Black Panthers, Past, Present and Future, Holder Silent

Department of In-Justice and Selective Application of the Law


Eric Holder was sworn in as the 82nd United States Attorney General when he took the oath (provided below) with Vice President Joe Biden presiding.  The focus of this summary will speak to the segment of the oath that reads ‘against all enemies, foreign and domestic.’ The question is just who actually defines those enemies and on what criteria especially those of a domestic nature? Likely those decisions are a collaborative effort composed of a large group of people in Washington DC that include Eric Holder at Justice and Timothy Geither at Treasury to list a few.

“I (name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and

defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies,

foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to

the same; that I take this obligation freely without any mental

reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully

discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So

help me God.”

Congress Pete King held a hearing this month, (March 2012) on the domestic and international threat of Hezbollah and that summary is here.  The objective of this hearing was to publically place sunlight on Hezbollah and its operatives within the United States and to reassert their status as a terror network. The springboard of Hezbollah has bearing with regard to the deep ties to people within the Black Panthers Party and the New Black Panther Party and their later affiliation with terror organizations such as Hezbollah. It is important to understand that while there are two distinct names, the doctrine, and the mission and in many cases the same people have been carried over by name and relationships over the years.  The Black Panthers, like the New Black Panthers Party, have a Marxist doctrine and have merged much of the common objectives and like minded attitudes to Islam.

Not so long ago, the New Black Panthers on a handful of occasions have held rallies and those in attendance have very familiar faces as depicted below.





Among those appearing with Obama was Shabazz, the Panther leader who was one of the defendants in the voter intimidation case that Attorney General Eric Holder dismissed. Also present was the Panthers’ “Minister of War,” Najee Muhammed, who had called for murdering Dekalb County, Georgia, police officers with AK-47’s and then mocking their widows in this video.


Calls have been made to the White House to disclose which Malik Shabazz visited the private White House residence on July 25, 2009, two months after the DOJ voter intimidation case was dismissed. So far, the White House has refused to do so, leaving open the question of which “Malik Shabazz” appears in visitor logs released to the public.

Early in Hillary Clinton’s law and political career, she made it her charter to get involved in the protections of rights including those of the Black Panthers. While studying at Yale, see purposely attended a Black Panthers trial in New Haven to gauge the possibilities of legal abuse of rights during the trial. Hillary additionally worked with others in her circle to schedule monitors for this trial in her absence and later she wrote a summary report which was turned over to the ACLU.

Full of interest and intrigue, later that year, Hillary Clinton made her way to Oakland, California to work at a radical socialist law firm of Truehaft, Walker and Bernstein and they also took on a case to defend yet another trial of the Black Panthers.

A radical from Oakland named Abdul Alim Musa, an American, is first known as Clarence Reams.  Musa was raised in Oakland, California and maintained a deep friendship with Eldridge Cleaver and Pete O’Neal both of which sought a campaign and coordination with like minded radicals in Algeria where American forces are currently fighting al Qaeda operatives.  Musa is a supporter of the Islamic Republic and the Ayatollah Khomeini and has made several trips to Iran in the late 1970’s and early in 1980. There Musa created a steadfast relationship with Hezbollah and Hamas and Boko Harem as well as al Qaeda. Musa was a top leader of the Black Panthers and a force recruiter for radical Islam under the umbrella of the Nation of Islam in the United States. Musa has made it his charter to coordinate doctrines between domestic mosques and has an obscure public relations campaign designed inside hip-hop and rap music which has been most successful.

In 1970, the Federal Bureau of Investigation published that the Black Panther Party is the most dangerous and violent of all extremists groups. Eldridge Cleaver as a member of the BPP had very close ties to Al Fatah, Arab Guerillas in the 1970’s. Additionally, Cleaver met with the North Vietnamese as with the Premier of China Chou En Lai along with up to 60 additional members of the BPP. Later, Eldridge Cleaver developed a friendship with Professor Gates. We should remember recently Professor Gates from the ‘beer summit’ event held at the White House by Barack Obama.

Let’s take a look at some people and history of past and present Black Panthers. Khalid Abdul Muhammad, 53, former Nation of Islam activist and personal assistant to Louis Farrakhan; reportedly died from a brain hemorrhage; in Marietta, Ga. Farrakhan dismissed Muhammad in 1993 after the latter insulted Catholics, whites and gays, calling Jews “bloodsuckers” and the Pope “a no-good cracker.” As front man for the New Black Panthers in 1998, he led the contentious “Million Youth March” in New York City. [Time International, Feb 26, 2001 v157 i8 p15]


Another key subject to review is H. Rap Brown. In October of 1971, H. Rap Brown, converted to Islam and gave himself a new status and name of Imam Jamil Abdullah al Amin while serving time in Attica Prison.   Brown became known for his extremist beliefs after his book, Die Nigger Die! (1969) was published. He joined the Black Panther Party and was arrested for arson and inciting a riot. In 1970 he was shot, captured, and charged with armed robbery in New York City and sentenced to five to fifteen years.  He was released from prison in 1976 and became a leader of one of the largest Black Muslim groups in the U.S., called the National Ummah. He was also the owner of a grocery store in Atlanta’s West End, a poverty-stricken area that the National Ummah worked to revitalize.  In March 2000, two police officers went to Al-Amin’s grocery store to serve an arrest warrant on a minor theft charge. Al-Aman shot both officers, wounding both, and then shot one of the officers, Ricky Kinchen, three more times as the officer lay wounded in the street. Kinchen died from the gunshot wounds.  You are invited to look deeper into the Black Panthers by viewing the FBI file here.   In 1976, the FBI moved hard to take down the Black Panther Party.  A chronological and comprehensive history of the members of the BPP may be viewed here complete with listed videos and text.  A more recent summary of the Black Panthers, New Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam is illustrated in this link.

To be fair, the New Black Panthers in some cases have been denounced by Bobby Searle, the co-founder of the Black Panther Party due to cases where a rush to judgment was made. An example of this rush to judgment and taking matters into your own hands included the Duke Lacrosse rape scandal.

Under the leadership of both Khalid Abdul Muhammad, now dead, mentored by Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam, and Malik Zulu Shabazz, the New Black Panthers have maintained an aggressive and militant pro-black agenda in addition to a full anti-Semitic mission throughout the United States. Khalid Muhammad with Louis Farrakhan reached out to Muammar el-Qaddafi of Libya for friendship and joint business ventures in the United States.  Qaddafi was a target by world leaders to step down from his dictatorship in Libya while opposition rebels for more than a year sought to find and kill Qaddafi and late in 2011 he was captured and died.

 “ Cases cause celèbre Islam prepares adherents for an inevitable violent revolution against the U.S. government: this revolutionary vision is at least as indebted to the ideas of men like Huey Newton, Bobby Seale, Eldridge Cleaver, and Malcolm X as it is to more typical advocates of Islamic revolution like Sayyid Qutb. Those who share this view tend to be suspicious of outsiders, and outside influences. H. Rap Brown aka Al-Amin … made the transition from black nationalist firebrand to nationally prominent Sunni imam. In the 1960s, he issued scathing indictments of America and called for violent revolution. After his conversion to Islam, al-Amin adopted a more measured tone in his societal criticism, but remained attached to the idea of revolution. Though he focused on a more inward-looking revolution, one that would transform his community morally, al-Amin continued to believe that the system writ large was sick and broken. Some analysts have questioned how far al-Amin truly progressed from the violent ideals that he once openly proclaimed. “  More here.

We have covered many members of both Panthers Parties and history thus far including Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Professor Gates. One last slick operator or rather lawyer to place in the mix is U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and his role.

Unbeknownst to the public, Carlos Torres, FALN co-founder, and Marilyn Buck, a member of the Weather Underground and Black Liberation Army, were released from federal prison last year. Attorney General Eric Holder quitely implemented a policy of freedom for terrorists. More here and here.

J. Christian Adams, who worked for the Department of Justice in the Civil Rights Division under Eric Holder, writes more about Marilyn Buck and her deep roots to crimes and subversive activities while a member of the Black Panthers. Adams later resigned from the DoJ in complete protest and opposition of the New Black Panthers Voter Intimidation case due to the AG, Eric Holder refusing to sentence those found guilty.

Holder additionally gave a pass to the CAIR and Holyland conspirators by offering an explanation that has even confounded members of Congress.

Holder has offered key legal cases to his law buddies across the land to provide case council to Guantanamo Detainees and providing Constitutional rights to foreign terror agents in support of Muslim and radical Islam doctrine.

Today, the New Black Panthers have become a modern day lynching mob calling for the funds and bounty to arrest George Zimmerman of Sanford, Florida in the killing of a seventeen year old male.

Major Nadal Hassan, a radicalized Muslim, who randomly shot and killed U.S. troops at Ft. Hood, has not been brought to justice as the White House deemed this sad and tragic event as merely work place violence. What more is there to investigate on Major Hassan and why the delay in the prosecution? Could it be more selective prosecution and application of the law for Muslim sympathizers in the White House, the State Department and the Department of Justice? The answer here is evident for sure.

Back to the beginning as the question must be asked, who is defining the term domestic terrorist? What cases has Eric Holder argued for the protection and prosecution of those terrorists? It has clearly been proven that Eric Holder has been stone-walling on the Fast and Furious case where through the State Department waivers were issued to run weaponry to drug cartels that have fully integrated with Hezbollah south of our border with Mexico. Funds to pay for these weapons and investigations were from the Stimulus package of which Vice President Joe Biden oversees.

America today is full of domestic enemies and with the globe so easy to navigate without credentials and bona fide background checks, enemies are a dynamic threat to our way of life, be it by small incidents to our way of life, breaking the law and subverting the Constitution and by general fear. Confidence is gone when we look to the Department of Homeland Security, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and our Court system for protections of our homeland.

Lawmakers in Washington work to achieve more power over our respective lives in the name of legislation by way of lawfare, when in the end it tramples our freedoms. All the while domestic enemies continue to force recruit, act illegally, integrate with terror groups connected to defined organizations of terror worldwide and have no fear of prosecution as the history of Eric Holder speaks to a pass and looking the other way.

In closing, to confirm any doubts you may have with the historical connections between the Black Panthers and radical Islam to current terrorists, please view this video where Zawahiri quotes Malcolm X and is actually speaking to Black Americans that have been recruited via music, mosques and the American prison system.

Additional links in case you need more convincing are here, here and here.





Whats it All About…..Algae?

It is staggering to hear citizens say that Newt is un-electable when he is a man that is truly reaching out to Americans with logic and a personal touch. It was too gratifying about 2 hours ago, when I got an email from Newt’s campaign asking me to join a conference call to talk about oil.

Say what you will about capitalism, but it is part of the greatest ‘experiment’ objective of the founding of America, that cannot be denied. America has great people that are insightful, creative and inspiring and yes that includes those before us like Vanderbilt and Rockefeller of Standard oil, add in Ford with his Edsel and Model T, engineers and chemists. Newt knows his history and the rest of us need to take notice that since the release of Microsoft Office software, nothing BIG in America has been developed of which we can be proud unless you add Apple. The sad notion is that Steve Jobs while innovative, his products were made where? China.

Newt just recently said, ” I dont care who you are, I care about who you want to be.” That phrase needs to go far and wide, as we have a squatter in chief in the Oval Office that has never spoken to the fire in our collective bellies that has been kidnapped since obama took over the White House.

Oil is a pivot point in our economic engine and yes, wars are fought over this resource, but that is due to crappy foreign policy. How many know that even Richard Nixon spoke to getting off of foreign oil that has made the Saudis so rich, they actually paid the expenses of the United States military in the first Gulf War? Obama does not care that billions/trillions of our currency goes offshore to pay OPEC nations including that little sick creep in Venezuela, money that never comes back into our system for the sake of our domestic economic engine.

Newt deserves a major high five, as here is a man that is reaching out personally and daily to re-kindle that slow burning ember in our bellies of America. He earnestly desires to make America great, with our own resources, our own citizens, our own money, our own skills, and our own imaginations. Who can dispute that?

Romney was a business man using other people’s money including that of governement and today Mittens is using big bucks to tell people vote for him with only platitudes for his platform. Yup, people are too lazy, apathetic and stupid to research and hear Romney’s words to know the difference. Newt gives tangible names, conditions and solid mission objectives and sadly it is over the head of voters to keep up. C’mon America…….you’re virtually admitting your individual ignorance. VOTE NEWT, not algae.

Inspiring America with Newt

A series of debates, town halls and media events have led us to a handful of primary voting locations across America where the Republican field has whittled the number candidates racing for the White House down to four. The narrative of all candidates as a collective has been in full opposition to the Obama doctrine, a doctrine which is a moving target that appeases all issues and topics with no foundation except that of distribution of everything.

One must look now at the four that remain standing and the numbers that track their vote and electability ranking. To break in down simply is to say the electorate is just damned stupid when Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul are not receiving the lion share of the ballots that are cast. Kudos to Paul as he speaks only to the messages of liberty, the debt and the exit of occupational forces in foreign countries without define mission objectives.

Newt Gingrich on the other hand speaks to those same issues as Paul, however Newt serves up much more for the sake of America and the alleged engaged population is too indoctrinated to hear Newt’s solutions.

Newt has a long history of thinking out of the box where concepts are offered that are innovative and refreshing. Newt has played the DC hustle game and that demonstrates he can stand toe to toe with the progressives as required to advance America, so yes, Newt was and is a hustler. As I see it however, you cant bullshit a bullshitter and Newt has the savvy to spot a bullshitter wherever they roam.

As a history professor, owning a PhD, Newt has a skill set that breaks down an issue to its core, a speaking ability to keep the argument simple and well defined. Americans are still too comfortable to seek the reconstruction that is required in all of DC for which Newt argues to achieve.

Newt is bold as demonstrated by having no fear to examine all that ails America as he has authored countless summaries, solutions and books that speak to re-tooling DC politics and has published all of them in various forms for the electorate to read, but have they read them? I submit the answer is no, as voters are too apathetic to perform their respective duty as a citizen to engage often as the sheriff of government.

Washington DC has been a nasty and nefarious machine whose engine operates with unlimited fuel sources paid for by lobby networks and media since the early 1900’s. Newt is telling America that he has no fear to throw sand in the gears of that engine to neutralize the transmission of a runaway vehicle.

America must embrace new century innovations and be inspired to look for creative conceptual restoration of government. America cannot grow and expand into the future with old tired business as usual playbooks. We dont need minimum wage and we dont need government schools. We cant prosper with a damning of growth tax code and we can fund a United Nations, NGO’s or the Millennium Challenge or the Merida Initiative where money goes offshore for projects that are outside the scope of America’s best interest without a voice in how those funds are spent. The list is long, yet if the electorate would stop casting ballots for personal reasons and vote for the sake or our country and her future, then Newt’s mission objectives is the clear choice. Newt does not only tell you this verbally but he has written and published the same. Remember the written word is more powerful than the spoken, so go visit his site at and learn it, which is your duty as a citizen.

Our Treasured Military, Used for Political Capital

Dear Officers:

It is now confirmed. The wolves are among the flock, deep inside the comfort zone of the Pentagon, and the proverbial blood is flowing across all ranks and branches. Dignity, comradeship, and trust are being slaughtered within the ranks of the military. Not just in the active ranks, but also among the retired corps. The carnage is robust and festering; without as much as a whimper.
In three short years, the grip of the politically liberal vise has gained much momentum. Now command and control is best defined as fractured, discordant, and abysmally petty. In the hands of many using politics, posturing, and intimidation tactics, unyielding political weapons are being employed in a full assault on the high standing and code of honor of each soldier that wears or wore a uniform.
One such manifestation of this erosion of the fabric of our military is the Major Nadal Hassan rampage. Hassan, a soldier with an extreme ideological bent was repeatedly and deliberately overlooked because of his Muslim roots to the point that he killed his fellow soldiers on a military base here at home when he should have been stopped long before this heinous event.
This is but one symptom of a now common practice to over-look possible collateral damage because of political correctness run amok. This new battlefield, on our own soil, is due to fear of reprisal, failed leadership, silent voices, the ‘steady paycheck mentality’, and utter apathy.
The most recent event in this politically correct environment is the Army’s sensitivity program forcing combat veterans and NCO’s to participate by wearing fake breasts and empathy bellies under their uniforms. This is now taking place in conjunction with a worldwide program developed in 2008 that demands sensitivity among men for their pregnant female counterparts. This amounts to an almost deliberate mission to crush the esteem of men in uniform. The Commander in Chief and the Senate either approved this program or assumed default approval positions by not stepping in and halting it.
The examples continue, and now there is new text and definitions for hostilities and what constitutes imminent danger. These have worked to alter the hazardous duty pay-scale for troops to save $255 per month, per assignment, all to meet the eventual $1 trillion Department of Defense austerity objective over ten years. Ironically, the pay-scale of those with desk jobs in Washington DC is not affected.
Facing live fire, IED’s, SAM missiles, and asymmetrical enemies and other weapons, on any battlefield or in the air, is in fact imminent danger! These are dangers that must not be dismissed by decision-makers for the sake of job security, bloated and wasteful government elsewhere, and political ideology.
Then there are the events where political capital earned great dividends. Yes, Osama bin Laden has been sought for ten years, and when he was discovered in a compound in Abbottabad, Seal Team Six was sent in by Obama and the rest is history. Or is it? Since that day, the story has been trotted out on numerous occasions, often for political gain. Whether it was a State of the Union speech, a stump speech, or the incessant ‘talking points’ uttered by the Vice President, White House staffers, and certainly not last, the Obama apologists and ardent supporters on media talk shows.
Months later, in Wardak, Afghanistan, an RPG ambush occurred. Why? Because the enemy knew they were coming. How? Because the media knew – the White House and others told them, and then the world knew. This event meant the death of thirty eight similar elite forces and some Afghans aboard a Chinook helicopter. Once again, worldwide airwaves caused in part many sons and daughters without fathers, wives without soul-mates and parents mourning as they have out-lived their sons.
Topping the use of the bin Laden episode for political gain, we have the incredibly bad decision by the White House and the Pentagon to release highly sensitive material. To who was it released? Not an ally for use in the battle on terrorism, rather, it was granted to a movie producer for the production of a big screen project scheduled to be released in October, begging the question, by whose authority?
There is a body of rules that the Commander in Chief and the Secretary of Defense must enforce, yet these rules are ignored – another egregious chapter in military history.
Our youth join your branches of service, they endure boot camp, then perhaps flight school, or sniper school, or intelligence training where upon graduation, the hearts and minds of a new fraternity become faithful masters and stewards of your craft. The goal of these efforts is to triumph together in the common cause of protecting all our national security interests. Soon, with promotion, when each bar, star, and pin is earned, there is pride, esprit de corps, and a custom to uphold and defend, the culture of courage that is taught within the armed services. Journeys are before each member wearing the uniform. These culminate in mission objectives to be achieved, victories realized, and the continuation of the annals of success in American history.
All Officers, from current and past eras, must mentor each among you to nurture the integrity, the will, the scope of defense for the protection on America. Your history, your experience, your knowledge as officers is a very precious instrument required to restore the honor of the Armed Forces. You are called upon to muster and inspire the rank and file at the Department of Defense.
The White House and all agencies must trample the pages of the UCMJ no longer. This callous disregard is a threat to the moral character of the uniform and the narrative belongs to you officers. You must rise up and begin to correct these defects. You are obliged to restore and adopt a posture to cure this twisting of your command and control while setting aside the division, the dissention, and the politics.
Requests for retirement have reached a level so high that it has become policy at the Pentagon to respond with a stamp of “not approved” to keep the numbers up while augmentation is attached, as they plan to pare back at the same time.
As one analyzes the words of people with standing at the Pentagon carefully, it is apparent that opposing sides have been drawn with regard to loyalty, oaths, and political correctness. Missions are assigned that create leadership divisions among the corps, regardless of branch. We are on a feeble and soft foundation today as America embarks on an epic conflict in the Middle East, Asia, and perhaps even South America. The United States military cannot perform on this fragile footing. She has come too far and gained too much through the expense of her blood and treasure, we cannot be idle.

You can no longer be taciturn with your interaction to the civilian leadership that has mandated a cultural thought process that is in complete opposition to the legacy of the military doctrine.
General Robert E. Lee authored a letter to General John B. Hood in 1863, shortly before the Gettysburg address that read, “I agree with you that our Army would be invincible if it could properly be organized and officered. There never were such men in an Army before. They will go anywhere and do anything if properly led. But there is the difficulty, proper commanders, where can they be obtained?”
Senator William F. Knowland noted that:
Article I of the Constitution gives the power to declare war to the Congress and not to the Executive, We are apparently now, drifting into a twilight constitutional zone where the executive can put us into war, the fourth largest in our history, without a Congressional declaration or a Congressional resolution recognizing that a state of war started by others already exists.
When Congress acts under its constitutional power, every statement for or against the resolution are part of the Congressional Record, and the press and the public are fully informed. The roll-call vote shows how each Member voted. This is responsible and accountable government.
If five or seven men can meet in a closed session in the Blair House or the White House, and put this nation into the fourth largest war from a casualty standpoint in our history, without their statements and recommendations being recorded or available, and without their positions on this matter being known, we have the war-making power transferred from the Congress, operating in the open, to the Executive, operating en camera. That is not, I submit, either responsible or accountable government.”

The time is short, restoration is in dire need. You must leave behind the whimpers, find the fire in your voice and you must force multiply for the sake of America’s future days, for we can no longer tolerate the shame and indifference. Those buried in the hallowed grounds of Arlington and other cemeteries across the land, with or without the caisson, under the glory of our Nation’s flag, are a tribute to the old guard and sentinels for America. Should they speak from their marble headstones, they would ask as I do, how can you be silent anymore?

Respectfully yours, a mere faithful civilian,

Predictions for 2012

1. Falkland Islands – Argentina will ratchet up its claims over the islands and Great Britain is not as tough as she was when Margaret Thatcher was in charge. Military will be dispatched.

2. Cyber Attacks – Ever increasing, and Anonymous, China and others will ravage our networks.

3. South China Sea – Continuous chatter over the increase in China’s naval capabilities, coupled with the constant issues over the South China Sea and its islands will erupt in at least a few shooting incidents with its neighbors, and only the presence of the US 7th Fleet will keep China from escalating the incidents into war with Viet Na m , the Philippines, Taiwan and Malaysia.

4. Iraq’s Future – Iraq will turn into a civil war, and Iran intercede on behalf of the Shiites as Sunni uprisings, already underway will divide the nation as predicted so many times in the past.

5. The Kurdish Question – As Syria and Iraq implode, Turkey will invade both countries, ostensibly to quell the Kurds and Armenians again.

6. Obama Care – The SCOTUS will strike down the entire bill

7. Southern Border- Civil war in Mexico is what it really is now, and the Cartels will overthrow even Mexico City. The USA will have to intercede a few miles over the border to secure the border as millions now flee the Civil War. United States will join Mexican military in key areas.

8. Epidemics – New diseases, especially more virulent forms of the bird flu recently created/discovered will ravage vast populations.

9. US Economy – Unemployment will rise precipitously as the Euro fails, the Wall Street balloons burst due to public outrage, and a new Congress in November. Housing values will continue to fall and banks with little capitalization will shutter.

10. Euro Zone – Greece, Italy, and Spain will implode despite all the backing of the other countries including the USA. The Euro Zone will disintegrate with Germany leading the way out. This will set the banking system on fire and many banks will fail, there and in the USA. Turkey will make a hard move to join the EU.

11. Congress – The Republicans will once again control both houses, and this time it will be by wide margins in the House and narrow in the Senate. Pelosi and Reid will go ballistic and foment street riots with rhetoric because the new Congress will determine the outcome of the Presidential Election. Both will lose the battle and resign if they have not already after SCOTUS rules Obama Care as unconstitutional. There will be a handful of others that will announce their retirement from DC as re-districting forces their hand.

12. Presidential Elections – The most expensive, vile, vicious campaign in our history will cause riots in the streets, especially after Obama loses. There will be race riots and blood in the streets as allegations of fraud emerge from all quarters. This will be a seminal moment in US history and it may be the new Congress that decides the outcome.

13. Hugo Chavez will die and his handpicked successor will be even more brutal with Iranian influence and will establish what Chavez could not, a complete takeover of all facets of Venezuela.

14. Syria – Will slowly divide into three zones, Sunni majorities will control Damascus and the south and west, the Alewites will be ousted and break away in the north with Alleppo as its capital, and the Kurds in the northwest will be embattled in a war with Turkey. The result, three sections of what was once an ally to Iran. Iran will maintain cover for the Alewites in the north east section.

15. Egypt – Will fall to the dark forces of Islamization of the region and will cancel all pacts with Israel. As tensions rise in Syria, the Muslim Brotherhood will foment strife in Gaza, and if Hezbollah unleashes its fury from Lebanon, it will pester Israel in the south in a very bloody manner.

16. Iran – Will close the Straits of Hormuz, at least temporarily at some point to test the meddle of the West, especially the weak and diverted attention Obama will spend on a vicious Presidential Campaign. The UN will do nothing, and China and Russia will fill the power vacuum exited by the USA. This will result in the test of a nuclear device by the end of summer. All this is a result of the 12er beliefs of its leadership to create the chaos it predicts will precede the coming of the 12th Caliph.

17. Lebanon – As Syria devolves into civil war, Hezbollah will help the Assad establish his realm in the smaller north east zone of Syria. In the process, to keep Israel out of Syria, Iran will instruct it to launch a massive campaign deep into the heart of Israel. Lebanon will fall into another civil war between old rivalries and new interesting bedfellows. Hezbollah will be hurt very badly and may even lose its strangle hold over the current government as Syria wanes away.

18. Israel – The third Intifadah will erupt as Syria fractures, Hezbollah launches its deadly missiles, rockets and WMD. There will be war in Israel, internally, from Gaza, on the West Bank, and in the North. Nuclear device may emerge if WMD held by Hezbollah, and/or, Iran goes nuclear capable.

19. Vladimir Putin will become President again but will be ousted or assassinated as the country boils over election fraud.

20. North Korea’s newest Kim Jung (Un), seeing all the turmoil globally will feel the need to flex his muscles to secure his position and will open slavos on its Southern neighbor, and maybe even Japan. Not a total war, but certainly one the will allow other wars to rage as the focus shifts almost daily across the globe.