Governor Christie is Desperate by his own Doing

Imagine that you invested in a 4 bedroom home. You raised your family and now the children are adults and have moved on. Three of those bedrooms are no longer occupied by a family member. So one room is an office, one room is a workout room one is a guest room. Well the government steps in and says, you don’t need those other bedrooms you bought and paid for so we are moving in 2 other families less fortunate and you need to provide them with medical benefits, transportation and food. What you say????

Enter New Jersey Governor Christie and his proposal to reform social security in this state. Imagine his proposal saying that anyone earning over $200,ooo per year and having paid into social security, does not really need their funds at age 65, so Governor Christie wants to offer it to others. Does this mean socialism? Why yes it does. But is he proposing this now? Simply said, he made both bad decisions and no decisions and is out of money. Then it is suggested you find out what is going on in your state.

Follow The Money

Respectfully submitted by Lawrence E. Rafferty (rafflaw)-Weekend Contributor


Over the last few years we have seen many stories and articles that discuss the problems States and Municipalities are having in paying their public pension payments and how various politicians propose to fix those “problems”.  The politicians almost always seem to blame the pension problems on the overpaid government workers and their unions. The idea that Wall Street might have something to do with these government pension plans being underfunded is rarely discussed.  Until now.

A significant portion of the funds deposited in government employee pension plans is invested with Wall Street. According to one recent study, the public pension plans are paying at least $5.4 Billion dollars each year to Wall Street.

“Currently, about 9 percent — or $270 billion — of America’s $3 trillion public pension fund assets are invested in private equity firms. Assuming the industry standard 2 percent management fee, that quarter-trillion dollars generates roughly $5.4 billion in annual management fees for the private equity industry — and that’s not including additional “performance” fees paid on investment returns. But even the $5.4 billion number could be drastically understated, according to CEM.” Reader Supported News

$5.4 Billion dollars is a lot of money, but as usual, Wall Street may be getting an even bigger piece of the pie. “If CEM’s calculations are applied uniformly, it could mean taxpayers and retirees may actually be paying double that $5.4 billion number — or more than $10 billion a year. Public officials are overseeing this massive payout to Wall Street at the very moment many of those same officials are demanding big cuts to retirees’ promised pension benefits. By comparison, the total budget of the Environmental Protection Agency is just over $8 billion.” RSN

In order to fully understand the scope of the costs these pension plans are paying to Wall Street, it may help to see how these huge fees are paid on the state level.

“California’s report said $440 million. New Jersey’s said $600 million. In Pennsylvania, the tally is $700 million. Those figures are public worker pension fees being paid annually by taxpayers to Wall Street firms, and they have kicked off an intensifying debate over whether such expenses are necessary.” RSN

When you consider that the CEM study figures that public pension plans are paying from $5.4 Billion to more than $10 Billion a year in fees, it is no wonder that so many politicians want to privatize Social Security and bring other public pensions into the Wall Street fold.  Using just the standard 2% fee noted above, just how many billions would Wall Street rake in if Social Security was privatized? How many billions more would Wall Street collect if the entire public pension asset pool was also “invested” with Wall Street?

At the least, shouldn’t these States insist on a full disclosure of the secret fees that the CEM study alleged?  And if the study is correct, shouldn’t Wall Street refund the secret fees back to the pension plans?  In one example, the State of Pennsylvania is balking at its high fees and the Governor and the Legislature are trying to find a way to make the cost of their underfunded pension plans more manageable. Both sides of the aisle differ in their approaches to solve the problem.

In New Jersey, the evidence is mounting that the Governor steered public pension money to political allies and donors.

“This week, after an International Business Times investigative series found that Republican Gov. Chris Christie’s officials were not disclosing all state pension fees paid, New Jersey pension trustees announced a formal investigation of the fee payments. Some of those fees have flowed to firms whose executives made big donations to political groups affiliated with Christie. In just the five years since Christie took office, New Jersey fees paid to financial firms have more than quadrupled. At the same time as fees spiked, Christie has said the pension funds do not have enough money to pay promised benefits to retirees.” RSN

Do you think Gov. Christie will ask his cronies for New Jersey’s money back?

In various states, one side of the discussion wants to use bonds to make the payments more palatable and the other side is pushing to put new hires into a 401(k) system where the employees do their own investing.  Of course, neither plan will quickly solve the problem of underfunded pension plans when state and municipalities have reduced or ignored payments to the pension plan for years and in some cases like in Illinois and other states, for decades.

And if the 401(k) plan that is being promulgated for Pennsylvania and other states is incorporated, who do these employees invest their retirement money with?  Wall Street, of course.

I believe that a reasonable taxpayer would think that at the least, the politicians should be able to agree on reducing the cost of the Wall Street investment fees and demand an accounting of all undisclosed fees and if possible, a refund of those undisclosed fees.   With both Democratic and Republican administrations involved in allowing or funneling public pension funds to supporters and donors,  politics and cronyism may get in the way of a real and equitable fix.  What do you think?

Iranian Hackers Eye U.S. Grid

iranhack4Cyber-savvy agents are stepping up their efforts to ID critical infrastructure that may compromise national security.

Iranian hackers are trying to identify computer systems that control infrastructure in the United States, such as the electrical grid, presumably with an eye towards damaging those systems, according to a new report from a cyber security firm and a think tank in Washington, D.C.

The researchers from Norse, a cyber security company, and the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank that has been skeptical of the Iranian nuclear agreement, found that Iranian hacking against the U.S. is increasing and that the lifting of economic sanctions as part of an international agreement over Iran’s nuclear program “will dramatically increase the resources Iran can put toward expanding its cyberattack infrastructure.”

What’s more, the current sanctions regime, which has helped to depress Iran’s economy, has not blunted the expansion of its cyber spying and warfare capabilities, the researchers conclude.

The technical data underlying the report’s conclusions, while voluminous, aren’t definitive, and they don’t answer a central question of whether Iran intends to attack the U.S. Using data collected from a network of Norse “sensors” around the world made to look like vulnerable computers, the researchers tracked what they say is a dramatic escalation in spying and attacks on the U.S. from hackers in Iran, including within the Iranian military. The researchers also traced hacking back to a technical university in Iran, as well as other institutions either run or heavily influenced by the Iranian regime.

“Iran is emerging as a significant cyber threat to the U.S. and its allies,” the report’s authors say. “The size and sophistication of the nation’s hacking capabilities have grown markedly over the last few years, and Iran has already penetrated well-defended networks in the U.S. and Saudi Arabia and seized and destroyed sensitive data.”

That assessment tracks with the view of U.S. intelligence officials, who’ve been alarmed by how quickly Iran has developed the capability to wreak havoc in cyberspace. In 2012, officials say that Iranian hackers were responsible for erasing information from 30,000 computers at Saudi Aramco, the state-owned oil and gas production facility, as well as a denial-of-service attack that forced the websites of major U.S. banks to shut down under a deluge of electronic traffic. Earlier this year, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said that Iran was responsible for an attack on the Sands casino company in 2014, in which intruders stole and destroyed data from the company’s computers.

The Norse and AEI researchers found that Iran’s cyber capabilities, which U.S. officials and experts say have been growing rapidly since around 2009, have accelerated in the past year. Attacks launched from Iranian Internet addresses rose 128 percent between January 2013 and mid-March 2015, the researchers found. And the number of individual Norse sensors “hit” by Iranian Internet addresses increased 229 percent. All told, the researchers conclude that hackers using Iranian Internet addresses have “expended their attack infrastructure more than fivefold over the course of just 13 months.”

There’s little debate about among U.S. officials and experts that Iran poses a credible and growing danger online. But the technical data underlying Norse and AEI’s conclusions came into question when the report was released on Thursday.

The researchers relied on “scans” of Norse sensors that may indicate some interest by an Iranian hacker, but don’t prove his intent or that he was planning to damage a particular computer.


“They talk about ‘attacks,’ but what they really mean are ‘scans,” which is more ambiguous, Robert M. Lee, a PhD candidate at King’s College London who is researching industrial control systems, told The Daily Beast. Industrial control systems are the computers that help run critical infrastructure.

Essentially, Iranian hackers are casing a neighborhood, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re going to rob houses. Lee, who is also an active duty Air Force cyber warfare operations officer, said he agreed with the report’s assessment that Iran is building up its cyber forces and poses a threat. But the underlying technical data in the report doesn’t directly support that claim, he said. “They reached the right conclusions but for the wrong reasons,” Lee said.

The researchers didn’t find that Iran had successfully penetrated any industrial control systems and caused machinery to break down.

While the report concludes that Iran will use the sanctions relief to fuel its growing cyber warfare program, other researchers have suggested that Iran is likely to back off its most aggressive operations—like those against the Saudi oil company and U.S. banks—and will instead focus on cyber espionage that doesn’t cause physical damage.

“They’ll be far more targeted and careful,” Stuart McClure, the CEO and president of cybersecurity company Cylance, told The Daily Beast in a recent interview. Since the U.S. and its international partners reached a tentative agreement with Iran on its nuclear program earlier this month, Cylance hasn’t tracked any attacks by an Iranian hacker group that it has been monitoring and documented in an earlier report (PDF).

But Norse’s conclusions are generally supported by Cylance’s research, which found that Iran had actually penetrated systems controlling a range of critical infrastructure in the U.S., including oil and gas, energy and utilities, transportation, airlines, airports, hospitals, telecommunications, and aerospace companies. The company’s report on those intrusions, which it said was based on two years of research, also didn’t attribute any failures of critical infrastructure to those Iranian intrusions.

“A lot of the work [the Iranians] were doing was quite sloppy, almost to the point that they wanted to get caught,” McClure said. He speculated that the Iranians may have been trying to send a signal to the U.S. and their partners in the nuclear negotiations that they were capable of inflicting harm if they didn’t get a favorable deal. “Coming to the table and knowing your adversary is in your house influences the negotiation.”

Iran still has a way to go to join the ranks of the cyber superpowers. Its “cyberwarfare capabilities do not yet seem to rival those of Russia in skill, or ofChina in scale,” the Norse and AEI report finds. There is still a relatively small community of high-end hackers in the country, and the regime hasn’t been able to build as robust a tech infrastructure for launching attacks as other nations whose capabilities are more advanced, the researchers found.

The report identifies the Iranian government as responsible for the malicious activity, concluding that the traffic originated from organizations “controlled or influenced by the government” or moved over equipment that is known to be monitored and manipulated by Iran’s security services.

That claim is also likely to raise objection from technical experts, who generally demand more precise evidence to attribute a cyber operation to a specific actor.

“We are emphatically not suggesting that all malicious traffic emanating from Iran is government initiated or government-approved,” the researchers said. However, they argue “that the typical standards of proof for attributing malicious traffic to a specific source are unnecessarily high” in this case, given that so much of the traffic they observed traversed systems either owned, controlled, or spied on by the Iranian government.

That’s ironic: Earlier this year, when Obama administration officials declared publicly that North Korea was responsible for hacking Sony Pictures Entertainment, Norse was one of the most prominent skeptics, arguing that the government was relying on imprecise technical data and leaping to conclusions.

Norse said its own research suggested that a group of six individuals, including at least one disgruntled ex-Sony employee, was behind the assault, which humiliated Sony executives and led to threats of terrorist attacks over the release of The Interview.

But that theory was undermined in January when FBI Director James Comey took the unusual step of publicly declassifying information that, he said, definitively linked North Korea to the attack. Current and former U.S. intelligence officials also told The Daily Beast that they’d been tracking the hackers behind the Sony operation long before it was ever launched.

Fleecing of the Taxpayer, National Institutes of Health

Feds Spent $410,265 Studying ‘Satisfaction’ Levels of Young Gay Men’s First Time

Project examining the ‘meaning and function’ of first ‘penetrative same-sex sexual experiences’

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has spent over $400,000 studying the satisfaction levels of the first sexual experiences of young gay men.

The four-year study, being conducted by Johns Hopkins University, is examining the “meaning and function” of first “penetrative same-sex sexual experiences.”

“Prior work has demonstrated that same-sex relationship trajectories support the development of self-esteem in young gay and bisexual men, while opposite same-sex relationships may be associated with homonegativity,” a grant for the project, which began in 2012, states. “Little is known about the meaning and function of first same-sex experience in [African-American] AA adolescent men and whether satisfaction with first penetrative same-sex experience impacts sexual trajectories.”

“The goal of this project is to understand the meaning and function of first same-sex sexual experience and to prospectively be able to assess its impact on subsequent sexual experiences, young adult sexual health and health protective behaviors,” the grant said.

The project has cost taxpayers $410,265 so far, with funding not set to expire until May 2016.

The study is also examining the satisfaction levels of young gay men during their first time.

“The research phase of the award is to explore the reasons for and satisfaction with first and subsequent penetrative same-sex sexual experiences (PSSE) and to examine the role of first PSSE on second and subsequent PSSEs in AA men (Study 1) and how social context impacts sexual satisfaction with first PSSE,” the grant said.

The study will also look at the amount of time between the first and second partner, depending on the “sexual satisfaction” of the first “PSSE.”

Forty-five African American adolescent males are undergoing “in-depth” interviews for the study. The research will also create an Internet survey.

The NIH grant said that the study is necessary due to a lack of research focusing on young African-American males and will be beneficial to preventing HIV.

“The lack of representativeness of AA adolescent males in studies focused on early same-sex sexual relationships contrasted with high rates of HIV in AA adolescent MSM suggests that this project fulfills a need to understand whether these early same-sex sexual experiences impact risk for HIV,” the grant said.

“AA [men who have sex with men] MSM struggle with a sexual identity that is stigmatized in their communities, along with discrimination, and racism,” the grant continued. “As a result, first romantic and sexual experiences are likely to differ from other adolescent groups in ways that make them particularly vulnerable to HIV.”

The study is meant to help the lead researcher, assistant professor of pediatrics at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Dr. Renata Arrington-Sanders, to become a “successful independent minority investigator” and a “rigorous behavioral scientist.”

Arrington-Sanders research focuses on “improving the sexual health of African American adolescent men who have sex with men and also HIV prevention community-based efforts and linking HIV-infected adolescents to care.”

Arrington-Sanders previously studied why some young African-American gay men seek out older partners, finding that older partners had “emotional maturity,” could expose them to “more life experiences,” and helped young men “sort through sexual position and how to perform in relationships.”

On College Campuses…Really?

Islamic jihad comes to campus
Anti-Semitism under the guise of social justice is seeping into the college scene

By David Horowitz – – Thursday, April 16, 2015

The world is witnessing a resurgence of global anti-Semitism not seen since the 1930s and the “Final Solution.” In the Middle East, Hitler-admiring regimes like Iran, and Hitler-admiring parties like Hezbollah, Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, are openly planning to finish the job the Nazis started. Even in America, until now the most hospitable place outside of Israel for Jews, the atmosphere is more hostile than at any time in the last 70 years.

According to the FBI, three-fifths of all religious hate crimes in America are now committed against Jews, while a recent Pew poll revealed that 54 percent of Jewish students have either been the subject of an anti-Semitic attack or witnessed one. The frequency of these attacks among college-aged students, moreover, is five times that of any other age group. The reason for this is obvious: Across the United States student groups associated with the Muslim Brotherhood, specifically Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and the Muslim Students Association, are engaged in a vitriolic campaign against Israel and those students who support its right to exist. These organizations promote the propaganda of the terrorist organization Hamas, and call for the destruction of the Jewish state.

Students for Justice in Palestine, the more active of the two groups, claims to support a left-wing agenda of “social justice,” and “universal human rights.” Like the left itself, though, Students for Justice in Palestine doesn’t stand for the rights of Palestinians in the territories controlled by Palestinians, including the rights of Palestinians to disagree with each other without being targeted by their terrorist rulers. Instead, SJP’s sole agenda is the destruction of the Jewish state.

While SJP’s self-professed purpose is “to promote self-determination for the Palestinian people,” the organization defines the boundaries of this liberation as extending “from the river to the sea,” i.e., from the Jordan River on Israel’s eastern border to its western border on the Mediterranean. To advance this genocidal agenda, SJP endorses the lie that Israel was created on territory stolen from the Palestinians and, therefore, Jews illegally occupy Arab lands from which they must be purged.

In fact, Israel was created on land that had belonged to the Turks, who are not Arabs, for 400 years previously. In 1948 when Israel was created, there was no Palestinian political entity, no movement for a Palestinian state, and no people calling itself Palestinian. These core genocidal lies make up the primary agenda of SJP and its anti-Jewish allies, and are crowned by the ludicrous claim that Israel is an “apartheid state” with policies worthy of the “Nazis.” In fact, Israel is the only democratic and ethnically tolerant state in the Middle East, the only place where gays, Christians and women are safe. The real Nazis in the Middle East are the Arabs who openly call for the extermination of the Jews.

Despite its anti-Semitic, pro-terrorist agendas, SJP is funded by university fees. University administrations officially recognize the organization and grant it the privilege of erecting walls of hate, and conducting “die-ins” and other propaganda stunts in campus centers where other students can’t avoid being assaulted by their noxious accusations.

University administrators who refuse to rein in this hatred operate under pressure from faculty and student activists of the anti-Israel “social justice” left. These include the self-hating Jews of J Street and Jewish Voice for Peace, who join hands with their mortal enemies to condemn anyone who confronts SJP and the malignant forces it represents as “Islamophobes.”

As it happens, “Islamophobe” is a term coined by the Muslim Brotherhood to demonize its opponents, and the center of a campaign seeking a universal ban on critics as religious blasphemers. The campaign’s success can be seen in President Obama’s refusal to call the terrorist Islamic State “Islamic,” or to describe the war waged by the Islamic State, al Qaeda and other Islamic terror organizations as a religious crusade.

Thanks to the savageries of the Islamic State, however, Americans have begun to wake up and to see Jews as canaries in the mine, and to understand that what is happening to Jews is also happening to Christians and others in the way of Islamic Nazis. Nonetheless, the continuing successes of front organizations such as Students for Justice in Palestine are ominous indicators of the dangers that confront us, and should be a wake-up call, too.


Insurgency Season at U.S. Southern Border

Shocking images from cameras on Texas-Mexico border capture steady stream of illegal immigrants sneaking into the United States with packages of drugs and guns

  • Network of more than 1,000 cameras are installed on farms and ranches 
  • Have been strategically placed in areas that have not been secured 
  • Sophisticated‘ system led to the apprehension of nearly 30,000 suspects
  • Has also slowed down cartel operations and drug smuggling 

See the video here. And for still images from the cameras, click here.

Cameras placed along Texas’ 1,200-mile border with Mexico have captured the stream of illegal immigrants sneaking into the country on a daily basis.

The network of more than 1,000 motion detectors, similar to those used to film wildlife, have been placed strategically in areas that have not been secured – where Mexican citizens can cross and evade capture with ease.

They helped border guards apprehend nearly 30,000 suspects and led to 88,400 pounds of drugs being seized in 2014 as part of Operation Drawbridge.

The system has also had a significant impact on Mexican cartels and their ability to smuggle narcotics, people and stolen vehicles between the two countries. The startling images have been revealed as President Obama continues to fight to push through an executive order to shield illegal immigrants from deportation.

Earlier this month a federal judge in Texas refused to lift a temporary block on a White House immigration plan.

According to the Texas Department of Public Safety, the ‘sophisticated’ cameras are stationed on ranches and farms on the border.

The turn on when movement is detected and are monitored in real-time, around-the-clock by a number of agencies.

If they think suspicious activity is taking place, they alert law enforcement in a bid to get them to cut them off.

Steven McCraw, the director of the agency, said: ‘Every day, sheriff’s deputies, police officers, Border Patrol agents and state law enforcement officers in the Texas border region risk their lives to protect Texas and the entire nation from Mexican cartels and transnational crime.

‘This innovative use of technology has proven to be a force multiplier in detecting the smuggling attempts along the border, which is critical to interdicting criminal activity occurring between the ports of entry.

‘Any time law enforcement interdicts a smuggling attempt, we consider it a significant gain in the fight against the cartels and their operatives.

‘The collaborative law enforcement efforts of Operation Drawbridge have bolstered our ability to combat the exploitation of our border by these ruthless criminals.’

In March it was revealed more immigrants are choosing more remote and dangerous crossing points to make it to the United States.

The Border Patrol has responded by expanding its search-and-rescue teams to monitor the area, as a growing number of bodies of suspected illegal immigrants are being found.

Many of the bodies are being discovered just southwest of Mission, Texas, where the fire department’s dive-and-rescue team has had a busy winter. In January and February alone, it recovered at least six bodies in the murky canals.

In February, governor Greg Abbot claimed that had 20,000 illegal immigrants had already entered the country since the start of the year.