Federal government + Legislation = Politics
Politics + Lobbyists = Federal government
Executive Orders + Department mandates = Federal government
Back room deals + Hidden earmarks = Legislation
Get the point? What is missing from the equations? The Rule of law, the people’s representation, the Constitution, is missing.
Hour by hour we are spoon fed news from inside the beltway. News items cover local, state, Federal and international events, conflicts and decisions. As it relates to the United States, how much of what our government works at daily is actually constitutional?
The use of the word ‘politics’ is ubiquitous. The core of all the banter as it relates to local, state, Federal and international events should include compliance with the Rule of Law. The people have the right to question with authority and boldness, the power is in our hearts, minds, hands and feet. But is it? Do we know it? Do we use it? Was it legal for President Clinton to bail out the Mexican Peso? NO Is it legal to tax labor? NO Is it legal to interfere in foreign sovereignty? NO Is it legal to force a person to buy a service or product? NO
Most disturbing and often not noticed is how the United States is prosecuting the War on Terror. The WoT is a cancer and the fatal cells have found another host, the United States. Our very liberties, provided to us in the Bill of Rights are under attack and the Patriot Act is the laboratory. America is under siege by virtue of an established police state. America has its War on Terror within our homeland and it violates the Rule of Law.
We cannot give an accurate count of the cases that have been presented in a courtroom setting where the Judge’s decision was returned by all that included the words “you have no standing’. Legal cases have been debated in local courtrooms and all the way to the Supreme Court over religion, speech and the right to assemble. Stop now and read the last ten words of Amendment One. It reads, “And to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”
This is where we are commonly told we have no standing. Yet, these ten words are the core of our representative republic and they define our duty. Presently, no Judge in any court across the land has taken a case, providing a decision in favor of the people to aid us in our duty of redress.
The Call to Action here is to write a letter to any Judge at any level and write to legislators at all levels with demands that they respect the Rule of law, demand they comply with the Rights of the people, and demand they obey the Four Corners of the Document, the United States Constitution.
Let us no longer confuse politics with the Rule of Law. Let us no accept deals, payoffs, mandates and interference with the Rule of Law.
We must reassume control and understand the real equation.
The Rule of Law + the Bill of Rights = People
Category Archives: DOJ, DC and inside the Beltway
Obama as Diocletian, With Wild Abandon
He regulated courts by decree. He established a council of advisors. He gutted the Praetorian Guard. He forced the worship of Roman religious doctrine. He persecuted Christians. He divided nations. He imposed radical reforms creating repeated economic crisis. He created a new fiscal and monetary system. He established a brutal regime and relied on slavery. He extinguished all threats to his power. He built a massive bureaucratic government. He established price controls to curb inflation. His family had no social status. He saw his destiny to be that of a reformer. He maintained a quest of forced peacekeeping. He elevated himself above the citizenry. He focused on massive building projects of bridges, palaces and public use facilities. He created higher taxes. He ordered all scriptures to be burned. He demanded exclusive political authority.
His name was Diocletian, the emperor of the Roman Empire from 285-305
Today, we are witness to all the same both at home and globally under the Obama regime. It started early within his election campaign with a backdrop of Roman columns. In 2011, we face the exact autocratic condition. Our military is under the budgetary scalpel. Daily, the Christian Doctrine and worship is a fatal decision. America, joined with other nations worldwide is failing due a complete re-tooling of a fiscal and tax policy to delay the eventual destruction. Ruling power is forced by subjugating law and structure. All slurs and challenges to his ability and objective are deemed a violation of compliance and must be exposed and revealed to Obama’s agencies for investigation.
Diocletian closed the borders to his empire, forbidding access to debate and discourse. Obama has created a protection of his empire with the employment of czars and advisors, who are armed with a quest that destroys the American foundation aid forth more than two hundred years ago.
Diocletian, due to exhaustion from opposition, confusion, lack of confidence and mismanagement, caused by his own hand, resigned from power and faded away in Croatia. Constantine, a convert to Christianity and devout follower, rose to lead the Roman Empire by reconstructing the largest military and protecting the worship of all faiths. Constantine restored the monetary system with gold.
No more wild abandon and order was established within the Empire.
September 16, Constitution Day
Thomas Paine wrote on 14 February 1776, “We have it in our power to begin the world over again. A situation, similar to the present, hath not happiness since the days of Noah until now. The birthday of a new world is at hand.”
There were no finer words even put to paper, than that of the Constitution of the United States. There are but two guidelines that provide the roadmap to our existence, that being the word of God and those within the United States Constitution.
The Preamble of the Text of the Constitution reads:
“We the People of the United States in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure the domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
This summary will focus on just one word, the fourth word, that being ‘of’. ‘Of’ carries with it true allegiance, dedication, protection, beliefs, honor, devotion and love of country……OUR Country.
It demonstrates a single pledge and focus to only America.
Within the word ‘of’, we take solace, comfort, protections and confidence of a perfect union. Each day, it is the citizens ‘of’ America, to perform their respective duty to seek justice, work for domestic tranquility and protect all of that within our borders, seek to improve our way of life and to preserve our natural rights of liberty for the growing posterity for those people ‘of’ America.
There can be no divided loyalty, no other foreign laws applied, and no external force allowed to impede the American spirit and legacy.
September 11 Tribute
It began on a beautiful crisp day in September and ten years hence, our mettle as a nation was put to a test and a call to action. America, armed with her heritage seeking truth and justice, sounded the battle cry.
The moral standard passed on from the historical founding of America, enduring two hundred and thirty five years, required us to stand firm through a river of tears to further divide good from evil.
Two buildings standing in symbol of America’s constant quest for promise and prosperity, fittingly named World Trade, dropped from the grace of the noble skyline in New York, at the command of a hostile foe. Resistant to a retreat, global commerce and economic vibrancy carried on.
More darkness was sustain through fire and smoke, moments later when this same enemy stuck a blow to America’s military leadership, collapsing only one side of a fortified structure, as four sides stayed steady and strong. The flanks of steel and concrete held its foundation, thus a tribute to the might, the power and the courage of our armed force.
The decisive calamity on that Tuesday, took place in a remote field in Pennsylvania, where embers smoldered, giving rise to a spirit of what burns in the belly of the American citizen, an unyielding will, complete with the courage to be triumphant at the other end.
2976 friends were taken from us that day, but angels armed with bravery and the purpose of brotherhood were in our midst. An immediate force emerged to rescue all those with shattered emotions, the broken souls, the injured and the grieving. The angelic force is defined as fire-fighters, police officers, medical personnel, co-workers, tourists, shoppers, government employees, soldiers, pilots, mothers, fathers, friends, strangers and clergy.
It is now a decade since that defining tragedy, a crossroads was realized in short order, and America resolved to guard and defend our open streets and our global pathways to fight against any decay of our freedoms in America.
Our enemy has many names, many loyalties, such that it requires more than five hundred pages for identification, designation and classification. While the enemy of freedom seems limitless in numbers, a caliphate, which is in complete opposition to natural rights and human rights so cherished and protected in our country, will be extinguished from our shores.
This enemy has judged America by the geo-political actions of our government yet, America belongs to the generous, sensitive and courageous citizens that desire the same for all humanity.
The first attack on America by The Japanese Admiral, Isoroku Yamamoto, who devised the sneak attack on December 7, 1941 leading to a protracted war, was quoted by saying “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.” The following day, Admiral Yamamoto was noted to be depressed for his ill-fated decision. America did awake and did engage in a superior military response so our flag would continue to fly majestically in all corners of our homeland. Realizing success, we then went back to work, still inspired with the promise and imagination and destiny as called upon us to achieve by a Higher Power. The United States, once again was faced with a new known and unknown enemy on September 11, 2001. We went to war, to answer for the USS Cole, the Khobar Towers and the U.S. Embassy in Beirut, to list only a few. Many bombings have occurred worldwide before September 11 and since that wretched Tuesday.
America was soon to inculcate the methods of war by this enemy. We have pursued the intelligence, the technology, and the weapons to vanish the threats of this enemy and their doctrine from our way of life including that of our friends worldwide.
The way of life has changed inside America sure, but we are better for it. Citizens are more diligent, dedicated and completely faithful to our Sovereignty. We have a beauty in this land. Our towns, our farms, our shores, our mountains, our architecture, our churches, our factories, our offices and our history all demonstrate our culture and aspirations to be greater tomorrow than we were yesterday. We recognize strife and grief, we understand setbacks and threats. Our spirit in this land runs deep, so that we never stop pushing forward with creativity, imagination, energy and focus. America has the resources, skills and military to meet this enemy abroad and at home. We are up to the challenge with an unbending will to defeat a cunning and hostile borderless nation. Our armed forces are sustained by a grateful allegiance of Americans that are by the Grace of God and privilege, resolute to eliminate all threats to our homeland. The United States will conquer the evildoers, as failure is forbidden.
Two hundred and ten years ago, our Marines fought pirates on the Shores of Tripoli and we are there again today. We are in more than ninety countries defending America and her freedoms and those of our friends. We don’t quit, we don’t rest, and we don’t retreat.
Not a day passes over the earth but men and women of no note do great deeds, speak great words, and suffer noble sorrows. Such was the day on September 11, 2001 and on the same day with each passing year. We remember, we reflect, we love more and we fight on. Ashes were left behind and from ashes America rises and Freedom Endures.
The Moral Compass IS the Tea Party
Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals has Rule #12 which states “Pick the target, Freeze it, Personalize it, Polarize it.” Students and followers of Saul Alinsky have chosen the Tea Party as their target.
The moral compass of the Tea Party is the counter-measure to Saul Alinsky. One can never know the actual number of the Tea Party membership or supporters, as it is best defined as a compass of morality felt within the ethics and subconscious of those that place the spirit of the Founders as the motivator and objective to defend the legacy of our Founders.
TEA translates to ‘taxed enough already’. The dollars within the taxes and revenues to the government have been invoked without representation, our voice. Then to add more insult to injury, the payers of these taxes have even less of a voice in how these tax dollars are spent.
There is the usual spending by government departments such as the Department of Education, the Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Defense, Agriculture and Transportation, to list a few. Yet, spending by this government without the knowledge of the taxpayers goes far beyond the scope of any control or oversight.
Spending includes subsidies, foreign aid, humanitarian aid, foreign nation building and more. Just take a moment and do your own research on programs such as:
Global Aids Initiative
Millennium Challenge Corporation
Merida Initiative
Peace Corps
The United States owes an estimated $2.4 Billion to the United Nations. With that kind of money going to the U.N., then why the additional money to outside initiatives such as those listed above? There are an estimated 120 countries that provide money to the United Nation in support of a variety of programs. Foreign support is not an exclusive mandate of the United States. Once again, we have no voice, no representation, no oversight and no checks and balances. The Tea Party works to do what is best for America first. All dollars and laws must be for what is beneficial for America, her citizens, her landscape, her future, her defense, her protection.
We have heard much in the media recently about the “Arab Spring”, the uprisings in the Middle East. Many suggest that Patriots in America should follow that model to force our government to heed our call. I would submit to you, that actually, the Arab Spring is actually a model formed by the creation and effectiveness of the Tea Party.
The Tea Party, with its moral compass, defined in the legacy of the Founders, gave us the spring board to demand representation of the people. American Patriots and the Tea Party supporters have a spirit of peaceful and law abiding objectives, yet we are a legally armed society as provided by the Second Amendment. The Tea Party is a movement on offense of the people gathered to speak on countless issues, most of all to regain our power and duty as citizens….as a government watchdog. Our Second Amendment right is the back-up option to tyranny and domestic and international threats.
So to foreign terrorization, domestic intimidation and especially to the Saul Alinsky subscribers, the Tea Party is a compass of morality that sparks our mission.
Patriots will endure and we will prevail. Our moral compass is our guide.