On College Campuses…Really?

Islamic jihad comes to campus
Anti-Semitism under the guise of social justice is seeping into the college scene

By David Horowitz – – Thursday, April 16, 2015

The world is witnessing a resurgence of global anti-Semitism not seen since the 1930s and the “Final Solution.” In the Middle East, Hitler-admiring regimes like Iran, and Hitler-admiring parties like Hezbollah, Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, are openly planning to finish the job the Nazis started. Even in America, until now the most hospitable place outside of Israel for Jews, the atmosphere is more hostile than at any time in the last 70 years.

According to the FBI, three-fifths of all religious hate crimes in America are now committed against Jews, while a recent Pew poll revealed that 54 percent of Jewish students have either been the subject of an anti-Semitic attack or witnessed one. The frequency of these attacks among college-aged students, moreover, is five times that of any other age group. The reason for this is obvious: Across the United States student groups associated with the Muslim Brotherhood, specifically Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and the Muslim Students Association, are engaged in a vitriolic campaign against Israel and those students who support its right to exist. These organizations promote the propaganda of the terrorist organization Hamas, and call for the destruction of the Jewish state.

Students for Justice in Palestine, the more active of the two groups, claims to support a left-wing agenda of “social justice,” and “universal human rights.” Like the left itself, though, Students for Justice in Palestine doesn’t stand for the rights of Palestinians in the territories controlled by Palestinians, including the rights of Palestinians to disagree with each other without being targeted by their terrorist rulers. Instead, SJP’s sole agenda is the destruction of the Jewish state.

While SJP’s self-professed purpose is “to promote self-determination for the Palestinian people,” the organization defines the boundaries of this liberation as extending “from the river to the sea,” i.e., from the Jordan River on Israel’s eastern border to its western border on the Mediterranean. To advance this genocidal agenda, SJP endorses the lie that Israel was created on territory stolen from the Palestinians and, therefore, Jews illegally occupy Arab lands from which they must be purged.

In fact, Israel was created on land that had belonged to the Turks, who are not Arabs, for 400 years previously. In 1948 when Israel was created, there was no Palestinian political entity, no movement for a Palestinian state, and no people calling itself Palestinian. These core genocidal lies make up the primary agenda of SJP and its anti-Jewish allies, and are crowned by the ludicrous claim that Israel is an “apartheid state” with policies worthy of the “Nazis.” In fact, Israel is the only democratic and ethnically tolerant state in the Middle East, the only place where gays, Christians and women are safe. The real Nazis in the Middle East are the Arabs who openly call for the extermination of the Jews.

Despite its anti-Semitic, pro-terrorist agendas, SJP is funded by university fees. University administrations officially recognize the organization and grant it the privilege of erecting walls of hate, and conducting “die-ins” and other propaganda stunts in campus centers where other students can’t avoid being assaulted by their noxious accusations.

University administrators who refuse to rein in this hatred operate under pressure from faculty and student activists of the anti-Israel “social justice” left. These include the self-hating Jews of J Street and Jewish Voice for Peace, who join hands with their mortal enemies to condemn anyone who confronts SJP and the malignant forces it represents as “Islamophobes.”

As it happens, “Islamophobe” is a term coined by the Muslim Brotherhood to demonize its opponents, and the center of a campaign seeking a universal ban on critics as religious blasphemers. The campaign’s success can be seen in President Obama’s refusal to call the terrorist Islamic State “Islamic,” or to describe the war waged by the Islamic State, al Qaeda and other Islamic terror organizations as a religious crusade.

Thanks to the savageries of the Islamic State, however, Americans have begun to wake up and to see Jews as canaries in the mine, and to understand that what is happening to Jews is also happening to Christians and others in the way of Islamic Nazis. Nonetheless, the continuing successes of front organizations such as Students for Justice in Palestine are ominous indicators of the dangers that confront us, and should be a wake-up call, too.


Insurgency Season at U.S. Southern Border

Shocking images from cameras on Texas-Mexico border capture steady stream of illegal immigrants sneaking into the United States with packages of drugs and guns

  • Network of more than 1,000 cameras are installed on farms and ranches 
  • Have been strategically placed in areas that have not been secured 
  • Sophisticated‘ system led to the apprehension of nearly 30,000 suspects
  • Has also slowed down cartel operations and drug smuggling 

See the video here. And for still images from the cameras, click here.

Cameras placed along Texas’ 1,200-mile border with Mexico have captured the stream of illegal immigrants sneaking into the country on a daily basis.

The network of more than 1,000 motion detectors, similar to those used to film wildlife, have been placed strategically in areas that have not been secured – where Mexican citizens can cross and evade capture with ease.

They helped border guards apprehend nearly 30,000 suspects and led to 88,400 pounds of drugs being seized in 2014 as part of Operation Drawbridge.

The system has also had a significant impact on Mexican cartels and their ability to smuggle narcotics, people and stolen vehicles between the two countries. The startling images have been revealed as President Obama continues to fight to push through an executive order to shield illegal immigrants from deportation.

Earlier this month a federal judge in Texas refused to lift a temporary block on a White House immigration plan.

According to the Texas Department of Public Safety, the ‘sophisticated’ cameras are stationed on ranches and farms on the border.

The turn on when movement is detected and are monitored in real-time, around-the-clock by a number of agencies.

If they think suspicious activity is taking place, they alert law enforcement in a bid to get them to cut them off.

Steven McCraw, the director of the agency, said: ‘Every day, sheriff’s deputies, police officers, Border Patrol agents and state law enforcement officers in the Texas border region risk their lives to protect Texas and the entire nation from Mexican cartels and transnational crime.

‘This innovative use of technology has proven to be a force multiplier in detecting the smuggling attempts along the border, which is critical to interdicting criminal activity occurring between the ports of entry.

‘Any time law enforcement interdicts a smuggling attempt, we consider it a significant gain in the fight against the cartels and their operatives.

‘The collaborative law enforcement efforts of Operation Drawbridge have bolstered our ability to combat the exploitation of our border by these ruthless criminals.’

In March it was revealed more immigrants are choosing more remote and dangerous crossing points to make it to the United States.

The Border Patrol has responded by expanding its search-and-rescue teams to monitor the area, as a growing number of bodies of suspected illegal immigrants are being found.

Many of the bodies are being discovered just southwest of Mission, Texas, where the fire department’s dive-and-rescue team has had a busy winter. In January and February alone, it recovered at least six bodies in the murky canals.

In February, governor Greg Abbot claimed that had 20,000 illegal immigrants had already entered the country since the start of the year.

The Denise Simon Experience Radio Show Archive: 04/16/15

Hosted by DENISE SIMON, the Senior Research / Intelligence Analyst for Foreign and Domestic Policy for Stand Up America US as well as the aide de camp for MG Paul E. Vallely, US ARMY (ret.)


In hour #1, Denise interviews ANN CORCORAN, the editor of Refugee Settlement Watch, a project of 8 years researching the hidden facts of aggressive resettlement of refugees in America.

In hour #2, DR. STEVE MOYSEY joins Denise.  Dr. Moysey is an internationally recognized expert in the field of conflict and crisis negotiation, counter intelligence and counter terrorism with a specialization in the area of armed barricade standoff situations.  See more at: http://americainformed.org/contributors/steven-moysey/#sthash.XOD7NjXd.dpuf

BROADCAST LIVE WORLDWIDE:  THURSDAYS – 9:00PM (eastern) / 6:00pm (pacific) on WDFP – Restoring America Radio , Red State Talk RadioAmerican Agenda, Nightside Radio StudiosTalkStreamLive and Talk 92.1 WDDQ

Who is that Devil at Obama’s Heels?

Found in the bowels of the Cambridge Library a video was discovered of Barack Obama where he not only delivered a book reading of one chapter in his book, ‘Dreams From My Father’. Beyond reading this particular chapter where he explains his relationship with his mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, Barack Obama during this event in 1995 also has a question and answer session with those in attendance. Clearly, he is conflicted on race relations, wants to continue to advance the politics on race and most of all speaks to tribes that need more attention.
He explains his intermittent disdain for his grandparents on his mother’s side while speaks to his isolation and anger over his father leaving him as well.

There are some additional truths that surface in this video, speaking deeper to his history than otherwise known today. He maintains anger still today on the Reagan Bush era on his notion that they did next to nothing on civil rights which Obama says was a prime time to do so given the Cold War had ended and resources, attention and government could now turn inward and address the racial divisions at home. For Barack Obama, discrimination is the core of life’s objective.

A big hat tip to Breitbart for this great find. In it, Obama talks about sitting with Davis in his home drinking whiskey listening to him talk about how “black people have a reason to hate… so you might as well get used to it.”  More here.





Denise Simon Appears on Cowboy Logic Radio – 04/14/15

COWBOY LOGIC RADIO: Unfiltered / Politically Incorrect / Common Sense

Hosted by DONNA FIDUCIA, a former Fox News Channel Anchor and DON NEUEN, a politically incorrect cowboy…


This week’s Guests: DENISE SIMON, FoundersCode.com / The Denise Simon Experience and BRIGITTE GABRIEL, ActForAmerica.org

This week’s Topic: In hour 1, DENISE SIMON holds a very in depth and clear explanation of the Military Operation taking place in the United States: OPERATION JADE HELM…

And then, in hour 2, BRIGITTE GABRIEL, as only she can, delivers an unforgettable discussion on the marriage between the Obama Administration and Islam, The Muslim Brotherhood, Shariah Law, and Iran… In short, with Islam, you only come to “the negotiating table” to SURRENDER…

LIVE WORLDWIDE: TUESDAYS – 9:00PM (eastern) / 6:00pm (pacific) on WDFP – Restoring America Radio , Red State Talk Radio, American Agenda, Nightside Radio Studios, TalkStreamLive and Talk 92.1 WDDQ