We often wonder why Germany is so feeble with policy when it comes to NATO obligations and further, helping Ukraine. The short reason is the present and past government of Germany has been compromised with purpose including BND, their intelligence service. This includes former Chancellor Merkel and Scholz.
How much does the United States know about this? All of it. Why? It is due to one particular point man….Jan Marsalek. Think of billions of dollars by fraud…hence the documentary Wirecard…..take a pause and go watch it…come back to this article soon… for the rest of the story.
Wanted by Interpol due to a Red Notice.
All the 007 movies combined hardly measure up to the rest of the Marsalek story. Furthermore, it is a wonder that at no time did Tucker Carlson discuss the topic of poisoned/dead Russians during his meeting with President Putin. Wonder why? Well, it seems that the network by Jan Marsalek wormed all the way through Europe, especially Germany, Britain and even Spain. Was this a scandal previously agreed to between Carlson and Putin to not discuss mostly due to the Wagner Group and Ukraine, Libya or Syria?
Many intelligence agencies worked on the case including the CIA, but though many journalistic and intelligence reports, Germany…not so much. In fact Chancellor Scholz never bothered to met with any Wirecard executives as was his responsibility during his time as the German Finance Minister…compromised and a willing accomplice playing out today as Germany for the most part plays a very tepid role in the war between Ukraine and Russia and perhaps beyond to Georgia and Estonia.
Tucker Carlson has railed on President Zelensky and his work to shit down the Orthodox church. Why would Zelensky do that in the first place? Well….the Russian Orthodox Church is highly compromised by Putin also as a willing accomplice and has deep historical connections to the Orthodox church in Ukraine. Why is that bad? Jan Marsalek, now living in a small town in Russia continues to be a spy and operates as a Russian priest under the total management of the Russian Orthodox church….
So…below are some links from several independent investigative sources that explain the rest of the story….well the story til now that is. The first link is the easiest to understand, so start there. The second link is a long very detailed summary and the third is rather short and sweet.
In the end…all things we think we know…is hardly the full story.
The Double Life of Former Wirecard Executive Jan Marsalek
And then most recently is the software in use today….

The owner of an IT company that ensures communication from authorities maintained contacts in the area of the ex-wirecard board. Most federal ministries – and so far Olaf Scholz and his most important employees rely on the products
When top officials from the federal government write emails with their smartphones, many of them have a small addition at the bottom: „ Sent with SecurePIM “. SecurePIM is a security solution that is intended to protect the mobile communication of the authors and the exchange of confidential documents. The software is used by numerous federal authorities, right up to the top floors: by state secretaries, German diplomats and ambassadors worldwide, the management level of the Bafin financial regulator. Also under emails from the new Chancellor Olaf Scholz and his closest confidants, who move into the Chancellery with him, was at least in his time as Federal Minister of Finance: „ Sent with SecurePIM “. source to read on
Then just last week –>Documents from the U Committee show: A lobbyist for the notorious payment provider Wirecard was given access to all of the Republic’s files under Interior Minister Herbert Kickl (FPÖ) – the former CSU politician is now being summoned to give evidence. The latest revelations surrounding the fugitive Wirecard manager Jan Marsalek, who is suspected of spying for Russia, have given the case new urgency.