United States Federal Reserve System Introduction

The Introduction in to the United States Banking System

The Federal Reserve Banking System was created in 1913 after three failed tries to have a national bank from which the Federal government would have control and management of currency. After the United States Constitution was ratified, it was clear to the Founders and Signers that the ‘free market’ was to remain free. Sure, there were uncertainties in the financial system due to America taking a stand on its own terms. Private Banks were in existence for national and international banking services. Due to import and export relationships and treaties, currency and trade suffered from major instability.

A monetary panic occurred in 1907 and those in the Federal government decided it was time to address the United States monetary policy once and for all. President Wilson signed legislation in 1913 making the Federal Reserve a hybrid of a private bank system but controlled and governed by Congress. Paul Warburg, a German born banker gathered five other bankers to decide the blueprint for the national and eventual international banking system. Warburg was a staunch supporter of government control and an international governmental system. Many in Congress wanted the Federal Reserve to be a government controlled entity and others in Congress demanded the system be a de-facto private entity. Warburg was closely tied to J.P. Morgan and John D. Rockefeller, both of extreme wealth. The blueprint was drafted such that the Federal Reserve would be a government controlled banking system within the United States. The plan was later presented to Woodrow Wilson to assign Congress to enact legislation.
Later in 1944, allied nations met under the invitation of those in the Federal Reserve to meet in New Hampshire to discuss and model yet another national and international monetary system for the sake of a world trade policy. The objective was to regulate monetary relations, flow of trade and cost fluctuations due to unstable credit fears. The summary of this meeting was to attach the currency to a gold standard for a reserve value on money. At this time, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) was also established.
As world markets became more viable and profitable, once again, more fears and strains were realized in the cost of credit and currency exchanges. It was in 1971, the financial system essentially imploded yet once again, and President Nixon took the United States currency off the gold standard. The result of this action was to tie the U.S. currency to a fluctuating value within the world currency market as the new reserve policy. Since that time, there have been fifteen additional Federal laws enacted relating to the Federal Reserve. “The Federal Reserve regularly reports to Congress about its activities and plans for monetary policy. Although Congress has the power to change the laws governing the Fed and its operations, the central bank’s day-to-day policy and operational decisions do not require Congressional or Presidential approval.” http://www.frbsf.org/publications/federalreserve/fedinbrief/organize.html
Today, the Federal Reserve has twelve Districts, or regions, throughout the United States. Regional headquarters are located in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Richmond, Atlanta, Chicago, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Dallas, and San Francisco. Additionally, there are Branches of Reserve Banks in 25 other cities. “National banks chartered by the federal government are, by law, members of the Federal Reserve System. State-chartered banks may choose to become members of the Federal Reserve System if they meet the standards set by the Board of Governors. Each member bank is required to subscribe to stock in its regional Federal Reserve Bank, but holding Federal Reserve stock is not like holding publicly traded stock. Reserve Bank stock cannot be sold, traded, or pledged as collateral for loans. As specified by law, member banks receive a six percent annual dividend on their Federal Reserve Bank stock; member banks also vote for Class A and Class B directors of the Reserve Bank.”
The Federal Reserve through its Board of Governors has established all the monetary policy, all the banking information standards, regulations, payment systems and standardized forms. The Federal Reserve also controls interest rates, exchange rates, public and private and consumer credit laws as well as matters as they relate to securities within the Securities and Exchange Commission.
The Federal Reserve issues stock to member banks yet the Federal Reserve is a not for profit organization. The stock may not be sold or traded for collateral of loans. Dividends are paid to member banks but are limited to six percent per year. Member banks must maintain a uniquely determined monetary reserve in Federal Reserve deposits.
Reported the end of the year for 2009, the Federal Reserve had total deposits of $2.23 trillion dollars, with the largest district Federal Reserve bank being New York with a reserve deposit of $1.14 trillion. Congress requires all cabinet departments to report performance and compliance results but does not require the Federal Reserve to comply with any government performance standards.
The Federal Reserve is responsible for all oversight on the national and international monetary system and through its Board member banks and directors has written and published banking mandates, rules guidelines to ensure compliance. http://www.federalreserve.gov/boarddocs/supmanual/
Bank examiners visit banks of all disciplines on a regular basis to ensure compliance to countless procedures, laws, accounting, human resources, valuations, credit regulations and more. http://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/press/monetary/20091005b.htm It is difficult to define policy and procedures or even organizational standards within the banking system, as they do exists, but banks cannot function outside the scope of the Federal Reserve, however banking laws and rule continue to change based on Congressional legislation and State legislation. Additionally the banking industry has recently come under fire as a result of another financial system failure, thus many banks received bailout money from the Federal Reserve to keep the system solvent and functional. Two other quasi-banking loan government corporations have affected the private and interstate banking systems due to toxic loans, fiat monetary accounting and foreclosures, those two corporations are Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Due to the financial system failure of recent years, all banking and regulatory guidelines and rules have changed for all segments of the national currency system as well as the international monetary system. http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2008/mar/18/useconomy.marketturmoil
The Federal Reserve has and the United States financial system continues to experience instability especially since there is no tangible or steady reserve or standard to support the value of the currency. Since 1913, there has been no real free-market approach to allow a free system to dictate the value and stability of the currency. Congress and each Federal Reserve district office along with member banks have a long history of manipulating the credit markets, the trade system, the interest rates, performance standard and procedures. The United States and the world banks have forged and un-forged relationships in an effort to gain an edge over solving credit and deposit fears.

In summary the Founders had some very stern positions on having a quasi-government controlled banking system. ‘In 1835, President Andrew Jackson declared his disdain for the international bankers: – “You are a den of vipers. I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God I will rout you out. If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system, there would be a revolution before morning.”’
1787: During the federal convention, Roger Sherman made the statement that: “no Government has a right to impose on its subjects any foreign currency to be received in payments as money which is not of intrinsic value: unless such Government will assume and undertake to secure and make good to the possessor of such currency the full value which they oblige him to receive it
for.” http://www.apfn.org/APFN/reserve2.htm
“All the perplexities, confusion and distresses in America arise not from defects in the constitution or confederation, nor from want of honor or virtue, as much from downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit, and circulation.” – John Adams http://www.apfn.org/APFN/reserve2.htm

This Was America

This Was America
Here is a reminder to the reader that the United States is a very young country with a short comparable history to those worldwide. This was an undeveloped pristine land that was discovered, loved and nurtured by people of protest to a heavy handed government.
Those that arrived on these shores of what is now America; were explorers, creators and people of vision. They had a spirit to use and cultivate talent, skills and knowledge to create something new—Liberty and Freedom. They had a quest to be self-sufficient and accountable for their own decisions. Generations passed along this attitude, dream and spirit. In a rather shallow history, America soon abounded in people of success and charity to share the triumphs and reasoning of ‘Natural Law’.
Today, due to greed which is corruption, America is a lost land. America has been infiltrated by a foreign concept, distortion and dishonesty. Any objective outside the scope of the Founders is radical and completely in violation with the force, soul and promise of this new land.
Nothing can destroy our nation but us. The lack of duty and dedication has given rise to complacency, indifference and a languid attitude.
Americans have become parsimonious in their obligations to defend our country from these foreign and radical forces mounting nationally and internationally.
America has an over-reaching government that interferes and obstructs our ‘natural rights and freedoms’. This current fraudulent government; the paid civil servants, are to adhere to a representative system which no longer exists. This representative system has been shattered, it has manufactured a system where the people work for the ‘Elites’ of government, consequently forcing citizens to be internationalists. America has become lost in the mix and is yet another land mass of laborers and givers of illegal tax monies all to a cause unknown.
Our government today is based on contract law which is how corporations function. All of government is a corporation, thus, is in absolute violation of the United States Constitution, which is a protection of ‘Natural Law’.
There are people to blame for this transfer of power. Who are these people? US

Do All Boats Rise in a High Tide?

Do All Boats Really Rise in a High Tide?

United States of America….everyone hates this country but still people work hard to get in, why is that?
The United States is a rather young country and it the very reason it was explored and founded was for freedom to maintain and the nurturing liberties granted by a higher power. Since the founding of America, she has become an advanced and civilized land, culture and society. Could this be the reason she is so loved and so hated at the same time?
Having traveled abroad to many foreign lands including communist countries and third world lands, it is quite amazing the perception of America and how it differs from people across the world. The United States is loved and hated for the very same reason, FREEDOM.
This message is for those Americans and for those world-wide, the United States of America is the last hope on earth for Freedom and yet this Freedom is threatened and completely under attack from the Federal government and the United Nations. Both are corrupt beyond what could ever be written here. My research colleagues have found trillions of dollars missing from the United States Treasury and no one cares, can account for it and has bothered to locate it. Why is that? It is by design, it is the plan and this money is funneled through the Export Import Bank, the United Nations, the Federal Reserve, the International Monetary Fund, and the mother of all banks, the Bank of International Settlements.
The world financial crisis was not an accident, this too was by design, just study what ‘fiat money’ is. Please study all the billions and trillions that is funneled through the United Nations and where it does go and does not go.
The biggest charade and scam of them all is ‘Sustainability’ projects through the United Nations.
The United Nations had been resident on the island of Haiti for 20 plus years, so how can the poor people of Haiti be so devastated by an earthquake and the recovery be almost non-existent with all the money ear-marked for Haiti? Yep, corruption.
Take a look at Niger, Africa. Billions have been sent to Niger yet the people of Niger are starving, have no fresh water and their farms are being destroyed for mineral rights and bio-fuel development. Niger by the way has the third largest uranium deposit in the world.
Now let us look at Mexico. It is clear that the entire government of Mexico is corrupt and being taken over by drug cartels. Decent citizens of Mexico are living in absolute fear and beg to come across the border into the United States out of fear. America sends yet more billions to Mexico as well as manufacturing jobs and yet, Mexicans are fleeing.
What made America great and a leader world-wide is being destroyed by government corruption so, America has only recently fallen to position 4 globally for production and financial strength.
America has always been a generous country to those not so fortunate and yet America is being fleeced through government legislation and mandates from the United Nations.
The Elites of the world are destroying people’s lives, culture, religion, health and financial opportunities.
Who are the Global Elite? Take a closer look at those in the United Nations, the banks listed above and then you can use this website too:
Rather than hate America for what she once was, citizens of each country should look deep into their own country and government and be a whistle blower. Once the truth gets out, then all boats can rise in a high tide.

Natural Citizen, Important that You Understand the Difference


By Steve McCoy

To understand the correct application and enactment of government law (secular law) in
a free Republic, it is essential that we first understand that our rights come from God, not
from men, politicians or judges. Second that governments are instituted by man for the sole
purpose of securing those rights. Third, when man rebels against God’s Law and does what
he thinks is right in his own eyes, he sets himself up to be god and will soon implement his
own immoral secular law.

1. NATURAL LAW: (Creator’s Law”)
Natural Law is the “True Law” because it comes from the Creator and like Him it is
eternal and universal.
Natural Law is the supreme Creator’s order (governance for the universe)
Natural Law consists of a “Moral Law” that relates to man (His creation)
The “Moral Law” attribute can only come from God the Creator.
“Moral Law” cannot be changed (altered, repealed, amended) because it comes
from God who is immutable.
“Moral Law” is the law that distinguishes between what is right and what is wrong.
The Creator is the only one capable of this.
Man’s (the creation) attempt to judge between right and wrong must always measure
up to the Creator’s standard “Moral Law”. If it does not, than man’s attempt will
always result in just the opposite (Immoral Law)..
“Immoral Law” is the opposite of “Moral Law”.
Because “Moral Law” relates to man and governments are instituted by man then
“Moral Law relates to governments as well.
Our Declaration of Independence is the supreme, unamendable (unchangeable)
“moral law” of the United States. It is the “Moral Law” of United States because it is a
proclamation that our unalienable (unchangeable) rights of life, liberty and the right of
property (pursuit of happiness) comes from God the Creator. Because the
Declaration is “Moral Law” it preceded and trumps the supreme, amendable
(changeable) “secular law”, the United States Constitution.

2. SECULAR LAW: (man’s law”)
The purpose of secular law is to secure our sacred unalienable rights from God of
life, liberty and the right of property (pursuit of happiness). “Immoral Law” is the
opposite of “Moral Law”.
When secular law is moral, it will restrain injustice and promote equal justice.
When secular law is immoral it will it will take away man’s natural God given rights. It
will promote unequal justice through legal plunder.
Legal plunder is defined by using the secular law to take from one person what
belongs to them and giving it others to whom it does not belong. Plunder is stealing
and stealing is still stealing even when the government uses the law to take from one
person and give to another person something that they themselves could not acquire
without doing so illegally”.

With elections coming issues are often blurred and sometimes it becomes difficult to
discern what is right and what is wrong and who is the right candidate to vote for. This essay
was written to be used as a filter to help you with discernment. Let me conclude with this
statement, “You do what you believe, everything else is just religious talk’”.

Author: Steve McCoy with thoughts and help from Don Jennings and Wayne Greeson


What Christians need to know to vote righteously by Donald E. Jennings

The Problem

As Christians we are to stand for righteousness in our culture
Our Declaration of Independence, as our founding document, says all our rights
come ONLY from God (God’s Natural Law). Our rights do not come from men,
politicians or judges.
The Constitution and Bill of Rights (man’s law) guarantees and protects those rights
for the people
Therefore our voting is a righteous act as a responsibility to vote for politicians who
will protect those rights because they are God-given rights through our founding
government documents and the Bible.
Unfortunately, there are people in our church who are voting for those who do not
stand for protecting those God-given rights. They may not even be aware that many
of our politicians are not protecting our God-given-rights by how they have voted in
the past or are voting now.
It seems reasonable that if genuine Christians understood the following truths and if
they intend to stand for righteousness in the culture they would more likely make
righteous choices when they vote.
The Truths

That their rights only come from God and are guaranteed by God, not man.
That our government is founded on this truth (God’s Natural Law) in the Declaration
of Independence.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that
they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights (God’s
Natural Law), that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving
their just powers from the consent of the governed. (The voters)

That our Constitution and Bill of Rights (man’s law) protect those God-given rights
That the governing authority of our unique republic form of government, referred to in
Romans 13:1-2, is not a king, dictator, president, congress, bureaucrats, or judges.
Our governing authority (unlike any other form of government in history) is the God-
given Declaration of Independence which codifies God’s Natural Law (our
unalienable rights), which man can not change. Man can not change (amend) them
because they are established by God and His Word.
Romans 13:1-2 Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities (Our
Declaration of Independence). For there is no authority except from God,
and the authorities that exist (Our Declaration of Independence) are


appointed by God. Therefore whoever resists (politicians, judges or
citizens) the authority (Our Declaration of Independence) resists the
ordinance of God (God’s Natural Law), and those who resist (politicians,
judges or citizens) will bring judgment on themselves.

That any law, enacted by our politicians, that does not protect God’s Law is
unconstitutional and therefore unrighteous. (Ex: legal plunder -See the paper titled
“The Law” -also see Truth Project DVD #9 &#10). Only man’s laws that protect God
law’s are righteous laws
That our vote is a righteous act to chose politicians that will protect those God-given
rights so that God may be glorified. A vote can be unrighteous when they are cast for
a politician who resists the authority of our government (Declaration of
Independence) therefore resists the ordinance of God (God’s Natural Law) .
Romans 13:2 Therefore whoever resists (politicians, judges or citizens) the
authority (Declaration of Independence) resists the ordinance of God (God’s
Natural Law), and those who resist (politicians, judges or citizens) will bring
judgment on themselves.

The Solution

The right and wrong of any political issue can be easily discerned by filtering it
through both the Bible and our founding documents without the mentioning of
any specific political candidates or political parties.
These truths can be taught without telling the student who to specifically vote
for or even mentioning a political party. That part is left up to the discernment
of the Holy Spirit.
Since we help Christians to walk in righteousness in all other areas of their
lives we can also show them where each politician stands (the facts) on each
righteous issue involving the government. These would only be comparative
charts which will still not tell them who to vote for but help them make their
own righteous decisions as to how to vote righteously. Right-to-Life people do
this all the time on the abortion issue just giving us the facts in comparative
charts. This can be done on many of the other Biblical and constitutional
issues so a sincere Christian, who understands these truths, can filter any
issue through the Bible and the founding documents They can now make
righteous choices when they vote, pleasing and honoring God in the process.
A righteous vote is protecting God’s Law given to us in the God-given
document of the Declaration of Independence..
We are told to be wise

Author: Donald E. Jennings with thoughts and help from Steve McCoy and his “The Law”


Voting For The Lesser of Two Evils

(What Christians Need to Know to Vote Righteously)
By Steve McCoy

Today many Christians find themselves at a crossroad as they struggle with the
ramifications of their civic responsibilities and decisions in the arena of politics. We
ask ourselves, “How do I honor God when I vote? How do I discern who to vote for?
What does God ask of me concerning voting? Do I continue to vote for the lesser of
two evils?

These types of questions weigh heavily on our minds and hearts as we observe our
country being dismantled and transformed before our very own eyes. Freedoms and
liberties are diminishing on a daily basis and approaching rapidly on the horizon is
the loss of the first amendment.

Yet there remains those that sleep on. They are more concerned with playing church
than being the salt of the earth and a light to the world.

Edmund Burke said ”All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do
nothing”. So much of the history of the struggle between good and evil can be
explained by Edmund Burke’s observation. Time and again those who profess to be
good seem to clearly outnumber those who are evil, yet those who are evil seem to
prevail far too often. Seldom is it the numbers that determine the outcome, but
whether those who claim to be good men are willing to stand up and fight for what
they know to be right.

When good men do nothing, they get nothing good done. To be good, one must do
good. The Lord commands his people to do good (Luke 6:35; Eph. 2:10). Christ
“gave himself for us, to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a
people that are his very own, eager to do what is good.” (Titus 2:14).

Jesus rebuked the church at Laodicea for doing nothing. “I know you inside and out,
and find little to my liking. You’re not cold, you’re not hot—far better to be either cold
or hot! You’re stale. You’re stagnant. You make me want to vomit. You brag, ‘I’m
rich, I’ve got it made, I need nothing from anyone,’ oblivious that in fact you’re a
pitiful, blind beggar, threadbare and homeless.” (Rev. 3:15-17).

Too many Christians and too many churches do nothing. They are standing idly by,
they are mere spectators. They sit on the sidelines instead of actively participating
and working for the good. If good wins, they join in the celebration though they did
nothing to produce the victory. If evil wins, they will complain long and loud though
their own apathy helped produce the undesirable result..

When good men do nothing, evil triumphs. Evil, sin and sinful men must be opposed.
God commands those who are good, not just to avoid evil but actively oppose it.

Christians are to “Carefully determine what pleases the Lord. Take no part in the
worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them.” (Eph. 5:10,11). Those
who do nothing about sin and evil, help the sin and evil to prevail. One who is silent
when there are those around him in sin becomes a partaker with them (Eph.5:7).


In the days of Elijah, the silence of many had allowed the evil of Ahab and Jezebel to
prevail throughout the land of Israel. “Elijah stood up in front of all the people and
asked them, “How long will you try to have it both ways? If the Lord is God, follow
him; if Baal is God, follow him.” The people didn’t say a word.” (1 Kings 18:21). The
silence of the people spoke volumes of their indecisiveness and inaction. Their
failure to stand up, speak up and speak out permitted wicked and evil men to run

Jesus told of a traveler who was robbed, beaten and left him half dead. The men
who did this were wicked and did a very wicked thing. But the Levite and priest
allowed this evil to continue unanswered by doing nothing as they each “passed by
on the other side” (Luke 10:31-32). Fortunately for the traveler there was one man, a
Samaritan, who was willing to stand up for what was right (Luke 10:33-36).

Jesus warned “This is war, and there is no neutral ground. If you’re not on my side,
you’re the enemy; if you’re not helping, you’re making things worse.” (Matt. 12:30). In
the fight against evil there is no middle ground, no gray area, no neutrality. Those
who are not actively and vigorously fighting against evil are helping evil to triumph.

When good men do nothing, they are no longer good. Many have the mistaken
notion that good is merely the absence of doing that which is wrong. Not so! One is
good not merely because he does no evil, but because he is actively working for
what is good. “Let him turn away from evil and do good;” (1 Pet. 3:11). James
explained, “In fact, if you know the right thing to do and don’t do it, that, for you, is
evil.” (James 4:17).

Do not allow evil to triumph. Do not sit by and do nothing. Stand up and be counted,
speak up against evil and speak out against evil men and their sinful deeds.

The most obvious area that needs to be spoken to today is in the sphere of politics.
And it is spoken to through the way we vote. Do we use our cognitive mind to vote
with or do we use our emotive mind? Do we fall back on our default setting paradigm
of the way our parents voted and vote party line or do we override the default setting
and vote according to the character of the candidates? Which is the responsible
choice for an adult to make? What choice would triumph over evil?

”But now you must be holy in everything you do, just as God who chose you is holy.”
(1 Pet. 1:15) Can a person be holy and vote for the lesser of two evils? For me the
answer is pretty easy, NO! For the “billy goat” (but, but, but) Christian the answer is
not so easy. They begin by making excuses as to what will happen if they don’t vote
the party line. God has said “Thou shall have no other gods before me” and yet their
allegiance to the party over what is right proves that the party has become their god.

Many remain (as Apostle Paul would say) ignorant. Interesting word because it has
three basic meanings: (1) You do not know because you lack information. (2) You do
not know because you do not understand. (3) You do not know because you are
unwilling. I believe we can observe all three of these meanings taking place in the
voting booth at every election.


We are all aware of the verse, “If you know the truth, the truth will set you free.”
(John 8:32). We need to take a look at the opposite of this verse. Untruth (lies and
error) will keep you in bondage. This principle seems to be in more abundant display
than the other.

As Christians we are told to judge with a righteous judgement. “Be honest in your
judgment and do not decide at a glance (superficially and by appearances); but
judge fairly and righteously.” (John 7:24). It seems reasonable that if genuine
Christians sincere in being the salt of the earth and a light unto the world were given
some basic information on their civic voting responsibilities they would (guided by
the Holy Spirit) make the right choices in the voting booth that would reflect
righteous judgement and therefore impact our culture for God.

In the first 126 words of the Declaration of Independence our Founding Fathers
declared the philosophy of our government. (1) There is a Creator. (2) He gives
unalienable rights. (3) He has a “moral” law that governs man. (4) The government
exists to protect the unalienable rights He has given. (5) Below God given rights we
are ruled by the consent of the governed (the voters).

An error that has kept many Christians in bondage is a mis read of Romans13:1-2
“Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority
except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been
established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling
against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on

Many have interpreted this verse as if we are under King George’s rule (Rulers
Law). When quite the opposite is true. Our Founding Fathers did not give us “Rulers
Law” but “Peoples Law”. It was based upon what the Anglo Saxons had developed
in their culture and can also be traced back to what Moses instituted in the
wilderness. They did not give us a Democracy but a Republic. With the Declaration
of Independence our Founding Fathers declared to be separate and equal according
to the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God. Therefore because we are a Republic
and are established on the basis of “Peoples Law”, then the authority resides with
the people (employers) and not the employees (politicians and judges).
Consequently we have the “moral” responsibility to resist and bring judgement
against those politicians and judges that would resist God’s Natural Law. Those who
would do what they think is right in there own eyes. Those that would set up their
own immoral secular laws. Any law, enacted by our politicians, that does not protect
God’s Law is unconstitutional and therefore unrighteous. Our vote then becomes
righteous when it becomes self evident that the nominated politician protects our
God given unalienable rights. Our vote becomes unrighteous when it is cast for a
politician who resists the authority of our government and therefore resists the
authority of God (God’s Natural Law).

Author: Steve McCoy with thoughts and help from Don Jennings and Wayne Greeson


A Common Citizen Interviews Obama

Interview by a plain citizen with Barack Obama

All the newspapers around the country and the television networks have new monikers that have become mainstream nicknames. You know what they are: LameStream Media, The All Barack Channel and MSLSD just to name a few. Well just stand still for a moment and vision in your mind landing the interview of your life with yes…..Barack Obama. Are you ready? Are you nervous? Are you prepared? What is the setting? What will you wear? You asked for it and you could get it…..Nah…..oh you could win the Mega Ball lottery too with purchasing just one lottery clinic. What are the odds?

Ok, set all that aside and just get prepared for the interview it could happen, maybe the citizens of America can arrange it. Ok then, start with the questions, and write them down, it could be therapeutic to your psyche. Gotta pencil and paper ready? Here we go and jump in anytime you have something you want to contribute, the more the better.

1. President Obama, were you completely aware of the background and agenda of all the Czars you brought into your administration, with particular respect to John Holdren and Cass Sunstein?
2. We have witness the backroom meetings and deals being made with members of Congress with respect to the Cap and Trade legislation as well as the Healthcare legislation. We also know that your White House has hosted several guests to meet with you and members of your staff. Can you tell us about these covert encounters and why they occur if you endorse them?
3. Mr. President you achieved a law degree and taught Constitutional law at the University of Chicago. In law school, each student is approached by law firms around the country to join the firm, why did you choose not to immediately join a firm, but to return to Chicago and work in the community as an organizer? It is clear you were in need of funds and primed to launch a successful, yet you went another direction, what is your reasoning for that decision?
4. Samantha Power was part of your campaign team and she is admittedly a ‘hater’ of Israel. Why did you select Samantha Power to join your team knowing that the United States has an ally in Israel?
5. Is it your intention during your term to make amendments to our United States Constitution and if so, what amendments are you seeking to make?
6. In your 2010, you have allocated large sums of money for ‘Green’ projects in nine separate cabinets. Given the recent alteration is Climate Change science and admissions of countless scientists, are you restructuring your 2010 budget and why the massive effort in nine separate cabinet departments?
7. Do you think it is arrogant sir that you signed Executive Order #13525 allowing for pay raises to many within your administration when the rest of America will likely not see a raise at all or in fact there are more than 18 million people unemployed? Would you explain why you have not made a salary adjustment going the other direction by reducing salaries to save the burden on the taxpayers?
8. Sir, you have also signed more than one Executive Order with respect to cleaning up fraud and wasteful spending. We citizens are aware of hundreds if not more programs that are best described as unnecessary and wasteful programs. Why are you allowing these to occur and even more asking the American people to accept it as part of functional Washington operations?
9. Please define for us what your exact relationship was or perhaps is with Khaldi Al Monsour and Prince Al Waleed.
10. What kind of relationship do you have with your half sister or any other relatives?
There are thousands of questions we need to ask since vetting of this man in the Oval Office leaves us with still many uncertainties especially some kind of agenda is now unfolding. You are invited to leave your questions here as well. We are gonna work hard to get the interview scheduled. If we fail to get on the president’s calendar, perhaps we can find a back door to enter and for sure we can get close enough to talk to him personally. Otherwise, yep go buy that lottery ticket, your local school needs your dollars.