One Sided Human Rights When it Comes to Gangs and Terrorists

We continue to watch in horror and fear the deadly terror in Israel and Gaza and rightly so. It must be known however, these types of attacks and terror go far beyond the Middle East. There is an organization funded by the usual. George Soros but also other nefarious people and that is the Human Rights Watch. (travel over to Wikipedia and read their summary, it sounds great but the reality is not so much)

As we pray for the hostages to not only survive but to be released in Gaza, it is happening in other corners of the world including what the Russians have done to Ukrainian citizens and especially children and then there is Haiti and Africa. Human Rights Watch is not so into caring about those locations.

Let’s begin with Haiti as it is news to all of you. It was just a week ago that the Associated Press reported the following in part:

A heavily armed gang surrounded a hospital in Haiti on Wednesday, trapping women, children and newborns inside until police rescued them, according to the director of the medical center, who pleaded for help via social media. Ulysse said members of Haiti’s National Police force responded to his call for help and arrived with three armored trucks to evacuate 40 children and 70 patients to a private home in a safer part of the city. Among those delicately evacuated were children on oxygen, he said.

Ulysse identified those responsible as members of the Brooklyn gang, led by Gabriel Jean-Pierre, best known as “Ti Gabriel.” Jean-Pierre also is the leader of a powerful gang alliance known as G-Pep, one of two rival coalitions in Haiti.

The Brooklyn gang has some 200 members and controls certain communities within Cite Soleil, including Brooklyn. They are involved in extortion, hijacking of goods and general violence, according to a recent United Nations report. Earlier this year, at least 20 armed gang members burst into a hospital run by Doctors Without Borders and snatched a patient from an operating room. The criminals gained access after faking a life-threatening emergency, the organization said.

UN: Haitian Gangs Invading Central Haiti source and read more here

By the way, the United Nations actually has a permanent peacekeeping office in Haiti….so much for that, even while the United States is often encountering migrants fleeing from Haiti. Oh yes, Human Rights Watch is completely tied to policies from the United Nations also.

Now let’s move back over to Ukraine shall we?

CBS News reported only last week about 19,000 children kidnapped by Russian forces and the real numbers could be as high as 300,000 in total.

As an example:

Last October, Nikita was living in a boarding school for disabled children when the Russian authorities ordered all 86 kids there to be transferred deeper into Russian-controlled territory.

Polina (translated): I came home after work, I opened Instagram and there was a picture of my child– Nikita. With a caption, Russia is taking children.

Polina says the Russians played a cruel game of hide and seek – moving Nikita at least three times in eight months – including to an orphanage in Russia

Then The Guardian reported last March the following in part:

What do we know about the Ukrainian children taken by Russia?
The court’s pre-trial judges said there were “reasonable grounds to believe that each suspect bears responsibility for the war crime of unlawful deportation of population, and that of unlawful transfer of population from occupied areas of Ukraine to the Russian Federation, in prejudice of Ukrainian children”. The judges said they had chosen to unseal the names of the suspects in an effort to prevent further crimes.

Reports first emerged last spring that Ukrainian children in occupied territory were being taken to Russia, and even being adopted by Russian families. Russia has presented its actions as a humanitarian mission to save Ukrainian children from the war. But Ukraine has accused Russia of genocide and described its actions as a war crime.

Who are the children involved?
The alleged abductees include children taken from Ukrainian state institutions in the occupied areas, children whose parents had sent them to Russian-run “summer camps” from which they never returned, children whose parents were arrested by the Russian occupying authorities, and children who were orphaned by the fighting.

Where are the children from?
The vast majority of Ukrainian children taken by Russia are from occupied areas of southern and eastern Ukraine: Kherson region, Kharkiv region, Zaporizhzhia region, Donetsk and Luhansk region, as well as a small area of Mykolaiv region.

How many children have been taken?
Russia has admitted to holding at least 1,400 Ukrainian children it describes as orphans, though it said at least 2,000 had travelled to Russia unaccompanied. In addition, several hundred children from the occupied territories remain in Russia after they attended “re-education” camps with the consent of their parents but were then not returned.

What has happened to the orphans?
Since the invasion, at least 400 Ukrainian orphans have been adopted by Russian families, according to the Ukrainian Regional Center for Human Rights, which has calculated its figure from statements by the Russian state. Russia has said 1,000 more are waiting to be adopted.

Lvova-Belova, the Russian children’s commissioner, has herself described “adopting” a 15-year-old child from Mariupol, the south-eastern Ukrainian city that was devastated and occupied by Russian forces.

But many of these Ukrainian children have living relatives, who are often desperately searching for them. About 90% of Ukrainian children who were living in state care at the time of the invasion were “social orphans”, meaning they had relatives but those family members unable to take care of them.

How about China? Well they have an estimated 40,000 child slaves in Congo mining for cobalt and lithium for batteries, mostly for the EV industry. Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ) published a summary from a congressional hearing the exploitation of children in Africa for the economic and global agenda for China.

There is a foundation called Walk Free Foundation that studies modern day slavery and publishes an index. The estimate is 30 million people worldwide are living in modern day slavery from places such as India, China and Africa.

Bringing it closer to home, with the protests across America to Free Palestine, no one says enough about the fear from violence and theft for individuals and businesses with smash and grabs and now crash and grabs, meaning stolen cars are used to break into businesses.

So. exactly where are the leaders of any sort? Where is the Human Rights Watch? Where is the Department of Justice which by the way formed a legal team to work at the Hague for the International Criminal Court? How about Interpol and Red Notices or the FBI? How about the District Attorneys do some real work on car-jacking, human trafficking, the sex trade, migrant crime., cartel narcotic trafficking…and all the rest.

Where are the protectors if no one is above the law?


Xi is Fine With Killing us, Again

So, President Biden meets with Chinese President Xi for four hours and they discuss re-opening joint military communications Then the matter of chemicals for the production of fentanyl came up and Xi said he would work to ‘curb’ the trafficking that eventually comes into the United States via Mexico drug cartels. Of course climate change was part of the topics and a little about artificial intelligence. Note, there was nothing about espionage at the new base in Cuba, the Covid lab leak, the spy balloon or intellectual property theft.

Then there was a reception and dinner at the cost of $40,000 per person hosted by two organizations:U.S.-China Business Council and the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations. Wall streeters, Pfizer, Blackock, Apple, Boeing, FedEx, Visa and MasterCard and Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, U.S. ambassador to China, Nicholas Burns, and Kurt Campbell, a top White House China advisor. San Francisco Mayor London Breed also had a spot at a table. Elon Musk of Tesla only attended the reception.

So, what about killing us?

The Select Committee of the Chinese Communist Party completed a terrifying first part of an investigation on a nefarious bio-lab….here goes.

The committee chaired by Congressman Gallagher unveiled our bipartisan report on the Illegal Biolab in Reedley, CA run by a wanted PRC national with previous ties to the Chinese government.


Remember that President Biden says that China is not an adversary but rather a competitor. Furthermore, we need to ask some harder questions of the CDC as you noted in that video those officials could not have cared less. What is worse is the FBI never bothered to investigate and then there is blame in the lap of DHS for allowing these illegal Chinese operative to even enter the country. Reedley Lab Owner Tied to CCP - California Globe source

Ebola? HIV? Covid? And what else? Where are the other labs? The lab owner Jai Bei Zhu, who is going by the name David He. Zhu was/is part of the Chinese Communist Party’s “Military-Civil Fusion” program, and received millions in suspicious dollars from China while stealing American bio-technology, selling unlicensed pregnancy and COVID tests, and squirreling away thousands of vials of deadly pathogens.

His criminal complaint is found here.

President Xi should be thrown out of the country never to return. A travel ban on China should be levied. The United States should declare any loans or Federal debts to China is paid in full. Then there is the matter of Governor Newsom….yeesh don’t even know where to start on that one. But, we cannot leave out Wall Street or business leaders.

Shocking…that our government not only cannot protect us but worse refuses to protect us. Take that into consideration when it comes time to vote at every level.

The Real Mission of Colony Ridge in Texas

When Nancy Pelosi was last Speak of the House, her first piece of legislation to pass was H.R.1, only Democrats voted for it. It was to Federalize the entire voting system. That failed, but the Democrats have not stopped there. Just a few days ago Pennsylvania has moved to force register every driver’s license holder, existing and new to be automatically registered to vote. Being registered or even choosing not to be registered is free speech of which Pennsylvania is violating. Look out but New York under Governor Hochul is doing the same thing and of course there is California as well. Remember that.
Now, we have Texas. For context, just a few years ago, the most expensive U.S. Senate race was between Ted Cruz and Beto O’Rourke. Now, it is happening again where Collin Allred is now challenging Cruz…why all this on Texas? The Democrats need Texas to go blue….

What is the slimy/nefarious plan now? Create an entire new voting district of illegal migrants that are pre-registered as Democrats and that number will be in the range of 90-100,000. How you ask?

Learn about Colony Ridge.

It was just a few days ago where it was reported that the Biden administration is working to force all illegal migrants to not remain in Mexico but Texas. Where? Colony Ridge and other similar real estate developments.

Located in Liberty County, Texas near the small town of Plum Grove, the Colony Ridge development is a sprawling community that, based on an analysis of publicly available information, is now over 60 square miles and nearly the size of the nation’s capital, Washington, D.C. Its population is estimated to be anywhere between 50,000 to 75,000, and it is growing rapidly thanks to a marketing plan targeted at Texas’ hispanic population.

Houses on the ground fly the flags of foreign countries and many homes display their addresses on spray painted pieces of plywood. Many structures, some of which are not hooked up to running water, were under construction, while others were unfinished but didn’t appear to be actively getting worked on. At least one plot of land didn’t have any structures at all, just a tent in the corner, nestled between shrubs. Stray dogs without collars could be seen trotting along the side of the underdeveloped streets.

But despite what appears to be poor living conditions throughout much of the development, Colony Ridge is exploding. The view from the sky revealed a sprawling labyrinth of roundabouts and endless rows of sidewalkless streets, with empty plots waiting to be developed. The edges of the property are dotted with construction vehicles, each one tasked with cutting and clearing the surrounding forest to make way for yet more growth. Read more here from the DailyWire

Colony Ridge 'illegal immigrant' town springs up in Texas as local ...

Furthermore: The danger that locals see with the growth of the settlement is that it is an attraction for undocumented immigrants who do not feel like legalizing their status. “There’s very thin law enforcement presence in that area. It’s appealing because they plan to live and work illegally. That means that they probably have to break a whole lot of different kinds of laws in order to buy vehicles and drive the vehicles and maybe show documents to potential employers. In fact, just last week –>

Two Colony Ridge residents and one Houston man have been arrested and charged with Theft following their arrests on Sept. 13 on CR 2234 in the Tarkington area. The three men are accused of stealing high-dollar commercial generators, including some stolen from cell phone towers, and then reselling them on Facebook Marketplace, authorities say.

The three suspects – Edwin Yovany Erazo, 37, and Francisco Nabarette Sandres, 26, both of Colony Ridge, the community south of Plum Grove in Liberty County, and Victor Manuel Alvarenga, 23, of Houston – are all believed to be illegal immigrants to the United States.

According to Capt. David Meyers, a spokesperson for the Liberty County Sheriff’s Office, Erazo, who is originally from Honduras, was previously deported from the U.S. by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Meyers could not say if Sandres and Alvarenga have been previously deported. Only one of the three men was able to communicate with investigators in English.


Members of the County Sheriff’s Office said that verifying the legal status of each resident of Colony Ridge is almost impossible, since “it would take forever.” Therefore, only those suspected of having committed a crime will be checked.

Concern about the power of cartels in Colony Ridge

Brian Babin, a local congressman, told The Daily Wire that, according to comments in the area, “the cartels are playing a role in this area,” a concern Bensman shares.

As he wrote in his book, “Overrun: How Joe Biden Unleashed the Greatest Border Crisis in U.S. History,” the Sinaloa and Gulf cartels invested early on in Colony Ridge properties, with the goal of establishing safe havens to facilitate human and drug smuggling.

The developer is William Trey Harris who seems to have not only a team of lawyers guarding him and his operations but little is really known about him and this and other developments have been underway for a few years.

Imagine a whole congressional voting district made of of illegal foreign migrants registered to vote and having a representative in Washington DC. We already know the Democrats want to eliminate the Electoral College and as that fails….just move the Texas 40 electoral votes to the Democrats and Texas goes blue and a Republican candidate for president will never win again.



Hat Tip to MasterCard

It is a fact that the United States has a drug/narcotics epidemic. The problem is so bad that it can no longer be estimated how many people across the country abuse the various types of drugs even at work or while driving cars. Furthermore, it is so bad state governments and the Federal government is actually admitting failure and funding programs that encourage drug use…imagine that.

Dispensaries have popped up all over the country and in fact, China is behind many of them.

The Pennsylvania Cannabis Movement, by the Numbers

How about Oklahoma for example?

At least $500 million of black market marijuana was seized during a multi-agency operation led by the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics this week, after a yearlong investigation of nine Oklahoma farms.

“It’s much like we see with groups that are trafficking methamphetamine, cartels moving heroin; it is simply people involved in the criminal movement of marijuana on a commercial scale to the illicit market around the United States, and moving money — millions of dollars of money — worldwide,” said Woodward. Read more here.

At least Mastercard appears to take a stand…

PM: Mastercard has told financial institutions to stop allowing the purchase of marijuana with their debit cards.

The move to ban card purchases of the drug comes because of legal ramifications under federal law. Marijuana is illegal nationwide despite having been legalized on the state level in places like Colorado and Oregon.A spokesman for Mastercard said, “The federal government considers cannabis sales illegal, so these purchases are not allowed on our systems.”

“As we were made aware of this matter, we quickly investigated it. In accordance with our policies, we instructed the financial institutions that offer payment services to cannabis merchants and connects them to Mastercard to terminate the activity,” the spokesman said on Wednesday.

Bradey Cobb, the CEO of Sunburn Cannabis, said in a statement about the ban, “this move is another blow to the state-legal cannabis industry and patients/consumers who want to access this budding category.”

The subject of legalizing cannabis has been recently fought over in the federal legislature. Earlier in July, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer released a letter calling for “bipartisan bills” that could be passed in the July work period.

These included “safeguard[ing] cannabis banking.”



Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) reacted to Schumer’s desire to pass a marijuana bill during the July summer months by calling it part of a “wish list.”

In addition, Cornyn added, “it is only wishful thinking to believe that in the U.S. Senate you are going to be able to get all of these necessary items addressed in the next ten working days.”

Skepticism about the legalization and use of cannabis has been raised since some data has recently shown that an increase in overdoses “may be correlated” to its legalization with the rise in such illicit drugs as fentanyl.

Migrants in America Causing Collapse of Law Enforcement

These sanctuary governors and mayors are arguing the wrong point. It is not so much about where to house these people and re-shipping them to other locations, but rather the scandal should be to tell the entire illegal immigrant operation that there is nothing in America to come to that is better than what they left. Consider just how much money these people spend to come here and the deadly traveling just to get beyond our borders. Are these people coming to anything better in the long term than what they left? Do they really want to work in slaughter houses, work farms in disgusting living conditions? Do they really want to be trafficked in the sex trade industry?

Ah, but read on to see a Chicago police station and consider how it is in expensive hotels across the country where we have no idea of their names, ages or even their history, no visas, no passports and no documents at all. How can law enforcement even begin to deal with this considering all the other existing crime across the country….

A huge hat tip to Rebecca Brannon!

New footage shows a Chicago police station filled with mattresses and dozens of illegal migrants, as the city struggles to house the hundreds of border crossers arriving there each day.

Officials in Chicago have said they cannot afford to rent hotel rooms for the more than 8,000 migrants who have arrived in their city and have pushed for more federal funds to cover costs.

Due to the lack of available shelters, some migrants have turned to police stations for a safe place to sleep.

The migrant-housing crisis in Chicago follows last week’s end to the Trump-era COVID-19 border restriction known as Title 42, which allowed U.S. authorities to send migrants back to Mexico without giving them a chance to seek asylum.

Tens of thousands of people hurried to cross the border illegally into the U.S. before President Joe Biden implemented a strict new asylum policy to replace Title 42.

In the shocking footage posted by photojournalist Rebecca Brannon, dozens and dozens of migrants are seen sitting on and around mattresses in a Chicago police station.

Brannon reported that many of the migrants have slept and eaten on the floors, which has placed a strain on the law enforcement officers whose day-to-day jobs have been made more difficult by their presence.

Small children were seen running around and an alley sits full of trash produced by the migrants.

Chicago already has a serious violent crime problem, with its new influx of migrants likely to further strain budgets desperately-needed to try and make the city safer.

More than 8,000 migrants have arrived in Chicago since August, which is when southern states started to bus asylum seekers north. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott sent migrants to the Democrat-led cities to help ease the burden on border towns.

‘To provide much-needed relief to our overrun border communities, Texas began busing migrants to sanctuary cities such as your ‘Welcoming City,’ along with Washington, DC, New York City, and Philadelphia, with more to come. Until Biden secures the border to stop the inflow of mass migration, Texas will continue this necessary program,’ Abbott noted in a letter earlier this month.

Migrants been sent to cities such as Chicago, Philadelphia and New York. Migrants have also arrived in Washington, DC, with buses stopping outside the home of Vice President Kamala Harris.

Despite the Chicago’s obvious overcrowding issue, new Mayor Brandon Johnson, a progressive Democrat who assumed office Monday, said in his inauguration speech that in Chicago, ‘there’s enough room for everyone.’

Johnson’s affirmed commitment to welcoming migrants to Chicago follows his predecessor – Lori Lightfoot’s decision to declare a state of emergency earlier this month, calling migrant arrivals a ‘humanitarian crisis’ and pushing for increased federal aid.

Chicago officials have said they expect a $53 million shortfall without additional aid because of the cost from housing migrants.

‘We’re in May, and we haven’t received any funding from FEMA,’ Chicago budget director Susie Park recently told the City Council, according to the Chicago Sun-Times. ‘The need is great. A lot of requests are coming in. New York is probably asking for $1 billion. There is a lot of need.’