Putin is Stalin, both Equal Another Ukraine Holodomor

While VP Biden flew to Kiev today to show shallow solidarity with Ukraine, one must know that Kiev is the birthplace of the former Soviet Union, the keys to the kingdom of history, which is ripe for a re-birth.

Ukraine has a very nasty history and in recent decades has worked to find itself among a true democratic nation, learning to finds it’s way in the modern era. Putin is following the Stalin doctrine and is blocking Ukraine/Crimea from further advancements.

It begins with famine, disease, genocide and death, lots of death where Jews were no exception. Recently, the agenda for all Jews to register and pay a tax or leave the country, of which some leadership in the world is calling disgusting, it proves a multi-track mission that is a carbon copy of the KGB/FSB under Stalin.

A holocaust survivor sees this clearly and has spoken out to the Jews in the region to get out now. How can this be in this time, where historically, all lessons were learned and trials and documents have proven the history, but yet never seems to be written or taught?

What can Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton or John Kerry know and what have they ignored as they dither on the policy with Russia, Ukraine, Crimea or any of the other Baltic States? They know and they ignore, as there are too many staffers and historians in the administration that provide context and facts. Additionally, all administrations have deep ties to academia where professors on all sides of arguments and debate deliver research, white papers, documents and thesis on all parts of the globe, so currently the matter of Russia, Ukraine, Crimea and more historical content has been dusted off as recently as 2009 when the real Russia goal of annexing additional nations is the sole quest of Putin.

The question of Holodomor must be reviewed as a window of what may come soon in that region. After some digging, this University of Chicago professor knows the history and created an assignment for his students and other assigned professors. Within this assignment, there are facts that are not disputed.

“One of the universal lessons of the Holocaust is that national,

ethnic, racial, or religious hatred can overtake any nation or society,

leading to calamitous consequences. To reinforce that lesson, such

curriculum shall include an additional unit of instruction studying

other acts of genocide across the globe. This unit shall include, but

not be limited to, the Armenian Genocide, the Famine-Genocide in

Ukraine, and more recent atrocities in Cambodia, Bosnia, Rwanda,

and Sudan.”




Holodomor means “death by starvation.”

Although we will never know the exact number

who died in Ukraine during this period, the Ukrainian government today estimates that, taking into

account data related to the demographic consequences of the famine, “Ukrainian losses resulting

from the famine of 1932-1933 total no fewer than ten million people”. This campaign, purposefully

orchestrated by Joseph Stalin and his Soviet cohorts, included summary executions for hoarding

grain and deportations for resistance*.


Why is the Holodomor Unknown?


There are two reasons: The Soviet Union never


admitted its existence and many correspondents in the West, primarily Walter Duranty of the New


York Times, were complicit in covering it up.


What are the Implications of the Holdomor in Today’s Geopolitical World?


The Soviet genocide against the Ukrainian people was part of a centuries-old pattern of behavior by


Moscow’s rulers. The Soviets were following in the footsteps of their Czarist predecessors who


denied the existence of a separate Ukrainian nation. The return of Russian chauvinism under


President/Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, the rehabilitation of Stalin in today’s Russia, the questioning


of Ukraine’s right to exist as an independent nation by many Russians, as well as the continued


denial of the Holodomor/Genocide by Russian governmental officials, are troubling developments,


not only for Ukrainians but for all freedom-loving people throughout the world. ***


The purpose of this curriculum guide for educators is to acquaint them with this tragedy.


Myron B. Kuropas, Ph.D.


It should be noted here that Walter Duranty worked for the New York Times and was a paid agent of the KGB. Not to be overlooked, the KGB created the PLO, Black Liberation Theology and sought to defeat the Vatican.

During the winter of 1932-33, some ten million Ukrainians living in the Union of Soviet

Socialist Republics (USSR) died of forced starvation. They perished during a Genocide

Famine (hereafter referred to as the “Holodomor”, the current Ukrainian term used to identify

the calamity) engineered by the Soviet government which had three major objectives in that

part of its expanding empire:

1. To annihilate a significant portion of that segment of the Ukrainian population which had

most vociferously and openly resisted increasingly oppressive Soviet rule.

2. To terrorize the surviving Ukrainian population into submission to Soviet totalitarian


3. To provide funds for Soviet industrial expansion from the sale of expropriated Ukrainian

wheat and other foodstuffs to the rest of the world.

Just as the Jewish Holocaust is not simply a “Jewish issue”, the Holodomor in Ukraine is not

simply a “Ukrainian issue”. Both genocides have universal implications. The Holocaust is an

example of genocide perpetrated by an overtly racist, fascist regime which had as its

avowed purpose the annihilation of the Jewish people. The Ukrainian Holodomor is an

example of genocide perpetrated by a Communist regime which, while calling itself

internationalist, was contaminated by Russian chauvinism. For Russian Bolsheviks,

Ukrainian ethno-cultural self-assertion was a threat to both the primacy of Russian culture in

Soviet affairs, and to the centralization of all authority in the hands of Soviet dictator Joseph


Although the Holodomor in Ukraine is one of the greatest crimes ever perpetrated against a

single nation in the 20th century, the West is hardly aware of it ever having taken place. This

is so for four reasons:

1) consistent denial by Soviet officials;

2) conscious cover-up by influential Western correspondents reporting from Moscow;

3) a dearth of information about the Soviet Union’s crimes within its own borders, crimes that

since the collapse of the Soviet Union appear to be fading from public consciousness, both

here and abroad;

4) an information vacuum regarding Ukraine and its people among American academics, the

mass media, and the general public where the prevailing view was that Ukrainians were

Russians who spoke a Russian dialect. Even though Ukraine has been an independent

nation-state since 1991, this perception, still promoted by many Russian intellectuals,

remains an accepted fact in many American circles.

This professor’s document is here to be read, it is filled with indisputable citations and quotes from those where were there.

So we now know this administration’s policy on Russia with regard to Ukraine and Baltic States is feckless and most of all deadly.

Obamacare, Fraudulent and Deadly

If one looks at Barack Obama’s most recent suggested White House budget, line by line, it is socialism and destructive. No worries however, it was defeated without so much as the media reporting the vote. So, what more do we need to know? A couple of things. Who exactly advises Barack Obama? Thomas Piketty is the answer. Who is he? A French socialist who hates capitalism. Even more scary, Piketty has the ear of many in Washington DC on the side of the Obama regime.

Thomas Piketty’s “Capital in the Twenty-First Century” has only just been translated into English – several weeks ahead of schedule, due to popular demand – and the New York Times’s star columnist Paul Krugman has already described it as “the most important economics book of the year — and maybe of the decade”.

The French economist’s current US book tour is turning into something of a red carpet event. So far this week, he has met the White House’s Council of Economic Advisors as well as Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew.

So this brings us to Obamacare. Economically, Obamacare is Armageddon for America, all of America, the economic future, the financially stability, global competitiveness and worst of all for the young, old, and indigent.

Since the launch of the official PPACA website www.healthcare.gov (which is highly recommended not to visit due to security risks) there have been horror stories about the failure of the website, the massive number of policies cancelled and the billions of dollars thrown at the law to make it work.




Steve Tucker, a career health insurance broker and expert reveals some real ugly truths about the law as he HAS read the law and the 22,000 supplemental pages to the law. There are facts and trigger points in the law that take America and the best healthcare system worldwide into the twilight zone.

What is most important is only and only Democrats voted for this law, most of which never read a single page of it and then Barack Obama signed it into law and he too never read a page. You must acknowledge too that Republicans are in fact aware of the content of the law and have worked to repeal, alter and or delay the law as many as 47 times, but Harry Reid the majority leader of the Senate refuses to advance any House bill….ever.

The healthcare system in America never required complete alteration, in fact as many as 45 states already had/have two fully funded medical coverage that covered the sick, elderly and poor. Only a real handful of states needed like plans. But we are at numbers approaching trillions as we move into 2016-2017 and when more than a trillion dollars becomes a real number to be applied to Obamacare, then the earth needs to stand still and hear this full interview with Steve Tucker.

This is the unvarnished truth of a scam, redistribution of wealth, lies, collusion and un-Constitutional law. Fair warning to the listeners for the content of this interview but we must face the scary and damning facts for the sake of being an informed citizen.

Listen to the WHOLE interview here. (The Steve Tucker, Obamacare show)

Obamacare puts America in crisis and this is well known by those that voted for the law. Thank you again to Steve Tucker.

Brandeis Bans Free Speech

On the Brandeis University website it states the school is the only nonsectarian Jewish sponsored university in the country. The school was named for Louis Dembitz Brandeis, a Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. Then there is a sentence on the website that refers to the school has innovative and exciting programs of learning that emphasizes an interdisciplinary approach to knowledge and the solutions of real-life problems.

Heh, well when it comes to the schools decision to uninvited Ayaan Hirshi Ali for an honorary degree, it flies in the face of the very text above and especially that of what any Supreme Court Justice should encourage.

In a deeper look one of the notable alumni of the school is Michael Ratner, class of ’65. He is the President Emeritus of the Center for Constitutional Rights. Sounds like a great guy eh? Well not so much, this organization he runs is at the core of the outside constant assistance of the existing AG of the Department of Justice, Eric Holder and additionally that organization is the lead agency full of lawyers providing free counsel to Guantanamo detainees.

And this very week, the school terminated its invitation to Ayann Hirshi Ali under major pressure from CAIR, whose membership has a nasty history.



When radical speech comes from Muslims, however, the same voices claiming to defend the world against hate speech suddenly turn into spin doctors. Among the examples:

  • Sami Al-Arian remains a hero in Islamist circles despite being      exposed as a board member for the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and being      taped saying Jews were “made into monkeys and      pigs” by Allah and calling for “Death to Israel.”
  • CAIR represented Imam Kifah Mustapha in failed litigation against the Illinois State Police. The agency dropped Mustapha as its first Muslim chaplain after the Investigative Project on Terrorism reported about his work as a paid fundraiser for a Hamas front, including performances “singing about Jihad and martyrdom” in a singing troupe which performed at fundraisers.
  • CAIR lauded University of California, Irvine students charged with misdemeanors for orchestrating a series of disruptions aimed at silencing a 2010 speech by Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren. CAIR’s Los Angeles director called the students, whose stated goal was to silence someone else’s speech, “true American heroes.”
  • CAIR has defended Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf al-Qaradawi as a moderate despite his fatwas justifying suicide bombings in Israel and attacks on American soldiers in Iraq. CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad joined Qaradawi in 2012 to discuss a film project about the Muslim prophet Muhammad. This meeting occurred after Qaradawi expressed a wish to kill Jews before he dies.
  • When a radical Muslim website threatened the producers of “South Park” in 2010, CAIR’s national spokesman dismissed the significance, wondering in the Los Angeles Times if “they were set up only to make Muslims look bad.”

CAIR works diligently to block free speech across America as well as free thought. Brandeis stated it’s reason for shunning Ayaan Hirsi Ali is due in part that her criticisms were inconsistent with Brandeis Universitiy’s core values. Well, do those core values include shutting down free speech? Did anyone at the University bother too research the history of CAIR, their relationship to Hamas and documented relationships with unindicted co-conspirators from the Holyland Foundation trial?

It was only recently too that CAIR forced capitulation of the University of Michigan and the Greater Oakland County Republican Club.

Read more here. My good friends at the Investigative Project continue to do yeoman’s work with proven facts and documents.

Too often, claims of “Islamophobia” are parroted without challenge by the news media. None of the reports this week pressed Hirsi Ali’s critics about the context of her statements or about the overall tenor of their attacks. None pointed out that internal documents discovered during an investigation into a Muslim Brotherhood support network place CAIR on the group’s “Palestine Committee.” The committee was tasked with helping Hamas politically and financially.

Until that situation changes, the Islamist winning streak of bullying others into silencing their foes is likely to continue.

Come America, unless we admit what CAIR is and what Islam and Sharia is doing to the entire culture and history of our country, then we are going to have a crisis all too soon that will begin to look like Great Britain and sadly, Syria.

Secrecy and Protection Applied to FOIA Requests

Sadly, yet once again, another tool for citizens seeking truth and or investigative journalists has been firewalled and stonewalled by government operatives.

FOIA exemptions provide ample cover for bureaucrats hiding agency secrets, transparency advocates say

Black columns run vertically down 700 pages, devoid of any information about the federal workers who spent thousands of hours doing union work while on the government payroll.

This is what the U.S. Department of Agriculture considers public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act.

In the name of protecting employees’ privacy, USDA withheld their names, duty stations, job titles, pay grades and salaries. It even deleted names of the unions benefiting from the hours spent by these USDA workers who continued to draw full pay and benefits, courtesy of the taxpayers.

The level of secrecy is a stark example of the failings of FOIA, according to open government advocates. Agency bureaucrats are free to broadly interpret the nine exemptions in FOIA that allow them to withhold information about government employees and the documents they produce.

Interpretations vary about what information should be disclosed, despite directives from President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder that there should always be a “presumption of openness” in weighing what to release.

The only recourse against an agency determined to keep its secrets is a costly lawsuit that can drag on for years.

“There are very strong incentives for agency officers to not release data, but there aren’t any incentives on the other side to release data,” said Ginger McCall, director of the open government program at the Electronic Privacy Information Center, a nonprofit group that advocates for transparency.

“There’s a real culture of secrecy within the agencies, and that is something that needs to be addressed,” McCall said.

A FOIA reform bill unanimously passed the House in February. It would put into law the presumption of transparency currently embodied in proclamations by the president and attorney general. But it would not change the FOIA exemptions that allow documents requested under FOIA to be withheld.

The USDA invoked the “personal privacy” exemption for federal employees to withhold data from the Washington Examiner.

Other FOIA exemptions cover things like national defense or foreign policy secrets, disciplinary actions, information about gas and oil wells and inter-agency memorandums.

FOIA reformers say the changes proposed in the House bill are positive, but without limiting the exemptions that can be invoked under FOIA, they are not likely to break the culture of secrecy at federal agencies.Foia


“If we are really going to see the agencies apply the exemptions any differently we actually have to address some problems with the exemptions,” said Amy Bennett, assistant director of OpenTheGovernment, another nonprofit transparency group.

Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., a sponsor of the bill, acknowledged the problem with FOIA lies in partly in the exemptions, which are left intact in the legislation.

Issa is chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and is co-sponsoring the FOIA bill with Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland, the ranking Democrat on the committee.

Putting the presumption favoring disclosure in the law will shift the burden to the agencies to show releasing requested information will cause specific harm, Issa said told the Examiner.

“FOIA exemptions are being abused,” Issa said. “Information should only be withheld if an agency reasonably believes it could cause specific, identifiable harm — not just because it is embarrassing or politically inconvenient.

“The bipartisan FOIA Oversight and Implementation Act will codify the ‘presumption of openness’ that the administration is fond of praising but does not practice,” Issa said.

“Along with other reforms that will improve agency compliance with FOIA, the ‘presumption of openness’ will combat the high number of inappropriate or unjustified redactions that prevent transparency,” he said.

In November 2012, the Examiner filed FOIA requests with 17 of the largest federal agencies seeking information about employees released from their regular jobs to do union work under “official time.”

The 3.4 million hours spent by union representatives cost taxpayers about $155.6 million in 2011, the latest year for which figures are available from the Office of Personnel Management.

The Examiner sought the name, title, duty station, pay grade, salary and hours spent for each agency employee released on official time, as well as the name of the union that benefited. None of that information is in the annual OPM report.

Several large agencies, including USDA, were unable to comply. The Examiner published a four-part series, “Too Big to Manage,” in February.

Most of the agencies that provided data did not invoke the privacy exemption, and released what information they had. A few, including the Department of Homeland Security, claimed the privacy exemption to withhold the names of employees, but provided the rest of the information.

The USDA finally responded to the FOIA request in mid-March 2014. FOIA Officer Alexis Graves claimed releasing employee and union data sought by the Examiner would “constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.”

Graves also said there is “minimal public interest, if any,” in the information.

The Examiner will appeal.

The USDA’s response is especially frustrating because of the lack of information available on the use of official time, said Rep. Dennis Ross, R-Fla., sponsor of a bill to mandate annual disclosure of basic information about the program.

Ross is pressuring OPM to update its latest report showing data from 2011.

“If these agencies, and the USDA in particular, have nothing to hide, then they should have no problem providing timely information on how their employees spend their time during work hours,” Ross said.

By releasing bits of irrelevant information, USDA officials will be able to claim in their annual FOIA tracking reports that they made a partial release to the Examiner, rather than an outright denial, McCall said.

“They do it to game the stats,” she said.

The wide range of responses to the Examiner request, from full disclosure to the USDA’s redactions, shows there is no consistency in how FOIA officers interpret the exemptions, said John Wonderlich, policy director at the Sunlight Foundation.

“That suggests the biggest variable in FOIA is agency willingness to comply,” Wonderlich said. “That’s not what it’s supposed to be.”

The proclamation of openness by Obama on his first full day in office is similar to declarations made by previous presidents, transparency advocates say.

But like other presidents, Obama has failed to break the secretive culture within federal bureaucracy and has adopted his own practices and policies that limit the release of information he sees fit to keep secret, they say.

An investigation by the Associated Press published March 16 found the Obama administration in 2013 censored government files or outright denied access to them under FOIA more often than ever .

The administration cited more legal exceptions it said justified withholding materials and refused a record number of times to turn over files quickly that might be especially newsworthy, the AP analysis found.

Click here to see more.


Veterans to Be Dis-Armed

Some months ago, it was revealed that the Wounded Warriors Project while performing noble causes and doing great work on behalf of long-term injured soldiers had an anti-gun agenda as noted with the matter of not appearing on a radio show.

Sadly, PTSD is one of the top areas where our active troops and veterans suffer so much so that suicide and criminal actions have become an epidemic unto itself. We cant know the exact numbers however those treated at the Veterans Administration, yet those treated exceed 250,000 or more than 30%.  Treatment of PTSD has not received enough attention much less has the treatment been for the most part effective. In the case of the former Marine Eddie Ray Routh who killed Chris Kyle and Chad Littlefield, Routh was released from PTSD treatment only two days before that fateful day against adamant demands from his family.

Now it has been established there are issues with returning veterans and their plight on PTSD, however, it does beg the question, how many returning veterans are thrown under the bus with regard to their mental capacity when in fact, they are healthy and completely functional? A label has been attached to returning veterans along with many other citizens of the likelihood there is a homegrown terror threat in all of us as written and published by the Department of Homeland Security without so much as a whimper and reaction from dedicated rational patriotic Americans across the land.

Now, in the past months it has been a marquis topic to step up the quest to enact more serious gun legislation which affects legal and sane gun owners in future hopes it will reduce killings on soft targets such as those at Virginia Tech, the Aurora movie theater, Sandy Hook Elementary school and the Sheik church to mention a few when, legal gun owners follow the law and have not been found to be a part of these murders. Yet, when it comes to veterans, they continue to be at the core of the mission to keep firearms out of the hands of those trained and skilled to use them in high threat circumstances even in our homeland.

In recent days, in has come to our attention that veterans are receiving letters that prohibit veterans from transporting, purchasing, possessing or receiving firearms all without some formal investigation to the rationale for these demands by the Department of Veteran Affairs. The actual letter can be read here.

Just what is the Department of Veteran Affairs using for to disarm veterans? Well, there is a well coordinated document that has been uncovered that address all the bases that Veteran Administrations across the country to use to affect veterans owning firearms.

It is time now for all retired military and active soldiers to have their voices heard, perhaps this can be a start of that dialogue. We grieve for those that no longer walk with us due to having given their lives in a combat theater and certainly those at home that have fallen at the hands of those who are victims of deranged gunmen. We must have an active debate on the effective treatment of PTSD and the obscure decisions by the Department of Defense via the Department of Veteran Affairs to disarm veterans.

Mandates at the agency level and lawmakers have become judge and jury on all citizens and they are drunk with the power of the pen and their agendas.