This Was America

This Was America
Here is a reminder to the reader that the United States is a very young country with a short comparable history to those worldwide. This was an undeveloped pristine land that was discovered, loved and nurtured by people of protest to a heavy handed government.
Those that arrived on these shores of what is now America; were explorers, creators and people of vision. They had a spirit to use and cultivate talent, skills and knowledge to create something new—Liberty and Freedom. They had a quest to be self-sufficient and accountable for their own decisions. Generations passed along this attitude, dream and spirit. In a rather shallow history, America soon abounded in people of success and charity to share the triumphs and reasoning of ‘Natural Law’.
Today, due to greed which is corruption, America is a lost land. America has been infiltrated by a foreign concept, distortion and dishonesty. Any objective outside the scope of the Founders is radical and completely in violation with the force, soul and promise of this new land.
Nothing can destroy our nation but us. The lack of duty and dedication has given rise to complacency, indifference and a languid attitude.
Americans have become parsimonious in their obligations to defend our country from these foreign and radical forces mounting nationally and internationally.
America has an over-reaching government that interferes and obstructs our ‘natural rights and freedoms’. This current fraudulent government; the paid civil servants, are to adhere to a representative system which no longer exists. This representative system has been shattered, it has manufactured a system where the people work for the ‘Elites’ of government, consequently forcing citizens to be internationalists. America has become lost in the mix and is yet another land mass of laborers and givers of illegal tax monies all to a cause unknown.
Our government today is based on contract law which is how corporations function. All of government is a corporation, thus, is in absolute violation of the United States Constitution, which is a protection of ‘Natural Law’.
There are people to blame for this transfer of power. Who are these people? US

Is our Only Option Nation Re-Building?

Nation Building from Within

We don’t need to go back too many years in our history to list the wars for which our troops not only fought but were also challenged with various types of nation building in areas where a democratic government and society had never previously been. The current or most recent is Iraq and for the past eight years America has been constant in the attempt to install a new system of government in Iraq that would model that of America.
It soon became clear, that mission was much more difficult as ‘democracy’ was a virtual unknown in Iraq. The Iraqi people had no concept of what America was fighting to install as it was a cultural conflict on many fronts. The United States government and military forces were not aware of how to educate and prepare Iraqi people for the democratic model. Thus the war and occupation was much more complicated simply as a result of attempting to retool a society, government and culture.
Let us know turn back to our homeland. What are Americans facing today? I submit much the same thing, we are facing a re-tooling of our way of life under the Obama administration, taking America away from a Republic and moving her to some other form of government never before tried or invoked on this soil. Is it Fascism, Marxism, Communism or some hybrid model? Perhaps, just ask anyone that defected from those types of countries that came here to escape that life and they will tell you they see it happening to America right now.
America is being forced to rebuild as a nation from the ground up under the current administration. This rebuilding involves every person in America and our entire infrastructure and government. As a country with more than 300 million people, there will be those that will accept and encourage this ‘change’ but there are more that are not only questioning what is going on but are fighting to undo the present damage to our system and way of life but fighting on yet another front to keep the Constitutional system and restore the Republic which is both our last hope to protect generations to come.
In the Middle East, our military is fighting insurgents, Hamas, Hezbollah, Taliban, Al-Qaeda and more. These groups have a mission to take over countries and people for the sake of a radical Islamic system. Here at home, we have much the same war but this fight is to defend our Constitutional way of life and stop another type of nation-building.
Our rights as a person come from Natural Law, which IS what ‘inalienable rights’ means. Yet our government systematically has interfered and legislated laws to become the new ‘Rights’ provider. Many have subscribed to this type of government through educational indoctrination and forced allegiance and will forever be loyal to this concept. Some number people of this nation are living by and embracing this as a cultural existence and mandate. Yet there are others that are sitting in the middle from the other side not knowing how to decide or live based on what the government has forced us to do as citizens. The rest are those that are working diligently to return to what the Founders put in place and it is actually those who are the protectors of the Founders convictions that must be doing the nation building to bring back the United States of America as she was born to be. In summary, we MUST both Re-Found America and Restore her.

We Never Stop Learning, We Are Here to Learn

There is an old adage, ‘Knowledge is Power’ and as we get older, it is important to continue that learning process. Being informed and current on events and knowing history gives one the fundamentals of confidence, self respect and most of all a sense of accomplishment.
Is it possible you can read a book a month? Of course it is possible and the reading list below will continue to give Patriots and conservative citizens a great start to your library.
The Road to Serfdom
Atlas Shrugged
Liberty and Tyranny
Somebody’s Gotta Say It
The 5000 Year Leap
Constitutional Chaos
The Manchurian President
John Adams
The Moral Compass
The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Constitution
The most important book of all is the Bible. Everyone needs many moments in their lives to stay grounded and for encouragement. Read and learn, it is a personal spring board to where life will take you.

Do You Have Time to Do Your Duty as a Citizen?

Let us start out with this link:
The United States is in turmoil and has been for countless years. The turmoil stems from several key issues those being the breakdown of the family unit, taking our attention away from what the Federal Government does without a peep from citizens and living lives on credit. Sure there are more issues that have led to turmoil, least of which is education.
So what are the solutions to curing what ails America? Engagement …..pure and simple. We can no longer leave matters to others to resolve. If you don’t like what is life has become, you have no one to blame but yourself.
Have you done the following in the last 5 years?
• Vetted candidates and voted for the best representation for local, national and international action?
• Have you contacted your representative in Congress or the Senate?
• Have you learned about the limitless power of those in Washington DC?
• Do you know the key names of people in Washington DC and what their backgrounds are?
• Rather than donating money, have you donated time to physically see how things work or don’t work?
• Have you chosen one or more subjects and researched that subject to learn more?
• Do you turn off the television and have real quality time with family members or friends?
• Have you visited a school to see what is actually being taught and how students and teachers behave in the classroom?
• Are you aware of laws and legislation that is outside the scope of limits on the U.S. Constitution?
• What do you know about international events?
• Do you trust or rely on the news you read or hear? Have you verified all the events?
• Have you joined and participated in an organization that benefits our society?
• Have you visited a church to hear and understand a message?
These are just a few items that should guide you in what is best to keep you informed and active. Here are a few links that should help you get started if you are lacking in direction or focus:
• What is Agenda 21?
• Can you describe what Operation Stillpoint is?
• Can you name just one Presidential Czar and define their background and agenda?
• Take a look at to understand grass-roots activities.
• Join a PTA, The 9.12 Project, get on the email list for
You have a duty as a citizen to devote some real time to the world around you, to get involved, get engaged.
I will end this text with this link. It is full of quotes from our Founders. It is a condensed summary of inspiration.