Per Hillary’s Emails, She Needs Visiting Angels

Late Monday evening, the State Department released a large volume of Hillary emails and it will take a long time to review all of them.

In case you need a sampling of her communications with various people, I am pleased to share a handful. If Hillary is this needy and inept, how can she be president?

Hillary has a cook, needs skim milk and cant figure out the TV guide, she needs Visiting Angels:

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Evergreen, Secret Service codename:

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Worried about server security:

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Benghazi, note the date, so no video to blame:

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Then, just how anti-Semitic is Hillary and her inner circle:

Hilary and her team are fans of Max Blumenthal, Peter Beinart, J-Street

The Hilary Clinton emails that were just released show that she and her team are far more to the left, and far more interested in promoting the leftist J-Street view of Israel, than she lets on publicly.

Hilary was thrilled with Max Blumenthal’s book “Republican Gomorrah,” writing on September 11, 2009, “I just finished the book and it is great!.”

Blumenthal’s father, Sidney, often shared Max’s articles with Hilary, including “The Great Islamophobic Crusade” where Blumenthal began his career of conflating all evils of the world to Jews and Zionists, blaming them for anti-Islamic initiatives and then moving on to pretend that all Jews in Israel support murdering Arabs for no reason. Hilary asked her staff to “Pls print for me.”

Sid also recommended to her Peter Beinart’s article, “The Failure of the American Jewish Establishment,” saying

H: I’m sure you are preoccupied with the adventures of Lula, et al. Nonetheless, the article below, just posted by the NY
Review, soon to be published, is a breakthrough piece that will have a large impact. It’s worth reading, not least for Frank
Luntz’s poll numbers. The hysterical tone of much of the Israeli leadership and US Jewish community is partly rooted in
this long-term and profound development. Sid

Sid also pushed hard the idea that American Jews are against the Israeli government, as another Sid Blumenthal memo says:

March 23, 2010
For: Hillary
From: Sid
Re: US Jewish and Israeli public opinion
Three new polls released: from AVO07 (all US), J Street (US Jews), and Ha’aretz (Israelis). I’ve
sent Lauren the whole J Street poll to print out for you; its internals are the most detailed,
relevant and suggestive. My reading of that poll is that the administration is in a pretty good spot
with US Jewish opinion and that the drag (about 10 points, I think) has less to do with the Middle
East and Israel than with the economy. Jewish opinion is far more solidly supportive of the
administration generally than the general population (except minorities). Those adamantly
opposed to the administration stance on Israel are preconceived to be against; they are
predictable, a minority of the US Jewish community and have reached their natural limits. The
institutional US Jewish position backing Bibi and against the administration does not have
majority support among Jews.

Sid also recommended that Hilary tell AIPAC that they are too right wing:

For: Hillary
From: Sid
Re: AIPAC speech
This memo does not address specific policy initiatives.
What I’ve written are options. Use what you like, or none at all. Here are some ideas:

1. Hold Bibi’s feet to the fire, remind everyone he was at Wye, his key participant event in
the peace process, and that it was successful.

2. Reassure all players of our commitment to the process and the solution (whatever the
language is).

3. Perhaps most controversial, I would argue something you should do is that, while
praising AIPAC, remind it in as subtle but also direct a way as you can that it does not
have a monopoly over American Jewish opinion.
Bibi is stage managing US Jewish
organizations (and neocons, and the religious right, and whomever else he can muster)
against the administration. AIPAC itself has become an organ of the Israeli right,
specifically Likud. By acknowledging J Street you give them legitimacy, credibility and
create room within the American Jewish community for debate supportive of the
administration’s pursuit of the peace process. Just by mentioning J Street in passing,
AIPAC becomes a point on the spectrum, not the controller of the spectrum. I suggest a
way how to do this below.

1. On US national security interest, Israel’s security and the peace process:
The reason the US has always supported Israel since the moment President Harry S. Truman
decided to recognize the State of Israel is that it is in the US national security interest and
consistent with our values. It is in our interest to support a thriving democracy in the Middle East
Only through the marketplace of ideas will sound policies to help resolve complicated and
seemingly intransigent problems be developed. This administration values everybody’s views.
They are important. You are important. We welcome views across the spectrum, from AIPAC to
J Street. All these views are legitimate and must be heard and considered.

There’s also a Martin Indyk email forwarded to Hilary that blames Bibi for not extending his 2010 settlement freeze, without a negative word about Mahmoud Abbas for refusing to negotiate:

From: Martin Indyk [mailto
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 8:59 AM
To: George Mitchell; Feltman, Jeffrey D
Subject: Dealing with Netanyahu
The principle conclusion from a quick visit to Israel and Ramallah over the weekend is that Netanyahu is in a strong
position politically, with an unusually stable ruling coalition. Nobody I spoke with believed that the government would
have fallen if he had decided to extend the settlement freeze before its expiry, as a gesture to U.S. peacemaking efforts.
In their view, he could have easily garnered the support of a large majority of the people, for whom the settlers are a
marginal concern. And this would have given him leverage over his ministers to ensure their support or abstention in
the cabinet. ..

3. As his friend, paint a realistic picture of the strategic consequences of his negotiating tactics, particularly in terms of
what is likely to happen to the PA leadership if he worries only about his politics and not at all about Abu Mazen’s
4. If all else fails, avoid recriminations in favor of a “clarifying moment.” The world will of course blame Bibi. But you
should avoid any kind of finger-pointing in favor of a repeated commitment to a negotiated solution and a willingness to
engage with both sides in trying to make that happen, when they’re ready. The Israeli public and the American Jewish
Community should know how far the President was prepared to go and they should be allowed to draw their own

Based on the relatively narrow timeframe of last night’s email dump the overall tone is that Israel is obstinate and not interested in peace, the Zionist American Jewish community must be marginalized, the Palestinians are victims and not responsible for any of their actions, and that Hilary must still publicly cultivate the AIPAC crowd while working behind the scenes to undermine it. Haaretz is liberally quoted but no conservative analysis about Israel ever reached Hilary’s eyes through her handpicked, trusted advisers.

(h/t Babylonian Hebrew)

CNN has an early summary with embedded links as well.









It is a Day that Ends in ‘Y’ and Another Hillary Email Revelation

While a big 9000 email dump is expected tonight at 9PM, August 31 by the State Department of more court ordered emails to be released, seems yet another 150 contained classified information.

EXCLUSIVE: Hillary Shared An Email Network With The Clinton Foundation

Hillary Clinton’s private email server was housed at the same physical location and on the same network as an email server used and operated by the Clinton Foundation, Breitbart News has exclusively learned.

Breitbart: Records reveal that Hillary Clinton’s private server shared an IP address with her husband Bill Clinton’s email server,, and both servers were housed in New York City, not in the basement of the Clintons’ Chappaqua, New York home.

Web archives show that the Web address was being operated by the Clinton Foundation as of 2009, when Hillary Clinton registered her own server.

Numerous Clinton Foundation employees used the server for their own email addresses, which means that they were using email accounts that, if hacked, would have given any hacker complete access to Hillary Clinton’s State Department emails, as well.

The bombshell revelation raises new concerns about the possible illegality of Hillary Clinton’s private email use. The former Secretary of State is under federal investigation for potentially violating the Espionage Act by allowing people without a security clearance to access classified information. The fact that Hillary was sharing an email network with a private foundation means that people without a security clearance almost certainly had physical access to her server while she was working at the State Department.

Here’s what we know:

The Servers Have The SAME IP Address

Hillary’s server and the Foundation-run email server have exactly the same IP address, and the same SSL certificate (which an organization purchases for an email server to verify its trustworthiness). and both have an IP address of, according to an SSL Certificate Checker.

The two servers both have that same IP address,, according to DNS records. (Here are records for Hillary’s server, and here are records for Bill’s server).

Both servers have the same IP address, according to another independent Internet records database,

The fact that both of these email servers have the same IP address means that they were operating on the same network, and sharing physical space. A computer expert tells Breitbart News that the servers were probably operating on the same machine. It is also possible that they were operating on different machines on the same network, which still means that the machines would have to be close enough to exist in the same physical location.

President Clinton’s server was created in 2002, while Hillary’s was created in 2009, which means that Hillary’s server was simply added to Bill’s Foundation-run server network.

They Had The SAME IP Address When She Was Secretary of State

Hillary’s server and Bill’s Foundation-run server also shared a different IP address during her tenure as Secretary of State.

From September 8, 2009 until June 24, 2011, Bill Clinton’s Foundation-run server had an IP address of, according to DNS records.

Hillary’s server had the same exact IP address,, from the dates May 21, 2010 until October 21, 2010, according to DNS records.

Their Shared IP Address Can Be Traced to Midtown Manhattan

A geographical search for the IP address that both servers shared at registration traces to Midtown Manhattan, according to three different databases:, which locates a Midtown latitude/longitude point,, which also gives a Midtown latitude/longitude point, and

Clinton Foundation headquarters are currently located at 1271 6th Avenue in Midtown. Bill Clinton’s office is at 55 West 125th Street

The Denver-based firm Platte River Networks told Breitbart News that it physically moved Hillary Clinton’s private email server out of the basement of her Chappaqua home in 2013. But the Clintons could have moved the server from Manhattan to Chappaqua before Platte River got there.

Clinton Founation Employees Had email addresses

The employees who have used email addresses included former Bill Clinton right-hand man Doug Band, as well as Justin Cooper, a Hillary aide who has worked with the Foundation, Terry Krinvic, Laura Graham, and John Zimmerebner.

Was Chelsea Clinton On The Server?

The email server for, which is no longer active, resolves to clintonemail.comaccording to DNS records. Wikileaks confirms that the server was used by Chelsea Clinton employees.

Hillary Even Admitted That She Used Her Husband’s “System”

“Well the system we used was set up for President Clintons office and it had numerous safeguards it was on property guarded by the Secret Service and there were no security breaches, so I think that the use of that server which started with my husband proved to be effective and secure,” Hillary Clinton said in a March 2015 press conference.

Clinton has not returned to that talking point since.

The Clinton Foundation and Hillary Clinton’s campaign did not return requests for comment by press time.

The Words you Use can Be a Cause for Investigation

On the knife’s edge, Americans are threatened by some entity every day. It is the work of government to keep the homeland safe and the methods or tactics used can infringe on our protected rights.

Wonder what words are used in Hillary’s emails….

When it comes to words, the Department of Homeland Security has a list and they have systems to cultivate interactions on the internet where social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter and YouTube are the top three locations where you are being watched. Have you ever posted something to Facebook and it was removed?

This is not a new circumstance, but often we need to be reminded.

Dept. of Homeland Security Forced to Release List of Keywords Used to Monitor Social Networking Sites

Forbes: If you are thinking about tweeting about clouds, pork, exercise or even Mexico, think again. Doing so may result in a closer look by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

In a story appearing earlier today on the U.K’s Daily Mail website, it was reported that the DHS has been forced to release a list of keywords and phrases it uses to monitor various social networking sites. The list provides a glimpse into what DHS describes as “signs of terrorist or other threats against the U.S.”

The list was posted by the Electronic Privacy Information Center who filed a request under the Freedom of Information Act, before suing to obtain the release of the documents. The documents were part of the department’s 2011 ’Analyst’s Desktop Binder‘ used by workers at their National Operations Center which instructs workers to identify ‘media reports that reflect adversely on DHS and response activities’.

The information sheds new light on how government analysts are instructed to patrol the internet searching for domestic and external threats. The Daily Mail’s article noted the Electronic Privacy Information Center wrote a letter to the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Counter-terrorism and Intelligence, describing it’s choice of words as ‘broad, vague and ambiguous’.

What wasn’t disclosed is how the agency actually gains access to the various search engines and social networks to monitor the specified keywords. My guess is the DHS has a “special arrangement” with companies like Google GOOG -1.94%, Facebook FB -1.12%, Microsoft MSFT +0.00%, Yahoo and Twitter to gain secure direct API access. This type of access would allow it to use distributed cloud technologies to monitor the daily flow of social media and search activity in something close to real time.

I would love to learn more about the technologies used to accomplish this type of social / web monitoring. The applications for monitoring trends and social statics are fascinating when applied to other industry sectors. Given the extent of the monitoring, I’m sure this post itself is now coming up on the DHS radar, so please feel free to leave a comment with any insights.


(Update 1: Reading through the Desktop Binder, I discovered the DHS Twitter account is @dhsnocmmc1 and DHS appears to be using tweetdeck to monitor the various keywords. See Page 38 – Also interesting to note they seem to be using a Mac Mini as a server, and no password vaults. All Passwords appear to be shared in a plain text word document.)

(Update 2: On page 37, DHS instructs analysts to accept invalid SSL certificates forever without verification. Although invalid SSL warnings often appear in benign situations, they can also signal a man-in-the-middle attack. Not a good practice for the security conscious. Thanks to @obraon twitter for the tip.)




For the full DHS document, click here.

Asylum Seekers Die Across the Globe

The United Nations Refugee Agency’s solution to global unrest appears to be the same as that of world leaders, report the crisis and force other countries to accept refugees and asylum seekers. Meanwhile, death tolls mount.

Between the fact that the Obama White House never had a strategic plan for the Middle East, nor one for Central and Latin America, while as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and John Kerry do not have one either. Meanwhile people suffer and the whole consequence threatens national security, healthcare, education, taxpayers, crimes and more.



United Kingdom


United States

There is more for sure….

Bodies found dead in a truck near border, while asylum seekers flow into Hungary

GENEVA, Aug 28 (UNHCR) The UN refugee agency said it was “deeply shocked and saddened” at the grim discovery yesterday of the bodies of 71 people inside a truck abandoned near the Austrian border with Hungary.

“This tragedy underscores the ruthlessness of people smugglers who have expanded their business from the Mediterranean sea to the highways of Europe. It shows they have no regard for human life and are only after profit,” UNHCR spokesperson Melissa Fleming told a press briefing in Geneva.

Austrian police said that they believed the truck came from Hungary and entered Austria on Wednesday night or early on Thursday morning, and that the victims might have been dead for one or two days. Their identity is still unknown but it is presumed that they were being transported by smugglers.

After establishing that there were no survivors, the truck was closed again by the police and moved to another location for further investigations. Police said that they counted at least 20 bodies but the actual number is likely to be much higher.

“This tragedy also highlights the desperation of people seeking protection or a new life in Europe. UNHCR hopes this incident will result in strong cooperation among European police forces, intelligence agencies and international organisations to crack down on the smuggling trade while putting in place measures to protect and care for victims,” Fleming said.

UNHCR has reiterated its call to European countries to approach the refugee crisis in a spirit of solidarity and cooperation and to provide those seeking safety in Europe with safe legal alternatives to dangerous irregular voyages. These legal avenues include resettlement or humanitarian admission programs, flexible visa policies and family reunification.

“This week, the Hungarian border police have been intercepting more than 2,000 people crossing the border from Serbia every day. On Wednesday, police reported 3,241 new arrivals, including 700 children. This is the highest number in a single day so far this year,” Fleming detailed.

She added that these people, a majority of whom are refugees from Syria, including many women and children, are coming in large groups of over 200 people, walking along the rail tracks or crawling under barbed wire, as work continues on a 175 kilometres long wall at the border between Hungary and Serbia.

“Fear of police detection makes many of them rush through the razor wires, sustaining cuts and injuries in the process. UNHCR staff at the border report that many people are arriving on wheelchairs pushed by relatives, while others are in need of urgent medical assistance,” Fleming explained.

Police take the new arrivals to a pre-registration centre in Röszke in southern Hungary, near the Serbian border and some 184 kilometres away from the capital, Budapest. The centre in Röszke does not offer adequate conditions for the exhausted, hungry and thirsty asylum-seekers who have spent many days on the road.

In Röszke, new arrivals are searched by the police and their details recorded, before being sent to registration centres, further inland. Asylum-seekers are kept in mandatory detention between 12 and 36 hours, and then handed over to the Office of Immigration and Nationality to process their asylum claims. Hungary’s four reception centres have a maximum capacity of 5,000 people.

“Overcrowding and long waits result in frustration for the asylum-seekers. The Hungarian police do not have social workers or enough interpreters in Arabic, Dari, Pashto and Urdu, which makes it hard to communicate with asylum-seekers,” Fleming continued.

Over 140,000 people have sought asylum in Hungary so far this year, according to the latest official statistics, compared to 42,000 people last year. Most of those lodging asylum applications this year are nationals from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan and they include around 7,000 unaccompanied children or separated from their parents.

Many refugees and migrants choose to leave Hungary for other countries in Europe. Every day up to 500 people sleep at the two main train stations in Budapest where volunteers look after their basic needs, including food, clothing and urgent medical attention, and where the city authorities give them access to sanitation facilities. In order to provide more adequate accommodation, the city authorities are planning to open a transit facility, with UNHCR’s technical advice.

Islamist Incursion Continues in Sheriff’s Dept.

It is not just one Sheriffs Office either, there is Los Angeles County and then add in the fact that even County Commissioners are in lock step with Islamists and CAIR. Question is how does their oath square with Sharia law? Anyone?

Islamist Deputy Sheriff Received Go-Ahead to Keep Job at CAIR

The Sheriff’s Office signs off on employment with a terrorist organization.

Front Page: Nezar Hamze has two paying jobs. In one, he is a Deputy Sheriff at the Broward Sheriff’s Office (BSO), under oath to watch over, protect and promote the best interests of the community. In the other, he is the Regional Operations Director and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for the Florida chapter of CAIR, an Islamist group with numerous ties to international terrorism. It is disturbing and dangerous that someone from CAIR is involved with law enforcement. It is more disturbing that Hamze has his job at CAIR with the blessings of the Sheriff’s office.

In June 2014, Hamze applied for the position of Certified Reserve Deputy with the BSO. He had applied for the same position in March 2012 but was rejected. At the time of his 2012 application, Hamze was serving as the Executive Director of CAIR-Florida. His 2014 application states (in type) that he, at the time, had the title of Regional Operations Director of CAIR-Florida and has the word “current” penciled next to it.

The 2014 application states that the Broward Sheriff, Scott Israel, recommended Hamze for the job. The application was approved, and soon after, Hamze was sworn in.

In order to keep his position with CAIR, at the same time as serve the BSO, Hamze had to fill out a form asking the BSO if he could do so. On his ‘Broward Sheriff’s Office Off-Duty Employment Form,’ dated February 2015, it states, “I, Nezar Hamze… request that I be granted permission to accept off-duty employment for the year 2015.”

Hamze stated for his job description, “As Coordinator for CAIR Florida I will be responsible for assisting in community events and educational lectures. My job duties include: public speaking, fundraising, media relations, lectures, employment training, diversity and culture training. The nature of this job does not require any regular office hours and I am able to work on my days off and at my leisure.”

Along with Hamze, both the Unit Supervisor and the Division Commander signed the form.

It doesn’t take a genius to understand the conflict of interest with respect to Hamze’s two jobs. There is not even an issue of ‘dual loyalty’ in this case, since it is obvious that Hamze is exploiting his position in law enforcement solely to further his Islamist agenda as a CAIR official. Hamze’s hiring is no doubt a coup for CAIR, but it is a ‘coup de grace’ for counter terrorism efforts within the BSO and beyond, as it could result in grave harm done to criminal and/or terrorist investigations.

CAIR or the Council on American-Islamic Relations was established, in June 1994, as one of four groups under the leadership of then-global head of Hamas, Mousa Abu Marzook, who had been residing in the US for decades. Following the White House’s January 1995 designation of Hamas as a terrorist organization, Marzook was arrested and placed in prison. Two years later, in May 1997, he was deported to Jordan. Marzook is currently residing in Egypt, as the number two leader in Hamas.

Since CAIR’s founding, a number of representatives for the group have been imprisoned in and/or deported from the U.S. for various reasons related to terrorist activity. CAIR itself was named a co-conspirator by the US government for two federal trials dealing with the financing of Hamas. And the hierarchy of CAIR is still intact, as the national office’s founding Executive Director, Nihad Awad, and founding Communications Director, Ibrahim Hooper, still hold the same positions.

In November 2014, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) government officially named CAIR a terrorist organization.

When Hamze applied for the BSO in 2014, he e-mailed the Backgrounds division of the Sheriff’s Office, giving permission for them to contact CAIR-Florida. He stated, “I report to the Board of Directors and you can contact them for any information you need,” and he proceeded to give the numbers for two individuals who sit on CAIR-Florida’s Board, Board Member Rashid Abbara (a.k.a. Muhammad Abbara) and the Chairman of the Board Zaid Abdur-Rahman.

Abdur-Rahman, who is a black belt in karate, has called the arrest and conviction of terrorist Syed Fahad Hashmi an “atrocity” that future Presidents and politicians should “apologize” for. In June 2010, Hashmi, a former student at Brooklyn College in New York, was sentenced to 15 years in prison, after pleading guilty to providing material support to al-Qaeda.

In July 2014, Abdur-Rahman posted a video to his Facebook page denouncing Israel for conducting air strikes against Hamas targets in Gaza. The individual posing as a reporter on the video, states, “[W]hen the IDF talks about hitting quote Hamas targets, remember that Hamas is the democratically elected leadership of Gaza, which could mean any government building or social services.”

In July 2014, a BSO ‘Employment Verification’ form for Hamze was filled out by CAIR-Florida’s Community and Government Relations Director Ghazala Salam.

This past July, Salam was featured on a video interview for al-Hikmat, the media arm of the radical Darul Uloom mosque located in Pembroke Pines, Florida.

Darul Uloom has been associated with a number of al-Qaeda terrorists, including now-deceased al-Qaeda Global Operations Chief Adnan el-Shukrijumah, “Dirty Bomber” Jose Padilla, and possibly one of the 9/11 hijackers. Interviewing Salam for the video was the imam of the mosque, Maulana Shafayat Mohamed. Shafayat Mohamed was thrown off a number of boards in Broward County for his outspokenness against homosexuals. In February 2005, Darul Uloom published an article by him claiming that homosexual sex caused the 2004 Indonesian tsunami.

In viewing Nezar Hamze’s applications for employment with the Broward Sheriff’s Office – both his 2012 and 2014 applications – CAIR’s fingerprints are all over them. And for someone like Hamze that makes sense, because CAIR is Hamze’s real life and loyalty.

On Hamze’s BSO ‘Off-Duty Employment Form’ asking to keep his job at CAIR, the form reads, “I further understand that the Sheriff reserves the right to approve, deny, suspend, and or revoke this request at any time for any reason.”

Given Hamze’s role in CAIR, Hamze should have never been hired for any position within the Broward Sheriff’s Office, let alone a position where he gets to walk around with a badge and a gun. No matter how one looks at it, Hamze’s hire is a risk to national security.

Yet what is entirely unfathomable is the fact that the BSO signed off on allowing Hamze to keep his job with CAIR, while serving in his capacity as Deputy Sheriff. If Hamze’s hire reflects the BSO’s approach to combatting terrorism and engaging the Muslim community, they have effectively sabotaged themselves.

All of this took place under the watch of Broward Sheriff Scott Israel, and for that Israel should resign his office immediately. Hamze should be fired, and Israel should go with him.

If you wish to contact Sheriff Israel to discuss this matter, you can do so by sending an e-mail to: [email protected] , or you can call the Broward Sheriff’s Office, at 954-764-4357. Please be respectful in any and all communications with this office.

Beila Rabinowitz, Director of Militant Islam Monitor, contributed to this report.