Context and Receipts for the First Release of the Biden Crime Family

If you missed the press conference held by the House Oversight Committee on the investigation into the Biden crime family, no worries, below is a summary.

Enjoy the preliminary primer for context…

Several months ago, I did a little research and found the following:

  • Hudson West LLC is a Delaware company created in 2016 and the registered agent is Corporation Service Company, a common template service for establishing obscure corporations. Hudson West was/is a joint venture operation between Hunter Biden and an un-named Chinese company to sell natural gas to China. Other Chinese officials included in the Hudson West operation include Gong Wendong and Ye Jiamming.
  • An interesting audio with admissions from the Hunter laptop speaking of the China spy chief. The founder of CEFC is Ye Jiamming and in 2018, he was named in a corruption case and disappeared. Another head of CEFC was Chi Ping Patrick Ho. In March of 2017, CEFC announced a very large p;artnership throught the Securities and Exchange Commission with the Cowan Group. There was a filing with the Committee for Foreign Investments in the United States however it was withdrawn later in the year possibly due to the Patrick Ho, as in 2019 was sentenced to 3 years in prison for bribery in two countries, Chad and Uganda.
  • The FBI issued subpoenas for the Hunter laptop in connection with a money-laundering scheme where the investigative FBI agent Joshua Wilson signed the subpoenas. Case ID is 272D-BA-3065729. (Note 272 is the Bureau’s classification for money-laundering on a transnational basis. BA indicates the case was opened in the Baltimore FBI office.
  • Owasco OC and Owasco LLC was yet another company which had associated bank accounts established by Hunter. The name Owasco is for a home in New York where the Biden family used to spend their summers. No paycheck for the intern working at Owasco unless she had sex with Hunter?

Okay…read on…get comfortable, this is long and great investigative work so far.

The financial records also reveal how the Bidens used complicated transactions to hide payments from foreign nationals, including CCP-linked associates, and provide clear indications of influence peddling schemes during then-Vice President Biden’s tenure.

“The Bidens intentionally sought to hide, confuse, and conceal their influence peddling schemes, but bank records don’t lie. The Bidens made millions from foreign nationals providing what seems to be no services other than access and influence. From the thousands of records we’ve obtained so far, we know the Biden family set up over a dozen companies when Joe Biden was vice president. The Bidens engaged in many intentionally complicated financial transactions to hide these payments and avoid scrutiny. In at least one instance, the Bidens’ CCP-linked associates took steps to conceal the source of the payment to the Bidens.

“The Bidens’ foreign entanglements are breathtaking and raise serious questions about why foreign actors targeted the Biden family, what they expected in return, and whether our national security is threatened. We will continue to pursue additional bank records to follow the money trail and inform legislative solutions to prevent this type of corruption. Americans deserve answers, transparency, and accountability,” said Chairman Comer.

  • The Complicated Web of Biden Family and Associates’ Companies:  Biden family members and business associates created a web of over 20 companies—most were limited liability companies formed after Joe Biden became Vice President.
  • The Biden Family Received Millions of Dollars from Foreign Sources:  Bank records show the Biden family, their business associates, and their companies received over $10 million from foreign nationals’ and their related companies. The Committee has identified payments to Biden family members from foreign companies while he served as Vice President and after he left public office.
  • The Biden Family Used Business Associates’ Companies to Receive Foreign Funds:  Despite creating many companies after Vice President Biden took office, the Biden family used business associates’ companies to receive millions of dollars from foreign companies.
  • Attempts to Conceal Large Financial Transactions:  After foreign companies sent money to business associates’ companies, the Biden family received incremental payments over time to different bank accounts. These complicated financial transactions appear to be meant to conceal the source of the funds and reduce the conspicuousness of the total amounts made into the Biden bank accounts.
  • Chinese Nationals Hid the Source of the Money:Chinese nationals and companies with significant ties to Chinese intelligence and the Chinese Communist Party hid the source of the funds paid out to the Bidens by layering domestic limited liability companies. The Biden family and associates’ activities in coordination with Chinese nationals and their corporate entities appear to be an attempt to engage in financial deception. Multiple Biden family members received money from the Chinese after it passed through an associate’s account. Additionally, Hunter Biden received money directly into his company’s account from a Chinese-controlled entity.
  • Biden Family and Associates’ Activities in Romania Indicate Influence Peddling Scheme:  The Biden family and associates’ activities in Romania bear clear indicia of a scheme to peddle influence from 2015 to 2017. While Vice President Biden lectured Romania on corruption and ethics, the Bidens received over a million dollars from a company controlled by a Romanian individual accused of corruption, Gabriel Popoviciu, through a Biden family associate.
  • Bank records from just a few banks and many more to come, scroll the list and payouts.
  • Then one must question the former FBI Director, Louis Freeh as he donated $100,000 to the Biden family Trust. Was there some other favor attached to that donation? Yup…to be part of business deals.

WH/Susan Rice is well Aware of Child Labor Violations/Immigrants

Yes, THAT Susan Rice, the hateful video/Benghazi lady that works at the Biden White House. Furthermore, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, Xavier Beccera does nothing when it comes to sponsors that immigrant children are released to. And then there is the Department of Labor….silence…

But this is nothing new as it began under the Obama administration. After an internet search, several outlets reported much that same that the Obama administration actually did separate children from parents or when just children came across the border they were placed into sponsors’ care and trafficked into the sex slave industry or into agricultural operations under all the same conditions described by the recent New York Times investigation. Yes, imagine the New York Times actually doing on investigation on this scandal…yes….after a long read, there is much the NYT’s left out but it is a start, at least.

As a primer, the Department of Labor is responsible for child labor law enforcement which does include limited exemptions. These immigrant children are actually slave labor working in conditions and overnight shifts that violate the Fair Labor Standards Act.

Related stories:

So, what did the New York Times investigation offer? Titled –>

Read the full NYT’s investigation here.

The White House and federal agencies were repeatedly alerted to signs of children at risk. The warnings were ignored or missed.

In the spring of 2021, Linda Brandmiller was working at an arena in San Antonio that had been converted into an emergency shelter for migrant children. Thousands of boys were sleeping on cots as the Biden administration grappled with a record number of minors crossing into the United States without their parents.

Ms. Brandmiller’s job was to help vet sponsors, and she had been trained to look for possible trafficking. In her first week, two cases jumped out: One man told her he was sponsoring three boys to employ them at his construction company. Another, who lived in Florida, was trying to sponsor two children who would have to work off the cost of bringing them north.

She immediately contacted supervisors working with the Department of Health and Human Services, the federal agency responsible for these children. “This is urgent,” she wrote in an email reviewed by The New York Times.

But within days, she noticed that one of the children was set to be released to the man in Florida. She wrote another email, this time asking for a supervisor’s “immediate attention” and adding that the government had already sent a 14-year-old boy to the same sponsor.

Ms. Brandmiller also emailed the shelter’s manager. A few days later, her building access was revoked during her lunch break. She said she was never told why she had been fired.

Over the past two years, more than 250,000 migrant children have come alone to the United States. Thousands of children have ended up in punishing jobs across the country — working overnight in slaughterhouses, replacing roofs, operating machinery in factories — all in violation of child labor laws, a recent Times investigation showed. After the article’s publication in February, the White House announced policy changes and a crackdown on companies that hire children.

Inside the White House, Ms. Rice was at the center of the migrant children crisis. As she pressed to move children out of shelters more quickly, clues began to emerge about what was happening to them once they left.

In the summer of 2021, near the height of the crush at the border, H.H.S. managers wrote a memo detailing their worry about increasing reports that children were working alongside their sponsors, a sign of possible labor trafficking. Ms. Rice’s team received the memo, and Ms. Rice was also told what it said, according to two people familiar with the conversations.

Andrew J. Bates, White House deputy press secretary, disputed that, saying Ms. Rice “did not see the memo and was not made aware of its contents.”

Around the same time, Ms. Rice’s team was told about concerns over a large group of children who had been released to one city in Alabama, according to six current and former staff members. The situation was the subject of frequent updates as H.H.S. sent case managers to the city to check on children, and coordinated with the Labor Department and Homeland Security Investigations to look into whether they were working in poultry plants. The full article is found here.


Chinese Police Stations or Spy Stations?

First question is why did the FBI not discover this Chinese operation? It was actually investigated and revealed by Safeguard Defenders, a Spanish-based NGO that focuses on the state of human rights in China.

Who is Safeguard Defenders you ask?

Police in China, in coordination with overseas association of Chinese, run by entities of the Chinese Communist Party, has established a series of overseas police “service stations”, in particular in Europe. In Spain, there are 9 such stations so far uncovered. While much of their work is to simply service Chinese residents, or tourists, evidence from the Chinese government itself now shows that one station in Madrid, has been actively working with Chinese police to engage in covert and illegal policing operations in Spain. For information on the 110 Overseas police “service stations” in Spain and elsewhere, and the global manhunt to “persuade” targets to return voluntarily, see the full investigation 110 OVERSEAS – Chinese Transnational Policing

Meanwhile, back in the New York it seems after year or so, an investigation and arrests were finally made. But there are other locations across the United States.

Today, a complaint was unsealed in federal court in Brooklyn charging two defendants in connection with opening and operating an undeclared overseas police station, located in lower Manhattan, for the Ministry of Public Security (“MPS”) of the People’s Republic of China (“PRC”).  Lu Jianwang and Chen Jinping were arrested earlier this morning at their homes in New York City.  Their initial appearances are scheduled this afternoon before United States Magistrate Judge James R. Cho.
“The defendants, operating on behalf of the government of the People’s Republic of China, are alleged to have operated an undeclared police station in downtown New York City,” stated FBI Assistant Director-in-Charge Driscoll.  “Upon learning of the FBI’s investigation into the police station, the defendants erased their communications to conceal their activities.  Clandestine police stations operating within our communities are not only illegal but infringe on the United States’ freedom – they will not be tolerated.   The FBI is unwavering in our mission to protect the American people and uphold our Constitution; anyone working on behalf of a hostile foreign nation to violate our national security and freedoms will be held accountable.

Before helping open the police station in early 2022, Lu had a longstanding relationship of trust with PRC law enforcement, including the MPS.  Since 2015, and through the operation of the secret police station, Lu was directed to assist the PRC government’s repressive activities on U.S. soil:

  • In 2015, during PRC President Xi Jinping’s visit to the United States, Lu participated in counterprotests in Washington, D.C. against members of a religion that is forbidden under PRC law.  A deputy director of the MPS awarded Lu a plaque for the work he performed on behalf of the PRC government.
  • In 2018, Lu was enlisted in efforts to cause a purported PRC fugitive to return to the PRC.  The victim reported being repeatedly harassed to return to the PRC, including through threats of violence made to the victim and the victim’s family in the United States and in the PRC.
  • In 2022, the MPS Official sought Lu’s assistance in locating an individual living in California who is a pro-democracy activist.  In turn, Lu enlisted the help of another co-conspirator.  Later, when confronted by the FBI about these conversations, Lu denied that they occurred.

In October 2022, the FBI conducted a judicially authorized search of the illegal police station.  In connection with the search, FBI agents interviewed both Lu and Chen and seized their phones.  In reviewing the contents of these phones, FBI agents observed that communications between Lu and Chen, on the one hand, and the MPS Official, on the other, appeared to have been deleted.  In subsequent consensual interviews, Lu and Chen admitted to the FBI that they had deleted their communications with the MPS Official after learning about the ongoing FBI investigation, thus preventing the FBI from learning the full extent of the MPS’s directions for the overseas police station.

The government’s case is being handled by the Office’s National Security and Cybercrime Section.  Assistant United States Attorneys Alexander A. Solomon, and Antoinette N. Rangel are in charge of the prosecution, with assistance from Trial Attorney Scott A. Claffee of the National Security Division’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section. additional details here

The Reuters reports in part:

Prosecutors on Monday unveiled charges against 34 Chinese officials for allegedly operating a “troll farm” and harassing dissidents online, including by disrupting their meetings on U.S. technology platforms.

They also added eight Chinese government officials as defendants in a case announced in 2020 charging a former China-based executive of Zoom Video Communications Inc (ZM.O) with disrupting video meetings commemorating the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests.

The officials charged are all at large.

Lu and Chen are both U.S. citizens who lead a nonprofit organization that lists its mission as providing a social gathering place for people from China’s Fujian province, prosecutors said.

Before it closed in the fall of 2022, the men’s New York operation occupied a full floor in a nondescript building in Chinatown near the Manhattan Bridge.


Officials Confirm Chinese Balloon Collected Intelligence from Several Sensitive Sites

The administration came out with several lies abut the balloon and continued to claim it had limited value to the Chinese. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs additionally along with other military officials provided China with off-ramps stating the balloon had a glitch and went astray and further told the White House not to shoot it down due to the potential debris field. The Pentagon assessed that the balloon uncovering important information was not great. Even more terrifying is what China has planned with the intelligence gathered and what other rogue/enemy nations have access.

A balloon flies in the sky over Billings, Montana, US, February 1, 2023 in this picture obtained from social media. (Chase Doak/via Reuters)

Now, April 3, 2023, NBC has officially reported some truths.

The Chinese spy balloon that flew across the U.S. was able to gather intelligence from several sensitive American military sites, despite the Biden administration’s efforts to block it from doing so, according to two current senior U.S. officials and one former senior administration official.

China was able to control the balloon so it could make multiple passes over some of the sites (at times flying figure eight formations) and transmit the information it collected back to Beijing in real time, the three officials said. The intelligence China collected was mostly from electronic signals, which can be picked up from weapons systems or include communications from base personnel, rather than images, the officials said.

The three officials said China could have gathered much more intelligence from sensitive sites if not for the administration’s efforts to move around potential targets and obscure the balloon’s ability to pick up their electronic signals by stopping them from broadcasting or emitting signals.

The National Security Council referred NBC News to the Defense Department for comment. The Defense Department directed NBC News to comments from February in which senior officials said the balloon had “limited additive value” for intelligence collection by the Chinese government “over and above what [China] is likely able to collect through things like satellites in low earth orbit.”

China has said repeatedly that the balloon was an unmanned civilian airship that accidentally strayed off course, and that the U.S. overreacted by shooting it down. Officials have not said which company, department or organization the balloon belonged to, despite several requests for comment by NBC News.

After the balloon was shot down in February, Biden administration officials said it was capable of collecting signals intelligence.

The balloon had a self-destruct mechanism that could have been activated remotely by China, but the officials said it’s not clear if that didn’t happen because the mechanism malfunctioned or because China decided not to trigger it.

The balloon first entered U.S. airspace over Alaska on Jan. 28, according to the Biden administration, which said it was tracking it as it moved. Within the next four days, the balloon was flying over Montana — specifically Malmstrom Air Force Base, where the U.S. stores some of its nuclear assets.

The real damage assessment at this point cannot be measured but clearly China spied successfully and will heads roll? Nah…

Biden’s Sgt. Schultz Defense has Failed According to the National Archives

Law professor and frequent legal contributor Jonathan Turley writes in part (…)

emails have emerged that show that Biden personally helped draft responses to the controversial deals in 2015 when he was Vice President. It also appears that Biden officials like former Biden Communications Director Kate Bedingfield knew of his role as the President continued to deny any involvement.

The National Archives has released emails that show that then-Vice President Joe Biden approved an official statement in December 2015 about Hunter Biden’s position on a Ukrainian energy company’s board.

Biden has denied any knowledge or involvement in these business dealings at least seven times as a presidential candidate and as president.

For years, the media has continued to report President Biden’s repeated claim that “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.” At the outset, the media only had to suspend any disbelief that the president could fly to China as Vice President with his son on Air Force 2 without discussing his planned business dealings on the trip.

Of course, the emails on the laptop quickly refuted this claim. However, the media buried the laptop story before the election or pushed the false claim that it was fake Russian disinformation.

Some in the media have repeated those denials, including most recently the Associated Press which, in 2022, falsely stated that there was no evidence Biden ever discussed the deals with his son despite an actual audiotape proving that claim to be false. The full article is here. 


And the White House continues to deny the evidence and is sidestepping real answers.

In part from JTN: “Pursuant to a subpoena, the Committee recently obtained financial records related to Mr. John Robinson Walker, a Biden family associate, and his company Robinson Walker, LLC,” Comer’s committee reported in a new memo summarizing its investigative findings.

“Prior to issuing the subpoena, the Committee received information that Mr. Walker used his company to transfer money to Biden family members. The bank records proved that information correct,” the report said.
The committee said it traced a $3 million payment that was sent from a Chinese company to Walker in March 2017 — just two months after Joe Biden stepped down as vice president — and then money totaling $1.3 million was distributed to accounts tied to Hallie Biden, the widow of the late presidential son Beau Biden, presidential brother James Biden and presidential son Hunter Biden.

A fourth account listed only as “Biden” also received money, the committee said. It is trying to determine which family member it belongs to, Comer said.

You can read the full report here.

“The Committee is concerned about the national security implications of a President’s or Vice President’s immediate family members receiving millions of dollars from foreign nationals or companies without any oversight. Current financial disclosure laws and regulations do not require non-dependent family members to provide any information to the public,” the report said. Full summary here.