twitter, while the father of Beau follows this site. Here is the joy expressed by Mullah Omar. Robert Bergdahl is in full solidarity with the Taliban and continues to work to free all Taliban prisoners.  We can only assume and cautiously so the Robert Bergdahl has been given full immunity for his covert work supporting the Taliban while showing no remorse for the release of 5 Taliban personnel from Gitmo that are directly responsible for American deaths and those deaths of innocent women and children on a battlefield they created.

Beau Bergdahl left his Afghanistan post on purpose, unarmed except for a few knives and water seeking his Taliban friends.  Radio chatter began that the military picked up and so the saga began. Bergdahl did not report for 9 am muster the next morning and the search began for weeks that included drones, exfil teams, search teams and roving land teams. The IED’s went off, the ambushes began and the false leads led to injuries and death of American soldiers all for a traitor.

Prisoner swap

Bergdahl wrote home more than once that he no longer wanted to be an American, he was sick of a country full of lies, so his parents knew he defected. Robert Bergdahl even boasted about working to release all the Gitmo detainees for the sake of the innocent that America had killed prosecuting the war against al Qaeda and the Taliban.

The timing of this swap is more than suspect given the fact the veterans and active military have come forward to expose the malfeasance and corruption within the Veterans Administration and Barack Obama  did nothing for six years. Firing Shinseki was required and larger aggressive measures could have happened under his watch and that of Barack Obama to cure the corrupt VA least of which could have been at the signature of Barack Obama by Executive Order. Now, how is it that the parents of Bergdahl just happened to be in Washington DC over this weekend, the very moment that the son is rescued? This plot was exposed on national TV filmed from the Rose Garden?

Now, Barack Obama says the al Qaeda leadership has been destroyed and the measures to defeat the Taliban is within the grasp of Afghani forces. Given the 5 Taliban senior leadership that Barack Obama released, tomorrow the war on terror will be at least as bad as it was on 9-12-01. The blood and treasure spent in Iraq, Afghanistan and beyond has been for nothing now and al Qaeda is on its way to expand and fulfill their mission, defeat America and NATO forces.

The White House knew Bergdahl was a deserter, the State Department knew he was a deserter the military knew he was a deserter, the proof is there given all the cables from 2009, the emails from Bergdahl and the radio transmissions.

There is no single betrayal that is bigger than what Barack Obama approved, releasing top Taliban leadership to get a deserter returned all for regaining political capital.

National Security just went into a crisis DEFCON condition. The Senate was not advised of this covert White House action which is a violation of law. No higher price has America ever paid yet on the war on terror than this single reprehensible mission of Barack Obama.

In case there is any question on why this swap transaction is dangerous beyond definition, one only need to understand a previous Gitmo detainee Mullah Abdul Qayyum Zakir. The Department of Defense has graded Guantanamo prisoners with regard to future threat assessments. Zakir was ranked medium risk and sadly that proved to be wrong.

The matter of being attacked on 9-11-01 has been dismissed by Barack Obama and his conscripts.

Snowden, Truthful Spy

Each week there are media reports publishing additional nuggets with regard to the NSA, Edward Snowden and Obama administration policy alterations. Well at least something is coming out, where we can take these nuggets and go further.

Edward Snowden gave an interview about his job assignments and the fact they he did in fact attempt to raise some hard questions about what the NSA was doing without the knowledge or approval of common citizens.

In the interview he did raise an issue that spoke to the fact he sent an email to the NSA’s Office of Legal Council questioning the legality of USSID18, which is spying on U.S. citizens. Interestingly, this has not been mentioned before where it appears he was in fact seeking a response from the lawyers about the law versus Executive Orders.

Senator Dianne Feinstein confirmed the email exchange of which to date there has been only one released.

On Thursday, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence posted on its website what it described as Snowden’s  only correspondence with NSA’s Office of General Counsel. The email does not refer to any concerns about NSA surveillance programs. In the email, Snowden asks about a training session and whether  presidential executive orders supersede federal laws.

The email was sent on April 5, 2013, at least three months after he first contacted documentary filmmaker Laura Poitras and four months after he contacted journalist Glenn Greenwald. Rick Ledgett, the NSA’s deputy director who is leading the internal investigation of Snowden’s leaks, told Vanity Fair the he first illegally downloaded documents in the summer of 2012.

Given the notion that Snowden did try to reach out in some form before he bailed out of the United States does add a new twist to the order of actions.


See full story and email exchange here.

Now we need to look deeper at what USSID18 is.




This DoD regulation sets forth procedures governing the activities of DoD intelligence components that affect United States persons. It implements DoD Directive 5240.1, and replaces the November 30, 1979 version of DoD Regulation 5240.1-R. It is applicable to all DoD intelligence components.

Executive Order 12333, “United States Intelligence Activities,” stipulates that certain activities of intelligence components that affect U.S. persons be governed by procedures issued by the agency head and approved by the Attorney General. Specifically, procedures 1 through 10, as well as Appendix A, herein, require approval by the Attorney General. Procedures 11 through 15, while not requiring approval by the Attorney General, contain further guidance to DoD Components in implementing Executive Order 12333 as well as Executive Order 12334, “President’s Intelligence Oversight Board”.

Accordingly, by this memorandum, these procedures are approved for use within the Department of Defense. Heads of DoD components shall issue such implementing instructions as may be necessary for the conduct of authorized functions in a manner consistent with the procedures set forth herein.

This regulation is effective immediately.



This procedure governs the kinds of information about United States persons that may knowingly be retained by a DoD intelligence component without the consent of the person whom the information concerns. It does not apply when the information in question is retained solely for administrative purposes or is required by law to be maintained.


The term “retention,” as used in this procedure, refers only to the maintenance of information about United States persons which ,an be retrieved by reference to the person’s name or other identifying data.


1. Retention of information collected under Procedure 2. Information about United States persons may be retained if it was collected pursuant to Procedure 2.

2. Retention of Information Acquired Incidentally. Information about United States persons collected incidentally to authorized collection may be retained if:

a. Such information could have been collected intentionally under Procedure 2;b. Such information is necessary to understand or assess foreign intelligence or counterintelligence;

c. The information is foreign intelligence or counterintelligence collected from electronic surveillance conducted in compliance with this Regulation; or

d. Such information is incidental to authorized collection and may indicate involvement in activities that may violate federal, state, local, or foreign law.

3. Retention of information relating to functions of other DoD Components or non-DoD Agencies. Information about United States persons that pertains solely to the functions of other DoD Components or agencies outside the Department of Defense shall be retained only as necessary to transmit or deliver such information to the appropriate recipients.

4. Temporary retention. Information about United States persons may be retained temporarily, for a period not to exceed 90 days, solely for the purpose of determining whether that information may be permanently retained under these procedures.

5. Retention of other information. Information about United States persons other than that covered by subsections C.1. through 4., above, shall be retained only for purposes of reporting such collection for oversight purposes and for any subsequent proceedings that may be necessary.


1. Controls on access to retained information. Access within a DoD intelligence component to information about United States persons retained pursuant to this procedure shall be limited to those with a need to know.

2. Duration of retention. Disposition of information about United States persons retained in the files of DoD intelligence components will comply with the disposition schedules approved by the Archivist of the United States for the files or records in which the information is retained.

3. Information acquired Prior to effective date. Information acquired prior to the effective date of this procedure may be retained by DoD intelligence components without being screened for compliance with this procedure or Executive Order 12333 (reference (a)), so long as retention was in compliance with applicable law and previous executive orders.

Read more here.

The question remains still on did Snowden and Greenwald cross the Rubicon? It launched a debate globally which is a huge benefit and we have come to learn more about the complicity of all internet tech companies hence. Let the roundtable discussions continue.



Stop With the al Qaeda Core Crap

Just because Usama bin Ladin is dead does not translate to al Qaeda being decimated, in fact nothing is farther from the truth.

It should make one wonder why the CTC (Counter Terrorism Center) has only released 17 of the documents from the trove of evidence taken from the bin Ladin Pakistan compound. It also should be the question on why drone strikes have suddenly stopped in Pakistan and moved to other locations such as Yemen.

On the heels of the Barack Obama West Point speech yesterday on the foreign policy doctrine, both the White House and the State Department announced a $5 billion global counter-terrorism fund. Ah, why now? Why was there at least a two year delay in placing Boko Harem on the FTO by Hillary Clinton? Why was there a major delay in placing Ansar al Sharia on the FTO, which was not done until January of this year given the proof of their attack on our two locations in Benghazi?


aq map


A Map of All the Countries That Now Have Al-Qaeda Affiliated Terrorist Groups

The United Nations decided late last week to add Nigerian Islamist group Boko Haram to its list of terrorist organizations formally recognized as being associated with al Qaeda.

The UN said in its statement that Boko Haram—whose name loosely translates to “Western education is a sin”—has “maintained a relationship with the Organization of Al-Qaida [sic] in the Islamic Maghreb for training and material support purposes.”

Nigerian president Goodluck Jonathan has been referring to the group as a terrorist organization since last year and arresting members accordingly. But his country’s battles with Islamism have been launched onto the international stage since Boko Haram abducted hundreds of schoolgirls last month. This has put Nigeria on the map in a way Jonathan would have done best to avoid.

It has also put Nigeria on this particular map of countries with recognized al-Qaeda affiliates.


Obama’s $5 Billion Counterterrorism Fund Already in Trouble in Congress

by Josh Rogin

President Obama’s Wednesday announcement that he wants $5 billion more next year to fight terrorism came as a complete surprise to the congressmen who will have to give him the money, and they reacted Wednesday with confusion and skepticism.

The new fund, if Congress goes along, would be added to the administration’s Pentagon budget request for the upcoming fiscal year, inside what’s known as the Overseas Contingency Operations fund. (That’s the cash that’s supposed to be used to help fight America’s wars, and is not considered part of the Defense Department’s core budget.) Experts and former officials warned that unless the administration comes to Congress with detailed plans of how the money will be spent and why those tasks can’t be completed inside the Pentagon’s already-huge budget, lawmakers are not likely to sign off on the idea. The total lack of administration outreach to Congress so far is not a good start.

At West Point, Obama said he was “calling on Congress to support a new Counter-Terrorism Partnerships Fund of up to $5 billion, which will allow us to train, build capacity, and facilitate partner countries on the front lines”—from Yemen to Libya to Syria to Mali.

Read more here.

Obama’s Doctrine is Vertigo

The quite rage began across country by experts when it comes to foreign policy as a result of Barack Obama’s speech at West Point. Omitting the fact that he included climate change as a major global threat, Barack Obama worked to defend his posture and to explain his own view on why America is in fact exceptional and not weak when it comes to enemies of the United States. He even took a shot at World War ll veterans and military leadership by saying they did not estimate the later conditions or damage of their strategic decisions during World War ll.

The United States has a historical and successful duty to provide equilibrium to the world. There have been some failures yet they were corrected, yet no other nation has stepped up across the globe where the duty has fallen to America. The globe calls us to duty now yet Barack Obama has vertigo when it comes to leading, being decisive and demonstrating power.

The reaction to the speech was broadly in agreement, such that Obama is not a war-time president much less does he see the world for what it is but rather for what he wants it to be. Just a small comparison of the West Point speech, see the two videos here.


Reaction to the President’s West Point Speech

At West Point, President Obama Binds America’s Hands on Foreign AffairsWashington Post Editorial

President Obama has retrenched U.S. global engagement in a way that has shaken the confidence of many U.S. allies and encouraged some adversaries. That conclusion can be heard not just from Republican hawks but also from senior officials from Singapore to France and, more quietly, from some leading congressional Democrats. As he has so often in his political career, Mr. Obama has elected to respond to the critical consensus not by adjusting policy but rather by delivering a big speech.

Obama’s Vision of U.S. as ‘Empowering Partners’Christian Science Monitor Editorial

Obama quoted President Kennedy about peace needing to be based upon “a gradual evolution in human institutions.” As more people and nations evolve toward shared ideals, the task of maintaining international order also becomes more of a shared one. The U.S., which was so instrumental as a military leader in the 20th century, can take on a new role in bringing nations and people closer.

America Can’t Ignore Military Muscle of Russia and ChinaWashington Examiner Editorial

President Obama told West Point’s graduating cadets Wednesday that “some of our most costly mistakes came not from our restraint, but from our willingness to rush into military adventures without thinking through the consequences.” Apparently the nation’s commander-in-chief is unaware of — or perhaps unconcerned by — the more pressing reality that bad things happen when America’s real and potential adversaries don’t fear U.S. strength.

Obama’s Unclear Foreign Policy Path – Richard N. Haass, Council on Foreign Relations

President Barack Obama has laid out a vision for U.S. foreign policy calling for the need to avoid both unnecessary military entanglements and isolationism. CFR President Richard N. Haass said the speech at West Point on May 28 appeared too focused on what the president opposed and less on what he favored. “It was an attempt to essentially carve out a form of involvement in the world that avoided any and every excess,” Haass said. “But with one or two exceptions, it didn’t provide any specifics.” Obama’s call for ramping up support for non-jihadist rebels in Syria is welcomed, Haass said.

Doubling Down on a Muddled Foreign Policy – John Bolton, Wall Street Journal

At West Point on Wednesday, President Obama told the graduating seniors that he had discovered a middle way in foreign policy between isolationism and military interventionism. To the White House, this was like “the dawn come up like thunder outer China,” in Kipling’s phrase. Others were less impressed, especially since it took five-plus years of on-the-job training to grasp this platitude. Of course the United States has options between war and complete inaction. Not since Nixon has a president so relished uncovering middling alternatives between competing straw men.

The Obama Defense – Michael O’Hanlon, Foreign Affairs

U.S. President Obama — increasingly accused of having a listless foreign policy that, in the eyes of some, made Russian President Vladimir Putin believe he could get away with stealing Crimea — is doing much better on the world stage than his critics allow. But he does still have to address one significant problem. If he does not, he will likely find himself increasingly harangued over a supposed decline in American influence and power on his watch. His West Point speech on May 28 will probably fix some of the problem, but not all of it.

Obama’s Foreign Policy Repeats Some Avoidable Mistakes – David Ignatius, Washington Post

President Obama’s measured defense of his foreign policy at West Point on Wednesday made many cogent points to rebut critics. Unfortunately, the speech also showed that he hasn’t digested some of the crucial lessons of his presidency.

Obama Just Accidentally Explained Why His Foreign Policy Hasn’t Worked – Elliott Abrams, Washington Post

At West Point today, President Obama marched out his army of straw men and continued his ungracious habit of taking credit for successful actions attributable to his predecessor. But at bottom, the policy he outlined will be of little comfort to our allies and to the cause of freedom in the world.

Obama at West Point: A Foreign Policy of False Choices – David Frum, The Atlantic

On the evidence of President Obama’s commencement address at West Point on Wednesday, he’d have made an outstanding State Department memo-writer. The president outlined a Washington policy debate occurring in three corners. Over in Corner 1 are those who believe in “a strategy that involves invading every country that harbors terrorist networks.” Huddled in Corner 2 are those who insist that “conflicts in Syria or Ukraine or the Central African Republic are not ours to solve.” Between these obviously stupid extremes is a sensible third way, which happens to coincide perfectly with the policy of the Obama administration.

What Obama Didn’t Explain in His Foreign Policy Speech at West Point – Doyle McManus, Los Angeles Times

President Obama’s foreign policy speech at West Point on Wednesday didn’t break any new ground, not even rhetorically. But it wasn’t intended to. It was meant as a rebuttal, an answer to critics who have harried Obama for months complaining that America’s adversaries (Russia, China and Syria, for example) are pursuing their goals with more success than the United States has found in stopping them. The criticisms have gotten under Obama’s skin. He gripes about them frequently, in public and in private. So, with a speech already promised for West Point’s graduation ceremony, he seized the opportunity for a longer, more considered version of his side of the argument.

Obama Says Goodbye to American Hubris – Peter Bergen, CNN News

What Obama did in his West Point speech was to chart a course that balances two natural, and contradictory, American national security impulses — isolationism and interventionism — and points to a hybrid approach that avoids some of the pitfalls of either of these strategic approaches.

Obama vs. His Imagined Critics – Max Boot, Commentary

In his much ballyhooed West Point address, President Obama employed what in the 1990s was known as “triangulation”–but not an effective or convincing form of triangulation, rather one that appears to be mainly rhetorical instead of policy oriented.

The New World Disorder – Richard Parker, McClatchy-Tribune

The president’s speech Wednesday at West Point was, as all of his speeches are, a fine speech. But it did not advance the ball. He did not move the locus of American attention and energy out of the Middle East and northern Africa, where he continued to focus on the fragments of the remnants of al-Qaida. For a president who correctly noted that “not every problem is a nail,” he focused chiefly on the nails of terrorism and the hammer of the judicious use of force.

Obama’s Small Ball Foreign Agenda – Steve Huntley, Chicago Sun-Times

A strategy of singles and doubles is how President Barack Obama recently characterized his foreign policy. Anyone looking for more than small ball in what the White House billed as a major speech at West Point on Wednesday was bound to be disappointed. No big agenda or ambitious goals were pronounced. It was more a steady as we go on the more modest role Obama has chartered for America in world affairs.

Obama’s Foreign Policy Speech Sounds Familiar – Michael Crowley, Time

Obama’s foreign policy address at West Point won’t satisfy his critics, but it might reassure anxious supporters. For all the hype, President Barack Obama’s foreign policy speech at West Point on Wednesday didn’t break much new ground.

The Goldilocks Speech – Eric Cantor, ABC News

Today’s address at West Point was a goldilocks speech. Trying to find the lukewarm bowl of porridge will not likely reassure those who worry about our lack of leadership, and will not concern those who fear its return.

Commentators Break Down Obama Foreign Policy Speech at West PointU.S. News & World Report Roundup

Views You Can Use: Staying the Course on Foreign Policy – Obama’s West Point speech didn’t break much ground.

Did Obama Make His Case?New York Times Debate

In his address to graduating West Point cadets on Wednesday, President Obama laid out his administration’s foreign policy goals. His speech was directed at his critics who have suggested “that America is in decline” and “has seen its global leadership slip away.” Did it work?

US Lawmakers React to Obama Speech at West Point – Michael Bowman, Voice of America

One of Barack Obama’s top congressional critics in foreign policy matters has responded forcefully to a speech in which the president mapped out his vision for U.S. engagement around the globe.

Lawmakers Dark Money Against the Jews

Colleges and Universities across America have real anti-Israel operations going on where highly paid professors are no longer teaching but rather they are indoctrinating and forcing politics and anti-Semitism in the classrooms as well in campus life. You can bet there is much more behind this agenda, so  lets take a look. This is either dangerously close to violations of the Hatch Act or it IS a violation of the law.

anti semitism

Is Rockefeller Brothers Fund Consciously Helping to Delegitimize Israel?

JNS.orgThe Rockefeller Brothers Fund (RBF) is one of the more august grant-making institutions in the United States. Founded in 1940 by the sons of legendary oil tycoon John D. Rockefeller—America’s first billionaire, and a man whose political reputation was distinguished by his support for the Union during the Civil War as well as his commitment to educational opportunities for African Americans—the fund has always been a progressive enterprise, with a current emphasis on good governance, environmentalism, and the promotion of peace.

It is in that latter category, an area that the fund calls “peacebuilding,” that serious concerns have been raised regarding its funding commitments to NGOs working on the Arab-Israeli conflict. NGO Monitor—an Israel-based organization dedicated to analyzing the activities of civil society groups working in the Middle East, along with those groups’ funders—has just published a report which casts doubt on RBF’s goal to promote a “more just, sustainable, and peaceful world,” for the simple reason that many of the Middle Eastern beneficiaries of its largesse demonize the state of Israel in stridently anti-Zionist terms.

For example, “Breaking the Silence,” a small group of left-wing former IDF soldiers who accused of Israel of committing war crimes during its 2008-09 defensive operation against Hamas terrorists in Gaza, has received $145,000 from RBF. A commentary and opinion website called +972 (named after the international dialing code for Israel) has received $130,000 from the fund. +972 regularly publishes articles endorsing the analogy between Israel and the apartheid regime in South Africa, and recently plastered its front page with articles about the “Nakba”—the Arabic word for “catastrophe” that is employed by Palestinian propagandists to describe the creation of the state of Israel. Among +972’s contributors is the odious Yossi Gurvitz, who recently tried to persuade me via Twitter that Judaism is a racist religion, drawing on the discredited tropes of Soviet Communist anti-Jewish literature to make his case. +972 has also cross-posted content co-written by the anti-Semitic American writer Max Blumenthal.

The Middle East Policy Network, a group that touts the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement as “the most effective and strategic campaign for [Palestinian] refugee return at present,” has received $30,000 from RBF. The Institute for Middle East Understanding, a similar organization that describes the entire territory from the Mediterranean Sea to the River Jordan as governed by Israeli “apartheid,” has received $50,000.

These are colossal sums, especially when one considers the relatively small size of these NGOs. There is also the larger question of why RBF deems them worthy of funding, since their stated goals are aimed at fundamentally undermining Israel’s security, and the methods used to pursue them draw on the standard arsenal of delegitimization—boycotts, insistence on the “right of return” for the descendants of Arab refugees, and the portrayal of Israel’s creation as the Middle East’s “original sin.”

Moreover, as NGO Monitor President Gerald Steinberg pointed out to me when I met with him in Jerusalem this week, the road which RBF is currently traveling down was previously traversed by another major funder, the Ford Foundation, which rapidly changed direction when it realized that the promotion of peace and the promotion of delegitimization are polar opposites.

“In 2001, the U.N. organized a massive ‘anti-racism’ conference in Durban, South Africa, which was really the beginning of BDS and delegitimization,” Steinberg said. “You had 5,000 NGO representatives using terms like ‘apartheid’ and ‘genocide’ against Israel. And it was funded primarily by the Ford Foundation.”

The Ford Foundation’s credibility, Steinberg continued, was initially damaged by its association with the Durban hatefest. To Ford’s immense credit, however, it publicly acknowledged that mistake and pledged never to repeat it. In 2003, the then Ford Foundation President Susan Berresford announced that no grants would henceforth be awarded to organizations supporting “terrorism, bigotry, or the delegitimization of Israel.”

Steinberg and NGO Monitor would like to see the RBF engage in similar reflection. That will not be easy for many reasons, principal among them the fact that Daniel Levy, a founder of the leftwing lobbying group J Street, which is another recipient of RBF funds, just happens to be an RBF trustee. Levy also sits on the board of directors of another Israeli group that receives RBF funds, and is also heavily involved with the New Israel Fund, which works with many of the radical NGOs backed by RBF money.

Steinberg’s attempts to seek clarification from RBF were met with what he described as “pro forma responses—basically reiterating what they say in their guidelines and on their website, but no explanation of what seems to be a very blatant contradiction between those guidelines and what they are actually doing.”

I also sent emails to RBF officials Stephen Heintz and Ariadne Papagapitos requesting similar clarification. In their response to me, RBF did not address the substance of the NGO Monitor report, merely saying, “We respectfully disagree with your assessment of the contributions our grantees are making in support of the goal and strategies of our Peacebuilding Program and toward peacebuilding activities in the region.”

Given this reply, it isn’t possible to determine whether RBF is simply misguided, as was the Ford Foundation, or whether, as insinuated above, that it endorses the goals of the extremist groups it funds. What we do know, though, is that the delegitimization of Israel requires money. If diehard opponents of Israel are receiving six-figure sums for their activities from RBF, that will build many things—but peace isn’t one of them. ­

Ben Cohen is the Shillman Analyst for and a contributor to the Wall Street Journal, Commentary, Haaretz, and other publications. His book, “Some Of My Best Friends: A Journey Through Twenty-First Century Antisemitism” (Edition Critic, 2014), is now available through Amazon.