“I will stand with the Muslim should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”
From, Audacity of Hope by Barrack Hussein Obama
Barack Obama flew 7000 miles at the cost of $170,000.00 per flight hour under the cloak of secrecy, surprise and darkness for a formal signing of a ten year Karzai agreement between the United States and Afghanistan. The contents of this agreement have not been released or approved as a treaty by the White House or the State Department; however it does allegedly stop drone strikes and demands the Taliban’s promise of peace.
At the Baghram Air Base the stage was set and the curtain rose at 4:30 a.m. with no troops or press pool invited to the vaudeville act where the Commander in Chief announced the final war stages of the war strategy and the exit plan in Afghanistan to the entire globe, something no other Commander in Chief or theater General has ever previously broadcasted in American history.
Within minutes of the execution of this financial and military contract, complete with signatures hitting the airwaves, Kabul was struck by an exchange of gun-fire, suicide bombers and car bombs in retaliation for the coalition partnership deal. The early ‘sitrep’ told us there were 2 dead and 16 wounded, when an updated ‘sitrep’ revealed deeper collateral damage of our own U.S. forces of 1 EOD, 3 Special Forces were killed in action and 1 SEAL was wounded were added to the casualty and wounded list.
Barack Obama on a return flight to the United States, never looked back at the destruction in his wake from the boasting political event to laud his self proclaimed achievement where the ‘War on Terror’ is over dreamed-up only by his administration handlers as Osama bin Ladin was the catalystic springboard to Obama’s spouting success. Bin Ladin’s death was the crowning achievement, aired in political ads, campaign speeches and press releases.
Yet, what is the next ‘forward’ step to mounting a larger goal of peace for ten years ahead and who or what stands to receive the final trophy? The supreme endgame has become clear and defined; the trophy is flying the flag of Islam over the White House.
Here at home, there is a palpable and obscure movement where red has replaced green. Communism is no longer the insurgent, now it is the green menace, known as Islam. In the United States, emulating the Cold War anti-American objective, green now represents a flood of Sharia complaint faithful into placeholder positions of power provided by Barack Obama as formally announced in the Cairo speech.
Before the first Cold War, a man named Martin Dies rang the claxon on communism’s infiltration into the Unites States before Joseph McCarthy later championed the same call during the 1940’s-1950’s. The Truman administration then made a fateful decision to turn off the sound, while today the same mission is underway, so increase the volume to hear this alert. Today, America has no Dies/McCarthy except those few who have uncovered the White House playbook and vetted evidence while outside the landscape of the governmental positions with few exceptions.
The trophy is America, where in the recent decade, radical Muslims and Islamists have moved to American shores coming from a Russian support push, approved by the more hidden appeasement of Obama through the Hillary Clinton ‘reset’ button when Putin returned to power.
In the daylight of our civilian population and the infiltration of the lobby streets of Washington DC along with at least seven cabinet departments of the Federal government, Sharia, Zakat and Taqiyya are there for all to see and trace with the full scale likeness that harkens back a handful of decades.
The names listed below under the red and green columns while not exhaustive, are those who have gained deep and viable positions within government both decades ago, under red and in very recent years, under green. Either in present day they are part of lobby groups with open access to high level government officials or are in fact on the Federal payroll in such departments as Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Defense, and the State Department, the main Justice Department or more central at the White House itself. Those listed on the red side are from the Communist infusion having all the same like roles within government during World War ll and later the Cold War. The green side contains names you must learn to know today.
Red Era Green Era
Lee Pressman Sami al Arian
Robert J. Oppenheimer Kit Gage
Irving Kaplan Grover Norquist
Alger Hiss Jamal al Barzinji
Whittaker Chambers Sayyid Syeed
Solomon Adler Mazen al Najjar
Harold Glasser Muzammil Siddiqi
David Karr Ali Tulbah
T. A. Bisson Mohammed Magid
Cedric Belfrage Seeme Gull Hasan
Leonard Mins Nihad Awad
Mary Jane Keeney Faisal Gill
Lauchlin Currie Asim Ghafoor
V. Frank Coe Huma Abedin
Franz Neumann Kifa Mustapha
Duncan Lee Momamel Elibiary
John Service Rashid Khalidi
Thomas Corcoran Arnold Wolf
Philip Jaffee Jeremiah Wright
Federick Field Louis Farrakhan
Owen Lattimore William Ayers
Joseph Bernstein Nimko Ahmed
Harry White Asli Bahli
Gregory Silvermaster Hesham Islam
Nathan Witt Daliah Mogahed
Henry Collins Imad David Ramadan
John Abt Abdhurhman Alamoudi
Harold Warr Suhail Khan
Willi Muzenberg Abdulwahab Alkebsi
William Remington Harold Koh
Donald Wheeler Ahmed Totonji
The Washington Book Shop CAIR
Amerasia INSA
Barack Obama
Hillary and William Clinton
The surrender of America to her enemies by the Obama administration is real and has been launched, and is gaining increasing speed. This new and fresh cultural order where Islamists and their coalition forces are fighting for and winning the resources and real estate and hidden government mandates established in secret, a single governmental system on an epic scale. Most often, their method is based upon political correctness and under the guise of human rights, religious protection and outreach.
The Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR and INSA to name a few have deep ties to al Qaeda, al Shabaab, the Taliban and Dar Ululoom, now better known as the Haqqani Network. To provide an abbreviated summary of Haqqani please consider the fact that Mullah Omar is the top leader for this thirty year old terror network established by Pakistan’s ISI, the intelligence division in country and calls on the relationship with Lashker e Jhangvi as, the Mubai Raiders and the very group that kidnapped Daniel Pearl and killed him on video for the world to witness. They have been formally extended an open pathway to the United States by Barack Obama and his benefactors including Vladimir Putin and George Soros with legitimacy, sovereignty and finally diplomatic status.
America has been at war with al Qaeda since before 9-11 and while the focus was on al Qaeda in particular theaters of operation, they have moved on to Algeria and North Africa expanding further beyond the static Middle East. It is certain that key al Qaeda leaders have been killed by CIA operated drone strikes yet a constant re-branding of networks and ties continue.
The Obama administration has been negotiating directly with the Taliban for more than two years to force a peace agreement that includes the transfer of five key Taliban leaders from Guantanamo to Qatar. To this date, it is not confirmed whether this move has taken place under a cloak and dagger transfer. Yet today, the Obama administration has been secretly releasing Taliban tribal leaders from prisons in Afghanistan. The Taliban is the main focus of the Obama administration for peace agreements while the Taliban network extends from Afghanistan into Pakistan. Abdul Salam Zaeef, an Pakistani Ambassador to the Taliban is also a member. Tehrik e Taliban’s leader, Baitullah Mahsad claimed responsibility for killing the Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto changing the face of the leadership of Pakistan to that of an adversary.
It should be noted that there are in fact two laws if not more that apply to stop this sedition if not treason by countless government officials in addition to the Oath they swear to upon taking a government job. The laws include the Hatch Act and the McCarren Walter Act and we can include the Patriot Act to the equation. Under Barack Obama with his circle of large like-minded supporters, a system is being created to orphan the citizenry of America as we are caught up in this snare of a green mission under an ideology in complete opposition to our Constitution. The McCarren Walter Act of 1952 has been amended several times, where is has been watered down for the sake of political correctness, however in its original form, President Truman vetoed the law, but it prevailed due to majority votes in the House and Senate. This law was and is designed to manage immigration, deportation and the termination of employment as a result of the fallout in the 1940’s-50’s over the communist invasion in key government roles where subversive activities against the United States were tracked and proven. The Hatch Act forbids government employees from engaging in political actions yet the Muslim Brotherhood has employed at least three White House employees that are members of the Muslim Brotherhood where they are in fact engaging in political Muslim ideology and drafting mandates supporting the cause. What is more, appeasement entitlement programs and business grants as well as functional doctrine within the military, the Department of Justice and even Education have been completely altered and in many cases re-drafted that complies with the laws of the Hadith and Islam. The Hatch Act and the McCarren Walter Act are laws have been both selectively applied and in many cases waived completely by several government cabinets including the State Department.
Islam is a government where a God is added to neutralize the debate and it has been extremely effective out of fear of retribution.
Public school systems in the United States have altered meals served, altered the curriculum and even the hours for football practice to the middle of the night for the sake of one Muslim student. Domestic court systems have applied Sharia law in at least 27 cases rather than Constitutional law. Under the appeasement to Islam, Barack Obama has replaced the military chaplain program at the Pentagon with a more Islamic objective. Muslim Brotherhood liaisons have been created at all levels of our government where they have enjoyed full compliance of their goals that include removing Muslim training materials from the FBI and DHS lesson plans. Iftar dinners have been hosted by military Generals as well as by Tim Geithner at the Treasury Department. Only recently has the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Bureau of Investigation stopped all interaction with national fusion centers where more local law enforcement has been taken out of the intelligence infrastructure, ceasing all state terror database use, investigation and eventual arrests. States such as Minnesota, Maine and Tennessee have become the target bases for green-lighted green card refugees from areas across the globe where in one particular sector, the Somalis take on the larger numbers of displaced travelers. It should be noted that there are countless pockets of real estate in America now that are essentially ‘no-go’ zones where Islam has been provided their own sovereignty, where foreign law and culture are applied rather than assimilation into our country and our values. Security clearances by the Department of Homeland Security and the State Department have been outsourced where a quota is forced to for acceptance into America without comprehensive investigations are completed.
The Soviets aligned with radical Arabs and Muslims decades ago to create the Red agenda, while they are doing the same today. Russia has subsidized Muslim factions for the sake of land sales and use in the Northern Caucus for the acquisition of oil and natural gas infrastructures. Outwardly, Russia is in opposition to the terror factions, however, more recently we witness Russia aligning completely with Syria, North African networks and al Qaeda and even FARC for the sake of resources.
What is upon America is the Russian Muslim Brotherhood Shariah mafia agenda with Barack Obama taking the lead as the grand marshal to complete the mission and the trophy, the flag of Islam is soon to fly over the White House. It can no longer be denied that the entire faction of Obama handlers inside government or outside government have a single subversive objective for the sake of radical Islam.
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