Obama Peace in Syria by Dropping Leaflets

Is this how the Obama administration handles a civil war in Syria?

BEIRUT — A U.S.-led coalition dropped new leaflets over the de facto capital of the Islamic State group in Syria, warning those below that “freedom will come” to the region, activists said Sunday.

60,000 leaflets dropped in Sarrin and Raqqa

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A Raqqa-based anti-Islamic State group and the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the leaflets had drawings showing dead extremists and their flag turned upside down. Four fighters with the main Kurdish militia, the People’s Protection Units, or YPG, walked down a street in the picture, with two words in Arab below: “Freedom will come.”

The network called Raqqa is Being Silently Slaughtered posted a copy of the leaflets on its Twitter account. There was no immediate response from the Islamic State group.

The latest leaflet drop comes as YPG fighters have been advancing in northern Syria as close as 50 kilometres north of Raqqa.

Coalition warplanes have dropped such leaflets in the past. One previous had a cartoon showing masked Islamic State extremists at a “hiring office” feeding people into a meat grinder.

The Islamic State group holds about a third of Syria and neighbouring Iraq in its self-declared “caliphate.” On Friday, a truck bombing by the group in Iraq’s eastern Diyala province killed 115 people at a crowded market.

On Sunday, two senior Iraqi police officials told The Associated Press that the police chief in the town of Khan Beni Saad, where the attack happened, and three officers have been fired in the wake of the bombing. They said two other officers are being investigated.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity as they weren’t authorized to talk to journalists.

Details Emerging on Chattanooga Shooter and Family

According to CNN Arabia:

Amman, Jordan (CNN) – Jordanian official said that the shooter in the American civil Chattanooga Tennessee, which led to the deaths of four US Marines Thursday, not a Jordanian citizen, but a Palestinian passport temporarily and without a national number.

The source explained that “after investigations show that the name of the person who launched the attack in Tennessee in the United States, is Mohammed Yousef Saeed Ali Haj, who was born on September 5 / September” in 1990, according to the source. His father moved to live in the United States in 1982.

He added that Mohammed’s father had changed his name to Abdul Aziz in 1990, so that became his son’s name is Mohammad Yousuf, Abdul Aziz, according to the Jordanian government source, who added that the gunman holds a US passport, and that the son was in Jordan in 2014 on a visit to his uncle.


According to a tip that came into WDEF, Muhammad Abdulazeez was spotted at a gun range just weeks before killing four Marines and one Navy Petty Officer.

Abdulazeez was reportedly spotted with three other men who were wearing long beards like Abdulazeez. All four were reportedly practice shooting.

The claim has not been confirmed by law enforcement but several sources told WDEF the men were likely spotted at Prentice Cooper Gun Range.

When News 12 arrived at the gun range, several men who were practicing shooting said a man who claimed to be a former Marine arrived at the range Saturday morning and said he was doing his own investigation to see if Abdulazeez had been shooting at that location.

The men said he asked multiple groups of people who were at the range.

CBS News is also reporting that Abdulazeez told his co-workers that he and a group of guys recently went shooting at a gun range. CBS News got its information from law enforcement sources who interviewed Abdulazeez’s co-workers.

According to a published CBS News report, the men reportedly shot rifles, BB guns and pistols last month.


Abdulazeez had purchased three guns after returning from Jordan, including an AK-74, an AR-15, and a Saiga 12. In the home was also a 9mm and a .22 caliber weapons, it is unclear in whose name those weapons were registered.


From the Center for Security Policy:

As we reported Friday, the Islamic Society of Greater Chattanooga (ISGC) is tied to the Muslim Brotherhood through the Hamas-linked North American Islamic Trust (NAIT.) Now new evidence has been revealed showing that ISGC actually raised funds for the building of their new mosque in 2009, by referencing jihad and key Muslim Brotherhood figures.

According to a 2009 Iftar fundraising dinner slide show, first apparently noticed by Twitter user @alimhaider, contained an overt reference to key Muslim Brotherhood figure Yusuf al-Qaradawi.

The title of the slide, “In the cause of Allah” is an English translation of Fi Sabil Allah, as in the phrase “Jihad Fisabilallah”, which means violent jihad against unbelievers. Classic Islamic law reference book, the Reliance of the Traveller, notes in its index, “Fisabilallah: See Jihad”. There is no other reasonable interpretation of the phrase in context.

The reference to jihad in the fundraiser related to the Mosque, was done as a means of explaining that a contribution to the building of the mosque qualified under “Zakat” (annual tithe which is obligatory in Islam), under the category of funding Jihad.


Reliance of the Traveller notes, “The seventh category is those fighting for Allah, meaning people engaged in Islamic military operations for whom no salary has been allotted in the army roster (O: but who are volunteers for jihad without remuneration)…”

The slide “Cause of Allah” references Yusuf Al Qaradawi, and S.A.A. Maududi, founder of Pakistani Islamist group Jamaat-e-Islami. Both Qaradawi and Maududi are prolific on the subject of Jihad.

Qaradawi has been noted for his avid support for the terrorist group Hamas and their jihad against Israel, including issuing fatwas authorizing suicide bombing, and has supported jihadist movements in Somalia, Sudan, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and most recently in Egypt. Qaradawi is the leader of the Hamas financing network known as the “Union of the Good”, which utilizes Zakat funds received by its charities in order to support Hamas.

In his work, “Islamic Education and Hassan Al Banna,” Qaradawi discusses how it was the Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan) which revitalized the classical concept of Jihad for a modern age:

The aspect of Ikhwani training which makes it eminent and unique is Jehad or crusade i e. : Crusader·like training…The real implication of · Jehad (crusade) had been dismissed from Islamic training and way of life, before its conception among the lkhwans.

And in his “Priorities of the Movement in the Coming phase” Qaradawi says:

…it is a duty to defend every land invaded by infidels, stating that such jihad is imperative for Muslims in this land as an individual obligation and that all Muslims must support them with money, arms and men as required until all their land has been liberated from any aggressor who usurps it. Therefore, the Islamic Movement cannot stand idle and watch while any part of Muslim land is occupied by a foreign aggressor.

The other modern Islamic scholar referenced by the document, Maulana S.A.A. Maududi, was famous for successfully merging classical Islamic concepts of Jihad with a modernist language of revolution. He noted the following in his work “Jihad in Islam”:

It must be evident to you from this discussion that the objective of the Islamic ‘ Jihād’ is to eliminate the rule of an un-Islamic system and establish in its stead an Islamic system of state rule. Islam does not intend to confine this revolution to a single state or a few countries; the aim of Islam is to bring about a universal revolution. Although in the initial stages it is incumbent upon members of the party of Islam to carry out a revolution in the State system of the countries to which they belong, but their ultimate objective is no other than to effect a world revolution.

So the Islamic Society of Greater Chattanooga announced in 2009 that it openly aligned its views of Jihad with the views of Qaradawi and Maududi, and told its Muslim congregants that donating to the construction of ISGC was permissible, because it represented funding jihad.

Chattanooga shooter Mohammed Yusuf Abdulazeez and his family were regular attendees as ISGC. Despite claims by the mosque leadership that Abdulazeez was a rare attendee or little known there, a photo from a family Facebook account shows that Abdulazeez held his graduation party at the mosque, and that it was well attended, indicating they were well known regulars.

This fundraising document was publicly available information, three years before U.S. District Attorney William Killian attended the grand opening in 2012 and expressed his friendship with a mosque leadership who built their mosque with a promise that funding them represented an investment in jihad.

Now that investment appears to have matured.

U.S. District Attorney William Killian should recuse himself from this case, because of his association with ISGC, and the investigators must begin to conduct a detailed and through investigation of ISGC itself, and what role its support for violent jihad may have played in the attack in Chattanooga which claimed the lives of five servicemen.

Those Neighbors Did NOT KNOW this About the Chattanooga Shooter

The family while from Jordan, the father is Palestinian. He is and was abusive to all family members and the mother (wife) has additional family members in the United States.

There are clues that the son, the shooter lived in Jordan after graduating from college and possibly traveled to Yemen. The passport is being investigated for all family members.

Upon Mohammad’s return home to Chattanooga, he was radicalized and found a new circle of jihad friends online.

Terror on the Homefront


From FNC: “Terrorist organizations are spending time and money and using American social media platforms to recruit and incite sympathizers and ‘lone wolves’ here in the United States and around the world,” said a GIPEC analyst. “The social media companies have a moral responsibility to make their platforms safe from these horrific and directional posts that call for terrorist behavior that we have been witnessing over the past months.”

Now for the chilling family details the neighbors never saw or knew

CNN News Source:


Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez grew up in a home where his father, Youssuf S. Abdulazeez, according to divorce papers filed by his mother, had beaten her repeatedly, sometimes “severely,” leading Rasmia Abdulazeez to file for divorce and seek a restraining order in February 2009. The mother alleged in the divorce filing that Youssuf Abdulazeez sought to take a second wife.

Mohammad Abdulazeez, who was killed by Chattanooga police after his rampage Thursday, would have been 18 years old at the time of the filing of the court papers, in which his mother states he and his four siblings witnessed the violence in the home.

The divorce papers were filed by the mother in Hamilton County, Tennessee, and state that Youssuf Abdulazeez “has repeatedly beaten Plaintiff, including at times in the presence of children. On one occasion, he beat Plaintiff so severely that she has fled the marital home and went to a Crisis Center.”

The mother also alleged that the father “has sexually assaulted the Plaintiff in the marital home when the children have also been in the home,” and that occasionally, he was “physically and verbally abusive towards the children, striking and berating them without provocation or justification.”

At one point, Rasmia Abdulazeez’ brothers came to Chattanooga from Kuwait and Washington, D.C. to “work out family difficulties,” but that after they returned “Defendant has become more abusive,” according to the complaint filed by the mother.

In the court papers, Rasmia Abdulazeez claims that her husband “…intends to take a second wife, as permitted under Islamic law, in the parties’ native State of Palestine.” Rasmia Abdulazeez was seeking custody of the couple’s minor children because, according to her, she did not work and her husband only gave her a few dollars a week.

Despite problems described by the mother in the papers, the case was all dropped and an agreement signed by both husband and wife was filed to end the dispute within several weeks, the papers show.

In the agreement to end the dispute, the “Husband agrees to not inflict any personal injury, harm, or insult upon the Wife or upon any of the children of their marriage.” In those documents the elder Abdulazeez also “agrees to be responsible for financially supporting the family and paying for the day-to-day expenses associated with the family’s residence… and the needs of the members of the household.”

The FBI hasn’t released much information on Mohammad Abdulazeez, saying it doesn’t yet know what motivated Thursday’s bloodshed, but it is working on an assumption.

“We will treat this as a terrorism investigation until it can be determined that it is not,” said FBI Special Agent Edward Reinhold.

People who knew Mohammad Abdulazeez said they were stunned to hear he was the man who went on such a violent, murderous spree, when he sprayed a military recruiting center at a strip mall with bullets on Wednesday, then drove more than 7 miles to assault a Navy Operational Support Center.

Mohammad Abdulazeez was born in Kuwait in September 1990, during the Iraqi invasion of that country, Kuwait’s Interior Ministry said Friday, but he was also a holder of a “temporary Jordanian passport,” according to a Jordanian government source.

They explained that Abdulazeez was a Palestinian who used the temporary Jordanian passport as a travel document. Jordan issued such temporary passports to Gazans and some other Palestinians. But the officials stressed he is not considered to be a Jordanian citizen.

Abdulazeez was in Jordan in 2014, when he visited an uncle there; it is believed he spent months there on his visit.

The father, Youssuf Abdulazeez, is believed to have left Jordan and came to the United States in 1982, according to Jordanian officials.

Law enforcement officials told CNN the father’s name came up during a FBI terror-financing investigation in the 1990s, and the FBI fully investigated him in 2002 for alleged financial support of overseas groups, but both investigations were closed with no charges brought against Youssuf Abdulazeez.

Numerous efforts by CNN to reach the father, Youssuf Abdulazeez, for comment about the divorce papers and allegations were unsuccessful.

He did not appear to have an attorney or make any court filings during the civil proceedings with his wife.

Iran Agreement Celebrated by WH, What Others are Doing

While no one has paid much attention beyond Obama spiking the football, it is important to keep a keen eye on those countries affected and the other secret maneuvers the White House is still doing.

1. The National Security Council, the White House and the State Department have delivered the JPOA already to the United Nations before Congress received it, much less can debate it.

2. Those pesky inspections that likely will not happen at all, they certainly wont happen by ANY U.S. personnel. Iran has banned U.S. Inspectors.

3. An Iranian police chief has now been put in charge of Yemen with the West’s approval.

4. There are several additional parts to the JPOA that are under negotiation now, so a full understanding of the whole agreement cannot even be accessed nor achieved.

5. The deal with Iran includes elements to destroy Israel’s ability to defend itself.

6. Saudi Arabia made a decision to NOT wait until Iran get their big cash payload, they are moving ahead in matters with Yemen, Syria and offensive measures with Iran.

7. The White House is now meeting with Saudi Arabia and Israel to re-gen the relationship. A Saudi envoy is in Washington DC for talks and Secretary of Defense has been dispatched to Israel.

8. There are talks to provide Israel with the B-52 bombers and the Bunker Busters have already been upgraded and delivered.

9. Investigations are underway to determine what Iran will buy and stockpile with respect to their missile inventory given that concession.

10. Due to unforeseen future actions by Iran, the Pentagon has war-planners determining all military responses against Iran.

11. Several concerned countries have offered alternative plans to the signed Iran P5+1 deal yet they are being dismissed and or rejected, spelling out larger allied separation from the United States.

12. Future Middle East unrest and attacks are forecasted.

13. Russia is fully empowered with the Iran deal but may have to take a short term financial hit on oil prices.

14. Bashir al Assad of Syria remains in power, gets a financial boost from Iran and the civil war in Syria continues.

15. Allies are at odds over the Iran deal as noted by the clash between the UK and Israel.

16. The arms race in the Middle East has begun such that it includes missiles and purchasing nuclear weapons.

17. The continued divided between the White House and Congress is now permanently broken where Joe Biden has been dispatched to sell it.

18. The Iran lobby money and operations will escalate in Washington DC.

19. By Iran receiving billions, the plotting of future terrorism around the globe is probable.

20. Iran is already threatening those who opposed the deal.

21. Iran is now open for global business and Europe is delighted where they will fund additional aggressions by a rogue country leaving the United States to track covert money, agreements and relationships.

22. Iran and Cuba human rights abuses will continue to be noticed and checked yet will go without consequence.


Raised Level to ForceCon Bravo Failed Chattanooga

U.S. Northern Command Admiral William Gortney ordered the increase of the force protection condition in the United States to FPCON Bravo in May of 2015.

This order was to increase security given recent threats from Islamic State when they posted the names and photos of former and active military personnel on the internet.

Additionally, this came on the heels of the Garland, Texas shooting coupled with the aggressive and correct statements from FBI Director James Comey where all 50 states had open investigations on terror plots.

Over the July 4th Independence Day weekend, the FBI made several arrests of which the details on those cases have not been fully released.

It should be noted there has been a calculated mistake made by the Obama administration in cadence with the Pentagon to train Islamists and to have them embed with our forces where often the results have been deadly, most notably the deaths of Seal Team 6 members in Extortion 17.

The enemy has embedded with our forces and the psychology of our troops has been to accept this dangerous condition where if for nothing else the Green on Blue attacks occur all too often.

When it comes to attacks on any of our military bases anywhere in the world, the security trip wires for protection is wrapped in political correctness and includes our diplomatic posts which lead to the cause of death in locations such as Benghazi. A suicide attack in the first week of July killed 33 in Khost, Afghanistan at a NATO base.

It was only a few weeks ago that a potentially deadly decision was made that former U.S. bases in Iraq would come out of mothballs and re-open on a measured schedule, when one base in particular, Taqqadum is now staffed with both Iranian militia and U.S. forces. How deadly stupid is that?

The matter of feeble security and the decisions to keep a LIGHT FOOTPRINT  has been a well argued issue going back to 2011 where serious testimony and factual events were listed for both at home and abroad.

It is important to take a look back. It puts things in real perspective given the ‘Allah’ event in Chattanooga that took the treasured lives of 4 Marines.

It must also be noted and beyond dispute, there is NO such thing as a ‘lone wolf’, that is merely a poll tested phrase to not offend any enemy. Any wolf is led by a pack leader after an effective propaganda war creed launched.

December 2011, the document report and testimony to Congress

Homegrown Terrorism: The Threat To Military Communities Inside The United States

At least 33 threats, plots and strikes against U.S. military communities since 9/11 have been part of a surge of homegrown terrorism which Attorney General Eric Holder has said “keeps me up at night.” After Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden was killed May 1, the Department of Homeland Security, Federal Bureau of Investigation and Defense Intelligence Agency warned thousands of U.S. law enforcement and security agencies about possible retaliatory attacks by Al Qaeda, its allies or unaffiliated homegrown terrorists on our military. Weeks after the Pakistan raid, two radicalized U.S. citizens allegedly plotted to attack military personnel in Seattle.

The Majority Staff of the House Committee on Homeland Security has been conducting an investigation, which finds that 70% of the plots against military targets occurred since mid-2009 – including the two successful homeland attacks since 9/11. Other key findings:

 More than five terror plots have been disrupted involving U.S. military insiders in the past decade and at least 11 or more cases involved veterans or those who attempted to join law enforcement and intelligence agencies. The likelihood of another deadly attack by a trusted insider is a severe and emerging threat, which the Pentagon is aggressively investigating to identify perpetrators;

 Two successful attacks against the military outside of Afghanistan and Iraq were perpetrated by radicalized soldiers assigned to U.S.-based Army units: at Camp Pennsylvania in Kuwait in 2003 and at Fort Hood, Texas, in 2009;

 At least 16 external terror plots targeting military personnel stationed inside the U.S. Homeland have been disrupted or investigated;

 At least nine other external plots were thwarted involving U.S. Persons in the homeland who traveled or planned trips overseas to kill G.I.s in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere;

 A growing number of terrorist threats are directed at families of military personnel. Particularly at risk are relatives of troops in units involved in counterterror operations.

For the full 14 page report that includes names and locations up to 2011, click here.