Black Panthers, Past, Present and Future, Holder Silent

Department of In-Justice and Selective Application of the Law


Eric Holder was sworn in as the 82nd United States Attorney General when he took the oath (provided below) with Vice President Joe Biden presiding.  The focus of this summary will speak to the segment of the oath that reads ‘against all enemies, foreign and domestic.’ The question is just who actually defines those enemies and on what criteria especially those of a domestic nature? Likely those decisions are a collaborative effort composed of a large group of people in Washington DC that include Eric Holder at Justice and Timothy Geither at Treasury to list a few.

“I (name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and

defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies,

foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to

the same; that I take this obligation freely without any mental

reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully

discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So

help me God.”

Congress Pete King held a hearing this month, (March 2012) on the domestic and international threat of Hezbollah and that summary is here.  The objective of this hearing was to publically place sunlight on Hezbollah and its operatives within the United States and to reassert their status as a terror network. The springboard of Hezbollah has bearing with regard to the deep ties to people within the Black Panthers Party and the New Black Panther Party and their later affiliation with terror organizations such as Hezbollah. It is important to understand that while there are two distinct names, the doctrine, and the mission and in many cases the same people have been carried over by name and relationships over the years.  The Black Panthers, like the New Black Panthers Party, have a Marxist doctrine and have merged much of the common objectives and like minded attitudes to Islam.

Not so long ago, the New Black Panthers on a handful of occasions have held rallies and those in attendance have very familiar faces as depicted below.





Among those appearing with Obama was Shabazz, the Panther leader who was one of the defendants in the voter intimidation case that Attorney General Eric Holder dismissed. Also present was the Panthers’ “Minister of War,” Najee Muhammed, who had called for murdering Dekalb County, Georgia, police officers with AK-47’s and then mocking their widows in this video.


Calls have been made to the White House to disclose which Malik Shabazz visited the private White House residence on July 25, 2009, two months after the DOJ voter intimidation case was dismissed. So far, the White House has refused to do so, leaving open the question of which “Malik Shabazz” appears in visitor logs released to the public.

Early in Hillary Clinton’s law and political career, she made it her charter to get involved in the protections of rights including those of the Black Panthers. While studying at Yale, see purposely attended a Black Panthers trial in New Haven to gauge the possibilities of legal abuse of rights during the trial. Hillary additionally worked with others in her circle to schedule monitors for this trial in her absence and later she wrote a summary report which was turned over to the ACLU.

Full of interest and intrigue, later that year, Hillary Clinton made her way to Oakland, California to work at a radical socialist law firm of Truehaft, Walker and Bernstein and they also took on a case to defend yet another trial of the Black Panthers.

A radical from Oakland named Abdul Alim Musa, an American, is first known as Clarence Reams.  Musa was raised in Oakland, California and maintained a deep friendship with Eldridge Cleaver and Pete O’Neal both of which sought a campaign and coordination with like minded radicals in Algeria where American forces are currently fighting al Qaeda operatives.  Musa is a supporter of the Islamic Republic and the Ayatollah Khomeini and has made several trips to Iran in the late 1970’s and early in 1980. There Musa created a steadfast relationship with Hezbollah and Hamas and Boko Harem as well as al Qaeda. Musa was a top leader of the Black Panthers and a force recruiter for radical Islam under the umbrella of the Nation of Islam in the United States. Musa has made it his charter to coordinate doctrines between domestic mosques and has an obscure public relations campaign designed inside hip-hop and rap music which has been most successful.

In 1970, the Federal Bureau of Investigation published that the Black Panther Party is the most dangerous and violent of all extremists groups. Eldridge Cleaver as a member of the BPP had very close ties to Al Fatah, Arab Guerillas in the 1970’s. Additionally, Cleaver met with the North Vietnamese as with the Premier of China Chou En Lai along with up to 60 additional members of the BPP. Later, Eldridge Cleaver developed a friendship with Professor Gates. We should remember recently Professor Gates from the ‘beer summit’ event held at the White House by Barack Obama.

Let’s take a look at some people and history of past and present Black Panthers. Khalid Abdul Muhammad, 53, former Nation of Islam activist and personal assistant to Louis Farrakhan; reportedly died from a brain hemorrhage; in Marietta, Ga. Farrakhan dismissed Muhammad in 1993 after the latter insulted Catholics, whites and gays, calling Jews “bloodsuckers” and the Pope “a no-good cracker.” As front man for the New Black Panthers in 1998, he led the contentious “Million Youth March” in New York City. [Time International, Feb 26, 2001 v157 i8 p15]


Another key subject to review is H. Rap Brown. In October of 1971, H. Rap Brown, converted to Islam and gave himself a new status and name of Imam Jamil Abdullah al Amin while serving time in Attica Prison.   Brown became known for his extremist beliefs after his book, Die Nigger Die! (1969) was published. He joined the Black Panther Party and was arrested for arson and inciting a riot. In 1970 he was shot, captured, and charged with armed robbery in New York City and sentenced to five to fifteen years.  He was released from prison in 1976 and became a leader of one of the largest Black Muslim groups in the U.S., called the National Ummah. He was also the owner of a grocery store in Atlanta’s West End, a poverty-stricken area that the National Ummah worked to revitalize.  In March 2000, two police officers went to Al-Amin’s grocery store to serve an arrest warrant on a minor theft charge. Al-Aman shot both officers, wounding both, and then shot one of the officers, Ricky Kinchen, three more times as the officer lay wounded in the street. Kinchen died from the gunshot wounds.  You are invited to look deeper into the Black Panthers by viewing the FBI file here.   In 1976, the FBI moved hard to take down the Black Panther Party.  A chronological and comprehensive history of the members of the BPP may be viewed here complete with listed videos and text.  A more recent summary of the Black Panthers, New Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam is illustrated in this link.

To be fair, the New Black Panthers in some cases have been denounced by Bobby Searle, the co-founder of the Black Panther Party due to cases where a rush to judgment was made. An example of this rush to judgment and taking matters into your own hands included the Duke Lacrosse rape scandal.

Under the leadership of both Khalid Abdul Muhammad, now dead, mentored by Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam, and Malik Zulu Shabazz, the New Black Panthers have maintained an aggressive and militant pro-black agenda in addition to a full anti-Semitic mission throughout the United States. Khalid Muhammad with Louis Farrakhan reached out to Muammar el-Qaddafi of Libya for friendship and joint business ventures in the United States.  Qaddafi was a target by world leaders to step down from his dictatorship in Libya while opposition rebels for more than a year sought to find and kill Qaddafi and late in 2011 he was captured and died.

 “ Cases cause celèbre Islam prepares adherents for an inevitable violent revolution against the U.S. government: this revolutionary vision is at least as indebted to the ideas of men like Huey Newton, Bobby Seale, Eldridge Cleaver, and Malcolm X as it is to more typical advocates of Islamic revolution like Sayyid Qutb. Those who share this view tend to be suspicious of outsiders, and outside influences. H. Rap Brown aka Al-Amin … made the transition from black nationalist firebrand to nationally prominent Sunni imam. In the 1960s, he issued scathing indictments of America and called for violent revolution. After his conversion to Islam, al-Amin adopted a more measured tone in his societal criticism, but remained attached to the idea of revolution. Though he focused on a more inward-looking revolution, one that would transform his community morally, al-Amin continued to believe that the system writ large was sick and broken. Some analysts have questioned how far al-Amin truly progressed from the violent ideals that he once openly proclaimed. “  More here.

We have covered many members of both Panthers Parties and history thus far including Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Professor Gates. One last slick operator or rather lawyer to place in the mix is U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and his role.

Unbeknownst to the public, Carlos Torres, FALN co-founder, and Marilyn Buck, a member of the Weather Underground and Black Liberation Army, were released from federal prison last year. Attorney General Eric Holder quitely implemented a policy of freedom for terrorists. More here and here.

J. Christian Adams, who worked for the Department of Justice in the Civil Rights Division under Eric Holder, writes more about Marilyn Buck and her deep roots to crimes and subversive activities while a member of the Black Panthers. Adams later resigned from the DoJ in complete protest and opposition of the New Black Panthers Voter Intimidation case due to the AG, Eric Holder refusing to sentence those found guilty.

Holder additionally gave a pass to the CAIR and Holyland conspirators by offering an explanation that has even confounded members of Congress.

Holder has offered key legal cases to his law buddies across the land to provide case council to Guantanamo Detainees and providing Constitutional rights to foreign terror agents in support of Muslim and radical Islam doctrine.

Today, the New Black Panthers have become a modern day lynching mob calling for the funds and bounty to arrest George Zimmerman of Sanford, Florida in the killing of a seventeen year old male.

Major Nadal Hassan, a radicalized Muslim, who randomly shot and killed U.S. troops at Ft. Hood, has not been brought to justice as the White House deemed this sad and tragic event as merely work place violence. What more is there to investigate on Major Hassan and why the delay in the prosecution? Could it be more selective prosecution and application of the law for Muslim sympathizers in the White House, the State Department and the Department of Justice? The answer here is evident for sure.

Back to the beginning as the question must be asked, who is defining the term domestic terrorist? What cases has Eric Holder argued for the protection and prosecution of those terrorists? It has clearly been proven that Eric Holder has been stone-walling on the Fast and Furious case where through the State Department waivers were issued to run weaponry to drug cartels that have fully integrated with Hezbollah south of our border with Mexico. Funds to pay for these weapons and investigations were from the Stimulus package of which Vice President Joe Biden oversees.

America today is full of domestic enemies and with the globe so easy to navigate without credentials and bona fide background checks, enemies are a dynamic threat to our way of life, be it by small incidents to our way of life, breaking the law and subverting the Constitution and by general fear. Confidence is gone when we look to the Department of Homeland Security, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and our Court system for protections of our homeland.

Lawmakers in Washington work to achieve more power over our respective lives in the name of legislation by way of lawfare, when in the end it tramples our freedoms. All the while domestic enemies continue to force recruit, act illegally, integrate with terror groups connected to defined organizations of terror worldwide and have no fear of prosecution as the history of Eric Holder speaks to a pass and looking the other way.

In closing, to confirm any doubts you may have with the historical connections between the Black Panthers and radical Islam to current terrorists, please view this video where Zawahiri quotes Malcolm X and is actually speaking to Black Americans that have been recruited via music, mosques and the American prison system.

Additional links in case you need more convincing are here, here and here.





Iran and Egypt Fall

Nostradamus: Century 1, Quatrain 40:
The false trumpet concealing madness
will cause Byzantium to change its laws.
From Egypt there will go forth a man who wants
the edict withdrawn, changing money and standards.
History is written now on the fall of the Middle East at the hands of decision makers within the Council of Foreign Relations to destroy the Christian foundation that was born there.
In the quest to manage Human Rights across the world by the elitist leaders who thrive on power and control, Iran fell due to President Carter and Egypt fell due to President Obama. Decades separate the regime changes but the underlying symptoms and conditions were essentially identical.
The Shah Mohammed Reza Phalavi assumed power in Iran and worked diligently to install reforms in the ruling of his country. He worked to deal with trade, the economy, social issues and the Constitution. In the midst of his efforts President Carter interfered with the Shah regarding the matter of Human Rights. Carter accused the Shah of torturing 3000 prisoners who were in fact radical fundamentalists, communists and terrorists. Carter demanded the Shah move towards socialist’s values as well as to terminate military tribunals in favor of civilian trials. As the Shah opposed the pressure from Carter, more unrest began to occur.

Unrests were initiated and fueled by cassette tapes and media propaganda created by the CIA and MI6. Carter insisted the UK and MI6 join his dialogue against the Shah and both countries stopped funding the military and social aid as well as the Mullahs in Iran. The Shah was flanked by fierce opposition to his rule and was soon forced to flee the country. The Ayatollah soon stepped up to assume control and he killed prisoners and all pro-Western Iranians. Common people were arrested for accessing global news and women were forced into servitude. All the while the Soviets were making their move to take advantage of the crisis and invaded Afghanistan to impose greater influence in Iran and Pakistan.
The condition in the Middle East deteriorated fast and the Muslim world imploded in anger which is the incubation of the radical Islam Caliphate moving globally today. Carter’s imposing and interference gave the history chapters prevailing failed Human Rights policy, the overthrow of the Shah of Iran, 600,000 dead, rule by the Ayatollah, the Iran-Iraq war, the Iraq invasion of Kuwait, the Iran revolutionaries seizure of the Tehran embassy, kidnapping 50 hostages, the Soviets invasion of Afghanistan and the later creation of the Taliban and al-Qaeda.
President Carter worked with Cyrus Vance, a lawyer as his Secretary of State who preferred negotiations over military conflict and worked diligently to reduce arms in an effort to resolve a SALT Treaty with the Soviets. Vance was also a deep supporter of returning the Panama Canal and was instrumental in the Camp David Accords, the peace agreement between Israel and Egypt. Vance also participated in diplomatic efforts for Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia, all of which failed, in addition to finding some common ground with North Vietnam. Vance later resigned due to pressure from Brzezinski as well as the full opposition of sending it troops to rescue the Iranian hostages, which also failed.
Carter also had Harold Brown as his Secretary of Defense, who had deep educational credentials in engineering and science. Brown was the academic and followed the same ideology as Vance. He worked to reduce spending in defense and had a mission to force NATO members to build up their defense systems rather than the United States for a balanced global inventory. With the fall of Iran and her arsenal, the United States lost a key ally and key weaponry in the Middle East. This was the beginning of the polarization of the Middle East and allies across the globe for the United States.

There was a time when Egypt was occupied by Persia in 341 BC and fell before in history by being too top heavy in government and a military infrastructure. Egypt went broke due to emphasis on rule rather than growing the economic system and the population support system. Centuries later, Egypt recovered with changes in rule and became the crown jewel of the Middle East. Once again however, Egypt fell as it went into debt for failing to sustain the complex social structure requirements. This time Britain stepped in to assume control but for a rather short period of time until 1952 when Egypt over-threw the British monarchy and gained full sovereignty.

Over time, Egypt repeated her failed leadership and debt caused the government to seek outside aid including that of the United States. Mubarak held the peace in the Middle East as directed by the United States as Egypt is ninety percent Sunni and has a small representation of Coptic and Christians and the military with the aid of the West ensured some condition of calm in Egypt. The United States felt she could rely on Mubarak’s leadership as did the Saudis and Israel and so it was, the Middle East was kept to a quiet roar. Corruption, which is the usual condition, was later exposed and protests began.

The January 25th Youth Movement was coordinated by internet solicitation and propaganda fueled by radical and socialist opposition groups in the United States. The Obama administration with the help of the State Department supported the protestors yet continued to provide $1.3 billion per year in aid to Egypt with new conditions of the military ceding power to the newly elected officials. It soon became a global demand that Mubarak be removed from power at the raging demand of a network of protestors fueled by the Muslim Brotherhood, which is systematically building a footprint throughout the Middle East while maintain the headquarters in Egypt. The Muslim Brotherhood had been festering as a result of historical Muslim doctrine interference by the West.

The Obama administration with Hillary Clinton is a lead role as Secretary of State allowed the Egyptian military to dissolve the Egyptian parliament with is affecting the Peace Treaty with Israel. Hillary Clinton pledged protection for the Coptic’s and the Christian in Egypt from the constants attacks and massacres after Mubarak was forced from power. Egypt has the highest population in the Arab World and under failed policy of diplomacy or enforcement of the Oslo Accords, elections are being held where the Muslim Brotherhood is majority power and influence and will alter the Constitution of Egypt.
Egypt is still the crown jewel of Africa but for many different reasons today. With a radical and unionized doctrine, the Muslim Brotherhood will assume control of the Sinai Peninsula, the natural resources and the Suez Canal. This will permanently alter worldwide geo-politics and further polarize the globe for the sake of energy, natural resources and defense.

Egypt sits as one of many headquarters radical Islam and the movement of the Caliphate reach across Europe and the West.

Another ally of the United States has fallen and once again Egypt joins the ranks of enemy nations due to failed foreign policy under the guise of Human Rights interference by the Obama administration and with the assistance of the United Nations.

Kansas, Roosevelt, Brown and Obama

Who is John Brown and Why Osawatomie?

Earlier this month, President Obama gave a speech at a local high school in Osawatomie, Kansas, a town of only a few thousand people. While much of the blowback of the speech regarded his references to Theodore Roosevelt and the plan of New Nationalism, it is important to determine why the location in Kansas was chosen. Perhaps it will lay more creditability to the text of the speech itself.
This summary is a rather long piece should you choose to read all the provided links, yet it is suggested that Patriots take the time to in fact understand what is behind the curtain with the political quests of Barack Obama as is defined by his private armies.
It is prudent to return to 1975 and a forgotten organization named Weather Underground. Members of the Weather Underground have rotated through the ranks and most have remained true to the organization’s missions and objectives. Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn remain committed through education by altering history which Howard Zinn was key to accomplishing  by recruiting the very radical concepts of the mantra born in Osawatomie using John Brown as the historical springboard to the ground war within America.
The Weather Underground Organization was radical enough such that the FBI created a comprehensive file that can only be viewed with conditions attached and is not available for general public consumption.
Taken from this website,   below is a piece of text that will give rise to the chosen location of Obama’s speech and nothing is by chance.



But revolutionaries expect adversity, expect to be fought every inch of the way by an entrenched ruling class, expect to confront danger and demoralization and overcome it, with creativity and audacity.
Theory and ideology are important tools, and we should make study of Marxism-Leninism an important part of our work.
It is also important to understand the facts spoken within the speech and the twisted comparisons as revealed by several media blog posts. Overwhelm the system is the audacious and extreme objective to weaken the and eventually fracture the very foundation of America as we have arrived at this very moment without so much as a tear shed or a collective actionable mission to protect and defend our land as is the very duty of the American citizen. Sure we have bloggers, the Tea Party, Freedomworks and 9.12 groups, yet if citizens were current on events and learned of the motivations of the destruction set by the likes of Weather Underground spin-off organizations such as ACORN and SEIU, America would not be facing the meltdowns were are today not only domestically but internationally.


We have many key leaders in Washington DC that are in key cabinet positions that assuredly endorse Rule for Radicals. Here is a sample in video form that forces us to revisit Hillary Clinton and her historical ties and college thesis.  Lawmakers in Washington DC are more indoctrinated to protecting against individual failures while destroying our liberties to achieve that objective all under the ‘general welfare’ clause and packaged for political correctness.


The end result, America has in fact becomes slaves to the Federal government, which is the expanded position John Brown sought to end.

Hope and Change is Despair and Reverse

Hope and Change


Hope and change was promised, pledged and assured for months
as Obama gained the questionable votes to take the seat in the Oval Office and
the Oath of Office of President, the leader of the free world. Thirty four
months hence, hope is despair and the change put America in high speed reverse.

America has owned the lead position in the war on terror, as
9-11 was the defining moment that would dramatically alter the entire landscape
and lives of our nation.  Collectively,
there was a fearful expectation of what our homeland was facing, yet in the ten
years since, ‘nothing’ which is an all encompassing word has been beneficial or
positive. Today, the war on terror has expanded to areas of operation across
the globe as cells, lone wolves, money, weapons, resolutions, agreements and
intelligence has criss-crossed the world. The Rules of Engagement have been
amended. The Enter and Exit Strategies are written in pencil, if at all and it
is suggested that years from today, this will look exactly the same or worse than

The war doctrine for the United States has had robust
interference with NATO, the United Nations and the International Criminal
Court. All AO’s have no concise, comprehensive or assertive strategic or
diplomatic posture. Lives, weapons and money are spent and direction is

At home, we have endured another fear and that is economic
terrorism and lawfare. Obamacare is but one piece of legislation that has moved
our outlook on hope to despair. The healthcare legislation has grown government
bureaucracy with the worst of it still yet ahead of us. Fannie and Freedie, QE1,
2 and 3 have multiplied the fear factor and fractured the very foundation of
the American economic base. Lawfare, the process by which countless government
agencies and the Department of Justice have removed our confidence in what is sacrosanct
in America, the Rule of Law, the Constitution. Daily, we are witness to secrets
that are being  revealed, nefarious  domestic policies and missions, broken laws, lies, noncompliance with trade  agreements, ignored statutes and a breached legal system , where Judges render  decisions by the hour that the case has ‘no legal standing’. Our vote at the  polls has been corrupted; our tax dollars are seized and spent without our
knowledge or approval. Our land is being ravaged for the sake for a bio-fuel
agenda and to protect a fish or lizard, leaving farms without water and thus
fail, all at the hands of corrupt Judges, leading the charge. Sharia law has
been applied in courtrooms across the nation while international law has been
used with the encouragement and approval from our Department of Justice.

Barack Obama has not changed as pledged, which is to say
improved education, foreign policy, government spending, reduced taxes, grown
exports, closed and protected our borders. His administration has not improved
the value of our currency, laid a pathway to energy independence, or restored
the ability to be the self reliance as an individual or nation. Instead, we
have been forced to learn about Saul Alinsky, Cloward Piven, the Muslim
Brotherhood, Maurice Strong, George Soros, Cass Sunstein, Valerie Jarrett, Eric
Holder, ACORN, SEIU, CAIR, the Tides Foundation, the Ella Baker Center, the
Ford Foundation, Susan Rice and Ban Ki Moon. It is impossible to offer a
comprehensive list here which should also include more terror cell networks
names, the deeper history and voting records and behind the curtain deals of
Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, the loyalty of the Geithner family to China, the
Clinton connections to global initiatives, the Millennium Challenge, Fast and
Furious, Operation Castaway and the Merida Initiative. We have come to know
that we have CIA and Special Forces are in Columbia, Mexico and Sudan. It has
been revealed we have missing weapons of a nasty nature, names are added daily
to the terror list and the lion share of the TARP money was a gift to foreign
banks.  We still watch the Arab Spring  events daily, we have staged demonstrations against Wall Street in cities  across our country, we have Senators calling for runs on Bank of America and  SWAT has been engaged to collect a past due debt on a college loan.

You are invited to join this editorial and make additions
that are most focused in your sights in the comments section.  Without writing one thousand pages or more,  this process is fluid and cannot begin to include all that was to be hoped for  and changed.

In a small effort to  conclude with another side of hope and change, we have seen the birth of the  Tea Party, FreedomWorks, grassroots survival groups, Patriot associations, a
growth in conservative blogs and websites, Veteran support groups and Memorial
funds.  This proves we can be self  reliant and possess the common sense that is so absent in DC politics. We have  come to appreciate the Founders and their legacy documents. It is our duty to  redress our grievances on a national stage that is if we can find a court and
Judge that will GIVE us standing.

If our heads are down, we can’t see where we are going.


Four Corners of the Document, The Constitution

Federal government + Legislation = Politics
Politics + Lobbyists = Federal government
Executive Orders + Department mandates = Federal government
Back room deals + Hidden earmarks = Legislation
Get the point? What is missing from the equations? The Rule of law, the people’s representation, the Constitution, is missing.
Hour by hour we are spoon fed news from inside the beltway. News items cover local, state, Federal and international events, conflicts and decisions. As it relates to the United States, how much of what our government works at daily is actually constitutional?
The use of the word ‘politics’ is ubiquitous. The core of all the banter as it relates to local, state, Federal and international events should include compliance with the Rule of Law. The people have the right to question with authority and boldness, the power is in our hearts, minds, hands and feet. But is it? Do we know it? Do we use it? Was it legal for President Clinton to bail out the Mexican Peso? NO Is it legal to tax labor? NO Is it legal to interfere in foreign sovereignty? NO Is it legal to force a person to buy a service or product? NO
Most disturbing and often not noticed is how the United States is prosecuting the War on Terror. The WoT is a cancer and the fatal cells have found another host, the United States. Our very liberties, provided to us in the Bill of Rights are under attack and the Patriot Act is the laboratory. America is under siege by virtue of an established police state. America has its War on Terror within our homeland and it violates the Rule of Law.
We cannot give an accurate count of the cases that have been presented in a courtroom setting where the Judge’s decision was returned by all that included the words “you have no standing’. Legal cases have been debated in local courtrooms and all the way to the Supreme Court over religion, speech and the right to assemble. Stop now and read the last ten words of Amendment One. It reads, “And to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”
This is where we are commonly told we have no standing. Yet, these ten words are the core of our representative republic and they define our duty. Presently, no Judge in any court across the land has taken a case, providing a decision in favor of the people to aid us in our duty of redress.
The Call to Action here is to write a letter to any Judge at any level and write to legislators at all levels with demands that they respect the Rule of law, demand they comply with the Rights of the people, and demand they obey the Four Corners of the Document, the United States Constitution.
Let us no longer confuse politics with the Rule of Law. Let us no accept deals, payoffs, mandates and interference with the Rule of Law.
We must reassume control and understand the real equation.
The Rule of Law + the Bill of Rights = People