How Far Back Does Hamilton 68 Really Go?

A Yahoo News reporter, Natasha Bertrand in August of 2017 posted in part the following –>

website launched on Wednesday by a former FBI special agent-turned disinformation expert claims to track Russian propaganda in near-real time, as it spreads via Twitter accounts that have been linked to Russian influence operations.

Clint Watts, who garnered national media attention after testifying before the Senate Intelligence Committee about Russia’s ongoing cyber and propaganda war against the West, spearheaded the project called Hamilton 68 — a hat tip to the founding father’s Federalist Papers No. 68.

“In the Federalist Papers No. 68, Alexander Hamilton wrote of protecting America’s electoral process from foreign meddling,” the site reads, alluding to Russia’s interference in the 2016 election. “Today, we face foreign interference of a type Hamilton could scarcely have imagined.”

Watts worked on Hamilton 68 with JM Berger, a fellow with the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism who studies extremism and propaganda on social media; Andrew Weisburd, a fellow at the Center for Cyber & Homeland Security; and Jonathon Morgan, the CEO of New Knowledge AI and head of Data for Democracy, a volunteer collective of data scientists and technologists. More here

Now you would think that former Federal government officials would tell the truth or at least do retractions as required when something is proven false…not so much.

In full disclosure, years ago, I read JM Berger’s book and interviewed him on my radio show. Furthermore, I followed Clint Watts on Twitter because as a former FBI agent, perhaps truth and context was important, it still is but not at the very least from those former ‘intelligence’ experts which now include even more former officials like Former Acting CIA Director Mike Morrell and former Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul.

They among others created a fraud upon America as discovered by Matt Taibbi and the Twitter files.


Read in depth here to see just how scandalous media and the officials really were…perhaps still are actually. The New York Post in part has the following paragraph:

The Hamilton 68 “dashboard” was the brainchild of former FBI special agent and MSNBC contributor Clint Watts and operated under the Alliance for Securing Democracy, a think tank founded in 2017 — shortly after former President Trump took office.  (Alliance for Securing Democracy, REALLY?)

Further from the New York Post: Emails in the disclosure show that Twitter’s own internal audits repeatedly showed that accounts flagged by Hamilton 68 were not Russian bots.

The Hamilton 68 website/screenshot as of the moment of this post:


Other names also include Bill Kristol, editor of the now defunct Weekly Standard, John Podesta and of course Hillary Clinton. Now we have some more questions for sure including who funded all of this? Perhaps the Clinton Foundation? How nutty is all this going to be when a deeper dive happens by the House Republicans on the Oversight Committee look at the other tech/media outlets like Google, Reddit, YouTube and Facebook?


Bullshit is right…more like KGB/Stasi tactics brought into the American public square and news outlets like CNN and the Washington Post need to own this too. Gotta wonder if the White House under Biden much less Obama’s White House team will get subpoenas….How much interaction was there between those former government officials and those in the House and Senate much like Adam Schiff?

This all brings a new definition to cyber wars and news media terrorism.

Delete TikTok and then Get a New Phone, Period

Don’t use TikTok in any form. Don’t even open it when it has been sent to you. Spread the word and do it now. Why you ask?
Well if the Pentagon has issued an order to all military personnel, uniformed and civilian to not download or use TikTok that is a good reason to consider. But, there is a movement among Republican governors that have issued executive orders with much the same language for all state employees and contractors…TikTok is forbidden. So far those states include: Utah, South Dakota, Texas, Maryland and Nebraska. Even FBI Director Chris Wray has said he is extremely worried about the app.

TikTok - Make Your Day

There is a rather shallow attempt by TikTok otherwise known as Byte Dance the parent company to address security concerns. That effort is known as Project Texas. What about this Project Texas thing? It is a result of the letter sent to TikTok by several Senators dated last June. Read the letter here in case you need to understand more.

Source: Warnings don’t come as blunt as the one Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) dished Thursday to the users of the highly popular Chinese TikTok app.

“Let me just be clear,” said Cotton, a China critic. “If you have TikTok on your device, you should delete it from your device. And even better, you should go and buy a new device and not download TikTok,” he added.

Cotton is the latest official to warn of intelligence findings that the app is collecting vital information on users and possibly storing it for future use — even blackmail.

Addressing China and Chinese immigration scams at a conference hosted by the Center for Immigration Studies, Cotton warned younger audience members about the possible trap the app was setting them up for.

“The back-office risks of TikTok aren’t the videos you see and the kind of corrosive effects it has on the minds of America’s youth. It’s the data that it collects,” he said.

“And that data can be used against our kids as they grow up, and not just kids obviously. Grown-ups use it too. I think, increasingly, people in Washington are using it to try and reach voters, communicate. That means they are being exposed as well,” he said.

Cotton also said that the app “exposes all of your personal data, perhaps all of the data that you have on your device, to collection and exploitation. It’s not like if your 15-year-old daughter is watching videos of drum major routines that that’s going to put her at risk. But if it accesses every bit of other information on her phone, then that can put her at risk. And it puts her at risk for the rest of her life. This data doesn’t just disappear. It’s collected in troves” and can be used against her if she lands a sensitive job in the future.

The center hosted Cotton because he has recently pushed Homeland Security on the app and TikTok’s use of visas to bring in Chinese nationals who take U.S. jobs at reduced pay.

“TikTok captures vast amounts of private information on users, including American citizens, and has long been suspected of providing the CCP with potential access to that information. This threatens the safety and security of American citizens and also functions as an avenue for the Chinese government to track the locations of and develop blackmail on federal employees and contractors,” he said in a letter to Homeland Security.

He also has asked the DHS to explain how many visas it has granted TikTok’s U.S. outlet, ByteDance. He said in the letter to the DHS that “Beijing-based employees of ByteDance have targeted specific American users for surveillance, and that at least 300 TikTok and ByteDance employees are also current or former employees of Chinese state media.”


A Deeper Look Due to the Twitter Files

Elon Musk has assigned three people so far to drop summaries of internal communications at the Twitter headquarters. While much has been revealed, much has been held back including the actual communications. So withhold your excitement and gratitude of Elon Musk….however, there is some strategic thinking that does need to be applied here with what we have come to learn.

Let’s begin with something most disgusting and how it festered not only at Twitter but appears to have permeated throughout social media and now Congress and our education system….

Yoel Roth, the now former Twitter employee responsible for Trust & Safety appears to be a really dark and yikes …into child sex. The Post Millennial and the Libs of Tik Tok reports in part:

after it was revealed that Roth’s PhD thesis argued for minors to have access to adult content, writing “…it’s worth considering how, if at all, the current generation of popular sites of gay networked sociability might fit into an overall queer social landscape that increasingly includes individuals under the age of 18.” Read the full summary here.

BREAKING: Former Twitter exec Yoel Roth argued for minors' access to adult  internet services in PhD thesis | The Post Millennial | source

With that nasty part out of the way…The video above hosted by Steve Hilton of The Fox News Channel does an excellent breakdown of the U.S. security apparatus working in partnership/cadence with ALL social media. Big Tech that includes, Microsoft, Twitter, Google, Y0uTube, Reddit, Yahoo, Instagram, Facebook and Apple. We have a rogue Federal government and an even more rogue and nefarious social media/big tech system throughout the United States and actually the world.

Redoubling Efforts to Secure Midterm Election Elvis Chan, 2018 on election security

This particular release of the deposition of Elvis Chan. Chan is the head of cyber security , agent in charge at the FBI Bureau located in San Francisco. The reason for this deposition is due to the lawsuit against against the Federal government and the Biden administration brought by the Attorney General(s) of Missouri and Louisiana. The almost 400 pages is quite revealing. Chan under oath admitted that the FBI met weekly with social media companies in the lead up to the 2020 election with the topic of the Russia hack and dump operation. That is the continued script that began with Donald Trump’s presidential candidacy and continued through, well even today.

To validate the statement above that partnership between the security apparatus and social media understand the following:

All of the people listed below once or do work at Twitter….you can likely win a bet if there are others that work at the other big tech corporations…so here we go…

Elvis Chan, FBI

Shelby Pierson, Office of the Director of National Intelligence

Jim Baker, former FBI top lawyer and signer of false FISA warrants

Vijaya Gaddes, now currently hired by the Biden administration in the CISA agency

Dawn Burton, FBI

Jeff Carlton, formerly with the CIA and FBI

Matthew W. FBI

Patricia G. FBI

Bruce A. FBI

Michael Scott Robinson, CIA and FBI

Greg Anderson, NATO

Gordon McMillan, British Army Officer psyops soldier

Aaron Berman, CIA (now at Meta/Facebook)

Scott Stern, CIA

Deborah Berman, CIA

Bryan Weisbard, CIA

Cameron Harris, CIA

Emily Vacher, FBI

Hagan Barnett, former CIA contractor

Neil Potts, former USMC intelligence officer

Olga Belogolova, from the Defense Department

There are more people that moved within the big tech circles, leaving one company to join another. You can read the details here.

What do you feel you missed with news that should have been reported legacy media, social media or even our own agencies at the Federal government? You missed it because it was suppressed, unreported or completely censored. Every part of that is noted above cheated the entire voting public and that included congressional committees. Really? Yes.

Per the Chan testimony:

Chan also explained how the FBI would share the “disinformation” or “misinformation” with social media companies. It would take place around the time of quarterly meetings, if not more frequently through secure e-mails if the FBI field offices thought necessary. For example, the FBI might notify Facebook that a certain IP address is associated with the Internet Research Agency. The accounts flagged by the FBI are always removed by the social media companies, in large part because of pressure from Congressional Committees. As explained by Chan:

Around this same time, there were visits from Congressional staffers to pressure social media companies. Senior-level staffers have even visited Facebook, Google, and Twitter as part of these influence – or censorship – campaigns.

Chan continued:

The Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) is none other than Adam Schiff. As for the SCCI, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence has Democrat Mark Warner as the Chairman.




Censorship Ordered by Biden Admin

Simply, it is a violation of law. Remember recently when the Department of Homeland Security was creating a disinformation task force? Remember how it was quickly terminated? Well…it was never terminated.

Primer: Attached is our final report, DHS Needs a Unified Strategy to CounterDisinformation Campaigns. We incorporated your formal comments into the final report.

(that report is dated August 2022)

Then there is this Fact Sheet from May of 2022 by DHS.

Do you ever wonder about what is actually on social media including Wikipedia? You should, but even more importantly, you should wonder what is not on social media, Wikipedia but more…those internet search results. Every American is being politically engineered by tech companies, social media and the cable/print media operations….but read on…

A big hat tip to the Attorney General of Missouri and to The Intercept…excellent work and this case continues.

Court Orders Depositions of Top Biden Officials in Missouri AG’s Case
Oct 21, 2022, 16:38 PM by AG Schmitt
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt announced today that the United States District Court for the Western District of Louisiana granted Missouri and Louisiana’s request for depositions from top-ranking officials in the federal government. This is movement in his lawsuit against top-ranking Biden Administration officials for allegedly colluding to suppress freedom of speech. The list of granted depositions includes Dr. Anthony Fauci, former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, Director of White House Digital Strategy Rob Flaherty, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, CISA Director Jen Easterly, and FBI Supervisory Special Agent Elvis Chan.
“After finding documentation of a collusive relationship between the Biden Administration and social media companies to censor free speech, we immediately filed a motion to get these officials under oath,” said Attorney General Schmitt. “It is high time we shine a light on this censorship enterprise and force these officials to come clean to the American people, and this ruling will allow us to do just that. We’ll keep pressing for the truth.”

The original lawsuit was filed by Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt and Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry on May 5, 2022. Missouri and Louisiana filed a Motion for Expedited Preliminary Injunction-Related Discovery on June 17, 2022, and that motion was granted on July 12, 2022, clearing the way for Missouri and Louisiana to gather discovery and documents from Biden Administration officials and social media companies.

The request for depositions was filed on October 10, 2022, and that motion was granted on October 21, 2022, allowing Missouri and Louisiana to depose top-ranking officials in the federal government under oath. More here.

Furthermore, the Biden White House approving the operations are already infecting the mid-term elections and those of the 2024 general election.

In part from the documents revealed by The Intercept:

  • DHS is “directly engaging with social media companies to flag MDM” (MDM is defined as mis-information, dis-information, and mal-information). It is doing so “Ahead of midterm elections in 2022” and is readying its efforts with eyes focused on 2024:
  • DHS is questioning how to “inspire innovators to partner with the government” without this “being seen as government ‘propaganda’”.
  • The “rapid response team would need to surge for short periods of time around elections.”

CISA is by the way is The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency. It is an agency known to work with partners to defend against threats and collaborates to build a more secure and resilient infrastructure for the future as noted on the website. Hummm…is right.


Additional details include in part:

The government had its fingers all over social media companies. DHS would tell social media companies what they wanted off the platforms via “takedown requests,” and then the platforms would submit reports to government. They would be “called on to ‘process reports and provide timely responses, to include the removal of reported misinformation from the platform where possible.'”

This was specifically done with election information, which would be flagged by state election officials, submitted to DHS, which would then tell social media companies to pull it. source

One Pill Can Kill

Those dying from Fentanyl are not drug addicts, rather they are dying because they think they may be taking regular over the counter medication or simply eating candy. They are being poisoned. This White House has proven it does not care but the Drug Enforcement Agency DOES care.

Do you ever hear from the FBI that reports from the Southern border? How about U.S. Southern Command? How about Space Command? Yes, Space Command….

“We can use our space detection capabilities, optical cameras,” Croft told NBC 6. “We can track things within a couple of hours and see things moving.”

That includes being able to see what’s happening in places like Colombia and Venezuela, where intelligence experts fear drug traffickers and terrorist groups will join forces.

Around the clock, space and intelligence experts are sharing what they find.

Inside a room at Southern Command, there is a big screen that shows where the satellites are located. There is also a host of workstations where space experts can explain what they are seeing to representatives from the military and federal agencies.

“Space Command can provide a perspective to be able to identify and find some of these folks, the ways that they communicate, the ways they move,” said Lt. Col. Bobby Schmitt, who is with the U.S. Space Force and is assigned to coordinate what happens in orbit with Croft’s team. “Space Command provides the ability to see down and find these folks.” More here.

DEA Announces Results of Enforcement Surge to Reduce the Fentanyl Supply Across the United States

As part of the One Pill Can Kill initiative, the DEA and its law enforcement partners seized more than 10.2 million fentanyl pills and approximately 980 pounds of fentanyl powder during the period of May 23 through Sept. 8, 2022. The amount of fentanyl taken off the streets during this surge is equivalent to more than 36 million lethal doses removed from the illegal drug supply. Additionally, 338 weapons were seized, including rifles, shotguns, pistols, and hand grenades.

Read the details here.

Every adult across the country should be talking about this and every school regardless of age should be taking all precautions.

Rainbow fentanyl close up photo

As part of the One Pill Can Kill initiative, the DEA and its law enforcement partners seized more than 10.2 million fentanyl pills and approximately 980 pounds of fentanyl powder during the period of May 23 through Sept. 8, 2022. The amount of fentanyl taken off the streets during this surge is equivalent to more than 36 million lethal doses removed from the illegal drug supply. Additionally, 338 weapons were seized, including rifles, shotguns, pistols, and hand grenades.

Of the 390 cases investigated during this period, 51 cases are linked to overdose poisonings and 35 cases link directly to one or both of the primary Mexican cartels responsible for the majority of fentanyl in the United States – the Sinaloa Cartel and the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG). In addition, 129 investigations are linked to social media platforms, including Snapchat, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, and TikTok. These results build upon the One Pill Can Kill Phase II

results announced by DEA Administrator Anne Milgram in December 2021.

“Across the country, fentanyl is devastating families and communities, and we know that violent, criminal drug cartels bear responsibility for this crisis,” said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland. “The Justice Department, including the extraordinary professionals of the DEA, is working to disrupt and dismantle the operations of these cartels, remove deadly fentanyl from our communities, and save Americans’ lives.”

“For the past year, confronting the fentanyl crisis has been the top priority for DEA. The most urgent threat to our communities, our kids, and our families are the Sinaloa Cartel and CJNG who are mass producing and supplying the fentanyl that is poisoning and killing Americans,” said DEA Administrator Anne Milgram. “The Sinaloa Cartel and CJNG are ruthless, criminal organizations that use deception and treachery to drive addiction with complete disregard for human life. To save American lives, the DEA is relentlessly focused on defeating the Sinaloa Cartel and CJNG by degrading their operations to make it impossible for them to do business.”

Fentanyl remains the deadliest drug threat facing this nation. In 2021, a record number of Americans – 107,622 – died from a drug poisoning or overdose. Sixty-six percent of those deaths can be attributed to synthetic opioids such as fentanyl.

Drug traffickers have expanded their inventory to sell fentanyl in a variety of bright colors, shapes, and sizes

. Rainbow fentanyl was first reported to DEA in February 2022, and it has now been seized in 21 states.

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is 50 times more potent than heroin. Just two milligrams of fentanyl, or the amount that could fit on the tip of a pencil, is considered a potentially lethal dose.

As part of DEA’s ongoing efforts to educate the public and encourage parents and caregivers to talk to teens and young adults about the dangers of fake pills and illicit drugs, DEA has also created a new resource, “What Every Parent and Caregiver Needs to Know About Fake Pills.”

In September 2021, DEA launched the One Pill Can Kill enforcement effort and public awareness campaign to combat the fake pill threat and educate the public about the dangers of fentanyl pills being disguised and sold as prescription medications, despite these pills not containing any of the actual medications advertised. The only safe medications are ones prescribed by a trusted medical professional and dispensed by a licensed pharmacist. All other pills are unsafe and potentially deadly.

Additional resources for parents and the community can be found on DEA’s Fentanyl Awareness page.