Obama, the Conductor of Chaos

Barack Obama holds the baton to an anti-American orchestra of tuned, tested, rehearsed instruments. The production is mismanaged, sour to the ears and causes people to leave the arena when the verses are not American and in cadence with allies. The entire governmental score is tyrannical and abusive.

His performance however, is well driven by inside marxist, communists and socialist operators who themselves have tuned, tested and rehearsed instruments where it is in harmony with enemies of America. How about Hugo Chavez, Mohammed Morsi or the Taliban? Then there is Iran.

Three branches of government have been reduced to one, where Conductor Obama has ruled with a pen and a phone and otherwise political extortion. Up to the point where Senate majority leader, Harry Reid lost his leadership post, he functionally stopped and paralyzed the people’s work on Congress to protect Barack Obama.

All the while, Maestro Obama had his was working his intonations on the Supreme Court with his choice picks of Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor, swinging the black robe influence to a more left octave. The court is broken when one sees the real dissention between the justices when not on the bench.

Obama has led an opus where the very social and civil structure in America has been thrown into turmoil. Border Patrol has no clue how to enforce immigration laws, they abide to DHS memos written by Secretary Jeh Johnson. Historical flags and icons are to be removed and gender designated bathrooms are now without any designation.

The fundamental security of government personnel and documents of several agencies has been compromised by an epic cyber intrusion and that finale is from over as the damage will be ongoing for years.

The very personal concern of having access to healthcare has reached a crisis pitch such that insurance deductibles are financially bending and having a doctor’s appointment is a future dream. Nothing is more demonstrative of this condition than that of the Veteran’s Administration where there is a slow death waltz.

Barack Obama performed a medley of government fraud and extortion using the IRS, the EPA, the DoJ, ATF, Education, HUD and HHS to name a few.

Off our shores, conditions are much worse. Barack Obama has modulated a score of retreat while his measure of sympathy to Islam in pure nocturne. His administration led of early in 2009 with the Cairo speech where the ligature plays out today throughout the Muslim world. The retreat from Iraq and his shallow threat of a ‘red-line’ have prove deadly in the whole region, a modern day holocaust. And mostly sadly of all was allowing 4 Americans to perish in Libya with no hope of security, support or rescue.

The most grave of the Obama coda is the terror and dying of Christians.

The building crescendo of Obama will be the nuclear agreement with Iran where Israel, Saudi Arabia, Europe and America as the great Satan will be his encore.

The stretto of the Obama symphony is defined here in an excellent summary by Stephen Hayes of The Weekly Standard.

There are several months left for the conductor of chaos to work his baton and that tremolo is clearly upon us and the world.






ISIS Called for Ramadan Day of Terror

Day of terror: Islamist attacks around world follow ISIS’ Ramadan message

Terrorists gunned down dozens of tourists on a Tunisian beach, left a severed head atop a fence outside a French factory and blew up a Kuwaiti mosque Friday in a bloody wave of attacks that followed an ISIS leader’s call to make the month of Ramadan a time of “calamity for the infidels.”

There was no confirmation that the attacks were a coordinated effort ordered by ISIS, but the suspects who attacked a U.S.-owned gas factory in southeastern France left the terrorist army’s flags next to the severed head of their victim, and an ISIS affiliate claimed responsibility for the deadly Kuwait blast.

If the attacks were indeed an answer to ISIS spokesman Abu Muhammad al-Adnani’s recent call for savagery, it would represent a hideous perversion of Islam’s most holy period, which began June 17 and ends July 17.

“The attack was of a terrorist nature since a body was discovered, decapitated and with inscriptions.”

– French President Francois Hollande

Jihadists should make Ramadan a time of “calamity for the infidels … Shi’ites and apostate Muslims,” Al-Adnani said in a recent audio message. “Muslims everywhere, we congratulate you over the arrival of the holy month. Be keen to conquer in this holy month and to become exposed to martyrdom.”

The attack in France occurred first, Friday morning in Saint-Quentin-Fallavier, northwest of the Alpine city of Grenoble. Two suspects dressed as deliverymen crashed a car into an industrial gas plant operated by Allentown, Pa.,-based Air Products & Chemicals, stormed inside and killed at least one person. The head of the victim was left on a fence, with Arabic phrases scrawled on it and ISIS flags nearby, Sky News reported, citing French legal sources.

The unnamed victim was a businessman at a local transportation company and the boss of a man arrested in connection with the attack.

Nearly simultaneously, a gunman opened fire with an automatic rifle on a beach in Sousse– a Tunisian coastal town popular with tourists– killing at least 37 and wounding 36. The Health Ministry said the dead include Tunisians, Brits, Germans and Belgians.

A third attack killed at least 25 and wounded more than 200 in a Shia mosque in Kuwait City, the  Ministry of Interior said. A suicide bomber purportedly from ISIS affiliate Najd Province targeted Shiite worshippers after midday prayers at the Imam Sadiq Mosque in the residential neighborhood of al-Sawabir in Kuwait’s capital, Kuwait City. It was the first terrorist attack in Kuwait in more than two decades.

ISIS is comprised of Sunni Muslims, and its members have a long and bloody history with Shia Muslims, as evidenced by Al-Adnani’s call. The attack came immediately following Friday prayers. There was no claim of responsibility, but ISIS has claimed responsibility for bombings at two different Shiite mosques in Saudi Arabia in recent weeks.

French officials wasted no time labeling Friday’s attack an act of terrorism.

“The attack was of a terrorist nature since a body was discovered, decapitated and with inscriptions,” French President Francois Hollande told a news conference in Brussels, where he cut short his attendance at an EU summit to return to France.

Hollande and his Tunisian counterpart Beji Caid Essebsi expressed “solidarity in the face of terrorism,” according to a statement by Hollande’s office, France24.com reported.

Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said at least one man–a 30-year-old extremist known to authorities named Yassin Sahli– was under arrest following the France attack. The suspect from Lyon was seized by an alert firefighter.

Other people, including the man’s wife, were also taken into custody after the attack, A second suspect arrested at his home in Saint-Quentin-Fallavier was reportedly seen driving back and forth past the factory before the attack, the Dauphine Libere newspaper reported. A manhunt is underway for any other suspects involved.

Minister Cazeneuve, speaking from the scene, described the attack as “barbarous” and a “terrible terrorist crime.” He said the suspect had been known to foreign intelligence services since 2006, but that police monitoring of him had ceased in 2008. The man did not have a criminal record, the minister added.

French authorities told Fox News that approximately 10 people were injured.

The factory is operated by Air Products & Chemicals, an Allentown, Pa.,-based company that makes industrial gases.

“Our priority at this stage is to take care of our employees, who have been evacuated from the site and all accounted for,” the company said in a statement. “Our crisis and emergency response teams have been activated and are working closely with all relevant authorities.”

A local official confirmed the nation is on high alert.

“The terrorism threat is at a maximum,” Alain Juppe, mayor of Bordeaux, told Fox News.

The United Nations, the U.S and other countries condemned Friday’s attacks. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said those “responsible for such appalling acts of violence must be swiftly brought to justice” and Interpol offered its help to all three nations.

In Washington, Pentagon spokesman Col. Steve Warren said it was too soon to tell whether the three attacks were the work of Islamic State extremists but added “we unequivocally condemn these terrorist attacks.

Terrorism analysts said the attacks could be so-called “lone wolves” answering the call to attack ISIS enemies during the holy period.

“It is very likely that ISIS’ supporters acted due to the call for attacks during Ramadan,” said Ryan Mauro, of the New York-based terrorism research institute Clarion Project. “It is appealing to ISIS supporters on a personal level because it gives their attacks some more religious significance.”

France’s anti-terrorism prosecutor has opened an investigation into the incident. The country went on high alert after a series of attacks in January that left 20 people dead in and around Paris region, including the Islamic terrorists. In the Jan. 7 attack at the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, two radical Muslim brothers, Saïd and Chérif Kouachi, heavily armed and incensed over the publishing of caricatures of Muhammad, stormed the magazine’s offices and killed 12, including staffers and a police officer.

Authorities hunted down the Kouachi brothers for three days, until finally cornering them in a Paris printing house and killing them in a shootout. As police searched for the brothers’, a friend and fellow home grown Islamic terrorist Amedy Coulibaly, took at least 15 people hostage at a kosher supermarket in Paris. After a long standoff,  police stormed the market, killing him. Four hostages were also killed in the incident.

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar when Muslims celebrate the Koran. They also often fast– primarily from eating and drinking– from sunrise to sunset every day of the month to teach empathy for those who have less. Fasting and reading the Koran during Ramadan should encourage charity, kindness and social justice, especially to the needy and poor.

Presidential Senator Candidates Take Big Lobby $$

Hillary was a Senator and just recently a lobby issue could be a problem given the Transpacific Partnership Pact that is so contentious in the country right now.

Per Lee Fang: While Hillary Clinton has demurred over her position on the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, her campaign has partnered with a pro-TPP law and lobby firm to raise money.

At The Intercept, Lee Fang reports that Clinton’s campaign held a fundraiser in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday with the political action committee of a law firm called McGuireWoods. Lobby registration documents reveal that a subsidiary of the group lobbies on behalf of Smithfield Foods, the world’s largest producer of pork, to pass both the TPP and “fast track”—a special presidential mandate that nearly eliminates Congress’ role in crafting trade legislation.

The fundraiser occurred as Congress rescheduled a vote on fast track, also known as Trade Promotion Authority (TPA).

Fang continues:

Despite mounting pressure to take a position, Clinton has only provided [noncommittal] answers regarding her stance on both TPP and TPA. On Sunday, at a rally in Iowa, Clinton said there should be better protections for American workers and called for the president to work with Democrats in Congress — hardly a clarifying statement. Earlier that day, her chief pollster dismissed a call from ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos to provide a clear stance on TPA, casting the issue as simply “Washington inside baseball.”

For the event in D.C., billed as a “Conversation with John Podesta, Campaign Chair,” the Clinton campaign website said that I could learn the exact location only after RSVPing through a donation. I gave one dollar to find out. Apparently, that wasn’t enough. Instead of providing the address of the fundraiser as the campaign website had said it would, the campaign directed me to a site where I could volunteer.

Lobby money owns Washington DC, of this there is no dispute. The 10 largest lobby operations include the following industries:

The Technology lobby, the Mining lobby, the Defense lobby, the Agriculture lobby, Big Oil lobby, the Financial lobby, the Big Pharma lobby, the AARP lobby, the Pro-Israel lobby and the National Rifle Association lobby. The primer of these lobby groups is found here.

So what Senators that are running for president are on some lobby dollar hooks?

From Open Secrets:

Three of five senators running for WH have big backing from lobbyists

Three of the five U.S. senators running for president have made super-fans out of a few K Street lobbyists, an analysis of campaign finance data by OpenSecrets Blog shows.

Republican Sens. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) have each raised hundreds of thousands of dollars from current or one-time federal lobbyists throughout their careers, the analysis shows. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has raised $82,050 from the same pool and Sen. Bernie Sanders‘ (D-Vt.) total fundraising haul from lobbyists stands at an even more paltry $50,075.

Neither Sanders nor Paul have hidden their disdain for lobbyists, so there’s some logic to their low fundraising totals from those in the profession. Both candidates, in their announcement speeches, railed against those who want to influence politics with money — Sanders referred to “billionaires…and their lobbyists,” Paul called them “special interests” — and struck similar tones.

“Both [Paul and Sanders] have publicly decried the influence of corporations in American public life,” Joshua Rosenstein, a Washington, D.C.-based lawyer and expert on lobbying, said. “If you are a corporation, is it possible that you view each of them as relative lost cause? Sure.”

For some candidates, it’s not bad politics to keep K Street at arm’s length. In 2008 and 2012, Barack Obama pledged not to accept donations from lobbyists and refunded money to those who did contribute. After taking office, he barred federally registered lobbyists from joining advisory boards in his administration, before partially rolling back that ban last year.

But no 2016 hopeful has followed that lead, as the Wall Street Journal reports. And setting Paul and Sanders aside, the other senators running for president have already wooed a handful of lobbyists with deep pockets and a willingness to give to anyone who might help their clients.

In all, Graham has taken in $753,841 during his congressional career from current or one-time federally registered lobbyists who contributed more than $200 to him. Rubio and Cruz have received $571,952 and $265,043 from the same group, respectively. Those sums include donations to the senators’ campaign committees and leadership PACs.

Rubio, Cruz and Graham each have at least one lobbyist donor who, along with their spouses in some cases, has given in excess of $20,000 to the candidate’s campaign and PAC. Rubio has Ignacio Sanchez, a presidential bundler for Mitt Romney in 2012 from the firm DLA Piper; he represents Al Jazeera Satellite Network and Diageo PLC. Cruz has lobbying revolver Charles Cooper of Cooper & Kirk and his wife, Debra.

Graham, a senator since 2003, has enjoyed financial support from current or former lobbyists longer than his GOP Senate colleagues running for president. William H. Skipper, Jr. of the American Business Development Group, Reed Scott of Chesapeake Enterprises and his wife, and presidential bundler Van D. Hipp of American Defense International and his wife, have each given Graham more than $20,000 over the years.

The most Paul has received from any one lobbyist barely tops $6,000; that came from Charles Grizzle of Grizzle Co., who currently represents several Kentucky-based clients like the University of Louisville and the Louisville Regional Airport Authority. Sanders topped out at $3,000 from Nancy Zirkin of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights and her husband.

The data analysis only covered sitting U.S. senators. Other presidential candidates or potential candidates who have served in federal office, like former Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) and one-time House member, now governor, John Kasich (R-Ohio), haven’t run a Senate or House campaign in some time. And for former governors like Rick Perry and Jeb Bush, state data on which of their donors were lobbyists isn’t available. Fundraising reports for candidates’ presidential campaigns won’t be available till mid-July, and the super PACs backing them don’t have to report until the end of that month.

Still, it’s clear that the non-Senate candidates also have their eyes on K Street money. Clinton has already reached out to prominent lobbyists on her side of the aisle, while Jeb Bush started seeking commitments from Washington allies even earlier this year. Lobbyists are reportedly starting to line up behind him.

Despite that fact that making contributions may be good for business, Rosenstein noted, many lobbyists also donate for ideological reasons.

“While they certainly have to be pragmatists about what they’re doing…and that certainly drives some of the giving,” he said, “there might very well be an equal or greater ideological segment of the lobbying community that aren’t driven by pragmatic reasons,” Rosenstein said.


Obama’s 1983 Essay vs. Iran Nuclear Today

From the NYT’s in part:

TEHRAN — With exactly a week left before the deadline for a final agreement to limit Iran’s nuclear program, the country’s supreme leader appeared to undercut several of the central agreements his negotiators have already reached with the West.

In a speech broadcast live on Iran state television, the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, demanded that most sanctions be lifted before Tehran has dismantled part of its nuclear infrastructure and before international inspectors verify that the country is beginning to meet its commitments. He also ruled out any freeze on Iran’s sensitive nuclear enrichment for as long as a decade, as a preliminary understanding announced in April stipulates, and he repeated his refusal to allow inspections of Iranian military sites.

That self imposed June 30 deadline is no deadline at all.

From the WSJ:

LUXEMBOURG—Iranian and Western officials for the first time publicly said they were willing to go past a June 30 deadline for sealing a final nuclear deal, insisting they could still unblock remaining obstacles in coming days.

The comments, made after talks between Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif and his counterparts from the U.K., France and Germany on the sidelines of a European Union meeting in Luxembourg on Monday, underscore recent warnings that the nuclear talks have stalled as the deadline approaches.

So, how does this square with the talks going on today versus what Barack Obama wrote in 1983?

 SANE Students Against Nuclear Energy

Obama wrote a 3 page commentary while at Columbia where is assumes expertise on war, history, nuclear energy, nuclear weapons and the military. After a reading of this Obama essay, many things become much more clear, yes clear like mud.

Here is a link to read the text in an easier format.

The Lost Tea Party Invitation to Dinner at WH

Do you ever ask yourself where the invitation is inviting the Tea Party to the White House for dinner? How about the invitation for Family Security Matters or the Center for Security Policy to attend a State dinner? Will the Concerned Veterans for America organization be invited to the White House anytime soon?

Nah….but look who did just have dinner at the White House.

Expected Attendees at the White House Iftar Dinner

This evening, President Obama will continue a White House tradition by hosting an Iftar in observance of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan in the East Room. This is the seventh Iftar, the traditional breaking of the fast at sunset, hosted by the President. This year’s dinner will have a special focus on young leaders and women, some of whom will be seated at the President’s table this evening.

Below is a list of some of the expected attendees at tonight’s White House dinner recognizing Ramadan:

Guests Seated at the President’s Table

  •          Ms. Batoul Abuharb, Houston, TX
  •          Mr. Ziad Ahmed, Princeton, NJ
  •          Ms. Samantha Elauf, Tulsa, OK
  •          Ms. Munira Khalif, Fridley, MN
  •          Ms. Kadra Mohamed, Saint Paul, MN
  •          Ms. Riham Osman, Houston, TX
  •          Mr. Wayne Rucker, Philadelphia, PA
  •          Ms. Wai Wai Nu, Rangoon, Burma

Members of Congress:

  •          The Honorable Andre Carson, United States Representative, Indiana
  •          The Honorable Richard Durbin, United States Senator, Illinois
  •          The Honorable Keith Ellison, United States Representative, Minnesota

Diplomatic Corps:

  •          His Excellency Michael Moussa Adamo, Ambassador of the Gabonese Republic
  •          His Excellency Lukman Al Faily, Ambassador of the Republic of Iraq
  •          Her Excellency Hunaina Al Mughairy, Ambassador of the Sultanate of Oman
  •          His Excellency Yousif Mana Saeed Al Otaiba, Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates
  •          Mr. Sami Alsadhan, Deputy Chief of Mission and Charge d’Affaires a.i., Embassy of Saudi Arabia (Guest of His Excellency Adel Ahmed Al-Jubeir)
  •          His Excellency Sheikh Salem Al-Sabah, Ambassador of the State of Kuwait
  •          Her Excellency Hassana Alidou, Ambassador of the Republic of Niger
  •          His Excellency Abudlla Mohamed Alkhalifa, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Bahrain
  •          Mr. Adel Ali Ahmed Alsunaini, Charge d’Affaires a.i., Embassy of Yemen
  •          Chief Representative Maen Areikat, PLO Delegation to the United States
  •          His Excellency Madjid Bouguerra, Ambassador of People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria
  •          His Excellency Rachad Bouhlal, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco
  •          Her Excellency Alia Bouran, Ambassador of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
  •          His Excellency Budi Bowoleksono, Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia
  •          Her Excellency Wafa Bughaighis, Charge d’Affaires, Embassy of Libya
  •          His Excellency Antoine Chedid, Ambassador of the Lebanese Republic
  •          His Excellency Tiena Coulibaly, Ambassador of the Republic of Mali
  •          His Excellency Daouda Diabate, Ambassador of the Republic of Cote d’Ivoire
  •          His Excellency Mohamed El Haycen, Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania
  •          Her Excellency Floreta Faber, Ambassador of the Republic of Albania
  •          The Honorable Sheikh Faye, Ambassador of the Republic of The Gambia
  •          His Excellency Ufuk Gokcen, Ambassador and Permanent Observer of the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation to the United Nations
  •          His Excellency Faycal Gouia, Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia
  •          His Excellency Bakhtiyar Gulyamov, Ambassador of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  •          His Excellency Mahamat Hassane, Ambassador of the Republic of Chad
  •          His Excellency Awang Adek Bin Hussin, Ambassador of Malaysia
  •          His Excellency Akan Ismaili, Ambassador of the Republic of Kosovo
  •          His Excellency Jalil Abbas Jilani, Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
  •          His Excellency Serdar Kilic, Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey
  •          His Excellency Subhas Mungra, Ambassador of the Republic of Suriname
  •          Her Excellency Jadranka Negodic, Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  •          His Excellency Meret Orazov, Ambassador of Turkmenistan
  •          His Excellency Farhod Salim, Ambassador of the Republic of Tajikistan
  •          His Excellency Ahmed Sareer, Ambassador of the Republic of Maldives
  •          Mr. Seydou Sinka, Charge d’Affaires a.i., Embassy of Burkina Faso
  •          His Excellency Bockari Stevens, Ambassador of the Republic of Sierra Leone
  •          His Excellency Elin Emin Oglu Suleymanov, Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan
  •          Her Excellency Amelia Sumbana, Ambassador of the Republic of Mozambique
  •          His Excellency Mohamed Mostafa Mohamed Tawfik, Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt
  •          His Excellency Kadyr Toktogulov, Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic
  •          His Excellency Kairat Umarov, Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  •          His Excellency Mohammad Ziauddin, Bangladesh – Ambassador of Bangladesh