Clinton Skeletons still Dancing

In the last month, many Clinton administration documents are being released which is required by law. To date we have seen documents as they relate to enemies lists, how to stage and rebuke scandals all of which lead to the just how they think and their hidden missions.

Just this week included in the most recent round of documents we find that Bill Clinton wrote a personal note to the Dar al Hijrah mosque in Falls Church, Virginia asking to work together in proposed suggestions from the mosque. After 9/11, the FBI visited this mosque and at least two of the hijackers on that terrible day worshipped there. Additionally, Mohammed al Hanooti was the Iman at the mosque for four years and he was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

Of particular note, Anwar al Awlaki was also an Iman there as well. al Awlaki was killed in a drone attack in Yemen. al Awlaki was a U.S. citizen who Major Nidal Hassan of Ft. Hood shooter fame communicated with and al Awlaki was also a major contributor to the Inspire magazine, the al Qaeda publication that advances the jihad doctrine around the world.

After the decision to kill Awlaki by drone, Barack Obama and his staff has sought to keep classified the document trail regarding Awlaki, but a judge ruled today those documents are to be released.




The Clinton’s have a long history of being on the wrong side with particular emphasis placed on campaign money, aborting operations to kill Usama bin Ladin and approving pardons for corrupt placeholders, criminals, bombers and jihadis.

Well in case you are seeking additional proof on the Clintons and need something more on Hillary as she seeks to win the Democrat nominee to be president in 2016, we cannot overlook her complicity in Benghazi but here is the movie titles ‘Hillary’ so you can revisit this lying and corrupt elite couple. This movie was banned from normal theater distribution using the work and names of those like Harry Reid.

Oh yeah, one more thing, remember Sandy Berger, you know the guy who stole documents from the National Archives? Well those documents were over the aborted mission to kill Usama bin Ladin, Sudan and the Millennium Plot. The FBI file is here.

We don’t want a co-presidency in the White House again, and frankly this pair should have their citizenship revoked.

Obamacare, Fraudulent and Deadly

If one looks at Barack Obama’s most recent suggested White House budget, line by line, it is socialism and destructive. No worries however, it was defeated without so much as the media reporting the vote. So, what more do we need to know? A couple of things. Who exactly advises Barack Obama? Thomas Piketty is the answer. Who is he? A French socialist who hates capitalism. Even more scary, Piketty has the ear of many in Washington DC on the side of the Obama regime.

Thomas Piketty’s “Capital in the Twenty-First Century” has only just been translated into English – several weeks ahead of schedule, due to popular demand – and the New York Times’s star columnist Paul Krugman has already described it as “the most important economics book of the year — and maybe of the decade”.

The French economist’s current US book tour is turning into something of a red carpet event. So far this week, he has met the White House’s Council of Economic Advisors as well as Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew.

So this brings us to Obamacare. Economically, Obamacare is Armageddon for America, all of America, the economic future, the financially stability, global competitiveness and worst of all for the young, old, and indigent.

Since the launch of the official PPACA website (which is highly recommended not to visit due to security risks) there have been horror stories about the failure of the website, the massive number of policies cancelled and the billions of dollars thrown at the law to make it work.




Steve Tucker, a career health insurance broker and expert reveals some real ugly truths about the law as he HAS read the law and the 22,000 supplemental pages to the law. There are facts and trigger points in the law that take America and the best healthcare system worldwide into the twilight zone.

What is most important is only and only Democrats voted for this law, most of which never read a single page of it and then Barack Obama signed it into law and he too never read a page. You must acknowledge too that Republicans are in fact aware of the content of the law and have worked to repeal, alter and or delay the law as many as 47 times, but Harry Reid the majority leader of the Senate refuses to advance any House bill….ever.

The healthcare system in America never required complete alteration, in fact as many as 45 states already had/have two fully funded medical coverage that covered the sick, elderly and poor. Only a real handful of states needed like plans. But we are at numbers approaching trillions as we move into 2016-2017 and when more than a trillion dollars becomes a real number to be applied to Obamacare, then the earth needs to stand still and hear this full interview with Steve Tucker.

This is the unvarnished truth of a scam, redistribution of wealth, lies, collusion and un-Constitutional law. Fair warning to the listeners for the content of this interview but we must face the scary and damning facts for the sake of being an informed citizen.

Listen to the WHOLE interview here. (The Steve Tucker, Obamacare show)

Obamacare puts America in crisis and this is well known by those that voted for the law. Thank you again to Steve Tucker.

Obama, I can Ignore the law I signed

Only today did Barack Obama sign a law authored by Senator Ted Cruz that would forbid entry, legal entry by a visa to Hamid Aboutalebi. Who is Aboutalebi? Well one must go back to 1979, when the U.S. Embassy was taken over by a group of Iranian radicals and 52 hostages (US diplomat and citizens) were kidnapped for 444 days.

The bill Cruz authored passed with ease and Barack Obama signed it into law, but…but only minutes after signing the new law, he said he would use it only as advise and would not especially enforce it.

  Obama decided to treat the law as mere advice. “Acts of espionage and terrorism against the United States and our allies are unquestionably problems of the utmost gravity, and I share the Congress’s concern that individuals who have engaged in such activity may use the cover of diplomacy to gain access to our Nation,” Obama said in his signing statement.

Read more here on the blowback of Barack Obama’s statement. Remember Barack Obama tells his staff daily they can take action without Congress and we have seen that promise and statement play-out quite well with regard to Obamacare and Immigration.

As a matter of just how this administration sees foreign terrorists, a reminder is important that Aboutalebi has a long history of nefarious connections.

Who else seems to approve of terrorists and has the same warm feeling for letting terrorist go free? Well Eric Holder of course. Holder was acting Attorney General during the Clinton administration and the case of the FALN came up for a pardon. FALN is Fuerzs Armadas de Liberacion Nacional, a Puerto Rico clandestine paramilitary organization of MarxistLeninist orientation with deep ties to the Weather Underground and Black, Inc.  FALN was responsible for 5 bombs in New York in 1974, a bomb-making factory in Chicago was found in 1976 that was theirs and 11 of them were arrested in 1980 for armed robbery. But that is not all, they actually made an assassination attempt on President Truman and seriously injuring a handful of Congressmen.

See history of FALN here, which is a fascinating historical reference.

There are several staggering items in all of this, one is Eric Holder was never completely challenged during his AG/DoJ Confirmation hearing and he worked the clemency deal for President Bill Clinton, who signed it. Oh and by the way we see Bill Ayers of Weather Underground around the country often and he not only is a friend of Barack Obama but he also was the ghost writer for Obama’s book “Dreams of my Father’.

We must wonder what these people think or have any moral clarity on anything.

NYT says FBI at Fault due to Failed Russian Cooperation

When it comes to the Boston bombers investigation, the New York Times released a piece today stating that the FBI could not do more in depth investigation as the Russians would not cooperate with full details.

Frankly, as the case is spelled out by the NYT the text leads to more invasive tools rather than effectively bypassing political correctness for the sake of checks and balances between the State Department and the Department of Homeland Security.

All kinds of agencies were tapped for the investigation into the Tsarneav family yet, no one within any part of the real investigation did real analysis and tracked back to the family getting false asylum/refugee status much less police reports or school records or social welfare programs or used fusion center data.

No one bothered to check all variations of spelling in databases, no one checked travel documents no one checked expired visas. When anyone comes to the United States under duress conditions and seeks asylum or refugee status, they cannot travel back to the country from which they fled for obvious reasons, so how did the parents of the brothers or Tamerlin get to travel back in the first place?

The typical narrative of the Department of Homeland Security is to defer to ‘homegrown terrorists’. Such is the case in the NYT article with this quote, “At this point it looks like they were homegrown violent extremists,” the senior official said. “We certainly aren’t in a position to rule anything out, but at this point we haven’t found anything substantive that ties them to a terrorist group.”

Across agencies, there is technology that is available but who is really has the skill set to exploit the technology for the sake of keeping the homeland safe?

Check this quote, ‘The report was produced by the inspector general for the Office of Intelligence Community, which has responsibility for 17 separate agencies, and the inspectors general from the Department of Homeland Security, the Justice Department and the Central Intelligence Agency. It has not been made public, but members of Congress are scheduled to be briefed on it Thursday, and some of its findings are expected to be released before Tuesday, the first anniversary of the bombings.’



As for blaming the Russians, this is how the New York Times lays it out. ‘Russian officials had told the F.B.I. in 2011 that the suspect, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, “was a follower of radical Islam and a strong believer” and that Mr. Tsarnaev “had changed drastically since 2010 as he prepared to leave the United States for travel to the country’s region to join unspecified underground groups.” Okay, well if political correctness was set aside and the FBI did not have to be so sensitive to Islam/Muslims then, real hands on agents would have been more aggressive and assertive with clues and tracking. Well my guess most of the agent hang out at the Dar al Hijrah mosque anyway.

Well there are countless outside groups that have proof of the domestic threats posed to our homeland by those just like Tamerlan and his family, we just had one such Moroccan that was arrested last Monday.

Okay, read the NYT piece for yourself, clearly they are giving a pass to all agency personnel.

Lerner’s Pleading the 5th is Trouble for Holder

Alright, today was a banner day with documents released from Congressman Issa, the Majority Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. Today, the Committee voted to refer the Lois Lerner contempt resolution to the Department of Justice, meaning that yesterday, having Holder himself appear before the House Judiciary Committee was no accident in scheduling. Holder was asked several times about the work and or investigations regarding the IRS. Holder refused to answer any of those questions stating he would not respond due to pending investigation. That part is in fact accurate as the DoJ was ordered by the White House to investigate when the Treasury Inspector General published his report about the ‘targeting’ of conservative groups being back logged in processing.

It should also be noted that Eric Holder had real thin skin yesterday and today due to his appearance before the House Judiciary Committee. Seems he wanted to speak to his hurt feelings today at an organization founded by Al Sharpton, you know the guy who was just outed as an FBI informant and snitch, rat or as he says it a cat. This this out here.

The Congressman Issa also released his letter to the Minority leadership, Elijah Cummings on why his staff worked with Lois Lerner to specifically target ‘True the Vote’ and never revealed this during committee meetings and or hearings. There is proven collusion between Cummings staff and Lois Lerner, documented here.

It is also important to know that Elijah Cummings was on MSNBC last night and asked several questions, all of which he answered on national television, falsely. The transcripts and video can be seen here.


Lois Lerner


All of this came out today, as tomorrow, April 10, 2014, the full House votes to put Lois Lerner in contempt of Congress due to her refusal to offer any testimony on her knowledge and actions on targeting.

All the while, Lois Lerner longed to have a job at Barack Obama’s OFA, Organizing for America Political action group. Her email demonstrates this.

We do ask ourselves why Issa has not offered Lois Lerner immunity for testimony. Well, the reason is, Issa is on a sweep mission to scoop up all those in this IRS scandal and likely it will go to the White House and the DoJ. Lois Lerner did give testimony to the Treasury Inspector and someone at the DoJ last year. It is quite important to note that the first time Lerner appeared before the Committee, upon getting her plea of  the 5th Amendment protection, Issa only excused her, he did not terminate the session so each time she spoke to anyone is any subsequent meeting she was still under oath and within the reach of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Issa carefully sought legal counsel on all of this and even more, he carefully crafted each move and decision. In the end, Holder’s DoJ can refuse to go further with a Lerner prosecution due to contempt, but the Issa can move to sanction or even disbar Holder for refusing the case and prosecution, after-all, Holder himself is still in contempt of the Committee.

If you are so inclined to read the 22 page contempt resolution sent to Holder’s DoJ today, it can be read here.

While this whole IRS scandal is dynamic in nature, several organizations that were targeted are going to have some legal fun when they do get to sue the IRS, most of all True the Vote.