Riots in the Middle East, Manifested by the Muslim Brotherhood

Tunisia, Lebanon, Egypt…..Yemen, Under the Radar Summary

Out of lock step with the mainstream media, here is an under the radar connection of the fall of the respective Middle East countries and how these campaigns were orchestrated.

Egypt has a peace treaty with Israel, Jordan has a peace treaty with Israel. The Muslim Brotherhood which is a faction of CAIR and Hamas are behind the demonstrations in Cairo and beyond. This is a movement of Iran to take down the Middle East and assume exclusive control of the region. Saudi Arabia and Israel are the targets of Iran.
Lebanon falls to Hezbollah over the tribunal of the Hariri assassination implications. Top key members of the government resign in protest to the tribunals, yet Hezbollah steps in to assume control as the citizens’ protest, the United Nations has no response. Najib Mikati and the Shiite militant group take the reins of power. The Sunni’s continue to protest.
Tunisia is the next on tap to fall as protests call for an end of authoritarian rule over the last two decades. Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali, the president flees the country but not before packing up some unknown quantities of gold to head for Saudi Arabia.
Taking a lesson from Tunisia, Egypt is inspired to protest the same authoritarian rule of Hosni Mubarak. Riots, street closings and fires rage on as the Egyptian Stock Market suspends trading.
Mubarak’s family flees for Great Britain. Yemen, a few days later appears to have the same playbook and script as riots and protests keep the same ‘inspiration’ of anti-government sentiment.
Yemen has a very large representation in the United States for access to social organizations.
Algeria follows Yemen, in the quest for government reform and looks to a regime change. Jordan and Albania have the same riots in the streets. The Middle East has revolution in the air.
The White House has all eyes and assets on Afghanistan with proxy diplomats dispatched to North Korea and China.
So, Tunisia, Lebanon, Egypt and Yemen have been left to Saudi Arabia and Israel to finesse. The U.S. Navy has assets in nearby waters, yet those pesky pirates are on constant radar to keep supplies from flowing through shipping lanes and the Suez Canal as the profits for the pirates rises to more than $50 billion in ransom.
Just who wrote this playbook and who is marshalling the mission? Wade Rathke…..CAIR….Muslim Brotherhood and it is submitted by financing of none other than George Soros.
“Tides has also given grant money to the Council for American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). Ostensibly a “Muslim civil rights group,” CAIR is in fact one of the leading anti-anti-terrorism organizations in the United States. CAIR regularly opposes American efforts to fight terrorism, claiming that Homeland Security measures are responsible for an undocumented surge in “hate crimes.” (Discover the Networks) The link here is comprehensive on the connections of Tides, CAIR and ANSWER, showing grant money via Soros. There is little difference in the Muslim Brotherhood and CAIR. Egypt has made countless arrests in Cairo of Muslim Brotherhood members in recent days.

George Soros has destroyed countries before and he is connected to this further destruction in the Middle East using Iran as his proxy. This is a web of players and these players are webbing now throughout key locations in the world and it includes the United States. Small demonstrations took place today in America in solidarity of the Muslim Brotherhood. America, be prepared, the White House and the Department of Homeland Security will not sound an alarm on this.
Egypt arrest members of the Muslim Brotherhood:
The connections fit this way. Wade Rathke is a student and supporter of Francis Piven, the author of the strategy to force political change through revolution. Wade Rathke has a history of associations that include ACORN and SEIU.
Wade Rathke uses his tired old, yet effective unrest revolutionary manuals from the Tides Foundation to seize the feeble governments to manifest his agenda and topple governments. The United States has funded billions in aid to these countries, now in the hands of unknown quantities and qualities. The common theme throughout these riots and demonstrations is anti-government sentiment, autocratic rule, corruption and tightening of civil liberties.
A handful of bloggers/researchers at ‘Discover the Networks’ have compiled hard facts and connections of Rathke, the Tides Foundation, Peace Strategies Fund, George Soros, Open Society Institute and the hard money flowing worldwide.
The links and summary below will assist you in the connection of dots and arrows.
Tides Foundation and George Soros:
Wade Rathke Profile with Francis Piven
International Dialogue Summit in Cairo, Egypt September 2011
Protests described in Egypt:
Yemen protests:
Middle East and Tunisia
Soros, Tides, Pike, Rathke
Yemen has been forsaken by Hillary
Map or Organizations, funders, founders and connections

The Obama Administration, Back to the Future

It is now proven that Obama’s lack of political experience is playing out on a national and international stage. The matters so prevalent for America over the last twenty years remained unresolved; yet are better defined by being locked in minutia.
A handful of unresolved gorillas in our room include:
• Debt
• North Korea
• Border Security
• Healthcare
• Middle East
• Foreign Policy
It is customary for world leaders to establish a personal dialogue with each other given their respective standings on policy and objectives. Invitations are frequently extended for phone calls, dinners and most of all personal visits outside the scope of office formality on more neutral territory.
Protocol Office staffers perform in-depth research to reveal professional and personal traits that allow each leader to understand each diplomat’s characteristics once the outer layers are pulled back. When these protocol staffers fail their duty by lack of direction, mistakes and gaffs are soon uncountable.
It is submitted, this is true with the Obama White House. The fact remains the bi-partisanship will forever remain steadfast in Washington D.C., therefore, the Obama White House will not call on the Old Guard of the Bush Administration to step in as counsel, rather the Older Guard is called up for duty, known from the Clinton Administration. These personnel decisions are not all wrong as stated earlier the same gorillas stay with America year after year. In reality, the machine keeps the same bodes armed with the knowledge of these gorillas, yet the gorillas manifest and we never seem to capture and cage the herd.
It is been noticed and often asked why; the Obama White House continues to reconstitute the Old Guard. Could it be Obama and Hillary Clinton are opening the pathway for Hillary’s run again for the Oval Office, or is Obama hiring the Old Guard under the notion of keep your friends close but your enemies closer?
The Clinton Old Guard and Obama’s new friends include: William Daley (Gennifer Flowers), Rham Emanuel (Monica Lewinsky), Elena Kagan (Clinton’s Associate White House Counsel), Gene Sperling (Clinton’s National Economic Council), and Daniel Tarullo (Clinton’s International Economic Adviser).
Consider, the answer to either question is not essential, but rather the gorillas will multiply, all while other countries and world leaders are diligently capturing and caging their own gorillas as America festers with a capture and release strategy defined and experienced by the Obama White House.
Obama has no inclination to spend a ‘come to know’ weekend with Merkel of Germany, Hu Jintao of China or Dmitry Medvedev of Russia; it is also clear, no invitation has been extended to Obama by others. General Pace has not been invited to Camp David for a weekend of football but General Petraeus did get a ride on Air Force One. An Obama invitation for a weekend of leisure clubbing in Chicago and sailing on Lake Michigan with Nicolas Sarkozy or Silvio Berlusconi is not likely. General Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan has made several trips to the United States but he has yet to join the Obama’s at Disneyworld.

‘Community Organizing’ does not include Foreign Policy. Community Organizing does not include debt or Healthcare. For Obama it does include Paul Mc Cartney, Marty Nesbitt, Valerie Jarrett, Eric Whitaker and Al Sharpton. Only insiders and handlers of Obama receive invitations to Martha’s Vineyard or to share the Christmas holidays in Hawaii.
In the meantime, the gorillas manifest. The relationship with China is feeble, the threat of North Korea looms large, Yemen is an uncontrollable breeding ground for terrorists with no capable government, and Lebanon is the same. The gateway at our southern border has an ‘Advance to Go and Collect $200 sign on Bureau of Land Management Parks. OPEC and China are dictating our economic landscape; all the while……..The gorillas are in a feeding frenzy.

From Incubation to Khilafeh

From Incubation to Khilafeh

There is a paragraph in the Declaration of Independence that reads: “In every stage of these oppressions, we have petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may be defined a Tyrant, is unfit to be a ruler of a free people.”
The United States of America is a world power and countless foreign countries and citizens of those countries, many unfriendly to America, rely on us to keep our Republic standing stern. America is the symbol of inspiration for those with less will to compete for natural rights and liberty, and is still the only true beacon left to the oppressed.
America; the day of Reckoning is upon us as it applies to the protections of freedoms that we must defend and guard. From the venue of a bird’s eye view, the scope and number of the battles for patriots is overwhelming. A time, not unlike that swayed our founding Fathers to create this American Experiment.
Our battles now are different, yet the same. They include the over-reach of our own government into private business and personal lives as recently experienced with the Healthcare Reform legislation and the massive spending of our children’s future. Yet another battle includes the invasion of people of unknown quantities and objectives from our northern and southern borders. It is easy to register other such intrusions, yet one that requires high notice and study is the Caliphate, the infiltration of Islamic doctrinists.
The Khilafeh movement; simply translated: is a global movement that has had a rebirth since 1967. One meant to revitalize Islam; where comprehensive governance is taught and accepted throughout the Muslim realm. The incubation period since 1967 is now complete. The Khilafeh now echoes worldwide, and is a force soon to be reckoned with, if not already.
Muslims share many of the very same beliefs within Islam as those of other religions’ values. They include:
• God created the world and all that is in it;
• God established principles from which to live;
• Do not worship other Gods or Icons;
• God will provide the last judgment;
• Fulfilling the Divine command will provide entrance to His eternity.
In some form, no one of faith can dispute these tenets, yet it is the interpretations of these beliefs and the forgiveness of violations that Islam and the Hadith set the stage for a larger argument for independence and freedom. It is the comprehensive submission to governance of the Hadith from which America must declare it independence once again. It is a war we have fought since the days of “the shores of Tripoli”.
America is a Republic which is already flawed as a governmental system, yet it is the best by far of all that has come before it. To consent to yet another submission; to a Caliphate, a set of rulers opposing our natural rights, our Founder’s objectives as written in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are therefore abrogated.
The welcoming of Islam within America is an instinct. One that Muslims will integrate and use as a tool within our culture and adapt to the spirit of the profound text of the Founding documents from which America has thrived. To suggest an additional doctrine and leadership of Islam and their cultural compass of absolute control is completely opposed to our own natural rights and canon.
The Caliphs, the Hadith, and the Koran, are best defined as fluid interpretations and that such interpreters have been preached, taught, and demanded obedience since 1967; or more accurately for fourteen centuries. Frankly, the simple deduction is that the two doctrines cannot co-exist within the American ethos. Islam is anathema to a republic, and therefore, to America.
A large number of foreign/western countries are enduring and attempting to cope with like scenarios and, America is obliged to escort the countless who endorse and wish for equivalent freedoms as our Founders handed to all future American generations, and the world as a whole.
The time is now, to hold back the hordes, as they did many centuries ago, and dismantle the political impediments now in the roadway to continued freedom. It is now, that we must reflect well and hard upon history, to stave off the mindset of those who have not learned from history.

Admiral Mullin, Letter to the Joint Chiefs

6 October 2010

Admiral Michael Mullin
Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
9999 Joint Staff Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20318-9999

Dear Admiral Mullin:
“Si vis paceum, para bellum”
You can be assured sir; we are a force, recruiting true patriots here in America as hard and fast as we can, to protect and defend our homeland, as is required by the definition of the duty of a citizen. Americans have lost faith in the machinations of government, and in doing so, have found the intestinal fortitude to fulfill that duty and honor that others have neglected once again.
For this reason, no longer can this letter remain unwritten to you as the leader of the military complex, essentially worldwide. It is confounding that the structure within the E-Ring, Pentagon, and inside the beltway allows mandates and encourages the same for such concepts as ‘Courageous Restraint’. America was built on vision and achievement which led to unmeasured success. Today, we have widespread apathy throughout government and throughout the Flag Officer Corps for reasons unknown. One can only surmise, however, those reasons are a carbon copy of those of the Senate, which is to say, it is quid pro quo for a promotion and future military decisions to comply and obey that of the Senate objective, much to the demise of its once great standing.
We are at war on many fronts including here on our own soil and in South America. We clearly know the enemy and their mission. It is defined, yet, the likes of you and your staff, Robert Gates, and Hillary Clinton, support and condone the foot soldier patrolling without an active round in the chamber, leaving that soldier exposed, hence, the enemy, being astute, has broken that code. The Rules of Engagement have been absolutely moved from a written doctrine to a fluid text, all the while diminishing the core objective; to defeat those that fight to defeat us. Anymore, are we not warriors?
Sir, at what precise moment did you pivot, and why? Did you ‘vet’ those in your Foxhole, which includes the likes of Timothy Geithner, John Brennan, and even the agenda of retired General Wesley Clark? Has military advice to the Oval Office been abrogated by an agenda unfit for victory? Has the military acceded from its core objectives because of legal threats emanating from those who have disdain for the soldier?
America and her few allies have been at war with the very same enemy long before 9-11. Have we forgotten that our own history shows us that this current enemy was an enemy of this country from its very inception? How many more Cole bombings or Mumbai events are tolerable without a measured and effective counter response? Over these years, the Joint Chiefs are allowing Robert Gates and the White House to dictate the Rules of Engagement and weaken the might of the military brick by brick for the sake of USAID, MCC, and the UN mission and actually God knows what else. Has your very office acceded to the loss of our own sovereignty in such reports as the 2025 Oval Office Report?
Have your bars and stars faded from glory each time they appear over your heart on your chest? Campaign objectives have been diluted and politicized, and the curses are spread among the agencies to obscure the effectiveness. Above all else, you surely must see that the real story on the ground is a far cry from what the civilians you serve, see. Trust has eroded, information is skewed, and we are civilians in the cold. Where is the loyalty to our Constitution, allegiance to country, unqualified support for the lowest foot-soldier, and Semper Fideles?
Visiting West Point last year and reading ‘The Taking of Hill 610’, reconstituted my resolve for the mercy and well being of our country. One can only pray that you will pivot once again to the side of achieving victory. We need you to stand against the Council of Foreign Relations and their hidden assets, The Trilateral Commission, The Bilderbergs, the Aspen Society, and USAID. We need you to speak out publicly against the Ground Zero Mosque, the open door policy of political asylum for Hamas, and the Hezbollah partnership with the Mexican drug cartels. The moment is now to tap Eric Holder on the shoulder and explain how his partnership at Covington and Burling, LLP defending Gitmo detainees has made a mockery of the United States Justice System within our civilian court and military court. The DOJ and Eric Holder is seditious by imposing law from the International Criminal Court on our soil, ignoring our own laws, failing to try those who urgently deserve it, and have turned the time tested foundation of our Constitution of the ‘rule-of-law’, and not of men on its ear.
“Courage is fear holding one second longer”, we are asking you not to blink first any longer.

Denise Simon
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