The Bush Administration worked diligently to stop terrorists from entering the homeland. At the time, there was an effort to determine all terror connections, travel, money flow and names. Below illustrate such a case. Today, we there is no confidence of CBP or DHS stopping terrorists given obvious and recent cases, conditions and the DACA executive order.

This previous method for entering the United States is happening again today. Now you will have some facts from not only through the Southern border but through every port and international airport in America.

This has been declassified:
SECRET 1120290910
APO AE 09360
JTF GTMO-CG l0 September 2004
MEMORANDUM FOR Commander, United States Southern Command 35 11 NW 91st Avenue, Miami, FL33172.
SUBJECT: Recommendation to Retain under DoD Control (DoD) for Guantanamo Detainee,
ISN:U S9AF-00001l 3DP( S)
1. (FOUO) Personal Information:
* JDIM/NDRC Reference Name: Ahmed, Esmatalla Fedah
*Aliases and Current/True Name: Ahmed Feda
* Place of Birth: Kandahar. Afghanistan (AF)
* Date of Birth: 5 February 1977
* Citizenship: Afghanistan
2. (FOUO) Health: He is in good health.
3. (S) Detainee Summary:
a. (S) Background and Capture Data: Unless otherwise noted, the following background
notes are based solely on the detainee’s statements.
.*Recruitment and Travel: Beginning in 2001,detainee began making his way to the
US from Pakistan( PK) via South America and Mexico (MX). Detainee attempted to enter the US, so he could get a job and send money home to his family. Detainee had managed to pay $25,000 to the facilitator if he arrived safely in the US. After many months of travel, he was arrested by Mexican police in March of 2003. (Analyst Note: Detainee has not given a name to his facilitator as of this memo.)
*Capture Information: The detainee and Ahmad Jan were arrested by Mexican authorities while traveling without proper documentation .After being held for three months, Mexican authorities deported him to Kabul, AF, where he was turned over to the Afghan government. Detainee was in an Afghani prison for 10 months before being handed over to US authorities.
CLASSIFIED BY: Multiple Sources
REASON: E.O. 12958 Section 1.5(C)
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SECRET I 120290910
SUBJECT: Recommendation to Retain under D oD Confrol (DoD) for Guantanamo Detainee,
ISN:U S9AF-00001l 3DP( S)
b. (S) Transfer to JTF GTMO: Detainee was subsequently transported to Guantanamo Bay
Naval Base, Cuba, on 9 May 2003.
c. (S) Reasons for Transfer to JTF GTMO: To provide specific information on terrorist networks, financing, facilitators, recruiters, and travel in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Mexico.
d. (S) Reasons for Continued Detention:
*Detainee probably staged out of Ecuador to Guatemala prior to arriving in Mexico
(MX). His probable facilitator for that portion of the trip has been linked to Hizballah and Al- Gama’at Al-Islamiyya.
*The US escort officer on the return trip to Afghanistan from Mexico was able to
determine that the detainee and Ahmed Jan had staged out of Ecuador( EC) sometime in
February2 002 and traveled by vessel to the Chetumal port-of-entry area from Quayaquil, E C.
Detainee also admitted to being on a boat for 8-9 hours.
*The vessel that transported the detainee and Ahmed Jan into Mexico is believed to be one of the special interest vessels( vessels that carry any US-bound alien who is a citizen or
national of, or originates travel from, a country that is of special interest to the national security of the US (lraq, Iran, Egypt, Sudan, Indonesia, Yemen and Afghanistan).These citizens or nationals are the focus of a joint INS, USCG and Mexican Navy operation called Operation Southern Watch.
*According to a member of the US Embassy Mexico City, several vessels were apprehended by Operation Southern Watch during the time frame in which the detainee and Ahmed Jan were smuggled in to Mexico. Five vessels made it to Mexico without being apprehended-two of which were the Nina Marie II and the Esperanza.
*The smuggler responsible for providing the Middle Eastern immigrants on the vessels was a man named Maher Jarad ,aka Maher al-Palestinian, He has close ties with Fagr Almat, an individual known to help smuggling operations for members of Hizballah and A l- Gama’atA l-Islamiyya. Two of the vessels the Nina Marie II and the Esperanza are known to have departed Guayaquil, Ecuador between 22-23 February 2002.
*Detainee’s credibility is suspect. He has been consistently deceptive during interviews, and he has revised his story at least three times. His inability to provide accurate basic information about family, past employment, airlines, information on his false passport etc., suggest he has had counter-interrogation training.
*Detainee initially claimed that he was being pursued to join the Taliban in Kandahar, A F. He claimed to pay his uncle$ 25,000t o find someone who would smuggle him into the US. His uncle introduced him to Khalid who facilitated his travels to the US. The $25,000 came from his father, who is a car salesman in Kandahar, A F.
*Subsequently detainee stated that everything he has said during prior interrogations is a lie.
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SUBJECT: Recommendation to Retain under DoD Control (DoD) for Guantanamo Detainee,
ISN:U S9AF-000011 3 DP( S)
*Detainee’s next version of his cover story claimed that his family moved to Karachi,
PK, where he and his family have been living for five to eight years. Detainee worked at
Habiladar Factory, making coats, and at the Zikayr Carving Company for one and a half years. (Analyst note: Contradictions from first story: Detainee now lived in Pakistan versus Afghanistan. Aunt and Uncle live in Pakistan versus Afghanistan. His father is a car salesman in Kandahar.)
*When detainee arrived at JTF-GTMO, he provided a third version of his timeline. In the third version, the detainee had two separate employers in Karachi, PK. One was a leather jacket company; the other was a machine shop. Detainee does not remember the name of either the leather company or the machine shop. (Analyst note: Contradictions- Detainee can no longer remember the names of the companies he worked for. Detainee does not mention his aunt or uncle in this version at all. His family will pay Khaled the money only after the detainee reaches the US. Father no longer sells cars, but he now is at an oil distribution company.
Money will come from father selling car and borrowing money from friends at the oil company.)
*Detainee provided erroneous information about the educational institutions he attended.
*Ahmed Jan, the other Afghani who was captured in Mexico with the detainee, also claimed he was looking for an “uncle” in the US, for whom he had no address. (Analyst
note; This would suggest that both Afghani’s were given the same covers tory to tell if they were captured)
*Detainee claims that due to his inability to read and write, he did not know where he was at any time during his travel to the US. His facilitator,” Khaled,” held his passport and tickets until detainee had to past through checkpoints.
*Detainee admits to being able to read and write in at least Pashtu.
*Detainee claims he never knew what airline he flew on en route to the US.
(Analyst note: Airline pilots normally announced departure and arrival locations just prior to take-of and departure. Destination locations are clearly displayed in airports and announcements for flights are always made. Detainee would have, a minimum, been aware of where the initial flight was destined since it was departing from his home area and language(s) being used would not be foreign to the detainee-)
*Detention personnel noted,” on 22 July 2003 at 0522 after the detainee was taken to reservation. A cell search was done and an extra toothbrush and toothpaste was found and also on the ceiling was written “Pakistan” in black. (Analyst note: Indicates he can write)
*Detention personnel commented that the detainee preaches religion to ISN
US9AF-000964DP from Quoran” (Analyst note: Indicates he can read.)
*Detainee also stated that he heard of Usama Bin Laden (UBL) through
newspapers and television in Pakistan. (Analyst note: Indicates he can read.)
*While staying at one safehouse for two months during the trip to the US, detainee was ordered to remain in the house at all times, sleeping during the day and watching television at night. Analyst note: All information above dispels detainee’s claim of inability to read and write in at least English and Pashtu. Detainee would be able to see departure and arrival information on the ticket and in the airport and information held within the passport.
There are
SUBJECT: Recommendation to Retain under DoD Control (DoD) for Guantanamo Detainee,
ISN:U S9AF-0001031D P( S)
also constant reminders on television of station and location, and to get news from a newspaper you have to be able to read. That being the case, it would be reasonable to believe that the detainee would have the capability to understand what country he was in, what airline he was boarding, and what his destination was.
*Detainee was administered two polygraph tests and one Computer Voice Stress
Analysis( CVSA) test since his incarceration at Bagram.
* The first polygraph was given at Bagram prior to 4 May 2003. Detainee refused to
cooperate and did not answer questions.
* The second polygraph was conducted at JTF-GTMO on 31 October 2003. The test resulted in a No Opinion.
* A CVSA was conducted at JTF-GTMO on 6 Jan 04. The purpose of the examination was to determine the veracity o his denial that he ever received combat training (Al-Qaida operatives have received t is training) and h is claim that he was not trying to enter the US to commit terrorist-related activities. It was determined that the detainee did not respond truthfully to the following questions.
. l Have you received combat training? Detainee answered no. Deception
Indicated(D I)
. 2. Were you trying to sneak into America, to hurt Americans? Detainee
answered n o. (DI)
(S) Intelligence Focus: JTF GTMO has determined that this detainee is of high
intelligence value due to his knowledge of:
*Illegal alien smuggling routes from the Middle East to the Americas
*Safehouse used by smugglers between the Middle East and the Americas
*Organization and personnel used in smuggling operations
*Counter-interrogation techniques
4. (S) Detainee’s Conduct: Detainee’s overall behavior has been generally compliant and nonaggressive.
He also has a few refusals and failure to follow the guards’ instructions in his record.
5. (S) EC Status: Detainee’s enemy combatant status was reassessed 0n 24 February 2004, and he remains an enemy combatant.
6. (S) JTF GTMO Assessment:
a. (S) Summary: Detainee is a suspected A l-Qaida terrorist captured in Mexico attempting to reach the US border. Detainee has not explained how his family, who are Afghan refugees in Pakistan could afford to pay the smuggler’s fee of $25,000 to get the detainee to the US. It is proven that the detainee has consistently provided false information during interrogations. The detainee’s continued efforts to provide false information to authorities throughout his detention is
SUBJECT: Recommendation to Retain under DoD Control (DoD) for Guantanamo Detainee,
ISN:U SSAF-0001031D P( S)
not indicative of someone simply trying to enter the US. The detainee who knows four languages., one of which is English,-is of higher intelligence. To determine the motivation and extent of the detainee’s deception is key to determining whether or not the detainee is a highly trained terrorist. It has been determined that the detainee poses a medium risk, as he may possibly to pose a threat to the US, its interests and allies. e
b. (S) Recommendation: JTF GTMO recommends this detainee be retained under DoD control.
7. (S) Coordination: JTF GTMO notified the Criminal Investigative Task Force (C ITF) of this recommendation 0n 10 September2 004. CITF assessed this detainee on 23 April 2004 as a low risk. In the interest of national security and pursuant to an agreement between the CITF and JTF GTMO Commanders, CITF will defer to JTF GTMO’s assessment that at the detainee poses a medium risk.
/ Jnv w. HooD
\-zbrigadier General, US ArmY
SEcRET 1120290910