Planned Parenthood, Traffics Unborn Body Parts

Opening bid is $30.00 and appear to top out at maybe $200.00. Livers are the most desired organ but lungs are gaining in popularity.

What Planned Parenthood is doing is against several medical and trafficking laws and what is worse, Planned Parenthood gets federal dollars, lots of them.

Anyone remember the Kermit Gosnell case?  His indictment is here.

2008: From June 2008 through February 18, 2010, Gosnell allegedly engaged in a continuing criminal enterprise by writing and dispensing fraudulent prescriptions for thousands of pills of the frequently-abused tablets OxyContin, Percocet, and Xanax, and the frequently-abused syrups Phenergan and Promethazine with Codeine.
2009: Prosecutors alleged that he killed seven babies born alive by severing their spinal cords with scissors, and that he was also responsible for the death in 2009 of Karnamaya Mongar, a 41-year-old refugee from Bhutan, who died in his care.
2011: In 2011, Gosnell and various co-defendant employees were charged with eight counts of murder, 24 felony counts of performing illegal abortions beyond the state of Pennsylvania’s 24 week time limit, and 227 misdemeanor counts of violating the 24-hour informed consent law.

More on the despicable actions here. Where is the morality? Where is the decency? Where is the shame? Take 8-9 minutes to watch this video and how calloused she is.

FreeBeacon: Planned Parenthood Received $27.8 Million From Taxpayers This Year

Top doctor caught on video discussing selling aborted body parts: ‘I’d say a lot of people want liver’

Planned Parenthood, whose top doctor was caught on video discussing the sale of body parts from aborted babies, has received more than $27 million from taxpayers this year.

Federal funding has been distributed to Planned Parenthood branches across the country, totaling $8,194,298 in prime awards and $19,640,752 in sub-awards in fiscal year 2015, according to the government’s records for federal grants.

An undercover video captured by the non-profit organization Center for Medical Progress appears to show Dr. Deborah Nucatola, the senior director of medical services at Planned Parenthood Federation of America, talking about selling body parts of babies after they are aborted, as she eats lunch.

“We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part, I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact,” Nucatola says, according to the video published by the pro-life group Live Action on Tuesday.

“I’d say a lot of people want liver,” she says. “And for that reason, most providers will do this case under ultrasound guidance, so they’ll know where they’re putting their forceps.”

*** There IS at least some real outrage.

From the leftwing Politico:

GOP candidates call for action after undercover Planned Parenthood video

Republican presidential candidates are furious about an undercover video they say shows a Planned Parenthood executive discussing the sale of fetal organs.

The nearly 9-minute video, released by the Center for Medical Progress and posted on the pro-life group’s YouTube page, features Planned Parenthood’s Senior Director of Medical Services Dr. Deborah Nucatola eating a salad with a glass of wine and calmly discussing various body parts.

Planned Parenthood released a statement calling the video “heavily edited” and a false portrayal of the organization’s work.

“In health care, patients sometimes want to donate tissue to scientific research that can help lead to medical breakthroughs, such as treatments and cures for serious diseases … At several of our health centers, we help patients who want to donate tissue for scientific research, and we do this just like every other high-quality health care provider does — with full, appropriate consent from patients and under the highest ethical and legal standards.” Planned Parenthood’s vice president of communications said in a statement. “There is no financial benefit for tissue donation for either the patient or for Planned Parenthood. In some instances, actual costs, such as the cost to transport tissue to leading research centers, are reimbursed, which is standard across the medical field.”

But GOP candidates are jumping on the opportunity to discuss their pro-life views.

Ted Cruz released a statement calling the video “sickening.” He requested that Congress to begin an investigation into the allegations brought up by the video.

“There is no place for taxpayer funding of organizations that profit from taking away innocent life, much less profiting off the bodies of the lives they have stolen,” Cruz said. “It should renew efforts to fully defund Planned Parenthood to ensure that its morally bankrupt business receives not one penny of taxpayer money.” Much more here.

Then going back to 2013, Jake Sherman wrote for Politico that it was about the money, how much more it would cost government.

Alveta King is quite upset and wrote this on the matter.

ATLANTA, July 14, 2015 /Christian Newswire/ — In a recent report, Advancing New Standards in Reproductive Health just disrespected hundreds of thousands of women, including Black women like me by saying that our testimonies of our regret over our abortions are likely unfounded. In their report, they say that over 95 percent of women who have had an abortion think they made the right decision according to their new study. Released by the University of California, San Francisco think tank Advancing New Standards in Reproductive Health, and using 667 women who participated in the group’s Turnaway survey, the report found that while a quarter of the women expressed some negativity about their abortions, “Results from this study suggest that claims that many women experience abortion decision regret are likely unfounded.”

While I am writing this blog, there is a news flash from Priests for Life working with Mark Crutcher at Life Dynamics, Operation Rescue, and others with startling evidence that Planned Parenthood is involved in a massive cover up over selling body parts and remains of aborted babies. It’s all lining up. The dots are actually being connected. Remember my Three Headed Monster report? There is so much that is hidden. It’s time to tell the truth.

These people need to read RECALL ABORTION, visit, HOW CAN THE DREAM SURVIVE,, and the newly released


Iran JPOA Titled Executive Agreement Not Treaty

Full text of the Iran deal is here.

Official the Joint Plan of Action with Iran is now complete with several items considered just housekeeping matters are still to be worked out. The Parchin plant MAY have allowed inspections while the other locations are off limits. The Fordo plant continues the enrichment work and Bashir al Assad is dancing at Disney. (sarcasm)

It is unclear if the UK Parliament or France votes on the JPOA but it is likely to occur. China and Russia stand with Iran especially on the arms embargo and sanction relief side.

Israel is sounding the alarms for security not only for Israel but for America and Europe.

Lifted sanctions include these individuals:

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For the full text of the JPOA, click here.

By at Bloomberg:

As the Senate wraps up debate this week on Iran legislation, expect to hear a lot about “hardliners.”

The Senate’s alleged hardliners have tried to add conditions to a nuclear deal the U.S. is currently negotiating with Iranian moderates, but there is little chance the senators will succeed. The majority leader, Mitch McConnell, is expected to call for an end to debate on their meddling amendments.

According to a certain school of thought, all of this is a good thing. Our hardliners, say cheerleaders for the Iran negotiations, empower Iran’s hardliners, who are also wary of a deal.

President Obama views the politics of the Iran deal in these terms himself. Back in March when Senator Tom Cotton and 46 other Republicans sent a letter to Iran’s leaders, reminding them that any deal signed with Obama could be reversed by Congress or future presidents, the president played the hardliner card: “I think it’s somewhat ironic to see some members for Congress wanting to make common cause with the hardliners in Iran.”

There is definitely a political logic to pinning this “hardliner” label on the senators. The White House can artfully shift the conversation away from the contents of the deal it is negotiating. Instead the debate is framed as the Americans and Iranians who seek peace (moderates) versus those in both nations who want war (hardliners).

It’s simple, but deceptive. This tactic understates the power of Iran’s hardliners and dramatically overstates the power of U.S. hardliners.

In Iran, the people inside the system who are negotiating a deal, such as Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, must take the agreement to Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, for approval. In Iran, the hardliner approves the deal.

In the U.S. system it’s the other way around. Senators like Marco Rubio, Tom Cotton and Ted Cruz support amendments that would set new conditions before lifting Congressional sanctions on Iran. But there are not enough votes in the Senate to overturn an Obama veto on the legislation if these amendments are attached. In other words, Obama frames the conversation in the U.S., because he has the power to ignore his hardliners whereas Zarif is obliged to placate his.

Then there is the substance of the amendments themselves. Democrats and Republicans have derided certain Republicans’ amendments to the bill as “poison pills,” aimed at making a deal with Iran impossible. But these amendments would require Iran to end its war against its neighbors, release U.S. citizens who have been jailed and recognize the right of the world’s only Jewish state to exist. Outside the context of Iran negotiations, these are hardly radical views. Obama has expressed support for these positions himself.

Compare those demands with those of the Iranian hardliners. Gen. Hassan Firouzabadi, the chief of staff of Iran’s armed forces on Sunday reiterated the red line that no military installations would be accessible for international inspections. This would pose a problem, given that the U.S. and other great powers have agreed to allow Iran to keep most of its nuclear infrastructure in exchange for tough inspections. The Iranian hardliners appear to be putting back in play something Obama’s team believed was already agreed.

The most important distinction between Iran’s hardliners and America’s hardliners however is their political legitimacy. Iran’s people have supported reform, but nonetheless the country’s Revolutionary Guard Corps and domestic spy agency have tightened the grip on power despite elections when reformers won the presidency.

Contrast their ascent with the plight of Iran’s moderates: In 1997, Iranians elected a reformer president, Mohammed Khatami, who promised to open up Iran’s political system. But throughout his presidency he was unable to stop the arrests of student activists or the shuttering of opposition newspapers. By the end of Khatami’s presidency, some of his closest advisers were tried in public for charges tantamount to treason. In 2013, Iranians elected Hassan Rouhani, who ran as a reformer even though under Khatami he had overseen crackdowns on reformers. Rouhani has not freed the leaders of the 2009 green movement from house arrest or most of the activists who protested elections in 2009.

When Obama talks about his Iran negotiations, he glosses over all of this. He emphasizes instead that Rouhani has a mandate to negotiate and that he is taking advantage of this diplomatic window.

Obama had threatened to veto legislation that would give Congress a chance to review, but not modify, any agreement the administration reaches with Iran and five other world powers. Now the president says he will sign the legislation, but only if it doesn’t include the kinds of amendments favored by the so-called hardliners. After all, those amendments are unacceptable to the hardliners who actually have sway — in Iran.

Lucrative Lifestyle of El Chapo Guzman, with U.S. Credentials

Murder, narcotics, trafficking and buying off everyone is lucrative and such is the case with El Chapo Guzman. He traveled freely into the United States often which questions the resolve to stop the insurgency of criminals. For a list of criminals that have entered the United States through the Southern border and the crimes committed in our homeland, Family Security Matters has compiled a terrifying summary.

A full documentary is available here in Guzman, his rise, his fall and will he rise again?

Up to 2013, Guzman lived the life of world elites yet did so in an under world.

From the LA Times: Joaquin Guzman Loera, known as “El Chapo,” the kingpin of the Sinaloa cartel was issued a California Driver’s License according to a report from Univision. The documents obtained by the Hispanic network are from a Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) report where it states the drug lord obtained his license in 1988 under one of his aliases, Max Aragon. The document shows “El Chapo’s” face picture, the issue date, his height, age and an alleged address in the city of Los Angeles. According to the report from the DEA, the license was used by Guzman to register two Corvette’s he bought in L.A. to public officials in Mexico.

When “El Chapo” was issued the driver’s license, he was already a wanted man by the DEA. In 1993 the kingpin was captured in Guatemala and extradited to Mexico, being sentenced for over 20 years on charges of drug trafficking, criminal association and bribery. In 1995 he was transferred to Puente Grande, a maximum security prison in the Mexican state of Jalisco. By 2001, Guzman broke out of prison when he escaped in a laundry van, with reports from the Univision report giving a different version of the escape. The Spanish-language network now states that he alleged fled the scene dressed as a woman, with a wig, skirt and heels.

In 2013

Borderland Beat: Mexico, DF. The Ministry of Finance and Credit Secretary (SHCP) have put up for sale two dozen items including residences and aircraft once owned by drug traffickers like Joaquin Guzman Loera, El Chapo, and Ignacio Nacho Coronel, some of which are valued up to 15 million pesos (1.18 million dollars).

La Jornada had access to SAE reports/009/1324-2013 indicating they have have also put up for sale (a dozen) real estate property located in several states, along with jewelry, specialized machinery, vehicles, vans, various merchandise and scrap steel

According to La Jornada,  highlighted property as jewelry-included imported brand gold watches inlaid with precious stones, which were seized from drug traffickers of different cartels between 80 and 90.

During the last eight months, the Department of Administration and Disposal of Assets (SAE) has presented at least ten public auctions online in which they have been placed real estate on the national market for 250 million pesos (over $ 19 million) through their different business processes, according to preliminary figures.

Aircraft include:eight Cessnas Grumman Gulfstream II six different models, plus a Sabreliner and Beechcraft King Air 300, which were manufactured between 1968 and 1986

Two Grumman aircraft, two Cessna and King Air aircraft PGR said were confiscated from drug traffickers in 90s and were later incorporated into PGRs fleet to reinforce operational interception.

The Grumman airplanes are used daily by PGR officials to move in the country, and its sale began in auction with starting price for 202,000 pesos.

The plane that is quoted as the most expensive is Beechcraft King Air 300, with a starting bid price of 2,859,000 pesos.
!0 things you may not have known about El Chapo’s airplane

1.-The Sinaloa cartel used HSBC Mexico to deposit payments for the purchase of an airplane Super Beechcraft King Air 300 that used for cocaine trafficking.

2.-The DEA announced that the plane was secured in late 2007 by Mexican authorities in Cuernavaca, Morelos.

3.-According to records from the PGR, banking transactions for the acquisition of the Super Beechcraft King Air aircraft, original registration N25MR, deposits were made ​​by dollar accounts into the HSBC bank, domiciled in the Cayman Islands.

4.-The aircraft was carrying a false registration number N14-TF5 and entered on December 28 into Mexican airspace illegally.

5.-On that occasion the plane was persecuted and videotaped by the army until he landed at the airport in Cuernavaca, where they were unloaded nearly two tons of cocaine, without being able to catch the perpetrators.

6.-The aircraft was part of a much broader investigation on the purchase of 13 aircraft by the Sinaloa cartel to smuggle cocaine from Colombia, Venezuela, Central America, Mexico and the United States , according to reports from the PGR and DEA.

July. – Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada and Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, chief of that criminal organization, funded with nearly $13 million to purchase of aircraft.

8.-The multilateral research was conducted simultaneously in Mexico, United States, Colombia, Guatemala and other countries in the region after securing a number of aircraft used in the transfer of drugs.

9.-On Monday December 10th the U.S. government announced that the British bank HSBC accepted responsibility for laundering around 7 billion dollars between 2007 and 2008 from its branches in Mexico.

10.-The bank reached an agreement with the Department of Justice to pay a fine of one 1.9 billion dollars.

Among the confiscated residences listed by the federal Government to auction is a residence located in the state of Jalisco with a value of 4.5 million pesos. According to the the Government sources consulted it was used by the Sinaloa cartel in the 80’s.

In the real estate auction highlights were included two pieces of land of more than 5000 square meters, and various houses located in different states of the country, some built on land near the Pacific Ocean.

Several of the properties to be auctioned are in poor condition due to lack of maintenance, since most of them had to endure a decade of litigation in courts so that the Mexican State could seize the goods with implement the extinction of eminent domain assets.

The auctions are organized by SAE for participation of any person interested parties, who must first acquire the basics, which costs 500 pesos. Once enrolled, participants register their interest in any of the items and the starting price with an ascending bid and is awarded to the bidder who submits the highest bid

In 2010 the SAE held an auction of assets seized from drug traffickers and among the auctioned pieces on the first day was a watch, set in rose gold case of 18 carat, which reached $70 thousand dollars and another for $10,000.

One of the most expensive pieces of jewelry in that auction was a ring with a large 12.25 karat diamond in the center, valued at $112 thousand dollars.

A 2009  Land Rover, model SUV, which had a starting bid of 150,000 pesos approximately $15,000 dollars was also sold for 58,400 Mexican pesos. Also they auctioned Cessna airplanes and Bell helicopters.

Setbacks like these  go with the drug trafficking territory, there is always more “narcobooty” to be had. Even being a rich, powerful drug lord doesn’t mean anyone like their losses being rubbed in their faces by authorities.


United Nations New Order of the Globe Influenced by BRICS

BRICS is a group of nations that include Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. BRICS is taking control of global insecurity and the charge is actually led by Russia.

BRICS has their own financial security system and at all costs will protect and enhance their money power worldwide. The president of Brazil was in the White House this past week where several discussions took place and more than likely Barack Obama was opening the pathway for the United States to cooperate with BRICS and abdicating power to BRICS and the United Nations.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has met with the leaders of emerging powers in the Russian city of Ufa for a summit widely seen as an attempt by Moscow to show it is not isolated despite its standoff with the West over the conflict in Ukraine.
The leaders of the BRICS countries — Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa — adopted a declaration expressing “deep concern” about the deadly conflict in eastern Ukraine pitting government forces against pro-Russian separatists. 
The document called on both sides to abide by a cease-fire signed in February by Ukraine, Russia, the rebels, and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).
Ukraine and the West, however, have accused Moscow of continued support for the separatist fighters.

Russian President Vladimir Putin (right) meets with his Iranian counterpart, Hassan Rohani, during a meeting on the sidelines of the BRICS Summit in Ufa, Russia, on July 9.
The Iranian nuclear issue was also on the agenda of the summit, which takes place as negotiators from Iran, Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia, and the United States are working in Vienna to strike a deal to curb Tehran’s controversial nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief.
BRICS nations voiced confidence that the Vienna talks will result in a deal.

Enter the United Nations Security Council and Ban Ki-moon

UN Security Council

Ban Ki-moon to Welcome BRICS’ Intention to Reform UN Security Council

UN Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Jeffrey Feltman said that UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon himself talked about the need for reform of the Security Council and he supports strong intention of BRICS countries to reform the UN Security Council.

UFA (Sputnik), Anastasia Levchenko — The UN chief will support the BRICS initiative to reform the UN Security Council, UN Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Jeffrey Feltman told Sputnik on Thursday, adding the BRICS format could prove effective when addressing international issues.

He said UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will welcome the strong intention of BRICS countries to reform the UN Security Council in order to make it more representative for states with growing political and economic influence.

“The Secretary-General himself has talked about the need for reform of the Security Council, the need for the institutions to evolve and reflect the world as it is today. I know that Secretary-General will be very supportive of member states addressing seriously the question of the Security Council reform,” Feltman said, commenting on the BRICS states’ intention to reform the UNSC.

However, it “will be up to the member states themselves to decide what is the best approach for reforming Security Council,” he emphasized.

The UN Security Council consists of five permanent members with veto power – China, Russia, France, Russia, Britain, and the United States – and ten non-permanent members, elected by the General Assembly for a two-year term.

Russia and China are also part of the BRICS club of developing countries, along with Brazil, India, and South Africa. The nations are meeting in the Russian city of Ufa to step up integration and arrange financial assistance to projects in member countries, as well as in other emerging markets.

Feltman admitted that BRICS countries have great political weight, but they or any other group of countries cannot be considered as an alternative to the UN Security Council.

“BRICS represent a very important set of countries, and there are many examples where BRICS format can be useful for international developments, peace and security etc. I think we all recognize the strength of the BRICS format, strength of BRICS grouping. But I think it is hard for any other organization or group of states to replicate the Security Council,” Feltman told Sputnik.

Earlier in the day, BRICS said in its declaration that it had a flexible format, allowing it to address a much wider range of international issues than the UN Security Council. The document also addressed a range of issues that undermine global stability, including dealing with the root cause of recent hike in illegal migration and preventing foreign military interventions.




Hamas, Qatar and the Sinai, Terror Attacks

Of particular note, U.S. Central Command has a satellite location in Qatar. Qatar is the location of the Taliban 5 released in exchange for Army deserter Bowe Bergdahl and Qatar is the ‘go-to’ country that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton launched as the official Middle East diplomacy interlocutor. Corruption reigns in Qatar. The United States policy under Barack Obama is dealing with the devil.


From Reuters:

Israel says Islamic State’s Sinai assault aimed to help Hamas get arms

Israel accused Hamas on Tuesday of supporting last week’s assaults by Islamic State affiliates on Egyptian forces in the Sinai in hope of freeing up arms smuggling to the Gaza Strip.

The remarks followed Israeli allegations that Hamas members provided training and medical treatment for the Sinai insurgents – charges dismissed by the Palestinian Islamist group as a bid to further fray its troubled ties with Cairo.

Egypt said more than 100 insurgents and 17 of its soldiers were killed in Wednesday’s simultaneous assaults, carried out against military checkpoints around the North Sinai towns of Sheikh Zuweid and Rafah. Islamic State’s Egypt affiliate, Sinai Province, took credit for the attacks.

Rafah straddles the border between Egypt and Gaza and had long seen smuggling to the Hamas-controlled enclave. But Cairo has been cracking down on such activity and deems Hamas a threat to Egyptian interests.

An Israeli intelligence colonel responsible for monitoring the borders with Egypt and Gaza said on Tuesday that Hamas, short of weaponry after its war against Israel last year, supported the Sinai assaults with the “objective of opening up a conduit” for renewed smuggling. More here.

Reports Prove Qatar is a sponsor of terror.

From the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs:

On July 2, the Egyptian El Balad channel reported statements by Egyptian security experts that the explosives used to assassinate Prosecutor-General Hisham Barakat were delivered to Egypt through the Qatari embassy’s diplomatic mail. Meanwhile, the Jordanian newspaper Al-Arab al-Youm openly accused Qatar of being behind the attack. In a July 5 report, the newspaper claimed Qatar had funded the terror attack by the Islamic State’s Ansar Beit al-Maqdis against Egyptian army units in Sinai; it also allegedly had brought terror operatives from Syria, Iraq, and Libya to Sinai, where they had undergone training for the attack.

The report also claimed that Qatar had coordinated the media coverage of the Sinai onslaught in the Arab and international media. For example, Al Jazeera, which broadcasts from Doha and is funded by the Qatari government, provided direct coverage of the offensive against the Egyptian army from the moment it began that day at seven in the morning, and highlighted the raising of the black flags of Islamic State in the town of Sheikh Zuweid.

These reports are substantiated by the rising tension between Egypt and Qatar in recent days. Two days after last week’s attacks in Egypt, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry appointed Mohamed Awad — previously its ambassador to Qatar — to the post of Egyptian consul-general in Mumbai while leaving the Egyptian embassy in Doha without an ambassador. The Egyptian ambassador to Qatar was recalled in January 2014 to protest “Qatar’s interference in Egypt’s internal affairs” and since then had waited in Cairo to be reassigned. Egyptian commentators view this step as Egypt signaling its displeasure to Qatar, as well as the fact that Egyptian security officials are aware of Qatar’s involvement in the recent terror incidents. Although Qatar issued a condemnation of the Egyptian prosecutor-general’s assassination, Egyptians have dismissed Qatar’s statement as a standard denunciation and no more than lip service.