Know Your Enemy, Know Your Risks

Are You Prepared?
Know your Enemy and Know your Risks
Are you hoping someday soon, America will go back to the productive days of years past? Are you hoping real estate prices will recover? Are you hoping legislators will resolve the debt issue? Are you waiting for the days that the 6 wars we are in globally will be over? Are you waiting for the value of the dollar to recover? Do you see a time when food prices will go down?
You will keep waiting…..and hoping…..the only person you can count on is…..YOURSELF

Below are some questions that only you can answer. The questions are to provoke thought and action for your successful survival.
1. Do you have enough balanced food stored for at least 6 months?
2. Do you have enough water or nutritional fluids stored for at least 6 months?
3. Do you have a well stocked first aid supply complete with prescription(s) as needed?
4. Have you taken a first aid class or have certification?
5. Do you have a method of self defense and have skills at those methods?
6. Do you have a communications plan in place that is outside the scope of the internet, land line phones or cell phones?
7. How long can you live off the power grid?
8. Do you have a garden or pots available to grow vegetables?
9. What provisions have you made to exist without running water?
10. Do you have alternate fuel sources?
11. So you have cash put away for emergencies outside of a bank?
12. Do you have enough warm clothes?
13. Have you made provisions for your children?
14. Do you have a ‘bugout’ bag for each member of your family?
15. Do you have enough fuel for vehicles, cooking or power?
16. Do you have a generator?
17. Do you have trust in neighbors or friends for confidence of support or aid?
18. Do you have a hand crank radio?
19. Do you have flash lights, hand cranked, candles, or batteries?
20. Do you know what vegetation is safe to eat?
21. Do you know what a snare is or how to trap wildlife or fish?
22. Have you had a recent medical and dental check-up?
23. Are you in good enough physical condition to hike 5-10 miles a day carrying 30 pounds?
24. Do you have a list of emergency procedures for your home and family that everyone is aware of?
25. Do you have a supply of personal hygiene items for emergencies for 6 months?
26. Do you have a small set of tools that you can keep handy?
27. Do you know how to treat water for drinking?
28. Do you have a plan to take care of pets?
29. Do you have a supply of disinfectants or sanitizers?
30. Do you have a large supply of paper products like toilet paper, paper plates, and plastic utensils?
31. Do you have maps/topography documents for your area?
32. Do you have an evacuation plan or rally point?
33. Do you have whistles or a bullhorn to get attention?
34. Have you done any role playing for countless conditions or scenarios?
35. Do you have outside sleeping gear and protection?
36. Do you have a fire starting kit?
37. Do you have sun and insect protection?
38. Do you have a supply of vitamins in the case of bad nutrition?
39. Do you understand a balanced diet and know how to read nutrition labels for food storage?
40. Do you have a small solar power source?
41. Do you have a supply of exam or latex gloves?
42. Do you know what to do with human waste?
43. Do you have legal documents in order and more than one copy that are notarized?
44. Do you have walkie talkies or a more sophisticated communication system?
45. Do you have a safe room, vault or safe inside and outside?
46. Do you know to keep all your operational security a secret except from those that are MOST trusted?
47. Do you have a taser, stun gun, pepper spray or tear gas for additional defense?
48. Do you have footwear that is comfortable for walking very long distances?
49. Do you have a bicycle to get around if vehicles or gas is not available?
50. Do you have items in your home for trade or bartering?
There are hundreds of books, videos and websites that will demonstrate how to address these 50 questions and more. Waiting until the last minute will not be prudent. Being self reliant and self serving is having confidence for security and safety. All of this will take time, money and energy, so it is smart to start now. In 6 months time, you should be able to address each of these questions and more with sureness and then you should invite a close confidant to do the same. The government is not in a position to help all of us and it is not smart to rely on anyone else for the safety and security of yourself and your family.

Behind the Curtain of the War Stage

Gone are the days of war being fought as depicted in movies like ‘Patton’ or the more recent “Saving Private Ryan’. Occupational forces and ground troops are more likely assigned to patrol duty, holding town councils and passing out candy to children and MRE’s to adults. There is a method used today far removed from historical conflicts, which is to say the current procedure goes as follows:

Intel agencies confab
Dispatch CIA/FBI/Lawyers
Dispatch foreign intel personnel
Compare notes
Choose priorities and targets
Determine mission, success/fail ratio
Determine costs vs. return on investment
Deliver orders for Naval assets to remain close to AO
Confab with foreign intel on who assume assignment parts (NATO)
Get Congressional approval or more recently, side step Congress
Get supplemental war funding or side step and use stash funds or USAID money
Optional UN Resolution approval
Side step War Powers Act
Do not respond to any legislative branch, acquire DoJ cover
Check with International Criminal Court, adjust RoE’s
Determine which is better, ground troops or PMC’s or just payoff the enemy to play nice
Government Elites make personal financial investments in contractors to make some profits on the side. Carlyle Group and Council of Foreign Relations
Call in coordinates for drones or sorties
Check with the Department of Treasury by way of Promis software to determine how much currency can be seized
Create new trade agreements
Funnel currency through 100’s of banks worldwide in nefarious accounts then to the IMF/World Bank/Bank of International Settlements
Embed media and control the message
Draft the associated propaganda with the UNHRC
Determine and deliver the PR campaign
The NSA has the best intel hardware and software in the world by a far measure, yet they have no human resources to process and analyze the data to make predictions, hence January 25 in Cairo and the Arab Spring.
Cyber attacks and Wikileaks are the indicators of the failure of intelligence protections
Who are the pawns? Our dedicated and oath taking people in uniform and the citizens worldwide pay that debt. It is plunder for the sake of Elites. We clearly have enemies worldwide and some very nasty weapons pointed in various directions. The Geospatial system has these pinpointed, so what are we doing? One clear solution is to revisit the Geneva Convention laws as our enemy is not a subscriber. The enemy has found our weaknesses and exploits those limitations. Panetta with his nefarious history is not the point person to do that and frankly, Hillary has broken more than any other Secretary of State in history.

It is time to think out of the box with war strategies as all non-conventional tools must be applied. Political correctness for the sake of the UNHRC and the International Criminal Court is handicapping as is the common solution of monetary payoffs. The leadership of the mid-level military officers must be heard and considered.

Congressional Hearing on Radical Islam in the United States

March 7, 2011
Congressman Peter King
Chairman; House Homeland Security Committee
339 Cannon House Office Building
Washington D.C. 20515
Via Fax: 202 226 2279
RE: Congressional Hearing on Radicalized Muslims in America

Dear Congressman,
Thank you for your service to our country and the zeal to investigate an ominous growing problem, so politically charged by the ignorant and complicit. Outside of Washington, D.C. beltway, we Americans see the signs in our neighborhoods from NYC to Temecula, California and all points between. Though I do not live in your district, it is your committee that matters greatly to all Americans.
As a long time researcher and analyst on the subject your committee will be investigating, I am deeply troubled, and most interested in helping the rest of America know what I and my friends have already determined, that Islam in America is “radical” from stem to stern. Therefore, we wish to offer our help by posing a few questions you may already have planned, but some of these need to be answered, regardless of the political fallout:
1. Who will you call forth from our governmental agencies to testify, and will you be including private subject matter experts unattached to any political party?
2. What Muslim advocacy groups will be interviewed?
3. How integrated are terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Hezbollah with the drug cartels and their insurgency at our borders, including all forms of ports?
4. How many money exchanges, check cashing operations, and similar services are doing business in the United States that are owned by foreign Muslim groups? Is there a connection to domestic mosques and if so, what connections can be determined regarding the money trail?
5. How much do Muslim organizations fund specific departments within our domestic universities that teach Islam in any form or depth?
6. Are federal tax payer dollars being used to fund any of these programs? If so, why?
7. How many foreign students are allowed into the U.S. to attend these schools and who pays for their education? (i.e. – University of Texas)
8. Which Muslim advocacy groups receive tax payer funding in any form?
9. What is radical Islam, and how many organizations currently operate in the U.S. and is there a connection with these Islamic advocacy groups?
10. Who owns the land or leases on domestic mosques?
11. Are there any terror cells and training camps in the Unites States, and if so, do we know their locations and what role is the FBI and DHS playing if at all in investigating each?
12. What recruiting operations and activities are being conducted in our jails/prisons, including drug cartels and gangs in the U.S., and by whom? Are they connected to any local Mosques, or foreign nationals?
13. Are there any members of the Muslim Brotherhood on the Federal payroll at any level?
14. How many people are assigned to investigate Islamic activities in the U.S. government or investigative agencies and what is their objective? Where does this knowledge go and what action items are created?
15. How many peaceful Muslims/Islamists members have successfully helped foil any domestic plots within the last 5 years? Is there a profile of those that cooperate to keep America safe?
16. How much money gets moved offshore from the United States to Muslim/Islamic organizations and have we tracked the use of that money and those people who receive the money?
17. Are federal taxpayer funds being used by our State Department or any other agency to support radical activities overseas, whether intentionally or otherwise?
18. Is Islam or its mandate for Shariah law compatible with the U.S. Constitution?
19. Is Islam a religion, or is it a scheme for controlling people disguised as a religion?
20. Under what conditions do Islamic groups get assigned to the U.S. Terror List? Are these conditions consistent among all groups? Does the U.S. require U.N. acceptance to include any group on our terror list?
21. To what degree can the American public rely upon statistics the ATF/DoJ and other agencies produce, regarding border gun running? Is politics involved in the ‘Gunrunner’ scandal at the Southern Border, as well as with Islamic/Muslim groups in the United States?
22. We have witnessed Muslim attacks on Christian/Coptic churches worldwide, as well as Synagogues, are the same risks growing here in the United States?
23. Can anyone define the term: ‘The Perfect Day’, and if so, are we confident the administration is taking proper steps to prevent it?
24. Who at the State Department approved Choudary’s travel visa to the United States to hold a public rally for Sharia law to be formally introduced and installed in the United States and why?
25. With over 2200 mosques, and approximately 1.7 million Muslims living in America, what percentage support terrorism?
26. What is the connection between groups like Hamas/Hezbollah/Muslim Brotherhood with Venezuela and the other nations of South America?
27. ‘Political correctness’ allowed Major Hasan to continually progress unmolested his entire military, what is the status of the Muslims in our military ranks? Does the UCMJ address these issues without political correctness?
28. In the Immigration Reform debate, are Muslims receiving any special treatment?
29. We are witnessing a tidal wave of unrest in the rest of the Muslim world, what activities are we aware of here emanating from the IRGC, and the Muslim Brotherhood in terms of oil dependence, and the ability to foment an economic crisis globally?
30. We are aware of domestic non-Muslim organizations that have partnered with Muslim/Islamic groups overseas that aid and support foreign upheaval, are these groups being investigated for acts against foreign governments? Examples: CodePink, A.N.S.W.E.R. and the Center for America Progress.
Thank you for reviewing the contents of this letter. Should you require additional information, you are invited to contact me.

Denise Simon

Admiral Mullin, Letter to the Joint Chiefs

6 October 2010

Admiral Michael Mullin
Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
9999 Joint Staff Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20318-9999

Dear Admiral Mullin:
“Si vis paceum, para bellum”
You can be assured sir; we are a force, recruiting true patriots here in America as hard and fast as we can, to protect and defend our homeland, as is required by the definition of the duty of a citizen. Americans have lost faith in the machinations of government, and in doing so, have found the intestinal fortitude to fulfill that duty and honor that others have neglected once again.
For this reason, no longer can this letter remain unwritten to you as the leader of the military complex, essentially worldwide. It is confounding that the structure within the E-Ring, Pentagon, and inside the beltway allows mandates and encourages the same for such concepts as ‘Courageous Restraint’. America was built on vision and achievement which led to unmeasured success. Today, we have widespread apathy throughout government and throughout the Flag Officer Corps for reasons unknown. One can only surmise, however, those reasons are a carbon copy of those of the Senate, which is to say, it is quid pro quo for a promotion and future military decisions to comply and obey that of the Senate objective, much to the demise of its once great standing.
We are at war on many fronts including here on our own soil and in South America. We clearly know the enemy and their mission. It is defined, yet, the likes of you and your staff, Robert Gates, and Hillary Clinton, support and condone the foot soldier patrolling without an active round in the chamber, leaving that soldier exposed, hence, the enemy, being astute, has broken that code. The Rules of Engagement have been absolutely moved from a written doctrine to a fluid text, all the while diminishing the core objective; to defeat those that fight to defeat us. Anymore, are we not warriors?
Sir, at what precise moment did you pivot, and why? Did you ‘vet’ those in your Foxhole, which includes the likes of Timothy Geithner, John Brennan, and even the agenda of retired General Wesley Clark? Has military advice to the Oval Office been abrogated by an agenda unfit for victory? Has the military acceded from its core objectives because of legal threats emanating from those who have disdain for the soldier?
America and her few allies have been at war with the very same enemy long before 9-11. Have we forgotten that our own history shows us that this current enemy was an enemy of this country from its very inception? How many more Cole bombings or Mumbai events are tolerable without a measured and effective counter response? Over these years, the Joint Chiefs are allowing Robert Gates and the White House to dictate the Rules of Engagement and weaken the might of the military brick by brick for the sake of USAID, MCC, and the UN mission and actually God knows what else. Has your very office acceded to the loss of our own sovereignty in such reports as the 2025 Oval Office Report?
Have your bars and stars faded from glory each time they appear over your heart on your chest? Campaign objectives have been diluted and politicized, and the curses are spread among the agencies to obscure the effectiveness. Above all else, you surely must see that the real story on the ground is a far cry from what the civilians you serve, see. Trust has eroded, information is skewed, and we are civilians in the cold. Where is the loyalty to our Constitution, allegiance to country, unqualified support for the lowest foot-soldier, and Semper Fideles?
Visiting West Point last year and reading ‘The Taking of Hill 610’, reconstituted my resolve for the mercy and well being of our country. One can only pray that you will pivot once again to the side of achieving victory. We need you to stand against the Council of Foreign Relations and their hidden assets, The Trilateral Commission, The Bilderbergs, the Aspen Society, and USAID. We need you to speak out publicly against the Ground Zero Mosque, the open door policy of political asylum for Hamas, and the Hezbollah partnership with the Mexican drug cartels. The moment is now to tap Eric Holder on the shoulder and explain how his partnership at Covington and Burling, LLP defending Gitmo detainees has made a mockery of the United States Justice System within our civilian court and military court. The DOJ and Eric Holder is seditious by imposing law from the International Criminal Court on our soil, ignoring our own laws, failing to try those who urgently deserve it, and have turned the time tested foundation of our Constitution of the ‘rule-of-law’, and not of men on its ear.
“Courage is fear holding one second longer”, we are asking you not to blink first any longer.

Denise Simon
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