What You Should Know about BDS

Anyone remember that Israel is still working diligently to defend herself? Anyone remember that the West is not only doing nothing to support Israel as an ally but in many cases is working against her as noted by SecState John Kerry dealing with Iran on the nuclear program which failed but then he is still using all back-channels with regard to a peace process with the Palestinians.

There are countless grass roots operations under Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) that are also working against Israel. Businesses in America and even universities have joined the BDS network. Here is what you should know.

Boycotts, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS)

Boycotts, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) are the tactics of political warfare used against Israel, based on the exploitation of human rights, double standards, comparisons to apartheid South Africa, and false accusations of “war crimes.”
  • Definitions:
    •  Boycotts of products, culture, and academics – BDS activists lobby stores not to carry Israeli products and encourage others not to purchase them. They send letters to artists, musicians, authors, and academics, imploring them not to perform and appear in Israel or cooperate with Israeli institutions. Boycotts undermine liberal values, such as academic freedom and freedom of expression, by restricting openness and tolerance.
    • Divestment from companies that do business with Israel – Distorting the concept of ethical investing, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) accuse companies that conduct business in Israel of involvement in war crimes and violations of international law. The NGOs approach investors, primarily large banks and pension funds, and push for the exclusion of these companies.
    • Sanctions against self-defense measures – Anti-Israel activists demand that the international community enact comprehensive sanctions against Israel – treating Israel as a pariah state. The ultimate goal is legally enforced sanctions by the UN Security Council. Other forms of sanctions include arms embargoes, which are premised on baseless charges of war crimes. Similarly, legal proceedings are initiated against Israeli officials to punish Israel for defensive actions. 
  • BDS is the main component of the “Durban strategy,” which was adopted by dozens of NGOs at the 2001 UN Conference Against Racism held in Durban, South Africa, which crystallized the strategy of delegitimizing Israel as “an apartheid regime” through international isolation.
    • Other tactics of the Durban Strategy include “lawfare” campaigns against Israeli officials in international courts; lobbying international bodies, including the UN, EU, US and criminal courts; publishing false reports and accusations of “war crimes,” “ethnic cleansing,” and “apartheid”; organizing provocations such as flotillas and violent demonstrations under the guise of humanitarian operations and human rights.
  • The campaign seeks to end the “occupation and colonization of all Arab lands” and promotes the right of “Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties.” These goals undermine the fundamental right of the Jewish people to self-determination.
  • This campaign is financed and supported extensively by foreign governments, as well as foundations and religious charities, which provide frameworks for anti-Israel political influence. *See funding chart below.
  • Most of this money comes from Europe, usually involving taxpayer funds funneled through secret processes to organizations that operate under the banners of promoting human rights, humanitarian aid, democracy and peace.
  • BDS seeks the elimination of Israel as a Jewish state.
    • Co-founder of Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) Omar Barghouti (2004): “The current phase has all the emblematic properties of what may be considered the final chapter of the Zionist project. We are witnessing the rapid demise of Zionism, and nothing can be done to save it, for Zionism is intent on killing itself. I, for one, support euthanasia.”
    • As’ad Abu Khalil, a central activist in the U.S. (2012): “Justice and freedom for the Palestinians are incompatible with the existence of the State of Israel.”
    • Pro-BDS author Ahmed Moor: “OK, fine. So BDS does mean the end of the Jewish state…. I view the BDS movement as a long-term project with radically transformative potential….In other words, BDS is not another step on the way to the final showdown; BDS is The Final Showdown.”
  • BDS is not an established organization or movement, but comprised of dozens of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and radical activists.
  • In practice, the BDS campaign has little success on the ground, but its effectiveness lies in its ability to penetrate the public and political discourse and blur the lines between legitimate criticism of Israel and the complete de-legitimization of Israel in the international arena.
  • BDS activists utilize the threat of political, economic, academic and cultural isolation as a means of pressuring Israel, and seek to have this idea penetrate the public and political discourse, as a means of influencing governments and businesses to adopt BDS tactics.

Then when a retired General and a former director of the CIA puts out warnings with regard to BDS, sanctions and Israel, listening and action is prudent.

NEW YORK (JTA) — Former CIA director Gen. David Petraeus said that any nuclear deal with Iran should not include a significant decrease in sanctions on the country.

“No deal is better than a bad deal,” Petraeus told a crowd of over 1,700 Wall Street insiders on Monday night at the UJA-Federation of New York’s annual Wall Street Dinner, a fundraiser that broke last year’s record by raising more than $26 million. “And turning the screw on the sanctions is better in the end.”

At the dinner presentation, Marc Lipschultz, the global head of energy and infrastructure at the private equity firm Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, asked Petraeus, also the former commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, about the Islamic State jihadist group and other global threats to Israel.

Petraeus responded that the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel in Europe is potentially more dangerous to Israel than threats in the Middle East and “might keep more people awake at night than anything else.”

He also said that Hezbollah’s threat to Israel has largely been neutralized by the Iron Dome defense system.



Sedition: Education and Media

C’mon parents, your children are being indoctrinated to Islam and Sharia in public schools and at university.  That is bad enough, but do you approve of seditionist infiltration on campus where you pay for tuition for classes taught by Marxists, Leninists and Communists?

Where is the FBI?

Former President Bill Clinton pushed back against the charge that President Obama and his fellow Democrats are card-carrying members of the Communist Party — telling supporters Monday that “nobody’s seen a communist in over a decade” and chastizing a freshman Republican for name-calling.

Invoking the specter of Communist-hunter Sen. Joseph McCarthy, Clinton blasted Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.), who in April said that he could identify 80 members of the U.S. House who were Communists — pointing to a caucus of House liberals when pressed for evidence.

Where is the FBI?

Former President Bill Clinton, his wife Hillary and hundreds in the Obama administration who full well there are communists in the federal government, at universities across the country and across all spectrums of media. Need more proof?

Well look at Ferguson, Missouri. Leftist organizers are using Ferguson to rehearse the Big Ugly

Scan the signage in the photos taken at Ferguson street protests across the nation and note that a handful of groups’ names reoccur.  Among them are REVCOM.US (Revolutionary Community Party USA , A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition (founded by the pro-Leninist Becker brothers and aligned with the Party for Socialism and Liberation), Peoples Power Assemblies, Socialist Worker.org, and the International Action Center (founded by Jimmy Carter’s former Attorney General, Ramsey Clark, in 1992). There are more.

Standing behind the signs are well-funded 501(c)(3) groups that receive millions of dollars every year through donations and foundation grants, and then allocate monies to promote social change.

It’s a one-two-three punch involving community organizers, supported by moneyed enablers, who marshal protesters to the street carrying signs with organizational ties most know nothing about.     

All of it is well-organized, well-executed, and well-funded by intelligent, well-rehearsed, highly-motivated, ideologically-driven zealots for fundamental transformation in America, and, for some, the world. It’s all perfectly legal.

Where is the FBI?

Where does the money come from that is financially supporting these groups and protests? Organizations that, in recent years, have received direct funding and assistance from George Soros and his Open Society Institute (OSI), For a complete list go here.

But there is more and you need to pay attention as the leadership of these groups get unfettered access to the White House and to media.

Where is the FBI? Who performed the background checks of these people and approved access?

This website did some good work as noted below.

If there were any more reasons Van Jones should step down or be fired. In 2006 he signed a petition by the Radical Black Panther Collective for Social Progress. The petition states, “resist so that we will not be crushed. Our resistance gives other people courage.”

Among the supporters, a who’s who of socialist/communistic organizations.

Individuals and Organizations

* Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER), San Francisco
* American Civil Liberties Union, Sonoma County, CA
* Asians for Mumia/Jericho
* Association of Micro-Power Broadcasters
* Barrio Defense, San Jose, CA
* Bay Area Police Watch
* Philip Berg, Libertarian Candidate for Congress California District 8
* Berkeley Copwatch
* Geoffrey Blank, No Police State Coalition, NY
* Elombe Brath, Patrice Lumumba Coalition
* Mary Browne, Michael Randall Ealy Social Justice Foundation
* Caduceus Outreach Services
* Center for Constitutional Rights
* Center for Tactical Magic
* Communities United Against Police Brutality
* Chalice Farm
* Todd Chretien, Green Party candidate for U.S. Senate
* Omowale Clay, December 12th Movement
* Coalition for Justice and Accountability, San Jose, CA
* Chris Daly, Supervisor for SF District 6
* Dan Dileva, October 22 Coalition Seattle affiliate
* Carl Dix, Revolutionary Communist Party
* Jeremy Dreher
* Education Not Incarceration, Oakland, CA
* Samina Faheem Sundas, Executive Director of American Muslim Voice (for ID purpose only)
* Freedom Socialist Party, San Francisco
* Fr. Paul Gawlowski OFM Conv, Pastor, St. Paul of the Shipwreck Church, San Francisco
* Green Action
* Greenwood Earth Alliance
* Grey Panthers
* Guerrilla Wordfare
* HACKBLOC.org (Anarchy)
* Haitian Coalition for Justice, NY
* Marie Harrison, Candidate Supervisor for SF District 10
* Barry Hermanson, Green Party candidate for CA State Assembly
* Goldy Holmes
* Idriss Stelley Foundation, San Francisco, CA
* ISO (International Socialist Organization), San Francisco
* Van Jones and the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
* Justice4Palestinians
* Krissie Keefer, Green Party candidate for Congress
* Jane Kim, President, San Francisco People’s Organization, Youth Organizer, Chinatown Community Development Center
* Richard Konda, Coalition for Justice and Accountability
* Larry Holmes, Troops Out Now Coalition
* Latinos for Mumia
* Dorinda Moreno, Hitec Aztec Communications, Elders of the 4 Colors 4 Directions
* National Jericho
* New Black Panther Party, New York Chapter
* Efia Nwangaza, African American Institute for Policy Studies and Planning
* NYC Jericho
* Party for Socialism & Liberation
* Pastors Against Injustice
* P.O.W.E.R. (Police Observers Working to Effect Reform), San Francisco
* Project Common Touch, Tommie Escargaza, Director
* Radical Women, NY
* San Francisco African American Community Policing Relations Board
* San Francisco Bay View National Black Newspaper
* San Francisco Code Pink
* San Francisco Faith Based Coalition, Rev. Ted Frazier
* San Francisco Peacemakers
* Alicia N. Schwartz, People Organized to Win Employment Rights (POWER) (for ID purpose only)
* SEIU-Local 790
* Seven Generations Consulting
* O’Maly Sinclair
* Lynne Stewart, attorney, NY
* Dr. Ahimsa Sumchai, reporter for Environmental Medicine
* Celeste Taylor, Coordinator for Pittsburgh Oct. 22
* Tiny, Editor, Poor Magazine, San Francisco
* United for Peace and Justice
* United Playaz, Rudy Corpuz, SF SOMA
* Vox Populi Collective
* Mary Weaver, People’s Organization for Progress
* Wilson Riles
* Patricia St. Onge
* Oakland CAN (Community Action Network)
* Workers World

Where is the FBI?

Then in 1954 a law was passed title the Communist Control Act. The spirit of the law is to identify organizations and people attempting to overthrow the system of government including the Federal and State level. Sure in garden variety terms this has not happened, but when it comes to political correctness, edicts, mandates, enforcing law and prosecution, Communism is here and it is effective, as noted by meetings today in the White House and in towns such as Ferguson, Oakland, St. Louis and Chicago.

Where is the FBI? Where are you parents? Where is the top leadership at the Department of Education? Where is the leadership of universities and the donors?



Jihad John, the Beheader had Support Network

Jihadi John’s British terror ring smashed as cops uncover a network stretching across the UK

An intelligence expert has told how evidence has been discovered showing a dozen or more suspects have been helping the ISIS executioner

Terror network: Jihadi John

Security agents who spent months tracking a UK terror network supporting Jihadi John uncovered a chilling web of evil stretching from West Yorkshire to the South East.

An intelligence expert has told how evidence has been discovered showing a dozen or more suspects have provided the Islamic State executioner with “money, contacts, and facilitated travel to Syria”.

The revelation comes after agents compiled one the “most extensive dossiers” on those behind the British killer whose identity is known by MI5 and the FBI.

Our source revealed all of his friends and contacts in Britain had been identified and that a web had been uncovered “stretching from Dewsbury to London”.

An intelligence expert commented: “Those supporting this terrorist face a simple choice – either co-operate with inquiries or face the full force of the justice system. There is nowhere to hide.”

Nowhere to hide: Jihadi John

Counter-terror police officers acting on US intelligence have found and tracked suspected members of his terror support network in the UK.

The Sunday Mirror understands up to a dozen suspects have already been targeted by the authorities.

Last month the FBI confirmed they knew Jihadi John’s true identity but details have deliberately not been made public while intelligence officers continue to monitor the movements and electronic ­communication of his alleged helpers.

Some of the suspects were already known to British security services and have been linked to previous UK-based Islamic terror plots.

It is also understood that friends of Birmingham-born Junaid Hussain, one of Jihadi John’s close associates in a gang of British IS fighters dubbed “The Beatles”, have been co-operating with intelligence officers.

A US intelligence source close to the investigation said: “The emphasis has been to track down the support network around the British IS executioner because we know they are still communicating with him.

“There has been success in this approach and our monitoring techniques have exposed British members of a tight network that is actively sending funds and resources to IS fighters in Iraq and Syria.

“Familiar names of known jihadists have cropped up again and again in this investigation.”

Former London rapper Abdel – Majed Abdel Bary, 23 – shares several physical attributes with the killer and had been considered a suspect.

But voice recognition experts believe it is not him.

There has also been confusion over whether the man seen talking in the beheading videos is the same person who carried out the executions.

Crucial clues have been provided by US analysts who have used advanced facial recognition technology to literally unmask the killer.

Using only the man’s eyes — the only part of his face left uncovered in the video – they have pieced together a photofit style picture of what they say lies underneath the mask.

The forensic officials created two versions of the likeness: one clean shaven and another with a moustache.

The US source said: “High-tech imaging techniques have been used, but it is still only a very good guess at what the killer could look like.”

Other experts are using the IS beheading videos to determine exactly where and when the Western hostages were beheaded.

US experts now say it is possible that two militants appear in the video. Both dressed in the same black garb, they could be switching places between frames.

In the James Foley video, the man speaking has a pistol holster underneath his left arm — a sign that he is right-handed. But the masked fighter who beheaded Foley did so with his left hand.

In another sign of inconsistency, the knife the man held at the start of the video does not appear to be the same  knife shown next to Foley’s decapitated body.

Two weeks ago Jihadi John, believed to have beheaded two British and  two American hostages, was reported to have been injured in a US-led air strike.

The masked ‘executioner’ with a London accent is believed to have narrowly escaped death when he attended a summit of the group’s leaders in an Iraqi town close to the Syrian border last Saturday.

Jihadi John is reported to have been rushed to hospital after the air strike in Al Qaim, in Anbar Province, Western Iraq.

The Foreign Office said: “We don’t have any representation inside Syria, so it is difficult to confirm these reports.”

The joint US-Iraqi mission left at least 10 IS commanders dead and around 40 injured.

IS members issued urgent calls through the local mosque’s loudspeakers, appealing for the town’s residents to donate blood at the hospital.

Jihadi John has become one of the world’s most hunted terrorists after the beheading of British aid workers David Haines, 44, from Perth, and Alan Henning, 47, from Manchester, as well as American journalists James Foley, 40, Steven Sotloff, 31, Peter Kassig, 26, and an unknown Syrian soldier.

Unlike most other western Muslim recruits, Jihadi John has risen to a ­position of some seniority.

Normally, Western fighters occupy lowly positions. He is believed to have been a prison guard for IS and has risen to be a member of a shura council, or governing body, of an IS ‘wilayat’, or province.

Jihadi John is aged between 28 and 31, and is fluent in English, Arabic and classical Arabic, the language of the Koran.

He first joined IS in Iraq when he left the UK, but then moved to Syria.

He is said to travel around in a black Audi jeep, and has six other British terrorists with him who act as his  bodyguards.


But America has the same issues as noted below.

U.S. federal prosecutors have charged two young American men from Minnesota, one of whom is in the Middle East fighting, with supporting the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) militant.

Somali Americans Abdi Nur, 20, and Abdullahi Yusuf, 18, were charged with “conspiracy to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization, namely, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS),” Assistant Attorney General John Carlin said.

Abdi Nur, who traveled on May 29 to Turkey, through which many Islamist militant pass en route to fight with ISIS, was to have returned to the United States on June 16 but did not, the statement added.

Yusuf was arrested on his way to school at Inver Hills Community College. His attorney argued for his release during a Tuesday hearing in U.S. District Court in Minneapolis, noting he had been going to school and work despite knowing for months that he was under investigation. But a magistrate judge ordered him held until a detention hearing Wednesday.

“More than 16,000 recruits from over 90 countries traveled to Syria to become foreign terrorist fighters with alarming consequences,” said Carlin.

“This is a global crisis and we will continue our efforts to prevent Americans from joining the fight and to hold accountable those who provide material support to foreign terrorist organizations,” he added. “With these two defendants, we have now charged more than 15 individuals with offenses related to the foreign fighter threat in Syria.”

Yusuf in Minneapolis sought an expedited U.S. passport for his trip to Turkey, but could not give an itinerary or explain the source of his funds for his trip, as he was unemployed, authorities said.

Yusuf’s parents – who authorities said didn’t know about their son’s plans – attended Tuesday’s court hearing but declined to speak to The Associated Press.
ISIS emerged in Syria’s war in the spring of 2013.

The militants proclaimed a “caliphate” in June after seizing swathes of Iraq and Syria.

Obama Amnesty Edict Torpedoes Social Security

If you don’t think that foreigners will be granted benefits at the expense of the legal American taxpayers, you need to think again. In a sweeping move, Barack Obama has redefined the definition of citizenship.

Stability of Social Security is at the core of the debate of Obama’s amnesty edict. The financial condition of Social Security is collapsing. The Social Security trust fund will be exhausted in 2033, three years sooner than projected last year, the administration said. And Medicare’s hospital insurance trust fund will be depleted in 2024, the same as last year’s estimate, it said.

“The projections in this year’s report are somewhat more pessimistic than last year’s projections,” Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner said in issuing the annual report on the two programs, which together account for more than 35 percent of all federal spending.

Word spread like a fierce blowing wind south of the border.

Immigration Health Insurance: Undocumented Immigrants Eligible for Medicare, Social Security Benefits Under Obama’s Executive Orders

President Barack Obama’s immigration reform executive action has paved the way for undocumented immigrants to be eligible for Medicare and Social Security benefits, the White House has confirmed.


According to White House officials, undocumented immigrants who apply for work permits as a result of Obama’s executive action will be eligible for benefits because they will pay into the Social Security system through payroll taxes. The undocumented immigrants who will pay into the Social Security system, however, will not immediately receive such benefits. As with all Medicare and Social Security recipients, the individual has to work 10 years to become eligible for retirement and health care benefits.

With Obama’s immigration executive actions, none of the immigrants affected by the orders will receive federal assistance including food stamps, welfare or other income-based assistance. Immigrants will not be eligible to receive health insurance under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also referred to as Obamacare, both federal- and-state-level exchanges.

National Latino and immigrant rights groups have supported Obama’s executive action, but the belief is more can be done especially in the health sector. National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health Executive Director Jessica Gonzalez-Rojas commended Obama on addressing the record levels of deportations and injustices under current immigration laws and policies, and yet action could have been accomplished for one’s health. 

“With this announcement, the president has taken a bold and necessary step to recognize the humanity of immigrant women and families — and he can and should do more. It’s time for this Administration to lift the bans on

health coverage for immigrant women and families, including those granted administrative relief, and to put an end to harmful detention policies,” Gonzalez-Rojas said.

The National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health executive director acknowledged that responsibility to create “lasting, comprehensive solutions” is by Congress. She said, “We look to the House and Senate to stop playing games with the lives of immigrant women and support the health of our families, communities, and economy.”

National Institute for Latino Policy President Angelo Falcon said Obama’s immigration executive action was “way too long overdue,” and it should be recognized as a “temporary band aid” on issues affecting immigrant workers and their families.

“We are also concerned that the President will not fully exercise his power of executive action to impact on all those who should be eligible for legalization, and expect that they will be shortchanged in terms of what should be basic human rights benefits such as health insurance,” Falcon said in a statement, adding the upcoming Republican-controlled Congress will take serious consideration of accomplishing comprehensive immigration reform.

As Latin Post reported, Obama’s immigration executive action will grant eligible undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. as of Jan. 1, 2010, to be deferred from deportation for a renewable three-year period. The three-year period rule will also affect recipients of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), who previously was allowed to stay on a renewable two-year basis. The undocumented immigrants must pass criminal background checks and pay $465 for the “work authorization and biometrics fees” and no fee waivers and “very limited” fee exemptions.

Undocumented immigrants who arrived in the U.S. after Jan. 1, 2010, and in the future, are not eligible of Obama’s executive actions.


So the real fight begins and it is not racist, it is economic.

Fight brewing over Social Security benefits for illegal immigrants

A new clash over retirement benefits has come to a head following President Obama’s decision to unilaterally protect up to 5 million illegal immigrants from deportation.

The White House now acknowledges that many of the illegal immigrants spared from deportation under Obama’s sweeping executive action will become eligible for Social Security and Medicare benefits once they reach retirement age.

The conservative backlash has been swift and will certainly extend into a GOP Congress’ deliberations in 2015 over how to limit the reach of the president’s immigration blueprint.

A central argument in Obama’s defense of the most extensive overhaul to the immigration system in decades was that those given reprieves from deportation would not qualify for Obamacare benefits. The president reminded critics that Dream Act-eligible immigrants previously granted deportation deferrals could not enroll in federal health exchanges.

However, Obama was less eager to wade into the debate about what to do with newly protected immigrants now paying into Social Security. He didn’t address the matter while outlining his immigration plan in a prime-time address to the nation, but White House aides later confirmed GOP suspicions about how Obama’s unilateral move would affect retirement benefits.


Analysts said that Republicans would use the admission to argue the president is misleading the public about the details of his immigration action.

“It is a bit of surprise,” said Michael Tanner, a senior fellow at the Cato Institute who focuses on entitlement programs. “For a long time, there was an argument made by the administration that [undocumented immigrants] would not be eligible for such benefits. It does seem to be a contradiction.”

For Republicans, this debate is about far more than just Social Security. It fits into the broader narrative of painting the president as unwilling to spotlight an unpopular provision of his agenda until after it has been enacted.

“It’s Obamacare all over again, ‘If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor,” one House GOP leadership aide told the Washington Examiner. “Obama was very clear on this issue. He said no benefits. What the president says just isn’t credible. That couldn’t be any more obvious by now.”

The administration says Obama’s move is sound fiscal policy, that it makes sense to grow the tax base. They also argue that it would be unfair to force people to pay into Social Security and not reap the same benefits as everybody else.

Immigrants would have to work at least 10 years to qualify for Social Security and Medicare benefits, administration officials said, and Obama’s executive action could always be reversed by any of his successors.

Though quiet about the Social Security implications of the president’s latest executive action, the White House has long argued that comprehensive immigration reform would strengthen the long-term outlook of entitlement programs.

“Over 500 days ago, the United States Senate passed legislation with bipartisan support to improve border security, streamline the immigration process and establish a firm but fair path to citizenship,” Vice President Joe Biden wrote in an op-ed this week in Irish Central. “It would be an absolute game-changer for our economy, adding $1.4 trillion to our economy and reducing the deficit by nearly $850 billion over 20 years, and extending the solvency of Social Security by another two years.”

However, some fiscal hawks say that any short-term benefit of having more people paying into Social Security would be eclipsed by the burden of paying out benefits to potentially millions of additional people.

Republicans also point to the illegal immigrants not yet covered by Obama’s unilateral action.

“It is also important to keep in mind that while 5 million [illegal immigrants] benefit affirmatively from executive amnesty with work permits, photo ID’s and social security numbers, almost all of the other 7 million illegal immigrants continue to remain functionally immune from enforcement,” said Stephen Miller, a spokesman for Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala. “The problem for American workers will be compounded even more when the amnesty produces the ensuing wave of new illegal and chain migration.”




The Irony of Ferguson

In recent days we have watched terrorists in Ferguson burn the town, many of whom were not even from Missouri. Protests in solidarity for Justice for Michael Brown are occurring in cities across the nation including Oakland, Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Boston and Atlanta.

The protests in Ferguson burned their own community over the Grand Jury decision not to indict Officer Daren Wilson. What is left of Ferguson and what will the future be? Furthermore, testimony and scientific forensic evidence spelled out without dispute that Michael Brown never put his hand in the air, the signature of submission to police orders. If he had, he would clearly be alive today.

The Ferguson Fraud

The bitter irony of the Michael Brown case is that if he had actually put his hands up and said don’t shoot, he would almost certainly be alive today. His family would have been spared an unspeakable loss, and Ferguson, Missouri wouldn’t have experienced multiple bouts of rioting, including the torching of at least a dozen businesses the night it was announced that Officer Darren Wilson wouldn’t be charged with a crime. 

Instead, the credible evidence (i.e., the testimony that doesn’t contradict itself or the physical evidence) suggests that Michael Brown had no interest in surrendering. After committing an act of petty robbery at a local business, he attacked Officer Wilson when he stopped him on the street. Brown punched Wilson when the officer was still in his patrol car and attempted to take his gun from him.

The first shots were fired within the car in the struggle over the gun. Then, Michael Brown ran. Even if he hadn’t put his hands up, but merely kept running away, he would also almost certainly be alive today. Again, according to the credible evidence, he turned back and rushed Wilson. The officer shot several times, but Brown kept on coming until Wilson killed him.

This is a terrible tragedy. It isn’t a metaphor for police brutality or race repression or anything else, and never was. Aided and abetted by a compliant national media, the Ferguson protestors spun a dishonest or misinformed version of what happened—Michael Brown murdered in cold blood while trying to give up—into a chant (“hands up, don’t shoot”) and then a mini-movement.

When the facts didn’t back their narrative, they dismissed the facts and retreated into paranoid suspicion of the legal system. It apparently required more intellectual effort than almost any liberal could muster even to say, “You know, I believe policing in America is deeply unjust, but in this case the evidence is murky and not enough to indict, let alone convict anyone of a crime.”

They preferred to charge that the grand jury process was rigged, because St. Louis County prosecutor Robert McCulloch didn’t seek an indictment of Wilson and allowed the grand jury to hear all the evidence and make its own decision. This, Chris Hayes of MSNBC deemed so removed from normal procedure that it’s unrecognizable.

It’s unusual, yes, but not unheard of for prosecutors to present a case to a grand jury without a recommendation to indict. Regardless, who could really object to a grand jury hearing everything in such a sensitive case? If any of the evidence were excluded that, surely, would have been the basis of other howls of an intolerably stacked deck.

It’s a further travesty, according to the Left, that Officer Wilson was allowed to testify to the grand jury. Never mind that it is standard operating procedure. As former prosecutor Andrew McCarthy points out, guilty parties usually don’t testify because they have to do it without their lawyer present and anything they say can be used against them.

It is also alleged that the prosecutor McCulloch is biased because his father was a cop who was killed by a criminal. Follow this argument though to its logical conclusion and McCulloch would be unable to handle almost all cases, because of his engrained bias against criminality.

Finally, there is the argument that Wilson should have been indicted so there could be a trial “to determine the facts.” Realistically, if a jury of Wilson’s peers didn’t believe there was enough evidence to establish probable cause to indict him, there was no way a jury of his peers was going to convict him of a crime, which requires the more stringent standard of beyond a reasonable doubt.

Besides, we don’t try people for crimes they almost certainly didn’t commit just to satisfy a mob that will throw things at the police and burn down local businesses if it doesn’t get its way. If the grand jury had given into the pressure from the streets and indicted as an act of appeasement, the mayhem most likely would have only been delayed until the inevitable acquittal in a trial.

The agitators of Ferguson have proven themselves proficient at destroying other people’s property, no matter what the rationale. This summer, they rioted when the police response was “militarized” and rioted when the police response was un-militarized. Local businesses like the beauty-supply shops Beauty Town (hit repeatedly) and Beauty World (burned on Monday night) have been targeted for the offense of existing, not to mention employing people and serving customers.

Liberal commentators come back again and again to the fact that Michael Brown was unarmed and that, in the struggle between the two, Officer Wilson only sustained bruises to his face, or what Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo calls an “irritated cheek.” The subtext is that if only Wilson had allowed Brown to beat him up and perhaps take his gun, things wouldn’t have had to escalate.

There is good reason for a police officer to be in mortal fear in the situation Officer Wilson faced, though. In upstate New York last March, a police officer responded to a disturbance call at an office, when suddenly a disturbed man pummeled the officer as he was attempting to exit his vehicle and then grabbed his gun and shot him dead. The case didn’t become a national metaphor for anything.

Ferguson, on the other hand, has never lacked for media coverage, although the narrative of a police execution always seemed dubious and now has been exposed as essentially a fraud. “Hands up, don’t shoot” is a good slogan. If only it was what Michael Brown had done last August.

Rich Lowry is editor of National Review.But one must also understand the rules of engagement that is taught at all police academies that clearly requires officers to protect themselves. Given the edicts of conduct in confrontations with criminals, one must also understand the perspective of officers themselves. Sure, there are abuses, no question, however the ratio of abusive behavior by officers to criminals is quite low.

The police chief in Milwaukee has something to say about his own city but also in regard to Ferguson, something you must hear. Don’t miss the video in that link.

Chief Flynn talks protests, violence following grand jury decision in Ferguson

MILWAUKEE (WITI) — Milwaukee Police Chief Ed Flynn joined FOX6 WakeUp Wednesday morning, November 26th to talk about the protests in Milwaukee and Ferguson following the grand jury decision in the Michael Brown case.

In Ferguson on Monday, it was announced a grand jury has decided there is no probable cause to indict Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson in the August shooting of Michael Brown.

That decision led to outrage and protests in Ferguson and across the country — including here in Milwaukee.

The case out of Ferguson is similar to the case here in Milwaukee involving Dontre Hamilton. 31-year-old Hamilton was shot and killed in April by Milwaukee police officer Christopher Manney. Manney has been terminated from the Milwaukee Police Department over his handling of Hamilton that day — a termination he’s appealing.

Meanwhile, Dontre Hamilton’s family continues to await a decision out of the Milwaukee County District Attorney’s Office as to whether Christopher Manney will face criminal charges in the shooting. It’s a decision they have waited to hear for nearly seven months.

Milwaukee police say a sergeant and an officer were injured on Tuesday night, November 25th — as Dontre Hamilton supporters attempted to enter the BMO Harris Bradley Center during a Milwaukee Bucks game. This, as a large crowd of supporters gathered nearly 24 hours after the grand jury decision was handed down in Ferguson.

On Wednesday morning, Chief Flynn shared his thoughts on the protests and violence.