Terror Gangs Move to Destroy the Holiday/Police

While America is preparing, shopping and partying as the holiday season gets into full swing, the domestic terrorists spun from Ferguson and beyond have occupied Macy’s, Apple Stores, the Disney Store and Toys R Us. Now they have fully threatened police.

NYPD cops warned militant group Black Guerilla Family ‘preparing to shoot on-duty police officers’

EXCLUSIVE: An NYPD confidential informant learned of the threat on Friday evening — three days after a Staten Island grand jury decided not to indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo for the chokehold death of Eric Garner. Cop union confirmed the threat late Saturday and were ordering all police officers, on duty and off, to take extra precautions.

Published: Saturday, December 6, 2014, 11:56 PM
Updated: Sunday, December 7, 2014, 7:57 PM
A tattooed gang of militants declared open season on the NYPD in the wake of the Eric Garner grand jury decision, according to a threat a police union verified Saturday.Ten Black Guerrilla Family members are “preparing to shoot on duty police officers,” Sergeants Benevolent Association President Ed Mullins said. The gang, formed in the 1960s in the California prison system, recently surfaced on the East Coast and Maryland, where members are at the heart of a drug-trafficking and corruption probe within the Baltimore prison system. Members swear allegiance for life and sport “BGF” tattoos, as well as ink depicting a dragon surrounding a prison tower, according to gangs.org. An undercover NYPD cop learned of the hit put out on officers Friday evening — three days after a Staten Island grand jury decided not to indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo in Garner’s death. Mullins confirmed late Saturday night that the gang was gunning for officers. Union leaders ordered all officers, on duty and off, to take extra precautions. “Please WEAR your VESTS and carry your firearm off-duty along with additional magazines,”  Mullins said in an alert. “Your priority is to go home at the end of your tour!” Mullins does not believe the threat is directly related to the Garner decision. “I think it’s related to the whole atmosphere,” he said. “Who knows if there’s a lone wolf out there or a small group that wants to do something.”    The FBI has a file on this terror gang.
And this gang has a long history.
The threat analysis is as follows:

Black Guerrilla Family (BGF)

Sketch of dragon Gender Makeup: Male Racial Makeup: Black Origin: Founded in 1966 at San Quentin State Prison, California by former Black Panther member George L. Jackson. Characteristics:

  • The BGF is the most politically oriented of the major prison gangs.
  • They were formed as a Marxist/Maoist/Leninist revolutionary organization with these goals:
    • Eradicate racism
    • Struggle to maintain dignity in prison
    • Overthrow the United States government
  • The group is extremely antigovernment and anti-official. This mentality is often depicted in their symbolism.
  • BGF has a very strict death oath that requires a life pledge of loyalty to the group.


  • Antigovernment/anti-official mentality is often depicted in conjunction with the initials BGF.
  • Cross sabers and shotgun
  • Black dragon overtaking a prison or prison tower


  • Aryan Brotherhood
  • Texas Syndicate
  • Aryan Brotherhood of Texas
  • Mexican Mafia


  • Has a very active working relationship with La Nuestra Familia.
  • Other allies
    • Black Liberation Army
    • Symbionese Liberation Army
    • Weather Underground
    • black street gangs
  • Black street gangs are often utilized by the BGF and their members are heavily recruited into the BGF. These include:
    • Crips
    • Bloods
    • El Rukns
    • Black Gangster Disciples
    • other black street gangs


  • Membership in the BGF has traditionally come from black male inmates.
  • Lifelong allegiance is a requirement and a death oath must be taken.
  • Black street gang members are often recruited into the BGF upon imprisonment.

Propensity for Disruptive Behavior:

  • The BGF is not readily recognizable in the Florida Department of Corrections; however the history of the group and documented acts of violence in other jurisdictions warrants their certification as a Security Threat Group.
  • Receipt of inmates on interstate compact lend to the potential threat of an organizing BGF within our facilities.

The antigovernment, anti-official mentality promoted by the group poses a serious threat to corrections and law enforcement personnel who represent the government and the law.

Mexican Mafia

Sketch of EMC eagle Gender Makeup: Male Racial Makeup: Mexican-American/Hispanic Origin: The Mexican Mafia (EME) was formed in the late 50s at Duel Vocational Center, a youthful offender facility in California, from an urban Los Angeles street gang. Characteristics:

  • EME’s philosophy centers on ethnic solidarity and control of drug trafficking.
  • EME is the Federal Bureau of Prisons’ most active gang, in terms of incident frequency rather than severity.
  • Ordinarily, each prison has a separate leadership.


  • Initials “EME.”
  • The Mexican flag symbols such as the eagle with a snake in conjunction with the initials “EME.”
  • A single hand print, usually black in color.
  • The EME symbol of eternal war.
  • Initials ‘MM’ or ‘M.’

Many intelligence personnel and officers confuse the EME with the Mexikanemi from Texas. Great care should be taken in evaluating these distinct groups. Some believe the Mexikanemi share identical tattoos and symbols with EME, but there are subtle differences to be taken into account when attempting to associate membership. Enemies/Rivals: The La Nuestra Familia is the EME’s chief rival. They are said to have a “kill on sight relationship,” which has resulted in Federal Bureau of Prisons adopting an absolute separation of confirmed members. Other rivals include:

  • Northern Structure
  • Arizona’s New Mexican Mafia
  • Black Guerrilla Family
  • black street gangs

Allies: The EME has a very active working relationship with the Aryan Brotherhood. Other allies include:

  • Arizona’s Old Mexican Mafia
  • Mexikanemi
  • New Mexico Syndicate
  • urban Latino street gangs.

The EME often provides protection for imprisoned La Costa Nostra members. Recruitment/Initiation:

  • Members are Mexican-American/Hispanic male inmates.
  • The wives, girlfriends, and relatives of the EME are held in extremely high regard due to their support of drug transactions, financial activities, and mail-forwarding operations.
  • The EME is generally considered a “blood in, blood out” organization.

Propensity for Disruptive Behavior:

  • EME is not readily recognizable in the Florida Department of Corrections; however the history of the group and documented acts of violence in other jurisdictions warrants STG certification.
  • Receipt of inmates on interstate compact and the current membership in groups with Hispanic/Latino supremacy ideology and Latino street gangs lend to the threat.

The main activities of the EME are centered around drug trafficking, extortion, pressure rackets, and internal discipline. The EME uses killing as a means of discipline or gaining respect. EME killings are extremely gruesome and calculated to establish fear and intimidation.

La Nuestra Familia

Graffiti from La Nuestra Familia Gender Makeup: Male Racial Makeup: Mexican-American/ Hispanic Origin: The La Nuestra Familia (NF) originated in Soledad prison in California in the mid 60s. It was established to protect younger, rural, Mexican-American inmates from other inmates. Characteristics:

  • The NF was originally formed for protection purposes from the Mexican Mafia (EME).
  • The cultural and social differences between urban and rural Mexican Americans developed into a deep hatred between the EME and NF.
  • The struggle to gain power over other groups evolved into the NF’s participation in criminal activities in an effort to control the introduction of contraband into the facilities.
  • There are separate organizational chains for street and prison segments.


  • La Nuestra Familia members are known to wear identifying red rags (as does the Northern Structure).
  • NF members favor larger tattoos, often on the entire back.
  • Symbols include the initials NF, LNF, ENE, and F.
  • The number 14 for “N,” the 14th letter in the alphabet stands for Norte or Northern California.
  • A sombrero with a dagger is a symbol commonly used by NF members.

Enemies/Rivals: The Mexican Mafia is the chief rival. Other rivals include:

  • Texas Syndicate
  • Mexikanemi
  • F-14s
  • Aryan Brotherhood


  • The NFs have an uneasy working relationship with the Black Guerrilla Family that is driven by their sharing of common enemies.
  • The Northern Structure, a spin-off subsidiary prison gang, is believed to have formed to direct the attention of officials away from the NF.


  • Membership consists traditionally of Mexican-American/Hispanic male inmates.
  • Lifelong allegiance is a requirement and a “blood in, blood out” oath must be taken.
  • Membership appears to extend beyond prison.

Propensity for Disruptive Behavior:

  • The NF is not readily recognizable in the Florida Department of Corrections; however the history of the group and documented acts of violence in other jurisdictions warrants their STG certification.
  • Receipt of inmates on interstate compact and the current membership in groups with Hispanic and Latino supremacy ideology lend to the threat of an organizing NF within our facilities.
  • Their main activities are drug trafficking, extortion, pressure rackets, and internal discipline.

Once released from custody NF members are expected to actively continue to assist or “score” for the members remaining in prison. Failure to do so can cause a member to fall in great disfavor with other members.

Texas Syndicate (TS)

Sketch of woman with letters TS located in design Gender Makeup: Male Racial Makeup: Mexican-American/ Hispanic Origin: The TS originated in Folsom prison, in California in the early 70s.

  • It was established in direct response to the other California prison gangs (notably the Aryan Brotherhood and Mexican Mafia), which were attempting to prey on native Texas inmates.


  • Membership is rising nationally due to recruitment.
  • The TS now accepts members from Latin American countries such as Colombia, Cuba, and Mexico.
  • They have made attempts to recruit in the Florida Department of Corrections.
  • A TS member is called a “Carnal.”
  • A group of members is called “Carnales.”
  • A TS recruit is called a “Cardinal.”
  • The institutional leader is called the “Chairman.”

Identifiers/Symbols: Sketch showing letters TS, eagle and sword

  • They have tattoos with a “TS” located somewhere in the design; sometimes requires close scrutiny.
  • The tattoos are generally located on the back of the right forearm, but they have also been found on the outside calf areas, neck, and chest.


  • Aryan Brotherhood
  • La Nuestra Familia
  • Mexican Mafia
  • Mexikanemi
  • Mandingo Warriors

Allies: Sketch showing the letter T and snake is the letter S The TS has developed associations with the Texas Mafia and Dirty White Boys. Propensity for Disruptive Behavior:

  • There is some representation in the Florida Department of Corrections.
  • The TS has been found to be recruiting.
  • The history of the group and documented acts of violence in other jurisdictions warrant their certification as a Security Threat Group.
  • Receipt of inmates on interstate compact and the current membership in groups with Hispanic and Latino supremacy ideology lend to the threat of an organizing TS within our facilities.
  • The main activities of the TS are centered around drug trafficking, extortion, pressure rackets, and internal discipline.

Tug of War Over Qaddafi’s Wealth

Did it really take all this time to discover the location of the wealth of Libya, hidden by Qaddafi? Well no, it has taken this long to understand who is part of the wrangling for control.

Muammar Gaddafi was able to build his massive personal wealth thanks to a violent and domineering control over Libya’s natural resources. Specifically their rich supply of oil. Libya has the largest supply of oil in Africa and the tenth largest in the world. Gaddafi used Libya’s oil to print money for 40 years! During that time he spread his money around the globe through family members, Swiss bank accounts, real estate and investments. Estimated at $200 billion, he had enough to give $30,000 to each of Libya’s 6.6 million citizens.

At the beginning of the Lybian conflict, authorities discovered and seized roughly $67 billion of Gaddafi’s wealth hidden in bank accounts around the globe. England, France, Italy and Germany seized another $30 billion and the Obama administration found a staggering $37 billion in the United States. Investigators suspect that Gaddafi hid an additional $30 billion around the world.

Muammar Gaddafi had made over $200 billion from Libya's rich oil supply

As more investigations take place, it looks like Gaddafi had money stashed or invested in almost every major country in the world including the United States, Europe, the Middle East and Asia. In addition to bank accounts, Muammar owned a stake in the Italian soccer club Juventus and the car company Fiat. He also was a minority of London’s Financial Times. Gaddafi had luxury homes around the world including the huge estate pictured below. Surprisingly this house is located in the United States. In Englewood, New Jersey of all places! His house includes a huge swimming pool, tennis court and even a shooting range…

Muammar Gaddafi had a home in Englewood, New Jersey, USA

Investigators from U. N. Security are still waiting on many countries to resolve what Gaddafi might have within their borders. Several neighboring African nations refused to freeze Gaddafi’s accounts because of their fear and loyalty to the ruthless leader. Now that he’s dead, we should see even more money come to light. On top of all this, it’s believed that Gaddafi had billions of dollars worth of gold hidden in Libya, which has yet to be discovered.

Did Mummar Gaddafi’s $200 billion make him the richest person of all time? To find out how he stacks up, click this article:

The 25 Richest People Who Ever Lived – Inflation Adjusted

Gaddafi had a secret fortune of over $200 billion hidden around the world

So, where is the wealth of the failed and rogue leader and country? Ah, SA. But it will likely be embargoed for a long while after all the forensic accounting and criminal activity is matched to a comprehensive investigation. Oh yes, one more thing, our own U.S. Treasury and Secretary of State John Kerry is actively engaged in the process. It is a sure bet many other global leaders and the United Nations will complicate resolutions as their names are also likely attached.

Johannesburg – The South African government and President Jacob Zuma have been caught in the middle of an international wrangle over as much as R2 trillion in US dollars as well as hundreds of tons of gold and at least six million carats of diamonds in assets belonging to the people of Libya.

What could be the world’s largest cash pile is stored in palettes at seven heavily guarded warehouses and bunkers in secret locations between Joburg and Pretoria.

The Libyan billions have led to a Hawks investigation into possible violation of exchange controls as well as international interests from the UN and the US.

It has also led to heightened interest in the local and international intelligence community as well as the criminal underworld.

Those interested in the Libyan loot include several high-ranking ANC politicians, several business leaders, a former high court judge and a number of private companies.

The R2-trillion held in warehouses is separate from several other billions, believed to be in excess of R260 billion, held legally in four banks in South Africa.

Other legal assets include hotels in Joburg and Cape Town.

The Sunday Independent has seen official South African government documents which confirm that at least $179bn in US dollars is kept, illegally, in storage facilities across Gauteng.

Soon after Muammar Gaddafi’s death in October 2011, the new Libyan government embarked on a large-scale mission to recover legal assets in South Africa, the rest of Africa, the US and Europe.

In South Africa, the focus of the Libyans has been on assets brought into the country legally as well as illegally.

Last year, the Libyan government put in place a separate process to identify and repatriate the illegal assets in South Africa.

Investigations by The Sunday Independent on the illegal assets have led to allegations that:

* The US dollar loot was ferried to South Africa in at least 62 flights between Tripoli and South Africa. The crew of the planes were mainly ex-special forces from the apartheid era. The crew are understood to have deposed affidavits clarifying their role in an effort to avoid criminal charges.

* The money, gold and diamonds were moved to South Africa. Most of it was kept here and some was moved to neighbouring southern African countries. Most of the assets were taken out of Libya after Zuma got involved in an AU process to persuade then Libyan President Gaddafi to step down after an Arab-spring-like uprising to force him out of office.

Gaddafi was killed as he tried to flee Tripoli.

The Libyan government has formed a special board, the National Board for the Following Up and Recovery of Libyan Looted and Disguised Funds, to recover the assets. Now two companies have presented themselves to the South African government, claiming they were mandated by the national board to recover the funds.

The two companies are the Texas-based Washington African Consulting Group (WACG), led by its chief executive Erik Goalied, and Maltese-based Sam Serj, led by its chief executive, Tahah Buishi. Both companies claim to be the only legitimate representatives of the Libyan government.

Goalied has dismissed Sam Serj as impostors who want to stage the “biggest heist in the world”.

He said they were using fake documents and had used a number of South Africans, with the lure of lucrative commissions, to get the South African government to comply. Goalied has formalised his allegations about Sam Serj in an affidavit that he has submitted to the National Prosecuting Authority, who have passed it on to the Hawks.

He told The Sunday Independent that on September 26 he met with the Libyan Prime Minister Abdullah al-Thani in New York, where both parties reconfirmed that the WACG should work with the South African government. “The assets are important but the bigger goal is to resolve this smoothly so that relations between South Africa and Libya can improve,” he said.

Goalied said the Libyans did not necessarily want the loot to be sent back to Tripoli. They wanted full and legal control of the assets which, he added, could be used for investments and other job-creation projects that would benefit both countries.

Last month, Goalied wrote to Zuma asking for co-operation and assistance in resolving the assets saga. The Presidency wrote to him this week, acknowledging his letter.

The Presidency has referred The Sunday Independent’s queries to the Treasury. The Treasury, in turn, referred The Sunday Independent to a statement issued last June in which the government called on those with knowledge of Libyan assets in South Africa to come forward. Hawks spokesman Paul Ramaloko declined to confirm the probe.

The Sunday Independent has also established that Goalied has also written to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and US Foreign Secretary John Kerry asking for assistance. The UN adopted Resolution 438 which forces countries that have Libyan assets to return them.

The second company – Sam Serj – has already been in South Africa to discuss the return of the assets.

Sam Serj chief executive Buishi claimed his company was the only legitimate entity with a mandate to find and recover assets that belong to the people of Libya.

Buishi said his company has been contracted by the Libyan government to trace and recover assets looted by Gaddafi and those close to him.

He said the assets had been traced to South Africa, Libya’s neighbour, Tunisia, and several countries in Europe.

“We have been contracted by the Libyan government and are working with the South African government to recover the looted assets.

“We had a good meeting during our last visit with the then-minister of finance, Pravin Gordhan.

“We are working with the South African government. Hopefully, there will be a delegation to South Africa to repatriate the assets or come to some sort of arrangement.

“We want to work with the South African government to not only recover the assets but to find ways of re-investing them in South Africa.

“We want the assets to be identified as belonging to the Libyan people.

“Politically, we are trying to help the new Libya integrate with the rest of the African continent. Libya is a very big and rich country and together with South Africa can play a strategic role in Africa,” Buishi said.

Several sources told The Sunday Independent that the Libyans have complained to the UN and have placed South Africa and Zuma on terms, threatening to lay charges of theft with the International Criminal Court if the assets were not returned promptly.

The Sunday Independent understands that the money was brought in by a company, which has hired former SADF special forces and is keeping the warehouses where the money, gold and diamonds are being kept under 24-hour surveillance.

Other cash assets, running into hundreds of millions of rand, are being kept in accounts in South Africa’s major banks.

Several sources have confirmed that the ex-apartheid era special forces pilots and soldiers have deposed affidavits that are designed to protect them from, among others, money-laundering charges.


DHS Avoids Details to Maintain NatSec

By Susan Jones

(CNSNews.com) – The United States must use “all of the tools at our disposal” to deal with the threat posed by Americans and other Westerners who go to Syria and Iraq to fight with ISIS, a State Department official told Congress on Tuesday.

But so far, that does not include revoking the passports of U.S. citizens who have traveled to Syria to fight with ISIS.

“Has the State Department cancelled the passports of any U.S. citizens who have joined any terrorist groups in Syria and Iraq?” Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) asked Ambassador Robert Bradtke on Tuesday at a hearing of a House Foreign Affairs subcommittee.

“To my knowledge, the State Department has not cancelled any passports,” responded Bradtke, a senior adviser with the State Department’s Bureau of Counterterrorism who was called out of retirement to focus on foreign fighters.

“As Secretary Kerry said, he does have the authority to revoke passports. And this is something we would only do in relatively rare and unique circumstances because of the importance for average Americans (to) have the freedom to travel,” Bradtke said.

“We would only do it also in consultations with law enforcement authorities. And we have not yet had any requests from law enforcement authorities to cancel the passports of ISIS or foreign fighters. So again, we have the authority; it is one tool; we do have other tools to use as well in this regard.”

A second government official told lawmakers that the no-fly list is one of those other tools:

“Congressman, if we have indications that someone on the no-fly list is trying to fly back to the United States, we would deny them boarding,” said Thomas Warrick, a deputy assistant secretary for counter-terrorism policy at the Department of Homeland Security.

“If someone shows up in the United States and there’s indications that that person has been a foreign fighter in Syria, it would be referred to the FBI, and then it would be a matter for law enforcement,” Warrick explained.

Video of hearing is below:


“We would have the ability at the border to ask any questions that were necessary and appropriate; we would have the ability and the authority to inspect their luggage, inspect their personal possessions, in order to determine whether they were or were not a foreign fighter who had been fighting with ISIL. Anything like this, I can assure you, is taken extremely seriously.”

Later in the hearing, Warrick was asked what would happen if an Irish national, for example, tried to come to the U.S. after fighting with terrorists in Syria.

“Where somebody has been identified as a foreign fighter fighting for ISIL in Syria…they’re going to be in all likelihood on a no-fly list or another list of the U.S. government that is going to attract a great deal of attention before they’re allowed to get on board an airplane for the United States.”

But Warrick admitted that the no-fly list can’t guarantee that foreign fighters will be kept out of this country:

“Well, they wouldn’t be able to fly here,” he said. “The no-fly list obviously doesn’t apply to other modes of transportation. However, I can assure you that there are equal or equivalent measures in place so that somebody on the no-fly list is almost certainly not going to be allowed entry into the United States, if they come by cruise ship or if they fly to Canada, for example…and they were to try, let’s say, to come across the U.S.-Canadian border.”

No one mentioned the U.S.-Mexico border, which was overwhelmed by an influx of people from Central America just a few months ago.

Additional video of hearing is below:


Warrick put the number of U.S. citizens fighting with ISIS/ISIL at “greater than a hundred,” and he said some of those returning fighters have been arrested on arrival in this country. He did not say how many have been arrested, but when it happens, he  said the returning fighters move from DHS purview to FBI purview.

Two Democrats on the subcommittee asked why the State Department has not hired its own expert on Islamic law.

“It is incredibly important that we get Islamic scholars, experts and jurists to issue rulings adverse to ISIS and favorable to the United States,” said Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Calif.).

“It is about time that the State Department hire its first Islamic legal expert to work full time on that — maybe a couple (of experts). And it is time that at least somebody be hired at the State Department, not because they went to a fancy American school or because they did well on the foreign service exam.”

Sherman said he’s been told that the State Department is relying on outsiders to provide expertise on Islamic law and issue statements that are favorable to the United States.

Rep. Gerald Connolly (D-Va.) said the Middle East is “unraveling,” posing “a threat to us and the West.”

“As the United States moves forward, it just seems that the State Department needs to be promoting leadership from within that has particular focus on this region, since that’s what we’re dealing with…I do think Mr. Sherman has a point, that longer term, the United States has got to get serious about this region and expertise in this region if we’re going to address the challenges we face.”

Shhh, But Obama Currently Hiring Amnesty Staff

Dec 03 2014

Discovered: Obama Admin Launches And Staffs New Facility In Virginia To Immediately Implement Executive Amnesty

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL), Ranking Member of the Senate Budget Committee and a senior member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, released the following comment today on a bulletin issued by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announcing a new facility in Crystal City, Virginia, with plans to hire 1,000 staff, in order to begin immediate implementation of the President’s wage-reducing amnesty and work authorization decree:

“It has just been discovered today that the Obama Administration is now opening a new USCIS facility in Crystal City, Virginia, for the purpose of immediately implementing the President’s imperial immigration decree. They are in the process of hiring 1,000 full-time staff to quickly approve applications for the President’s illegal amnesty, which will provide work permits, photo IDs, Social Security, and Medicare to illegal immigrants—all benefits rejected by Congress. This action will mean that American workers, their sons, their daughters, their parents, will now have to compete directly for jobs, wages, and benefits with millions of illegal immigrants.

This facility is a clear symbol of the President’s defiance of the American people, their laws, and their Constitution. He is hiring federal employees to carry out a directive that violates the laws Congress has passed in order to foist on the nation laws Congress has repeatedly refused to pass.

Some have suggested that implementing this amnesty would not have a financial cost, but this action unmistakably demonstrates otherwise. Moreover, the USCIS employees themselves have made plain that taxpayers will be on the hook, warning through their union that the agency is an ‘approval machine’ that will ‘rubber stamp’ applications for amnesty.

Year after year, our annual spending bills include numerous restrictions on how federal money can and cannot be spent. Congress funds programs that are worthy and does not fund programs it deems unworthy. The President cannot spend money unless the Congress approves it, and certainly the Congress should not approve funds for an illegal amnesty.

The American people need a voice. Why were we elected, if not to serve the citizens who sent us here?”


You can view the bulletin here. Text is below:

USCIS Bulletin:

“USCIS is taking steps to open a new operational center in Crystal City, a neighborhood in Arlington, Virginia, to accommodate about 1,000 full-time, permanent federal and contract employees in a variety of positions and grade levels. The initial workload will include cases filed as a result of the executive actions on immigration announced on Nov. 20, 2014. Many job opportunities at the operational center will be announced in the coming days and please continue to monitor USAJOBS if you are interested.”

Sent : Monday, December 01, 2014 11:52 AM Eastern Standard Time
Subject : USCIS Today e-News 12-1-14
USCIS is taking steps to  
open a new operational center in Crystal City, a neighborhood in Arlington, Virginia, to accommodate about 1,000 full-time, permanent federal and contract employees in a variety of positions and grade levels. The initial workload will include cases filed as a result of the executive actions on immigration announced on Nov. 20, 2014. Many job opportunities at the operational center will be announced in the coming days and please continue to monitor USAJOBS if you are interested. Current vacancies include:

‘The initial workload will include cases filed as a result of the executive actions on immigration announced on Nov. 20, 2014. Many job opportunities at the operational center will be announced in the coming days and please continue to monitor USAJOBS if you are interested.’

The bulletin lists 32 examples of job openings, each of which was posted online on November 21.

They include a chief of staff who will earn between $124,995 and $157,100 per year, and program analysts who will earn more than $138,000. Jobs earmarked for recent college graduates start in the range of $34,415 to $55,421.

The White House did not respond to a question about how far in advance the decision was made to open the hiring floodgates.

USCIS similarly did not respond to a request for comment about how long its plan had been in the works.

Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions blasted the administration on Wednesday for the move.

Meanwhile Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott filed a federal lawsuit that involves the following states: Alabama, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, West Virginia and Wisconsin. More details here.

Sedition: Education and Media

C’mon parents, your children are being indoctrinated to Islam and Sharia in public schools and at university.  That is bad enough, but do you approve of seditionist infiltration on campus where you pay for tuition for classes taught by Marxists, Leninists and Communists?

Where is the FBI?

Former President Bill Clinton pushed back against the charge that President Obama and his fellow Democrats are card-carrying members of the Communist Party — telling supporters Monday that “nobody’s seen a communist in over a decade” and chastizing a freshman Republican for name-calling.

Invoking the specter of Communist-hunter Sen. Joseph McCarthy, Clinton blasted Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.), who in April said that he could identify 80 members of the U.S. House who were Communists — pointing to a caucus of House liberals when pressed for evidence.

Where is the FBI?

Former President Bill Clinton, his wife Hillary and hundreds in the Obama administration who full well there are communists in the federal government, at universities across the country and across all spectrums of media. Need more proof?

Well look at Ferguson, Missouri. Leftist organizers are using Ferguson to rehearse the Big Ugly

Scan the signage in the photos taken at Ferguson street protests across the nation and note that a handful of groups’ names reoccur.  Among them are REVCOM.US (Revolutionary Community Party USA , A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition (founded by the pro-Leninist Becker brothers and aligned with the Party for Socialism and Liberation), Peoples Power Assemblies, Socialist Worker.org, and the International Action Center (founded by Jimmy Carter’s former Attorney General, Ramsey Clark, in 1992). There are more.

Standing behind the signs are well-funded 501(c)(3) groups that receive millions of dollars every year through donations and foundation grants, and then allocate monies to promote social change.

It’s a one-two-three punch involving community organizers, supported by moneyed enablers, who marshal protesters to the street carrying signs with organizational ties most know nothing about.     

All of it is well-organized, well-executed, and well-funded by intelligent, well-rehearsed, highly-motivated, ideologically-driven zealots for fundamental transformation in America, and, for some, the world. It’s all perfectly legal.

Where is the FBI?

Where does the money come from that is financially supporting these groups and protests? Organizations that, in recent years, have received direct funding and assistance from George Soros and his Open Society Institute (OSI), For a complete list go here.

But there is more and you need to pay attention as the leadership of these groups get unfettered access to the White House and to media.

Where is the FBI? Who performed the background checks of these people and approved access?

This website did some good work as noted below.

If there were any more reasons Van Jones should step down or be fired. In 2006 he signed a petition by the Radical Black Panther Collective for Social Progress. The petition states, “resist so that we will not be crushed. Our resistance gives other people courage.”

Among the supporters, a who’s who of socialist/communistic organizations.

Individuals and Organizations

* Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER), San Francisco
* American Civil Liberties Union, Sonoma County, CA
* Asians for Mumia/Jericho
* Association of Micro-Power Broadcasters
* Barrio Defense, San Jose, CA
* Bay Area Police Watch
* Philip Berg, Libertarian Candidate for Congress California District 8
* Berkeley Copwatch
* Geoffrey Blank, No Police State Coalition, NY
* Elombe Brath, Patrice Lumumba Coalition
* Mary Browne, Michael Randall Ealy Social Justice Foundation
* Caduceus Outreach Services
* Center for Constitutional Rights
* Center for Tactical Magic
* Communities United Against Police Brutality
* Chalice Farm
* Todd Chretien, Green Party candidate for U.S. Senate
* Omowale Clay, December 12th Movement
* Coalition for Justice and Accountability, San Jose, CA
* Chris Daly, Supervisor for SF District 6
* Dan Dileva, October 22 Coalition Seattle affiliate
* Carl Dix, Revolutionary Communist Party
* Jeremy Dreher
* Education Not Incarceration, Oakland, CA
* Samina Faheem Sundas, Executive Director of American Muslim Voice (for ID purpose only)
* Freedom Socialist Party, San Francisco
* Fr. Paul Gawlowski OFM Conv, Pastor, St. Paul of the Shipwreck Church, San Francisco
* Green Action
* Greenwood Earth Alliance
* Grey Panthers
* Guerrilla Wordfare
* HACKBLOC.org (Anarchy)
* Haitian Coalition for Justice, NY
* Marie Harrison, Candidate Supervisor for SF District 10
* Barry Hermanson, Green Party candidate for CA State Assembly
* Goldy Holmes
* Idriss Stelley Foundation, San Francisco, CA
* ISO (International Socialist Organization), San Francisco
* Van Jones and the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
* Justice4Palestinians
* Krissie Keefer, Green Party candidate for Congress
* Jane Kim, President, San Francisco People’s Organization, Youth Organizer, Chinatown Community Development Center
* Richard Konda, Coalition for Justice and Accountability
* Larry Holmes, Troops Out Now Coalition
* Latinos for Mumia
* Dorinda Moreno, Hitec Aztec Communications, Elders of the 4 Colors 4 Directions
* National Jericho
* New Black Panther Party, New York Chapter
* Efia Nwangaza, African American Institute for Policy Studies and Planning
* NYC Jericho
* Party for Socialism & Liberation
* Pastors Against Injustice
* P.O.W.E.R. (Police Observers Working to Effect Reform), San Francisco
* Project Common Touch, Tommie Escargaza, Director
* Radical Women, NY
* San Francisco African American Community Policing Relations Board
* San Francisco Bay View National Black Newspaper
* San Francisco Code Pink
* San Francisco Faith Based Coalition, Rev. Ted Frazier
* San Francisco Peacemakers
* Alicia N. Schwartz, People Organized to Win Employment Rights (POWER) (for ID purpose only)
* SEIU-Local 790
* Seven Generations Consulting
* O’Maly Sinclair
* Lynne Stewart, attorney, NY
* Dr. Ahimsa Sumchai, reporter for Environmental Medicine
* Celeste Taylor, Coordinator for Pittsburgh Oct. 22
* Tiny, Editor, Poor Magazine, San Francisco
* United for Peace and Justice
* United Playaz, Rudy Corpuz, SF SOMA
* Vox Populi Collective
* Mary Weaver, People’s Organization for Progress
* Wilson Riles
* Patricia St. Onge
* Oakland CAN (Community Action Network)
* Workers World

Where is the FBI?

Then in 1954 a law was passed title the Communist Control Act. The spirit of the law is to identify organizations and people attempting to overthrow the system of government including the Federal and State level. Sure in garden variety terms this has not happened, but when it comes to political correctness, edicts, mandates, enforcing law and prosecution, Communism is here and it is effective, as noted by meetings today in the White House and in towns such as Ferguson, Oakland, St. Louis and Chicago.

Where is the FBI? Where are you parents? Where is the top leadership at the Department of Education? Where is the leadership of universities and the donors?