IBM: Organized Cybercrime Threat

How Open Security Outpaces Cybercrime

To combat the increasingly organized cybercrime threat, we’ve built an open security platform that helps the world fight the bad guys.


Cybercrime Pays, Which is Why it’s Becoming Organized
Cybercrime has rapidly moved from the world of small-stakes theft to become one of the most profitable types of crime in the world.

Seeing the enormous opportunity in everything from identity theft to large-scale corporate incursions, hackers are banding together to run much larger attacks, similar to traditional crime rings.

80% of cyber-attacks are driven by criminal organizations, in which data, tools and expertise are widely shared.

Moats are Not Keeping the Intruders Out
Years ago, in the world of local networks, enterprises were able to focus attention and resources on protecting their own security “endpoints.” If threats couldn’t pierce the perimeter, critical data would remain safe. Now, enabled by a combination of ubiquitous connectivity, data availability, open networks and the growing Internet of Things, hackers are storming the castles in waves. In fact, they’re already inside—the average security breach isn’t discovered for months. What’s needed is not a moat, but an intelligent immune system that detects anomalies and marshals rapid response. And most in-house cybersecurity teams are stuck piecing together multiple sources of intelligence to try to keep up.

Organized Threats Require a Coordinated Response
Recognizing the increasing dangers posed by hackers—both freelance and organized—we opened up our own global network of cyberthreat research and invited the industry to share intelligence—creating an entirely new approach to fight the threat.

In April 2015 we opened the IBM X-Force Exchange, a 700-terabyte threat database that includes two decades of malicious cyber-attack data from IBM, as well as anonymous threat data from the thousands of organizations for which IBM manages security operations. Already, more than 2,000 organizations across 16 global industries are active on the platform, including:

  • 5 of the 10 largest banks in the world
  • 6 of the top 10 retailers
  • 6 of the top 10 automakers
  • 3 of the top 10 healthcare providers

Expanding on our open approach to security, we also launched the IBM Security App Exchange, allowing partners, vendors and customers to share and build applications, security app extensions and enhancements to IBM Security products.

****  Ever wonder how cyberattacks and malware are created, and how they get into your system to steal your data? See the life of a cyberthreat first hand, from the moment of its inception within the Dark Web of hackers, to when it is sent around the world to infect as many systems as possible. With collaboration across the networks of “the good guys,” we can help stop these exploits from being shared and spread. Similar to how vaccinations and health warnings can help to stop a disease pandemic, having the right protocols in place can help send malware back to the Dark Web for good.

Join the fight against hackers at

And Then N. Korea Fired off 2 More Missiles

But while Barack Obama dispatched Michelle to attend Nancy Reagan’s funeral memorial, he is going to a music festival.

North Korea Fires More Missiles into the Sea

VoA: South Korea’s military says North Korea has fired two short-range ballistic missiles into the sea, apparently a response to continuing military exercises by South Korea and the United States.

The South Korean Defense Ministry says the missiles were fired early Thursday morning from North Hwanghae Province. They traveled about 500 kilometers and fell into the water off the country’s east coast, officials in Seoul said.

Such firings are not uncommon when animosity rises on the Korean Peninsula. North Korea hates the massive military drills by Seoul and Washington, calling them a preparation for invasion.

Pyongyang also is angry about tough United Nations sanctions imposed following its recent nuclear test and long-range rocket launch.

North Korea has a large stockpile of short-range missiles and is developing long-range and intercontinental missiles.

The North fired six rockets into the sea last week, supervised by leader Kim Jong Un, who ordered his military to be prepared to launch pre-emptive attacks against its enemies.

On Wednesday, Kim said his country has miniaturized nuclear warheads to mount on ballistic missiles.

The U.S. State Department declined to comment.


Meanwhile Special Operations Command General Votel did comment:


US Special Operations Command General Joseph Votel stated that United States has increased the number of Special Operations Forces (SOF) on the Korean Peninsula in the past year-and-a-half to their highest level.

The United States has increased the number of Special Operations Forces (SOF) on the Korean Peninsula in the past year-and-a-half to their highest level, US Special Operations Command General Joseph Votel told the Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday.

“I am pretty proud to say, right now, today there are more SOF men and woman on the [Korean] Peninsula than we have had any time in the past,” Votel stated.

In the past two months, North Korea has engaged in multiple long-range rocket launches and a nuclear weapons test, raising concerns in the United States and among members of the international community.

Votel noted that the Special Operations Forces presence on the Korean Peninsula has increased over the past 18 months in partnership with South Korean forces.

The United States and South Korea just launched their largest ever military exercises in the region this week.

North Korea has argued the yearly exercises posed a threat to its interests, and announced last week that it had put its nuclear weapons on high alert, ready to carry out a preemptive nuclear strike.

Then Reuters has an additional report on North Korea’s newest nuclear weapons:

N.Korea’s Kim says country has miniaturized nuclear warhead

SEOUL, March 9 (Reuters) – North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said the country has miniaturized nuclear warheads to be mounted on ballistic missiles, the North’s KCNA news agency reported on Wednesday.

“The nuclear warheads have been standardized to be fit for ballistic missiles by miniaturizing them,” KCNA quoted him as saying as he inspected the work of nuclear workers, adding “this can be called true nuclear deterrent.”

The comments were Kim’s first direct mention of the claim previously made repeatedly in the country’s state media to have successfully miniaturized a nuclear warhead to be mounted on a ballistic missile, which is widely questioned.

Kim also inspected the nuclear warheads designed for thermo-nuclear reaction, KCNA said, referring to a hydrogen bomb that the country claimed to have tested in January.

North Korea conducted its fourth nuclear test on Jan. 6 and claimed it was a successful hydrogen bomb test, which was disputed by many experts and the governments of South Korea and the United States.

The U.N. Security Council imposed harsh new sanctions on the isolated state last week for the nuclear test, and Pyongyang has stepped up its belligerent rhetoric through state media.

Last week Kim ordered his country to be ready to use nuclear weapons at any time in the face of growing threats from enemies.

Operating Military Drone Flights over U.S.

Pentagon admits operating military drone flights over U.S.

WashingtonTimes: The Pentagon has deployed spy drones to fly over U.S. territory for non-military missions over the past decade, but the flights were few and lawful, according to a new report.

The domestic drone flights have occurred less than 20 times between 2006 and 2015 and were always conducted in compliance with existing laws, according to the report by the Pentagon Inspector General which was made public under a Freedom of Information Act request, according to USA today.

The Pentagon did not provide details of the domestic spy missions, but said it takes the issue of military drone flights over America soil “very seriously.”

The list of domestic drone operations was not made public in the report, but some examples were cited.

In one case, an unnamed mayor asked the Marine Corps to use a drone to identify potholes in the mayor’s city. The Marines denied the request because obtaining the required approval from the defense secretary to “conduct a UAS mission of this type did not make operational sense.”

The issue of unmanned aerial surveillance drone flights over the U.S. first arose in 2013 when then-FBI director Robery Mueller told a Congressional committee that the bureau employed spy drones to aid in investigations, but in a “very, very minimal way, very seldom.”

According to the report, which was completed in March 2015, the Pentagon established guidance in 2006 governing when and whether drones could be used domestically.

The interim policy allowed spy drones to be used for homeland defense purposes and to assists civil authorities.

However, the policy said that any use of military spy drones for civilian authorities must be cleared by the Secretary of Defense or someone delegated by the secretary. The report found that the defense secretaries never delegated that responsibility, according to USA Today.


But the desire for domestic drone operations is growing, according to the report. Military units that operate the drones told inspectors that they would like more opportunities to fly them on domestic missions, even just to give pilots more experience.

Shortly before the report was completed a year ago, the Pentagon issued a new policy on the use of spy drones requiring the defense secretary to approve all domestic drone operations.

Unless permitted by law and approved by the secretary, drones “may not conduct surveillance on U.S. persons,” under the new policy.

**** Is it is nefarious? Very doubtful:

Plotted out all the information we’ve (Electronic Frontier Foundation) received about applications to fly domestic drones on our Map of Domestic Drone Authorizations. (Clicking this link will serve content from Google.)

US Federal Agencies:


WH: All FOIA Requests Require WH Scrutiny

Being snarky, but just how many in the Obama administration got the early heads up….Hillary? Kerry? Holder? Jackson? Rahm?

It Took a FOIA Lawsuit to Uncover How the Obama Administration Killed FOIA Reform

By Jason Leopold

The Obama administration has long called itself the most transparent administration in history. But newly released Department of Justice (DOJ) documents show that the White House has actually worked aggressively behind the scenes to scuttle congressional reforms designed to give the public better access to information possessed by the federal government.

The documents were obtained by the Freedom of the Press Foundation, a nonprofit organization that supports journalism in the public interest, which in turn shared them exclusively with VICE News. They were obtained using the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) — the same law Congress was attempting to reform. The group sued the DOJ last December after its FOIA requests went unanswered for more than a year.

The documents confirm longstanding suspicions about the administration’s meddling, and lay bare for the first time how it worked to undermine FOIA reform bills that received overwhelming bipartisan support and were unanimously passed by both the House and Senate in 2014 — yet were never put up for a final vote.

Moreover, a separate set of documents obtained by VICE News in response to a nearly two-year-old FOIA request provides new insight into how the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) also tried to disrupt Congress’s FOIA reform efforts, which would have required those agencies to be far more transparent when responding to records requests.

The disclosures surface days before Sunshine Week, an annual celebration of open government, and a renewed effort by the House and Senate to improve the FOIA by enacting the very same reforms contained in the earlier House and Senate bills — the seventh attempt in at least 10 years by lawmakers to amend the transparency law. But the administration is again working to derail the legislation, according to congressional staffers.

The FOIA Oversight and Implementation Act of 2014, co-sponsored by then–House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa and ranking member Elijah Cummings, would have codified into law Obama’s presidential memorandum, signed on his first day in office in 2009, that instructed all government agencies to “adopt a presumption in favor of disclosure, in order to renew their commitment to the principles embodied in FOIA, and to usher in a new era of open Government.” (Attorney General Eric Holder issued a set of guidelines to federal agencies a couple of months later that explained how the presumption of disclosure should be implemented.)

Additionally, the legislation called for the implementation of a centralized online portal, overseen by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), to handle all FOIA requests and required government agencies to update their FOIA regulations. The bill unanimously passed by a vote of 410-0, one of the few pieces of legislation during President Barack Obama’s tenure to receive bipartisan support.

But the administration “strongly opposed passage” of the House bill and opposed nearly every provision that would have made it easier for journalists, historians, and the public to access government records. The White House claimed it would increase the FOIA backlog, result in astronomical costs, and cause unforeseen problems with processing requests, according to a secret six-page DOJ set of talking points turned over to the Freedom of the Press Foundation along with 100 pages of internal DOJ emails about the FOIA bill.

“The Administration views [the House bill] as an attempt to impose on the Executive Branch multiple administrative requirements concerning its internal management of FOIA administration, which are not appropriate for legislative intervention and would substantially increase costs and cause delays in FOIA processing,” the talking points say. “The Administration believes that the changes… are not necessary and, in many respects, will undermine the successes achieved to date by diverting scarce processing resources.”

US Justice Department talking points on the FOIA bill that went nowhere despite bipartisan support in Congress

Remarkably, the talking points go on to say that the DOJ opposed the administration’s own instructions that called on agencies to act with the “presumption of openness” as stipulated in Holder’s guidelines and Obama’s presidential memo. The DOJ, they said, would “strongly oppose” any attempts to codify it into law. Instead, the DOJ touted a December 2013 “National Action Plan” to “modernize” FOIA and make it more efficient, saying that effort went far enough. But that had little to do with forcing the government to be more transparent.

“If this memo reflects thinking of the White House, than I have to question their commitment to transparency,” said Anne Weismann, the executive director of The Campaign for Accountability and a leader in the effort to reform FOIA. “The notion that these changes are going to increase the FOIA backlog, increase costs, and increase problems with FOIA is ludicrous. The breadth of their objections and lack of evidence to back up their claims and their absolute opposition to codifying Obama’s memo expose the lie that is the administration’s policy…. If the president and this administration believes in their stated FOIA policy they should be supporting an effort to codify it.”

Notably, the DOJ’s talking points also shed light on the ongoing turf war between the Office of Information Policy and the independent Office of Government Information Services (OGIS), also known as the FOIA ombuds office, which provides requesters with mediation services. Congressional efforts to expand OGIS’s role, as cited in the bill, were interpreted by DOJ to be an encroachment on its powers. The DOJ went so far as to claim that empowering another agency to improve FOIA administration was unconstitutional.

DOJ spokeswoman Beverley Lumpkin told VICE News that the Justice Department is “committed to the Freedom of Information Act and dedicated to improving transparency and open government.” When asked about DOJ’s opposition to FOIA reform, she said, “It is not uncommon for subject matter experts to provide feedback on technical aspects of proposed legislation and potential unintended consequences.”

‘The FOIA reform bill was incredibly modest and had the unanimous support of both parties — something that almost never happens.’

When the Senate took up its version of the 2014 FOIA reform bill, co-sponsored by Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy and Republican Senator John Cornyn, it was much stronger than the House’s version. Importantly, the Senate bill would have transformed the most overused and abused FOIA exemption — there are nine total — that government agencies routinely cite to deny requesters access to records: Exemption 5, also known as the deliberative process privilege, which covers “inter-agency or intra-agency memorandums or letters,” drafts, and attorney-client records.

Exemption 5 is referred to by open government advocates as the “Withhold it because you want to exemption.”

The discretionary exemption has been cited to justify the withholding of countless documents, such as a half-century old CIA history of the Bay of Pigs invasion and an internal CIA study on the agency’s torture program, on grounds that they are not “final decisions.” The reform bill would have authorized the release of records that fell under Exemption 5 after 25 years and it would have introduced a “foreseeable harm” standard, requiring government agencies to demonstrate the harm that would result from the disclosure of records; currently, they need only cite a specific FOIA exemption to justify the withholding of records. It too was unanimously passed by the Senate.

But everything died in the House in December 2014 after then–Speaker John Boehner failed to bring up the final version for a vote. Rumors soon began to surface that the DOJ, the SEC, and the FTC, prodded by banking lobbyists, worked behind the scenes and lobbied lawmakers not to bring the legislation up for a vote. The DOJ used the same talking points to sound alarm bells about the Senate bill.

“This FOIA reform bill was incredibly modest, had already been watered down, and had the unanimous support of both parties — something that, in today’s political climate, almost never happens,” said Trevor Timm, executive director of the Freedom of Press Foundation. “Transparency advocates have been very cynical of the Obama administration’s claim that they’re the ‘most transparent ever’… but the fact that they opposed virtually every aspect of this bill is sadly a new low.”

Tracking down hard evidence to back up claims about the administration’s intervention proved to be extremely difficult. So the Freedom of the Press Foundation and VICE News used the very law at issue — FOIA — to obtain answers.

“It took the Freedom of Information Act to provide evidence of what many felt but could not prove: that the Department of Justice ‘strongly opposes’ fixing the Freedom of Information Act,” said Nate Jones, the director of the FOIA project at George Washington University’s National Security Archive. “The released talking points make clear that on the one hand, DOJ ensures agencies do the bare minimum to comply with the FOIA’s requirements and paints a misleadingly rosy picture during congressional testimony, while [on] the other it secretly works to block Congress’s attempts to release more records to more people more quickly.

“It’s no wonder FOIA requests take decades to process and tens of thousands of pages are improperly withheld when the DOJ — the agency envisioned in 1966 to be the watchdog tasked to “encourage compliance” — is actually working to stymie reform.”

Last year, in testimony before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Melanie Pustay, who heads the DOJ’s Office of Information Policy (OIP), which is supposed to ensure that all government agencies adhere to Holder’s guidelines, told lawmakers that the DOJ is doing a great job with FOIA. She graded the agency five out five on “presumption of openness.”

“Five out of five, on an effective system in place for responding. Proactive disclosure. Are you kidding me?” Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz asked Pustay. “The Department of Justice gives themselves a five out of five on proactive disclosure. You really think anybody in the world believes the Department of Justice is the most — they’re at the top of their game, they got an A-plus, five for five? Do you really believe that?”

“I do,” Pustay responded. “I absolutely do.”

“You live in la-la land,” Chaffetz responded. “That’s the problem.”

[I also testified before the committee last year and discussed the problems with the FOIA, pointing to OIP’s failure to enforce Holder’s guidelines.]

Emails that were included with the talking points turned over to the Freedom of the Press Foundation also show that most congressional staffers were not heeding DOJ’s dire warnings and did not bow to the intense lobbying campaign by DOJ officials in the Office of Legislative Affairs about what would happen if the bill were passed.

But one lawmaker made a fuss: Senator Jeff Sessions. The deputy chief counsel for Sessions, Rachael Tucker, who had placed a hold on the 2014 bill, said the Republican lawmaker was concerned that reforms to Exemption 5 would harm attorney-client privilege if documents potentially including that info could no longer be withheld after 25 years. The email makes clear that Sessions’ opposition was partially the result of the DOJ’s lobbying, and that the Senate would not support any attempt by Sessions to try and strip the provision from the bill.

A Senate Judiciary Committee report from February 2015 noted that the DOJ and the National Association of Assistant United States Attorneys contacted Sessions and objected to the FOIA reform legislation, specifically the overhaul to Exemption 5. Moreover, during a House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee hearing that month, Representative Elijah Cummings said the DOJ had contacted lawmakers to voice opposition to the FOIA reform bill.

Tucker emailed an official at the DOJ’s Office of Legislative Affairs and asked, “I’m wondering if extending the [25-year] sunset would be something DOJ could support. Maybe making it 40 years or something? Do you have any suggestions or thoughts?”

A response from DOJ, if there was one, was not included in the cache of documents. Sessions eventually relented and removed the hold and voted in favor of the Senate bill. But congressional sources told VICE News he’s now the lone lawmaker who placed a hold on the new version of the Senate FOIA reform bill, raising the very same concerns about Exemption 5 that he did two years ago. It’s unclear why he is holding up passage of the bill again. A spokesperson for the senator did not respond to requests for comment.

VICE News filed separate FOIA requests with the DOJ, FTC, and SEC seeking documents about conversations officials may have had with members of Congress about the 2014 FOIA reform bills. It took more than a year to obtain responsive records from the agencies. In the case of the FTC, it required VICE News to file a formal appeal challenging the integrity of the agency’s search after the FTC initially turned over just a handful of documents. Eleven months after we lodged the appeal, the FTC said it found an additional 900 pages of emails and produced those.

As if to underscore why Congress has been aggressive in its attempt to reform Exemption 5, the FTC redacted 95 percent of the emails — citing Exemption 5.

Still, there are a few noteworthy takeaways. The emails reveal that the the regulatory agency raised red flags about the FOIA reform bill, issuing warnings to lawmakers — notably Democratic Senator Jay Rockefeller — about how its passage would stymie the FTC and SEC’s ability to protect American consumers from financial fraud and other abuses.

Before the Senate sent its version of the FOIA reform bill to the floor for a full vote, Rockefeller placed a hold on the legislation, claiming that unnamed “experts” with whom he’d consulted told him parts of the bill would “greatly aid corporate defendants and undermine law enforcement efforts,” one of his staffers told VICE News at the time.

The emails reveal that Rockefeller reached out to government agencies and requested they articulate their concerns about the bill in a joint letter, suggesting there was far more coordination between the executive branch and Congress on efforts to thwart passage of the bill than had been previously reported.

Additionally, the emails show that Jeanne Bumpus, director of the FTC’s Office of Congressional Relations, wrote to her colleagues and said she contacted Leahy and left messages for his staff “reiterating serious concerns and seeking more information abut the timing and content of the [FOIA] bill to be considered.”

A spokesperson for Leahy, who has historically been a staunch advocate for transparency, said the Senator was unavailable to comment. When the Senate bill was not put up for a vote, he released a statement saying, “In a political climate as divided as this, I had hoped that we would come together in favor of something as fundamental to our democracy as the public’s right to know.”

Jones told VICE News that the the emails “confirm what we knew at the time: that some at the FTC and other ‘independent regulatory agencies’ with little knowledge of FOIA used vague, incorrect warnings at the last minute to try to kill the FOIA bill.”

“Throughout the correspondence — ironically marred with huge exemption 5 redaction boxes — there is not a single tangible example of how this bill could harm the FTC or other agencies mission,” Jones said. “[There is] just vague scare phrases such as ‘compromise public interest investigatory or litigation strategies’ or ‘make it more difficult to obtain information from sources.'”

Prior to the passage of the Senate bill, a handful of lawmakers who sit on the Senate Banking Committee said they were informed that the reform bill would loosen the FOIA’s Exemption 8, which protects information pertaining to financial regulatory institutions. But it was all a ruse, prompted by the SEC, to force the Senate to specifically state on the record that Exemption 8 would not lead to the release of more information about financial institutions that would otherwise be protected from disclosure under Exemption 8.

In one email VICE News obtained, the SEC’s chief FOIA officer, John Livornese, remarked to a colleague after the Senate memorialized its position in a report, “Just when you thought exemption 8 couldn’t get any stronger,” meaning the SEC could continue to withhold information under that exemption.

Chaffetz, who co-sponsored the latest FOIA reform bill passed by the House in January, told VICE News in a statement that the Obama administration’s promises of transparency have never materialized.

“President Obama promised the ‘most transparent’ administration in history. I see no evidence to support that statement,” Chaffetz said. “Time and time again this administration has aggressively thwarted efforts for a more open and transparent government.”


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Lynch Keeping WH in Dark on Hillary Email Case?

Clinton emails: GOP sues, senators press attorney general

WASHINGTON (AP) — Attorney General Loretta Lynch said Wednesday she hasn’t discussed the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails with the White House and doesn’t plan to.

The investigation deals with the potential mishandling of sensitive information that passed through the former secretary of state’s private email server, and Lynch’s assurance to the Senate Judiciary Committee came shortly after the GOP sued for access to Clinton’s emails.

The two lawsuits spring from Freedom of Information Act requests filed last year seeking copies of emails and text messages sent or received by the Democratic presidential candidate and her top aides. In court filings, the GOP says it has not received any documents in response to the requests.

The GOP litigation brings the total to at least 34 civil suits so far involving requests for federal records related to Clinton’s service as secretary of state between 2009 and 2013. The Associated Press is among those with a pending case at the Washington courthouse.

“For too long the State Department has undermined the public and the media’s legitimate right to records under the Freedom of Information Act, and it’s time it complies with the law,” RNC Chairman Reince Priebus said.

The State Department has released more than 52,000 pages of Clinton’s work-related emails, but her private lawyers have withheld thousands more that they deemed to be personal communications unrelated to her job. Also left unresolved are questions about how Clinton and her closest aides handled classified information.

State Department spokesman John Kirby said the department was aware of the RNC lawsuit but would not comment on pending litigation.

“We take court orders seriously, but I can’t go into predictions about our ability to produce what’s in these suits in a specific time frame,” he said.

The AP last year discovered Clinton’s use of the private email server, which had been set up in the basement of Clinton’s New York home by former State Department staffer Bryan Pagliano, for her to use exclusively for her work-related emails while she was secretary.

The FBI for months has investigated whether sensitive information that flowed through Clinton’s email server was mishandled. The State Department has acknowledged that some emails included classified information, including at the top-secret level. Clinton has said she never sent or received anything that was marked classified at the time.

The inspectors general at the State Department and for U.S. intelligence agencies are separately investigating whether rules or laws were broken.

Republican senators questioned Lynch on Wednesday about whether she had discussed the FBI’s investigation with President Barack Obama or anyone at the White House, alluding to comments in January from White House spokesman Josh Earnest that Clinton herself was not at risk of being charged with a crime.

“No, sir, I have not,” she replied adding that she did not anticipate doing so in the future.

Asked by Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., whether she would advise Earnest to “just stay silent” about the investigation, she replied, “Certainly it’s my hope that when it comes to ongoing investigations that we all would stay silent.”

She said she didn’t know where he was getting his information.

“I can assure you that neither I nor anyone from the department has briefed Mr. Earnest or anyone at the White House about this matter,” or other law enforcement investigations, she said.

Lynch was also asked about media reports that the Justice Department had offered Pagliano immunity from criminal prosecution in exchange for his cooperation. Pagliano previously declined to testify before Congress, citing his Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination.

Sen. Chuck Grassley, the committee chairman, asked Lynch whether Pagliano’s immunity offer carried over to congressional committees. Grassley, R-Iowa, wants to recall Pagliano to testify if he has received immunity.

Lynch declined to answer the question.

“We don’t go into the details of the agreements that we have with any witness in any matter in ongoing investigations,” the attorney general said.

“The consistency with which the department handles the ongoing matters, whether they involve someone with a famous last name or not, is something that we take very seriously,” Lynch said. “We treat them the same, and that is how the public has confidence in the investigations that we conduct.”