Hillary Used Several Intel Agencies, Hundreds of Classified Emails

Hillary Clinton with her lawyer, David Kendall have worked out the details to testify before the House Committee on Benghazi led by Congressman Trey Gowdy.

 Data in Clinton’s ‘secret’ emails came from 5 intelligence agencies 

Planned Parenthood, ‘Call it Research, Not Business’

While Texas Governor, Greg Abbott has issued 3 subpoenas to abortion facilities in his home state, the Attorney General for California, Kamala Harris has sought a restraining order to keep further videos from being released.

The depravity and evil has been revealed that festers inside Planned Parenthood.

FNC: Call it ‘research,’ not ‘business,’ Planned Parenthood doc says in latest sting video

A Colorado Planned Parenthood doctor stresses calling the harvesting of fetal tissue “research” and not “business” — and casually pokes around in a petri dish of aborted remains as a colleague exclaims, “Another boy!” — in the latest video released Thursday by an activist group whose hidden camera stings have imperiled the embattled nonprofit’s taxpayer funding.

The video’s release by the Center for Medical Progress comes a day after CMP was issued a restraining order preventing it from issuing any new footage of a group that worked with Planned Parenthood, StemExpress. But Thursday’s material focuses almost entirely on a woman identified as Dr. Savita Ginde, the vice president and medical director of Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains.

“A lot of times, especially with the second [trimester fetuses], we won’t even put water, because it’s so big you can put your hand in there and pick out the parts.”

– Dr. Savita Ginde

GRAPHIC CONTENT WARNING: Click here to see the latest Planned Parenthood video

Ginde is shown for the majority of the edited video having a discussion about whether to frame tissue procurement as research or business with the undercover activists, whom she believes to be from a procurement company. It is against federal law to sell fetal body parts for profit.

“Putting it under the research gives us a little bit of a, a little sort of overhang over the whole thing,” Ginde said. “Yeah, and in public I think it makes a lot more sense for it to be in the research vein than I’d say the business vein.”

Ginde says in the video that it’s important for all Planned Parenthood affiliates to be on the same page about the issue, particularly those affiliates who may be in states where prevailing public opinion goes against abortion.

“Because if you have someone in a really anti-state that’s going to be doing this for you, they’re probably going to get caught,” she said.

During the conversation, Ginde is asked if she ever gets intact specimens.

“Sometimes, if we get, if someone delivers before we get to see them for a procedure, then we are intact,” she said.

CMP alleges that, since this particular Planned Parenthood affiliate does not use feticides in its second-trimester procedures, any intact deliveries prior to an abortion “are potentially born-alive infants under federal law.”

Near the end of the more than 11-minute video, Ginde digs through the remains of an 11-week-old fetus in a petri dish, showing different body parts to the undercover activist.

At one point, a sound identified as a skull cracking is heard. Later, someone in the room asks questions such as “Do they want brain?” and “Do people do stuff with eyeballs?” The activist laments that using water in the petri dish has caused some of the tissue to come apart.

“Well you know, a lot of times, especially with the second [trimester fetuses], we won’t even put water, because it’s so big you can put your hand in there and pick out the parts,” Ginde says. “So I don’t think it would be as war-torn.”

As Ginde looks over the fetal tissue she says, “It’s a baby.”

The last quote in the video comes from a medical assistant, joyfully proclaiming “And another boy!” when she realizes the sex of the fetus they are dissecting.

The video is the fourth to be released by CMP. Like the first three, it contains undercover video of Planned Parenthood officials and associates.

Previous videos show Dr. Mary Gatter, a Planned Parenthood medical director in Southern California, meeting with people posing as buyers of fetal specimens. The conversation focuses on how much money the buyers should pay, although Planned Parenthood insists that it only sought to cover its expenses. The videos have brought investigations of Planned Parenthood’s policies on aborted fetuses by three Republican-led congressional committees and three states.

Federal law prohibits the commercial sale of fetal tissue, but it allows the not-for-profit donation of tissue if the women who underwent abortions give their consent. Planned Parenthood says the payments discussed in the videos pertain to reimbursement for the costs of procuring the tissue — which is legal.



Amb. Hill and General Mattis Roundtable Discussion, Iran and America

The last half of the video is better than the first half, but in totality, it must been viewed.

Hoover Institute:

Recorded on  July 16, 2015 – Hoover fellows Charles Hill and James Mattis discuss the Iran deal and the state of the world on Uncommon Knowledge with Hoover fellow Peter Robinson. In their view the United States has handed over its leading role to Iran and provided a dowry along with it. Iran will become the leading power in the region as the United States pulls back; as the sanctions are lifted Iran will start making a lot of money. No matter what Congress does at this point, the sanctions are gone. Furthermore, the president will veto anything Congress comes up with to move the deal forward. This  de facto treaty circumvents the Constitution.

If we want better deals and a stronger presence in the international community, then the United States needs to compromise, and listen to one another other, and encourage other points of view, especially from the three branches of government. If the United States pulls back from the international community, we will need to relearn the lessons we learned after World War I. But if we engage more with the world and use solid strategies to protect and encourage democracy and freedom at home and abroad, then our military interventions will be fewer. The United States and the world will be in a better position to handle problems such as ISIS.

Selected Israeli Intelligence Items Revealed on Iran Talks

The deal is just too dangerous, even some Democrats are expressing that dynamic.
On Nov. 26, 2013, three days after the signing of the interim agreement (JPOA) between the powers and Iran, the Iranian delegation returned home to report to their government. According to information obtained by Israeli intelligence, there was a sense of great satisfaction in Tehran then over the agreement and confidence that ultimately Iran would be able to persuade the West to accede to a final deal favorable to Iran. That final deal, signed in Vienna last week, seems to justify that confidence. The intelligence—a swath of which I was given access to in the past month—reveals that the Iranian delegates told their superiors, including one from the office of the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei, that “our most significant achievement” in the negotiations was America’s consent to the continued enrichment of uranium on Iranian territory.

That makes sense. The West’s recognition of Iran’s right to perform the full nuclear fuel cycle—or enrichment of uranium—was a complete about-face from America’s declared position prior to and during the talks. Senior U.S. and European officials who visited Israel immediately after the negotiations with Iran began in mid 2013 declared, according to the protocols of these meetings, that because of Iran’s repeated violations of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, “Our aim is that in the final agreement [with Iran] there will be no enrichment at all” on Iranian territory. Later on, in a speech at the Saban Forum in December 2013, President Barack Obama reiterated that in view of Iran’s behavior, the United States did not acknowledge that Iran had any right to enrich fissile material on its soil.

In February 2014, the first crumbling of this commitment was evident, when the head of the U.S. delegation to the talks with Iran, Wendy Sherman, told Israeli officials that while the United States would like Iran to stop enriching uranium altogether, this was “not a realistic” expectation. Iranian foreign ministry officials, during meetings the Tehran following the JPOA, reckoned that from the moment the principle of an Iranian right to enrich uranium was established, it would serve as the basis for the final agreement. And indeed, the final agreement, signed earlier this month, confirmed that assessment.

The sources who granted me access to the information collected by Israel about the Iran talks stressed that it was not obtained through espionage against the United States. It comes, they said, through Israeli spying on Iran, or routine contacts between Israeli officials and representatives of the P5+1 in the talks. The sources showed me only what they wanted me to see, and in these cases there’s always a danger of fraud and fabrication. This said, these sources have proved reliable in the past, and based on my experience with this type of material it appears to be quite credible. No less important, what emerges from the classified material obtained by Israel in the course of the negotiations is largely corroborated by details that have become public since.

In early 2013, the material indicates, Israel learned from its intelligence sources in Iran that the United States held a secret dialogue with senior Iranian representatives in Muscat, Oman. Only toward the end of these talks, in which the Americans persuaded Iran to enter into diplomatic negotiations regarding its nuclear program, did Israel receive an official report about them from the U.S. government. Shortly afterward, the CIA and NSA drastically curtailed its cooperation with Israel on operations aimed at disrupting the Iranian nuclear project, operations that had racked up significant successes over the past decade.

On Nov. 8, 2013, Secretary of State John Kerry visited Israel. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu saw him off at Ben Gurion Airport and told him that Israel had received intelligence that indicated the United States was ready to sign “a very bad deal” and that the West’s representatives were gradually retreating from the same lines in the sand that they had drawn themselves.

Perusal of the material Netanyahu was basing himself on, and more that has come in since that angry exchange on the tarmac, makes two conclusions fairly clear: The Western delegates gave up on almost every one of the critical issues they had themselves resolved not to give in on, and also that they had distinctly promised Israel they would not do so.

One of the promises made to Israel was that Iran would not be permitted to stockpile uranium. Later it was said that only a small amount would be left in Iran and that anything in excess of that amount would be transferred to Russia for processing that would render it unusable for military purposes. In the final agreement, Iran was permitted to keep 300kgs of enriched uranium; the conversion process would take place in an Iranian plant (nicknamed “The Junk Factory” by Israel intelligence). Iran would also be responsible for processing or selling the huge amount of enriched uranium that is has stockpiled up until today, some 8 tons.

The case of the secret enrichment facility at Qom (known in Israel as the Fordo Facility) is another example of concessions to Iran. The facility was erected in blatant violation of the Non Proliferation Treaty, and P5+1 delegates solemnly promised Israel at a series of meetings in late 2013 that it was to be dismantled and its contents destroyed. In the final agreement, the Iranians were allowed to leave 1,044 centrifuges in place (there are 3,000 now) and to engage in research and in enrichment of radioisotopes.

At the main enrichment facility at Natanz (or Kashan, the name used by the Mossad in its reports) the Iranians are to continue operating 5,060 centrifuges of the 19,000 there at present. Early in the negotiations, the Western representatives demanded that the remaining centrifuges be destroyed. Later on they retreated from this demand, and now the Iranians have had to commit only to mothball them. This way, they will be able to reinstall them at very short notice.

Israeli intelligence points to two plants in Iran’s military industry that are currently engaged in the development of two new types of centrifuge: the Teba and Tesa plants, which are working on the IR6 and the IR8 respectively. The new centrifuges will allow the Iranians to set up smaller enrichment facilities that are much more difficult to detect and that shorten the break-out time to a bomb if and when they decide to dump the agreement.

The Iranians see continued work on advanced centrifuges as very important. On the other hand they doubt their ability to do so covertly, without risking exposure and being accused of breaching the agreement. Thus, Iran’s delegates were instructed to insist on this point. President Obama said at the Saban Forum that Iran has no need for advanced centrifuges and his representatives promised Israel several times that further R&D on them would not be permitted. In the final agreement Iran is permitted to continue developing the advanced centrifuges, albeit with certain restrictions which experts of the Israeli Atomic Energy Committee believe to have only marginal efficacy.

As for the break-out time for the bomb, at the outset of the negotiations, the Western delegates decided that it would be “at least a number of years.” Under the final agreement this has been cut down to one year according to the Americans, and even less than that according to Israeli nuclear experts.

As the signing of the agreement drew nearer, sets of discussions took place in Iran, following which its delegates were instructed to insist on not revealing how far the country had advanced on the military aspects of its nuclear project. Over the past 15 years, a great deal of material has been amassed by the International Atomic Energy Agency—some filed by its own inspectors and some submitted by intelligence agencies—about Iran’s secret effort to develop the military aspects of its nuclear program (which the Iranians call by the codenames PHRC, AMAD, and SPND). The IAEA divides this activity into 12 different areas (metallurgy, timers, fuses, neutron source, hydrodynamic testing, warhead adaptation for the Shihab 3 missile, high explosives, and others) all of which deal with the R&D work that must be done in order to be able to convert enriched material into an actual atom bomb.

The IAEA demanded concrete answers to a number of questions regarding Iran’s activities in these spheres. The agency also asked Iran to allow it to interview 15 Iranian scientists, a list headed by Prof. Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, whom Mossad nicknamed “The Brain” behind the military nuclear program. This list has become shorter because six of the 15 have died as a result of assassinations that the Iranians attribute to Israel, but access to the other nine has not been given. Neither have the IAEA’s inspectors been allowed to visit the facilities where the suspected activities take place. The West originally insisted on these points, only to retreat and leave them unsolved in the agreement.


In mid-2015 a new idea was brought up in one of the discussions in Tehran: Iran would agree not to import missiles as long as its own development and production is not limited. This idea is reflected in the final agreement as well, in which Iran is allowed to develop and produce missiles, the means of delivery for nuclear weapons. The longer the negotiations went on, the longer the list of concession made by the United States to Iran kept growing, including the right to leave the heavy water reactor and the heavy water plant at Arak in place and accepting Iran’s refusal of access to the suspect site.

It is possible to argue about the manner in which Netanyahu chose to conduct the dispute about the nuclear agreement with Iran, by clashing head-on and bluntly with the American president. That said, the intelligence material that he was relying on gives rise to fairly unambiguous conclusions: that the Western delegates crossed all of the red lines that they drew themselves and conceded most of what was termed critical at the outset; and that the Iranians have achieved almost all of their goals.


Other Terrifying Facts on Affects of Immigration


Guardian: A group of eight illegal immigrant sex offenders, including at least one pedophile, have been arrested in the Rio Grande Valley, border officers have said.

The men, who come from Mexico, El Salvador, and Honduras had all previously been convicted of crimes including sex abuse, indecent assault and two counts of lewd behaviour with a child.

In a separate incident, four suspected illegal immigrants were discovered being taken across the border inside a black pickup truck and trailer, with two men locked inside a water butt.

A dog unit alerted police to the men’s presence inside the Dodge truck on July 25, and a quick search revealed two men hiding behind the back seats, and another two inside the trailer.

The truck and trailer have now been seized by the border patrol, and the men have been referred to the Rio Grande Valley Sector Prosecutions Office, a police press release said.

On the same day, border agents from the McAllen, Rio Grande City, and Kingsville forces arrested the eight sex offenders.

Four were from Mexico, two from El Salvador and another two were from Hoduras, agents said.

All eight had convictions for sex offences, including lewd and lascivious acts with a child under 14, sexual assault, fondling a child, and sexual abuse in the first degree.

Acting chief patrol agent Raul L. Ortiz said: ‘Thanks to the efforts of our Border Patrol agents, these convicted sex offenders no longer pose a threat to local communities.’

On the same day, another 11 suspected illegal immigrants were also detained, including two men found locked inside a water butt in a trailer (pictured)

On the same day, another 11 suspected illegal immigrants were also detained, including two men found locked inside a water butt in a trailer (pictured)

Later on Saturday officers arrested another seven suspected illegal immigrants at a known stash house along a river near Escobares, Texas.

Officers set out at 6am, following a singposted trail to the house, where the men were discovered hiding inside, a press released said.

The immigrants, six Mexicans and one Salvadoran, were all taken into custody, while the owner of the property was also arrested and was found to be carrying drugs.

The arrests come during heightened tensions over the U.S. – Mexico border following inflammatory remarks by Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump.

In a blistering speech launching his campaign, he attacked lax controls along the border, suggesting that Mexico was sending ‘rapists and killers’ into America.

Trump has since caused further controversy by retweeting a message accusing rival Jeb Bush of having a ‘soft spot’ for ‘Mexican illegals’ because of his wife. Bush’s wife Columba is a legal US citizen, but was born in Mexico. 


Inquisitor: An illegal immigrant charged with attempted murder in Ohio was set free earlier this month after the U.S. Border Patrol declined to take him into custody.

Authorities indicate that more felony charges against the man may be forthcoming.

Lake County sheriff’s deputies pulled over the suspect, who allegedly admitted to officers that he was in the U.S. illegally, on July 7, but upon being notified, federal immigration agents wouldn’t pick him up.

“The Lake County Sheriff’s deputies could not hold [the suspect] because he was not charged with any crime,” NewsNet5, the ABC News Cleveland affiliate, reported.

The man is now being held in connection with the ongoing investigation into the murder of a local woman and other crimes after being apprehended in a manhunt conducted by Lake County SWAT officers and other neighboring law enforcement agencies.

An irate judge (see footage of the initial court hearing embedded below) set bond at $10 million, and the suspect who entered a plea of not guilty is due back in court on August 3.

Multiple news outlets identify the suspect as Juan Emmanuel Razo, 35. As it emerge in the court hearing, he apparently has no driver’s license, passport, green card, or other documentation that would definitely establish his identity, however.

n illegal immigrant charged with attempted murder in Ohio was set free earlier this month after the U.S. Border Patrol declined to take him into custody.

Authorities indicate that more felony charges against the man may be forthcoming.

Lake County sheriff’s deputies pulled over the suspect, who allegedly admitted to officers that he was in the U.S. illegally, on July 7, but upon being notified, federal immigration agents wouldn’t pick him up.

“The Lake County Sheriff’s deputies could not hold [the suspect] because he was not charged with any crime,” NewsNet5, the ABC News Cleveland affiliate, reported.

The man is now being held in connection with the ongoing investigation into the murder of a local woman and other crimes after being apprehended in a manhunt conducted by Lake County SWAT officers and other neighboring law enforcement agencies.

An irate judge (see footage of the initial court hearing embedded below) set bond at $10 million, and the suspect who entered a plea of not guilty is due back in court on August 3.

Multiple news outlets identify the suspect as Juan Emmanuel Razo, 35. As it emerge in the court hearing, he apparently has no driver’s license, passport, green card, or other documentation that would definitely establish his identity, however.

Illegal Immigrants Outnumber Unemployed Americans

11.3 million illegal immigrants in U.S.
FreeBeacon:The number of illegal immigrants in the United States totaled 11.3 million in 2014, outnumbering the 9.6 million Americans who were unemployed in the same year, according to data from Pew Research Center and the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).“An estimated 11.3 million unauthorized immigrants lived in the U.S. in 2014,” says a Pew report. “The new unauthorized immigrant total includes people who cross the border illegally as well as those who arrive with legal visas and remain in the U.S. after their visas expire.”Of those 11.3 illegal immigrants, 8.1 million are participating in the labor force. “Unauthorized immigrants make up 5.1% of the U.S. labor force,” Pew says. “In the U.S. labor force, there were 8.1 million unauthorized immigrants either working or looking for work in 2012.”

In 2014, there were 1.7 million more illegal immigrants living in the United States than there were unemployed Americans. According to the BLS, the average number of unemployed Americans in 2014 was 9.6 million. The BLS defines an unemployed individual as someone who did not have a job but actively sought one in the past four weeks.

The executive action on immigration President Obama put in place in November of 2014 is set to help more illegal aliens become active in the labor force.

“Last year, President Barack Obama took executive action to expand an existing program and establish a new one that would offer work permits and deportation relief to an estimated 5 million unauthorized immigrants,” according to Pew. “The actions—which are on hold because of a lawsuit by 26 states—would be open to unauthorized immigrants who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children, who are parents with a child who is a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident, as long as they meet certain requirements.”

Obama Orders Financial Incentives

President Obama’s new immigrant amnesty provisions will incentivize businesses to hire illegal immigrants over native U.S. citizens – to the tune of $3000 per employee, congressional aides recently confirmed, according to The Washington Times.

Under the temporary amnesty, which will last for three years, five million illegal immigrants will be allowed to stay in the country legally for three years without threat of deportation. These immigrants will also be eligible for work permits, but will not be allowed certain public benefits such as access to Obamacare insurance.

This means that businesses who hire the undocumented immigrants will not be penalized for failing to provide health care coverage, reported The Washington Times. On the other hand, if the business hired a native-born worker and chose not to provide health coverage, the business could, by law, be fined a $3,000 penalty.

Businesses with more than 50 employees who refuse to provide insurance coverage to full-time workers are assessed a penalty for every employee who receives subsidies under Obamacare. But the five million undocumented immigrants are not allowed to sign up for Obamacare or receive subsidies, so businesses are not penalized, explains The Washington Times.

The loophole was criticized for seemingly placing illegal immigrants  ahead of American citizens in the job market.

“If it is true that the president’s actions give employers a $3,000 incentive to hire those who came here illegally, he has added insult to injury,” Republican Rep. Lamar Smith said. “The president’s actions would have just moved those who came here illegally to the front of the line, ahead of unemployed and underemployed Americans.”

Obama continues to maintain a positive outlook on his decision, saying Tuesday that “Immigrants are good for the economy.”

“We keep on hearing that they’re bad, but a report by my Council of Econmic Advisers put out last week shows how the actions we’re taking will grow our economy for everybody,” he said.