Muslim Brotherhood, an FTO

Mohammed Morsi was removed from office in Egypt by the Egyptian military due to his tyrannical and deadly regime which is the doctrine of the Muslim Brotherhood, of which he is a charter member. Only recently, Saudi Arabia has in addition to Egypt declared the Muslim Brotherhood to be a foreign terror organization. In addition to the Muslim Brotherhood, Saudi also declared Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic State of Iraq and al Nusra as has Bahrain and the UAE. It must be noted that Turkey and Qatar have refused to follow suit.

A turn must be made now to see just what Britain is doing regarding the Muslim Brotherhood. The UK has seen over the many years a major spike of Islamic movement and the troubles are mounting especially in England. Fighters have been trained and sent from the UK to Iraq and Syria and then often return to Britain trained in Islamic jihad and it is playing out in the streets of London as we saw with the murder of Lee Rigby. Prime Minister Cameron, of Britain has officially ordered an investigation into the Muslim Brotherhood and it is long overdue. The question remains, how honest and revealing will be the results of this investigation and to what potential and additional radical fallout?

Okay, so we have a handful of countries that are finally taking a proactive posture to address Islamists and the Muslim Brotherhood, but what about Barack Obama and the United States?  Well, CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood is firmly planted in federal government and within our education institutions as well as the FBI and law enforcement.

Muslim Brotherhood America


Let’s go deeper. CAIR is trying hard to stop a documentary showing in various locations around America titled Honor Diaries. See for more information. But, while al Jazeera, funded by the Muslim Brotherhood is now broadcasting in America, there are even a handful of members of Congress that are in full cadence with the Muslim Brotherhood and CAIR. CAIR is working diligently to stop this documentary from airing anywhere in America and with some success.

But how stupid can people really be to ignore the results of the Holyland Foundation Trial, how they ignore Anwar al Walaki who was a supporter of al Qaeda that went through the ranks of several mosques in America most of all Dar al Hijrah in Virginia. Sadly we have a Virginia legislator, Alfonso Lopez, a democratic candidate for Congress that is angered by any vocal opposing views of Dar al Hijrah such that he is on the offensive. Read more here.

There is much behind the actions, the publications and the contents of the prayers at Dar al Hijrah and many other like mosques located in Atlanta, New York, New Jersey, Tennessee, Dallas and on the West Coast.

But given the political correctness of the Obama administration and that of the State Department, which was in fact born from previous administrations but taken to new levels since 2008, it seems America will not assume the same objectives of Saudi, UAE, Bahrain or even Great Britain. Maybe a petition is in order posted on the White House website is in order to declare CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood to be a foreign terror organization.

Now, while there is a global reach of al Jazeera, it seems Hamas is getting bolder as they are launching too a satellite television station. Hamas is joining the ranks of social media tool users to convey messages serving the Palestinian causes.

Remember it is the Palestinians that are historically bent on removing all Jews from Israel to reclaim the land and they have been attacking Israel in various forms for many years. Currently, the U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has been working both sides of Israel and the Palestinians to come to a peace agreement, where it was announced this week that after more than a year of talks, once again, all parties left the negotiating table last week.

Oh, one more thing, the Russian KGB established the PLO, the Palestinian Liberation Organization in 1964. More than 400 Palestinian representatives were hand chosen by the KGB. More background can be found here.

In summary, come on America, first learn all of the history and facts and then begin to expose and fight back. Sharia law cannot co-exist with our Constitution.

Putin in the Red Zone, WH and NATO in Lockeroom

While Vladimir Putin is moving to Federalize Crimea and Ukraine, the Baltic States are not getting any support from NATO as Article 5 (an attack on one is an attack on others) is but a quiet whisper. The United States has an agreement with Ukraine titled the Budapest Memorandum. This is a handshake that the United States will come to the aid of Ukraine in exchange for Ukraine giving up their nuclear weapons which they did, gave them up to Russia. But while eyes are on Russian forces at Ukraine’s border with Russia, many other Baltic States are in deep worry as to what comes next. John Kerry met with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov for four hours on March 31 in Paris to work out the next moves of each while Kerry required Russia to move their troops. Russia has refused, yet there was some troop movement where some take this as a sign to calm tensions. It needs to be known however, such is not the case.

Russia is performing military drills at the border of Finland.

Finland Frets as Russia Launches Military Drills on Its Doorstep

According to Dr. Jonathan Eyal, international director at London’s Royal United Services Institute think tank, there is “no question” that these exercises show that Russia is testing its power in the region, which was reshaped by the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991.

“In pure capability terms, the Russians are preparing an operation,” Eyal said. “The question is: Is there an actual military threat? I do not think there will be.”

Eyal said that while Russia’s annexation of Crimea has put a spotlight on its foreign policy, tension with Finland and Sweden is not new. This was shown as recently as last year when Russian jets flew toward Swedish airspace, causing Stockholm to scramble its air force, he said.

But he said that Scandinavia and the Baltic states have sensed renewed danger in recent days because “Putin is an opportunist, and if the opportunity arises he will pick up on it.”

Andrew Kutchins, a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said the proximity of the drills had made the alarm most palpable in Finland.

“The people of Helsinki are nervous,” he said. “What Putin is doing is sending shock waves through Europe.” However, Kutchins added that the likelihood of immediate military action appeared “very far-fetched.”

This anxiety was heightened Sunday after one of Putin’s closest former advisers told the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet that the Kremlin would seek “historical justice” by reclaiming Finland and ex-Soviet countries as part of an enlarged Russian Federation.

“Putin’s view is that he protects what belongs to him and his predecessors,” wrote Andrei Illarionov, according to a translation by the Moscow Times.

“Parts of Georgia, Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic states and Finland are states where Putin claims to have ownership,” said Illarionov, who is now a senior fellow at the Washington, D.C.,-based Cato Institute.

Illarionov, who was chief economic adviser to Putin until 2005 and is described by the Moscow Times as an outspoken Kremlin critic, said Putin could argue the Communist revolution of 1917 was a “treason against national interests.”

“It is not on Putin’s agenda today or tomorrow,” Illarionov added. “But if Putin is not stopped, the issue will be brought sooner or later.”

“Finland isn’t Ukraine”

The reason experts think Finland is more secure than Ukraine is that although neither are members of NATO, the former is more protected by its European Union membership.

“Finland isn’t Ukraine,” said Oliver Bullough, commentator and author of “Last Man In Russia.” “It might not be a NATO member but it is in the European Union and you can bet that if Russia were to start invading members of the E.U., the E.U. would have something to say about it.”

Bullough said the Russians had a “grudging respect” for the Finns because of the way they resisted Moscow’s Red Army during World War II. Apart from Britain and the Soviet Union, Finland was the only European nation involved in the war to avert a foreign occupation.

Research consultant Kathleen McInnis pointed out that Finland is connected to NATO in that it has taken part in NATO-led actions, including Kosovo and Afghanistan.

“Recently there has been discussion in Finland about joining NATO, but opinion remains in favor of a defense partnership with Sweden,” said McInnis, who is based at the London-based think tank Chatham House.

Add to that Finland’s recent agreement to start discussions with Sweden over a defense partnership, and an incursion by Moscow looks less likely.

Perhaps the key difference between Finland and Ukraine is that Putin does not have a tangible excuse with which to exercise the Kremlin’s influence abroad.

Nuclear drills

In the swift annexation of Crimea, he spoke of the need to protect ethnic Russians living in the peninsula from what he called the illegitimate fascist regime in Kiev.

But Eyal said that it is wrong to assume Russia’s only option is a brute-force invasion.

“Russia could put pressure on Scandinavia not to come to the aid of the three Baltic states [Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania], which do have Russian ethnic minorities,” he said. “Or they could warn in advance for Finland and Sweden not to join NATO. It’s a key foreign policy for Russia to prevent NATO’s enlargement.”

Albina Kovalyova reported from Moscow. Alexander Smith and Alastair Jamieson reported from London.

So what is being said about Finland?

One of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s closest ex-advisers has claimed that the ex-KGB agent ultimately wants to reclaim Finland for Russia.

Andrej Illiaronov, Putin’s economic adviser between 2000 and 2005 and now senior member of the Cato Institute think tank, said that “parts of Georgia, Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic States and Finland are states where Putin claims to have ownership.”

“Putin’s view is that he protects what belongs to him and his predecessors,” he said.

When asked if Putin wishes to return to the Russia of the last tsar, Nicholas II, Illiaronov said: “Yes, if it becomes possible.”

Illiaronov admits that Finland is not Putin’s primary concern at present but, if not stopped in other areas of Eastern Europe, the issue will one day arise. Russian troops are currently massing on the eastern border of Ukraine, following Russia’s recent annexation of Crimea.

“Putin said several times that the Bolsheviks and Communists made big mistakes. He could well say that the Bolsheviks in 1917 committed treason against Russian national interests by providing Finland’s independence,” Illiaronov told a Swedish news website.

He believes that Putin is not planning to invade Ukraine for territorial gain but rather “the goal is a pro-Russian puppet government in Kiev.”

“Six years ago Putin conquered Abkhazia and South Ossetia from Georgia. The west let him do it with impunity, and now he has got Crimea,” he continued.

“Now, eastern and southern Ukraine is destablised so that the self-defence forces can take power there. If the situation allows, it may be a military invasion.”

Finland was a part of the Russian Empire for 108 years but broke away in 1917 at the end of the first world war.

The Scandinavian nation was attacked at the beginning of the second world war by the Soviet Union, with Finland fighting the winter war and the continuation war in resistance and losing 10% of its pre-war territory.

Finland is not a member of Nato, so any invasion of its land would not constitute an attack against all members under Article 5 of Nato’s founding Washington Treaty.