NK Hackers are Robbing Banks Around the World


North Korea’s Foreign Ministry on Saturday called the United States a “mastermind of cybercrime” as it responded to a report detailing Pyongyang’s efforts to hack banks.

In an English-language statement posted on the ministry’s website, a spokesperson for the country’s “National Coordination Committee for Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism” denied the regime’s link to any online criminal activities, claiming there was no truth to the “preposterous rumors” circulated by the United States.

The U.S. Treasury Department and three federal agencies including the FBI said in an alert issued Wednesday that hackers attempted to initiate fraudulent money transfers and ATM “cash-outs” from multiple countries that appeared to be part of the North’s “extensive, global cyber-enabled bank robbery scheme.” More here.

US govt warns of North Korean hackers targeting banks ... source/article

The BeagleBoyz have made off with nearly $2 billion since 2015, and they’re back to attacking financial institutions after a short lull in activity.

The BeagleBoyz, part of the North Korean government’s hacking apparatus, are back to targeting banks around the world after a brief pause in activity.

The US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has released an alert with details of how the BeagleBoyz have made off with an estimated $2 billion in fiat and cryptocurrency since 2015, along with details on how financial institutions can protect themselves against their known patterns of attack.

Along with the theft of massive amounts of money that the United Nations believes is used for North Korea’s nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs, the robberies also pose a serious risk to financial institutions’ reputations, their operations, and public confidence in banking, CISA said.

The BeagleBoyz aren’t typical cybercriminals either: They conduct “well-planned, disciplined, and methodical cyber operations more akin to careful espionage activities,” CISA warns. “Over time, their operations have become increasingly complex and destructive. The tools and implants employed by this group are consistently complex and demonstrate a strong focus on effectiveness and operational security.”

The group has used a variety of approaches to gaining initial access: Spear phishing, watering holes, social engineering, malicious files, and even contracted third-party hacking groups have been used for initial penetration.

Once inside a network, the BeagleBoyz have again used a wide variety of approaches to meet their objectives, establish a persistent presence, evade defense, and harvest credentials of privileged users.

CISA said that the BeagleBoyz appear to seek out two particular systems in a financial institution’s network: It’s SWIFT terminal and the server hosting the payment switch application for the bank. They map networks using locally-available administrative tools, deploy a constantly evolving list of command and control software, and ultimately try to make off with any possible money they can get their hands on via fraudulent ATM cashouts.

“After gaining access to either one or both of these operationally critical systems, the BeagleBoyz monitor the systems to learn about their configurations and legitimate use patterns, and then they deploy bespoke tools to facilitate illicit monetization,” CISA said.

It isn’t known if the BeagleBoyz have successfully targeted a US-based financial institution, and CISA’s report suggests they’ve been active primarily in other parts of the world. That doesn’t mean they won’t attempt to break into a US-based bank: Everyone in the cybersecurity arm of the financial industry should be alert.

Protecting against the BeagleBoyz

CISA makes the following mitigation suggestions based on particular industry:

All financial institutions:

Institutions with retail payment systems:

  • Require chip and PIN for all transactions
  • Isolate payment system infrastructure behind multiple authentication factors
  • Segment networks into separate, secure enclaves
  • Encrypt all data in transit
  • Monitor networks for anomalous behavior

Institutions with ATMs or point-of-sale devices:

  • Validate issuer responses to financial request messages
  • Implement chip and PIN for debit transactions

These suggestions come along with general good security habits such as enforcing strong password policies, keeping all systems up to date, disabling all unnecessary services on workstations, scanning documents and emails for potential malicious code, and staying up to date on the latest threats.


From DeRay McKesson to Obama, to Kamala to Minneapolis

Must we remind the media about Ferguson or Baltimore? Yes.

Let’s travel back in time to 2016, when a few of the early founders/advocates for Black Lives Matter were invited to the Obama White House. Remember?

I am thinking RICO charges about now too….anyway….read on.

Barack Obama praised young Black Lives Matter activists in the White House on Thursday, taking special notice of prominent Ferguson protesters and describing the meeting as a moment to bridge differences in a younger, changing civil rights movement.

“They are much better organizers than I was when I was their age, and I am confident that they are going to take America to new heights,” Obama said of Brittany Packnett, DeRay Mckesson and other young protest leaders.

“The degree of focus and seriousness and constructiveness” they show reminded him of older, existing civil rights organizations, he added.

According to the White House, the meeting to bring young Black Lives Matter protesters together with long-time leaders from the civil rights movement was the “first of its kind”.

The panel, which included the Rev Al Sharpton and congressman John Lewis, was convened to discuss the administration’s efforts to reform the criminal justice system, as well as the process of building trust between law enforcement and communities.

Brittany Packnett of Black Lives Matter listens as Barak Obama addresses the media during the meeting at the White House. Brittany Packnett of Black Lives Matter listens as Barak Obama addresses the media during the meeting at the White House. Photograph: Carolyn Kaster/AP

To placate the visitors to the White House, in July, the president commuted the sentences of 46 prisoners, and became the first sitting president to visit a federal correctional facility. The visit accompanied a major criminal justice policy speech delivered to the NAACP national convention where Obama declared that “mass incarceration makes our entire country worse off, and we need to do something about it”. Then a few months later, Obama commuted another 95 sentences. Read in full context here.


This brings us to today, recent weeks.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have a problem. They know it, the media knows it, everyone knows it.

For three months they have ignored the deadly rioting that spread across the nation’s cities on both coasts and in between. They insisted that what we were seeing was “mostly peaceful” protests and that Donald Trump and his evil allies were defaming decent Americans who just want social justice. Now they want to denounce these riots, but there is a problem: Harris is a financial supporter of the rioters she now claims to denounce.

Yes, that’s right, the Democrats’ vice presidential candidate was a huckster for a bail fund that sought to free violent criminals who were rioting on the streets of Minneapolis, and she was very effective at it. In the wake of deadly fires and looting, Harris asked her five million plus Twitter followers to donate money to bail out the “protesters” arrested in the riots. Let’s meet a few of the beneficiaries of her largesse, shall we?

Fox 9 News in Minneapolis did the research for us. Here are a few of the criminals they found Harris did a solid for.

Among those bailed out by the Minnesota Freedom Fund (MFF) is a suspect who shot at police, a woman accused of killing a friend, and a twice convicted sex offender, according to court records reviewed by the FOX 9 Investigators.

According to attempted murder charges, Jaleel Stallings shot at members of a SWAT Team during the riots in May. Police recovered a modified pistol that looks like an AK-47. MFF paid $75,000 in cash to get Stallings out of jail.

Darnika Floyd is charged with second degree murder, for stabbing a friend to death. MFF paid $100,000 cash for her release.

Christopher Boswell, a twice convicted rapist, is currently charged with kidnapping, assault, and sexual assault in two separate cases. MFF paid $350,00 [sic] in cash for his release.

Kamala Harris and her friends in the corporate media, otherwise known as the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party, will pretend this never happened and they are counting on voters to be too ignorant to know that it did. Harris was so eager to be on the rioters’ team that she literally raised money for them in the hopes that they could be released and foster further mayhem.

That on its own would be bad enough. But the fact that she is now attempting to pretend she was against all of this violence, and looting, and arson, and destruction from the get go is an insulting joke. Did Harris really think that peaceful protesters obeying the rules were the ones arrested in Minneapolis? Of course she didn’t. She just assumed that justifying the unrest would help Democrats’ political chances. Now that this has been shown to be false, she is trying to change her position. It’s way too late for that.

The American people aren’t stupid, they know exactly where Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party stood on the riots. They stood side by side with the rioters. That they have now cynically come to regret that position is, I suppose, a good thing. But it does not erase the harm done in lives, property, and opportunity that their approval of rioting did. We know whose side they were on, and it wasn’t the police. The American people will not forget that. Hat tip to the Federalist.

California’s $35M Mail-voting Campaign Tied to Biden

Say it isn’t so….and hat tip to Lara, the investigative journalist for this stellar work.

You may remember Anita Dunn, the former Obama White House that praised Mao Zedong. Well, she too is a campaign advisor to Joe Biden…she is in the thick of it all.

Petition Pushes Obama Campaign Strategist To Drop Keystone ... source

California to spend $35 million on mail voting campaign run by firm with ‘Team Biden’ ties

A public affairs and consulting firm known for working with Democrats has been awarded a $35 million contract for a new California campaign to encouraging voting during the pandemic.

SKD Knickerbocker, which has crafted successful campaigns for many Democrats and has championed issues like same-sex marriage and police reform, was awarded the contract on Aug. 13 after an expedited approval process, said Paula Valle, chief communications officer for California Secretary of State Alex Padilla’s office.

The firm is run by CEO Josh Isay, who ran Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer’s 1998 campaign. Other notable employees include former Obama communications official Anita Dunn and Hillary Rosen, a longtime media figure who also worked with California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein. On its site, the firm lists itself as supportive of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, saying it is “proud to be a part of Team Biden.”

Heather Wilson, the managing director and head of the firm’s California office, said its clients range from politicians to corporations to public interest groups and nonprofits.

“As a public affairs firm, a great deal of our work (including this Vote Safe campaign) is nonpartisan,” Wilson said in an email.

Valle said those working on the campaign, both on the firm side and the government side, are nonpartisan and do not have ties to specific politicians.

The state is preparing for a tumultuous election season in light of the coronavirus.

In May, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed an executive order to send every registered California voter a mail-in ballot ahead of the Nov. 3 general election. Newsom issued another order in June changing the format of in-person voting in some counties to allow for social distancing. Padilla’s office, which oversees elections, is now launching a campaign to inform voters of the changes and challenges of the November election.

The $35 million for the campaign, dubbed “Vote Safe California,” was part of more than $111 million allocated in the state’s annual budget to the Secretary of State’s office with the goal to “prevent, prepare for, and respond to the impacts of COVID-19 on the election and provide associated voter education and outreach.”

According to documents obtained by the Sacramento Bee, The contract asks the firm to develop strategic messaging across several media platforms, with special attention given to reaching first-time mail voters and those with language and disability barriers.

The process of awarding the contract did not follow a traditional schedule, Valle said. Normally, a bid process in California can take three to six months, but because of how close the election is and the urgency of the message, the process was expedited, she said.

The original request for proposals went out on July 17, and seven firms submitted plans. A group of six people in the Secretary of State’s office narrowed the field to three finalists: SKD Knickerbocker, Grace Public Affairs, and Mercury Public Affairs.

There was no lowest bidder for this contract, Valle said. Because the Legislature had already directed the office to spend $35 million on a voter outreach campaign, state officials instead focused on how each firm proposed spending the money. The administrative fee charged by each finalist was about the same, she added.

Jessica Millan Patterson, chair of the California Republican Party, said in a statement that California’s election chief should know better than allowing “Team Biden” to run California’s absentee and get out the vote efforts.

“This $35 million expedited state contract screams conflict of interest, and the abuse of power calls into question his integrity,” she said. “Under this Democrat regime, our elections are simply being run by nothing more than a bunch of politics hacks.”

Peris > Portfolio > SKDKnickerbocker Mark Penn’s Stagwell Group Will Acquire SKDKnickerbocker ... source

*** Top recipients of SKG Knickerbocker are found here where Candidate Biden is at the top. Additional reading here.


Portland, Arrest Them? Okay, 74 Face Federal Charges

This is significant as these are Federal charges and not under the authority of liberal District Attorneys. However, there is movement by the Portland Police.

Portland police are cracking down on nightly demonstrations and ramping up enforcement since federal forces scaled back their presence in downtown.

City officers have made 217 arrests at protests since Aug. 1, nearly three times the 77 they made in all of July, according figures released by the Portland Police Bureau and reviewed by The Oregonian/OregonLive.

About half of those occurred in the last week, when police declared riots five out of seven nights. Officers arrested more than 20 people on each of three of those nights. More here.

Read on and give a hat tip to The FBI, the US Marshall Service, ATF and HSI.

Portland protests: Police detain 2 suspects after shooting source

Thursday, August 27, 2020

74 People Facing Federal Charges for Crimes Committed During Portland Demonstrations

Charges include assaulting federal officers, arson, failing to obey lawful orders, and damaging federal property

U.S. Attorney Billy J. Williams announced today that 74 people are facing federal charges for crimes committed adjacent to or under the guise of peaceful demonstrations in Portland since at least May 29, 2020.

For more than 90 consecutive nights, Portland has been home to large demonstrations and protests against police use of force and anti-Black racism. On many nights, after peaceful demonstrations end, various public and private buildings have been the target of vandalism and destruction. Local, state, and federal law enforcement working to protect these buildings and ensure the safety of peaceful demonstrators have been subjected to threats and assaults from violent agitators while performing their duties.

“Violent agitators have hijacked any semblance of First Amendment protected activity, engaging in violent criminal acts and destruction of public safety,” said U.S. Attorney Williams. “The U.S. Attorney’s Office and our federal law enforcement partners are expeditiously working with local and state law enforcement to identify, arrest, and prosecute these individuals that are disrupting the rule of law in our communities and physically attacking our law enforcement officers and destroying property. Violent agitators not only delay real reform, but make our community less safe by keeping law enforcement from responding to other critical calls for service.”

“While the FBI supports and safeguards Constitutionally-protected activity and civil rights, there is no permit for assault, arson or property damage and these are not victimless crimes,” said Renn Cannon, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI in Oregon. “Among the victims of violent crime are business owners, residents and individuals exercising their First Amendment rights through protests or other legitimate forms of expression.”

“The nightly violence has to stop,” said Russel Burger, U.S. Marshal for the District of Oregon. “It is drowning out the voices of the many who are calling for change, and pulling police resources away from their primary mission of keeping this community safe. We must all come together to find a productive way to move forward.”

“As the nation’s primary source for fire investigative knowledge, ATF remains committed to investigating those responsible for committing arsons in our communities and holding them responsible for their illegal actions,” said ATF Special Agent in Charge Jonathan McPherson. “As a reminder, there is a mandatory minimum sentence of five years for arson. ATF takes these violent actions seriously and will work diligently to bring justice to the victims.”

“It is vitally important that all Americans have the ability to exercise their first amendment rights to freedom of speech,” said Acting Special Agent in Charge of Homeland Security Investigations Seattle Eben Roberts. “Unfortunately, much of what we’re seeing in Portland is the antithesis of that. Instead tragic events are being used as excuses for individuals with ill intent disguising themselves as activists to commit violent crimes against their communities and law enforcement officers. Progress can only be made if community leaders, law enforcement and the public come together in the name of social change, justice and peace.”

Since May 26, 2020, federal law enforcement authorities have arrested 100 people for crimes committed during local demonstrations. Seventy-four face federal charges, including felonies, misdemeanors, and citation violations. Crimes include assaults on federal officers, some resulting in serious injuries; arson and attempted arson; damaging federal government property; failing to obey lawful orders; and unlawful use of a drone; among others.

Charged defendants include:

  • Edward Carubis, 24, is charged with assaulting a federal officer on July 1, 2020;
  • Rowan Olsen, 19, is charged (photos available) with creating a hazard on federal property, disorderly conduct, and failing to obey a lawful order on July 2, 2020;
  • Shant Singh Ahuja, 28, of Oceanside, California, is charged with destruction of federal property on July 4, 2020;
  • Gretchen Blank, 29, of Seattle, Washington, is charged (photos available) with assaulting a federal officer on July 5, 2020;
  • Andrew Faulkner, 24, is charged with assaulting a federal officer on July 5, 2020;
  • Christopher Fellini, 31, is charged (photos available) with assaulting a federal officer on July 5, 2020;
  • Theodore Matthee-O’Brien, 21, is charged with assaulting a federal officer on July 5, 2020;
  • Cody Porter, 28, is charged with assaulting a federal officer on July 5, 2020;
  • Taimane Teo, 24, of Eugene, Oregon, is charged with assaulting a federal officer on July 5, 2020;
  • Benjamin Wood-Pavich, 21, is charged with assaulting a federal officer on July 5, 2020;
  • Jacob Gaines, 23, a Texas resident, is charged (photos available) with assaulting a federal officer on July 11, 2020;
  • Lillith Grin, 22, is charged with assaulting a federal officer on July 12, 2020;
  • Benjamin Bolen, 36, is charged with assaulting a federal officer on July 13, 2020;
  • Kevin Weier, 36, is charged with attempted arson on July 13, 2020;
  • Wyatt Ash-Milby, 18, is charged with failing to obey a lawful order on July 21, 2020;
  • Jerusalem Callahan, 24, is charged with damaging government property on July 21, 2020;
  • Zachary Duffly, 45, is charged with creating a disturbance on July 21, 2020;
  • Caleb Ehlers, 23, is charged with failing to obey a lawful order on July 21, 2020;
  • Paul Furst, 22, is charged with failing to obey a lawful order on July 21, 2020;
  • Jennifer Kristiansen, 38, is charged with assaulting a federal officer on July 21, 2020;
  • Ella Miller, 26, is charged with failing to obey a lawful order on July 21, 2020;
  • Marie Sager, 27, is charged with failing to obey a lawful order on July 21, 2020;
  • Giovanni Bondurant, 19, is charged with assaulting a federal officer on July 22, 2020;
  • Bailey Dreibelbis, 22, is charged with failing to obey a lawful order on July 21, 2020;
  • Gabriel Huston, 22, is charged with assaulting a federal officer on July 22, 2020;
  • Joseph Lagalo, 37, is charged with failing to obey a lawful order on July 22, 2020;
  • Taylor Lemons, 32, is charged with assaulting a federal officer on July 22, 2020;
  • Joseph Ybarra, 21, is charged with arson on July 22, 2020;
  • David Hazan, 24, is charged with failing to obey a lawful order on July 23, 2020;
  • Nicholas Kloiber, 26, is charged with failing to obey a lawful order on July 23, 2020;
  • Cameron Knutson, 28, is charged with failing to obey a lawful order on July 23, 2020;
  • Carly Ballard, 34, is charged with assaulting a federal officer on July 24, 2020;
  • David Bouchard, 36, is charged with assaulting a federal officer on July 24, 2020;
  • Dakota Eastman, 30, is charged with failing to obey a lawful order on July 24, 2020;
  • Josslynn Kreutz, 28, is charged with failing to obey a lawful order on July 24, 2020;
  • Ezra Meyers, 18, is charged with failing to obey a lawful order on July 24, 2020;
  • Mark Rolycanov, 28, is charged with failing to obey a lawful order on July 24, 2020;
  • Pablo Avvocato, 26, is charged with assaulting a federal officer on July 25, 2020;
  • Douglas Dean, 34, is charged with assaulting a federal officer on July 25, 2020;
  • Rebecca Mota Gonzales, 37, is charged with assaulting a federal officer on July 25, 2020;
  • Thomas Johnson, 33, is charged with assaulting a federal officer on July 25, 2020;
  • Richard Lindstedt, 33, is charged with violating national defense airspace on July 25, 2020;
  • Nathan Onderdonk-Snow, 21, is charged with assaulting a federal officer on July 25, 2020;
  • Stephen O’Donnell, 65, is charged with assaulting a federal officer on July 25, 2020;
  • Joshua Webb, 22, is charged with assaulting a federal officer on July 25, 2020;
  • Jeffree Cary, 30, is charged with assaulting a federal officer on July 26, 2020;
  • John Tyler Gabriel, 22, is charged with assaulting a federal officer on July 26, 2020;
  • Noelle Mandolfo, 30, is charged with assaulting a federal officer on July 26, 2020;
  • Patrick Stafford, 35, is charged with assaulting a federal officer on July 26, 2020;
  • Travis Williams, 27, is charged with assaulting a federal officer on July 26, 2020;
  • Caleb Wills, 29, is charged with assaulting a federal officer on July 26, 2020;
  • Brodie Storey, 28, is charged with assaulting a federal officer on July 27, 2020;
  • Edward Schinzing, 32, is charged (photos available) with arson on July 28, 2020;
  • James Hickerson, 54, is charged with failing to obey a lawful order on July 28, 2020;
  • Ian Wolf, 26, is charged with failing to obey a lawful order and creating a hazard on federal property on July 28, 2020;
  • Sabastian Dubar, 23, is charged with assaulting a federal officer on July 29, 2020;
  • Jordan Johnson, 32, is charged with assaulting a federal officer on July 29, 2020;
  • Evan Kriechbaum, 31, is charged with assaulting a federal officer on July 29, 2020;
  • Christine Margaux, 28, is charged with assaulting a federal officer on July 29, 2020;
  • Gabriel Agard-Berryhill, 18, is charged (video available) with arson on July 30, 2020;
  • Isaiah Maza, 18, is charged (photos available) with assaulting a federal officer on July 31, 2020;
  • Dakotah Horton, 24, is charged (photos available) with assaulting a federal officer on August 17, 2020; and
  • Dakota Means, 20, is charged with assaulting a federal officer on August 24, 2020.

Eleven others have been issued citation violations. All defendants, unless noted, are presumed to be local residents.

Several of the charges being used to prosecute violent agitators carry significant maximum prison sentences. For example, felony assault of a federal officer with a dangerous weapon is punishable by up to 20 years in prison. Arson is punishable by up to 20 years in prison with a mandatory minimum sentence of five years.

It is important to note that while some federal charges require crimes be committed on federal property, others do not. Violent acts committed throughout the city of Portland under the guise of peaceful protest are being evaluated by local federal prosecutors for prosecution.

These cases are being investigated by the FBI; U.S. Marshals Service; Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives; U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations; and Federal Protective Service. They are being prosecuted by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Oregon.

Indictments, complaints, and informations are only accusations of a crime, and defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

To help identify actors who are actively instigating violence in the city of Portland, the FBI is accepting tips and digital media depicting violent encounters during demonstrations. If you have witnessed unlawful violent actions, we urge you to submit any information, photos, or videos that could be relevant to investigations at fbi.gov/PDViolence.

Specifically, the FBI is assisting partner agencies by asking for the public’s help in identifying individuals who participated in or may have been a witness to criminal activity at the following locations:

  • Near or inside the Multnomah County Justice Center in downtown Portland on the night of May 29, 2020 or into the morning of May 30, 2020. Details here: Justice Center
  • Near the Chase Bank branch located at 811 SW 6th Avenue, Portland, Oregon, shortly before 1 a.m. on May 30, 2020. Details here: Chase Bank

Tips can be submitted by calling 1-800-CALL-FBI (1-800-225-5324) or (503) 224-4181. They can also be submitted online by visiting: tips.fbi.gov.

AG Barr on Operation LeGend Successes

Attorney General William Barr announced Wednesday that there have been nearly 1,500 arrests across eight U.S. cities thus far under the “Operation Legend” law enforcement initiative launched roughly six weeks ago. These are Federal charges only. Investigations and cases dealing with state charges or violations of law are turned over to the local District Attorneys for prosecution(s).

Mayors Worry Operation Legend Is About Politics, Not the ... source

Federal officers involved in Operation Legend, a Justice Department initiative to assist cities plagued by violent crime, have made more than 1,000 arrests across the country, Attorney General William Barr said Wednesday.

Of those arrests, more than 200 defendants have been charged with federal crimes, including 90 murder suspects, and nearly 400 guns have been taken off the streets, Mr. Barr said, speaking with reporters in Kansas City, Missouri.

“Operation Legend is the heart of the federal government’s response to this uptick in violent crime,” he said. “Its mission is to save lives, solve crimes and take violent offenders off our streets before they can claim more victims.

“Rather than demonizing or defunding police, we are supporting and strengthening our law enforcement partners at the state and local level.”

Operation Legend is named after 4-year-old LeGend Taliferro, who was shot and killed in Kansas City while he was sleeping. The operation started in that city earlier this month.

Cities that are part of Operation Legend will receive increased resources from the FBI, U.S. Marshals Service, Drug Enforcement Administration and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to reduce violent crime, with a focus on gun violence. More than 1,000 additional agents have been sent to the nine cities.     The program also has allocated $78.5 million in grants to fund additional police positions, more prosecutors and improve technology to solve gun crimes.

A total of 61 defendants in Chicago have been charged with federal crimes. In Albuquerque, 16 individuals face federal charges, 32 in Cleveland, 22 in Detroit, 11 in Milwaukee, 15 in St. Louis and seven in Memphis, Tennessee.

Indianapolis was not included in the totals because that program began only last week.

Federal charges include illegal possession of a firearm, distribution of narcotics, carjacking, and bank robbery.


Barr has noted that Operation Legend, however, is separate from those deployments in response to unrest and that the dozens of investigators being dispatched to the cities are instead more focused on assisting federal and state authorities with probing violent crimes.

“There has been a lot of confusion in the media, some of it not unintentional, conflating two different aspects of law enforcement,” Barr said. “One is dealing with civil unrest, rioting, and the other is the classical traditional work that law enforcement does.”

During the news conference, Barr addressed the recent uptick of violent crime across several parts of the country, at one point saying, without providing evidence, that he believed it might be a result of a combination between “pent up aggression” to state and local quarantine orders, the “premature release of dangerous criminals by the courts” during the COVID-19 pandemic and the “Defund the Police” movement.

Barr added that he expected there will be an increase in the national violent crime rate this year after it saw decreases for the last two years.