Sunlight Exposing the Cockroaches like Gruber

‘When Gruber was called before Congress to explain his remarks and his role in the health care law this past year, Gruber claimed he was not really an architect and that he wasn’t “an expert on politics and my tone implied that I was.”‘

From Forbes:

Gruber, the Obamacare architect

Gruber was no independent expert. The Obama administration paid him nearly $400,000 as a consultant on Obamacare’s design, especially its new layer of federal health insurance regulation. But Gruber tried to avoid disclosing this conflict in his public commentary and appearances. Democratic officials did as well, in order to maintain the pose that Gruber’s opinions were non-partisan. Indeed, when Sen. Mike Enzi (R., Wyo.) specifically asked the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for a list of all its paid consultants, Gruber’s name was mysteriously omitted.

From the Wall Street Journal: MIT economist Jonathan Gruber, who claimed the authors of ObamaCare took advantage of what he called the “stupidity of the American voter,” played a much bigger role in the law’s drafting than previously acknowledged, according to a published report.

The Wall Street Journal, citing 20,000 pages of emails sent by Gruber between January 2009 and March 2010, reported Sunday that Gruber was frequently consulted by staffers and advisers for both the White House and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) about the Affordable Care Act. Among the topics that Gruber discusses in the emails are media interviews, consultations with lawmakers, and even how to publicly describe his role.

The emails were released as the Supreme Court prepares to rule on the legality of federal health insurance exchange subsidies.

The Journal reports that the officials Gruber contacted by e-mail included Peter Orszag, then the director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB); Jason Furman, an economic adviser to the president; and Ezekiel Emanuel, then a special adviser for health policy at OMB.

“His proximity to HHS and the White House was a whole lot tighter than they admitted,” Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R- Utah, chairman of the House oversight committee, told the Journal. “There’s no doubt he was a much more integral part of this than they’ve said. He put up this facade he was an arm’s length away. It was a farce.”

“As has been previously reported, Mr. Gruber was a widely used economic modeler for administrations and state governments run by both parties—both before and after the Affordable Care Act was passed,” HHS spokeswoman Meaghan Smith told the Journal in a statement. “These emails only echo old news.”

Gruber became the center of a political storm in November 2014, when a video surfaced of him taking part in a 2013 panel discussion about ObamaCare. At one point, Gruber said the Obama administration wrote the bill “in a tortured way to make sure [the Congressional Budget Office] did not score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies … Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass.”

At the time of the controversy, President Obama referred to Gruber as “some adviser who never worked on our staff.” However, the Journal reports that Gruber’s emails appear to reference at least one meeting with Obama. Furthermore, one email from Jeanne Lambrew, a top Obama health adviser, thanks Gruber for “being an integral part of getting us to this historic moment”, while another message from Lambrew refers to Gruber as “our hero.”

Fox News previously reported that HHS retained Gruber in March 2009 on a $95,000 contract to produce “a series of technical memoranda on the estimated changes in health insurance coverage and associated costs and impacts to the government under alternative specifications of health system reform.” A second contract with HHS three months later saw Gruber receive an additional $297,600.

Gruber later apologized for his comments in a December 2014 hearing before the House Oversight Committee, calling the remarks “mean and insulting.”

Have you Met Marc Elias?

Marc is the lead counsel for Hillary Clinton’s campaign. He has several previous relationships with politicians including John Kerry, Al Franken and Christopher Dodd. Marc is a legal operator in Washington DC and the point person when it comes to tax-exempt organizations, Political Action Committees (PAC), lobbying disclosures, voting rights acts and is employed at Perkins Coie, LLP.

Elias is one of the top 50 lawyers in DC:

As the top lawyer for President Barack Obama — first in the Senate, then on the campaign trail, later in the White House Counsel’s Office and now back on the campaign — Bob Bauer reigns as the marquee political lawyer in Washington. But talk to operatives, regulators and competing lawyers around town, and they’ll tell you that Bauer’s partner at the Perkins Coie political practice he founded, Marc Elias, has become the go-to lawyer for a wide range of Democratic politicians who don’t live at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. — and for other folks as well.

“For members of the House and Senate, there is no Democratic-side campaign finance lawyer who is more important than Marc Elias. That is without a doubt,” said Robert Lenhard, a former Federal Election Commission chairman who is representing an outside advertising group backing Obama. “While Bob Bauer served as White House counsel, Marc led that practice group and it thrived under his tutelage.”

So what about Marc Elias? Read on from FreeBeacon:

Top Clinton Campaign Lawyer Helped Open Big Money Floodgates

Clinton has claimed she wants to reduce the amount of money in politics

Hillary Clinton’s top campaign lawyer was a key figure in a fight that allowed wealthy individuals to drastically increase the amount of money they could give to party committees, despite pledges by Clinton to combat money in politics.

As the Clinton team was shaping up earlier this year, they quietly brought aboard Marc Elias, a top campaign finance lawyer. Elias, who is a partner at the Washington D.C. law firm Perkins Coie and was general counsel for John Kerry’s 2004 presidential campaign, was just one month removed from drafting a provision that contradicted Clinton’s stated promises.

Elias was called in by the office of Harry Reid late last year to help craft a provision added into the $1.1 trillion spending bill at the last minute. The provision effectively raised the amount of money donors can give to political parties from $97,400 to $777,600.

The sudden addition of the provision surprised legislators on both sides of the aisle. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) commented at the time she did not know about it until one day before the vote on the year-end bill.

Politico reported that Elias’ firm, Perkins Coie, could benefit from the provision’s stealth implementation, which also allows for higher contributions to the legal fees of the committees.

Alongside Elias, Perkins Coie is led by Bob Bauer, who served as chief counsel to the Obama White House from January 2010 to June 2011. The firm, which is described as having a “stranglehold” on Democratic clients, has raked in more than $40 million in legal fees since 2000 from clients ranging from Obama to the Democratic National Committee.

The Democratic National Committee, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, all of whom use the services of Elias, denied that he was working on their behalf as he drafted the provision.

Clinton has said ‘Revitalizing Our Democracy’ depends upon battling money in politics.

While the details during her official campaign kickoff speech this past Saturday were vague, she reiterated that she would support a constitutional amendment to undue the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision.

“Democracy can’t be just for billionaires and corporations,” Clinton said during her speech. “If necessary, I will support a constitutional amendment to undo the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United.”

While Clinton has said that decreasing money in politics will be a focus of her campaign, she began meeting months ago behind closed doors with people capable of donating vast amounts of money to super PACs that support her.

The Wall Street Journal reported in May that Clinton began ramping up her efforts to raise money by attending her first private meeting with potential big money donors and supporters of Priorities USA.

During that same week, Clinton attended a private gathering at the home of the billionaire environmental activist Tom Steyer. During the 2014 elections, Steyer pumped $73 million into numerous campaigns.

Some progressive activists criticized these meetings as hypocritical, CNN reported at the time.

An anonymous Clinton campaign official responded to the criticism by saying that Clinton needs to meet with Super PAC mega-donors to compete with Republicans.

“With some Republican candidates reportedly setting up and outsourcing their entire campaign to super PACs and the Koch Brothers pledging $1 billion alone for the 2016 campaign, Democrats have to have the resources to fight back,” the Clinton campaign official told CNN. “There is too much at stake for our future for Democrats to unilaterally disarm.”

Requests for comment from the Clinton campaign, Elias, and Perkins Coie were not returned.


Largest Ever Criminal Medical Fraud Takedown

Great job, now how about doing the same at the IRS, at the Export-Import Bank, the SNAP (food-stamp program) and a host of other fraudulent operations throughout government.

Feds Announce Largest Ever Criminal Medical Fraud Takedown

By Serena Elavia at Fox Business

Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Sylvia Matthew Burwell announced yesterday the largest ever healthcare fraud takedown.

The government claimed that those involved billed Medicare and Medicaid for medically unnecessary treatments, or treatments never provided. A total of 243 individuals were charged including 46 doctors, nurses and other licensed medical professionals for a total of $712 million in fraudulent billing.

Over 44 of the defendants were charged with fraud related to the Medicare prescription drug benefit program, also known as Part D.

Here’s a by the numbers breakdown of where Medicare and Medicaid fraud occurred.

  • 1Miami, FL


    Number of Individuals Charged: 73

    Total Fraudulent Amount: $263 million

    Miami had the highest number of offenses of false billings for mental health services, pharmacy fraud and home health care.

  • 2Texas

    Number of Individuals Charged: 22

    Total Fraudulent Amount: $38 million

    Texas had the next highest number of individuals charged for cases in Houston, McAllen and Dallas. For example, one physician house call company submitted approximately $43 million in claims for one doctor regardless of whether or not the service was provided by him or her.

  • 3Los Angeles, CA


    Number of Individuals Charged: 8

    Total Fraudulent Amount: $66 million

    In Los Angeles, one case involved a doctor who allegedly caused $23 million in losses to Medicare because of fraudulent billing.


  • 4Detroit, MI

    Number of Individuals Charged: 16

    Total Fraudulent Amount: $122 million

    In Detroit, numerous individuals face charges for alleged roles in fraud and money laundering. For instance, owners of a hospice service allegedly paid kickbacks for referrals made by doctors who defrauded Part D by prescribing unnecessary prescriptions.

  • 5Tampa, FL


    Number of Individuals Charged: 5

    Total Fraudulent Amount: $ 1 million

    Alleged healthcare fraud schemes in Tampa included false physical therapy bills and billing for medical tests that never happened.

  • 6Brooklyn, NY


    Number of Individuals Charged: 9

    Total Fraudulent Amount: $58 million

    Two separate cases in Brooklyn involve physical and occupational therapy schemes.

  • 7New Orleans, LA


    Number of Individuals Charged: 11

    Total Fraudulent Amount: $110 million

    And in New Orleans, individuals were charged in a home health care and psychotherapy scheme for allegedly sending talking glucose monitors to individuals regardless of whether they needed them or not.

Demanded bin Ladin’s Death Certificate, Denied


As written about in detail here, a hacking group calling itself the Yemen Cyber Army performed a cyber intrusion into the Saudi ministry of Foreign Affairs. A particular set of communications points to the request for Usama bin Ladin’s death certificate, and the United States denied the request. Other Freedom of Information requests were also made and the response was, there is no record.

Osama bin Laden’s son asked the U.S. government for his father’s death certificate. The U.S. said no.

by: Adam Taylor, Washington Post

According to a recently leaked document, the son of al-Qaeda mastermind Osama bin Laden, Abdullah bin Laden, sent a letter to the U.S. Embassy in Saudi Arabia to ask for his father’s death certificate.

In response, the embassy wrote to Abdullah to inform him that there was no death certificate issued for the older bin Laden.

The letter went on to suggest other ways that the al-Qaeda leader’s death could be officially confirmed.

The remarkable exchange has come to light thanks to the latest release from WikiLeaks, the controversial secret sharing organization helmed by Julian Assange. On Friday, the organization released what it said was the first part of more than a half-million cables and other documents from the Saudi Foreign Ministry, which it had dubbed “The Saudi Cables.”

The U.S. Embassy’s response to Abdallah was included within the release. It is dated Sept. 9, 2011, approximately four months after bin Laden was killed by U.S. forces during a raid on his hideout in Pakistan. U.S. officials have said that bin Laden was later buried at sea. Requests to publish photographs of bin Laden’s body or his burial have been denied and any photographs taken are suspected to have been destroyed.

In the letter to Abdullah bin Laden, Glen Keiser, a consul general at the U.S. Embassy in Riyadh, explains that the lack of a death certificate for bin Laden is “consistent with regular practice for individuals killed in the course of military operations.”

Keiser goes on to suggest that the criminal case against Osama bin Laden had effectively been dropped due to his death since June 2011, and describes a process for requesting the order of “nolle prosequi” (which literally means “unwilling to pursue”) from the court, which could act as proof of death.

It’s unclear why Abdullah bin Laden had requested the death certificate.

In 2012, the Department of Defense responded to an Associated Press Freedom of Information Act request and said that it was unable to find a death certificate for bin Laden.

Newly declassified documents from the compound in Pakistan where Osama bin Laden was killed in 2011 have revealed the late al-Qaeda leader’s remarkable English-language library, including books by Noam Chomsky, Bob Woodward and even 9/11 conspiracy theorist David Ray Griffin.

Yet the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which released the files on Wednesday, has not released all the material found in the compound. In fact, there’s a rather notorious stash that the U.S. government apparently doesn’t want you to see: a cache of pornography.

Newly declassified documents from the compound in Pakistan where Osama bin Laden was killed in 2011 have revealed the late al-Qaeda leader’s remarkable English-language library, including books by Noam Chomsky, Bob Woodward and even 9/11 conspiracy theorist David Ray Griffin.

Yet the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which released the files on Wednesday, has not released all the material found in the compound. In fact, there’s a rather notorious stash that the U.S. government apparently doesn’t want you to see: a cache of pornography. More on the bin Ladin book shelf here.

Yemen Cyber Army, Saudi and Wikileaks

Here it comes again, a major hack that took place earlier this month and the documents are in a pipeline to be published. Some are out there now.

From who I just interviewed for radio last week:

“We have gained access to the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) network and have full control over more than 3000 computers and servers, and thousands of users. We also have access to the emails, personal and secret information of hundreds of thousands of their diplomats in different missions around the world.” states the group.

The following image was left on the PC of the employees at the Saudi foreign ministry on Thursday morning

Yemen Cyber Army vs Saudi Gov

More details here on the Yemen Cyber Army and the Saudi hack. The Yemen Cyber Army left behind these messages for file access as well:

OPERATION Name : “Syed Hussein Badreddin al-Houthi”
OPERATION Key  : b919117da9954bd82e65677cb240bbb3e4ddbd9ac93e10f0a399257ad54d851a

Saudi Arabia Ministry of Foreign Affairs Hacked By Yemen Cyber Army
All MOFA.GOV.SA Subdomains And Servers Hacked and HDD Encrypted
Allah is the enemy of those who oppress people

This is to convey a message to Saudi Dictators, if they’ve got a listening ear!

It’s us again, Yemen Cyber Army!

We are an Islamic Group who fights against you oppressors.

What you and your puppets commit in Yemen, Syria, Bahrain, Iraq and Lebanon, remind us of crimes your forefather Yazid-ibn-Muawiya committed in Karbala. And indeed you are good successors to him. You are ISIS and ISIS is you.

Never assume our calmness is due to weakness. We are oppressed! God will judge between you and us. As we never seek help from other than him.
You are pagan oppressors as you always fawn for US and Israel, that’s what you deserve.
So congratulations to those who achieve martyrdom in fight against pagan oppressors.

“And never think of those who have been killed in the cause of Allah as dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision ”

Our cyber operation is just started and by the grace of God we are expecting the Saudi regime’s collapse by the “Labbaik Ya-Hossain” slogan.
This second operation is blessed by the name of martyred “Syed Hussein Badreddin al-Houthi” and is going to be a beginning to Saudi’s overthrow, Inshallah.

We have gained access to the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) network and have full control over more than 3000 computers and servers, and thousands of users. We also have access to the emails, personal and secret information of hundreds of thousands of their diplomats in different missions around the world.

We publish only few portions of vital information we have, just to let them know that “truly the flimsiest of houses is the spider´s house”

Some portions of visa secret information, thousands of documents from the MOFA’s automation system and secret emails will be published gradually so as to keep Saudi puppets always in fear of their identity disclosure.

This way they might slightly come to know how it feels when our innocent women and children rush into havens crying and looking for their beloved once in dark.

And that’s not all! All your computers will be automatically wiped on Wednesday – 2015 20 May and at 12:00 to become a lesson for oppressors.

We have the same access to the Interior Ministry (MOI) and Defense Ministry (MOD) of which the details will be published in near future. Wish such shocking news make Saudi dictators to come to their senses and recapture those young wild dogs’ leash to avoid Muslims exploiting hate against Saudi family.
If you did not stop attacks on Muslims in Yemen, do not blame anyone but yourself and expect greater harms.
Files PASSWORD : [email protected]

Your Network Hacked By Yemen Cyber Army
We Are Cutting Sword of Justice
All Your Data is Encrypted and You Can’t Access Them without Key
Find Out the Decryption Key This Way :
Number of Yemeni Children Killed in Saudi Air Attacks   +
Number of Yemeni Homes Destroyed By Saudi-USA Bombs   –
Number of Saudis Killed By Yemenis   –
Number of Israeli Soldiers Killed by Saudi and Arab Union in 1984!!!!


We Are Anonymous
We Are Everywhere
We Are Legion
We do Not Forgive
We do Not Forget
Stop Attacking To Our Country!


Now enter the documents and Wikileaks.

WikiLeaks says it’s leaking over 500,000 Saudi documents

ISTANBUL (AP) — WikiLeaks is in the process of publishing more than 500,000 Saudi diplomatic documents to the Internet, the transparency website said Friday, a move that echoes its famous release of U.S. State Department cables in 2010.

WikiLeaks said in a statement that it has already posted roughly 60,000 files. Most of them appear to be in Arabic.

There was no immediate way to verify the authenticity of the documents, although WikiLeaks has a long track record of hosting large-scale leaks of government material. Many of the documents carried green letterhead marked “Kingdom of Saudi Arabia” or “Ministry of Foreign Affairs.” Some were marked “urgent” or “classified.” At least one appeared to be from the Saudi Embassy in Washington.

If genuine, the documents would offer a rare glimpse into the inner workings of the notoriously opaque kingdom. They might also shed light on Riyadh’s longstanding regional rivalry with Iran, its support for Syrian rebels and Egypt’s military-backed government, and its opposition to an emerging international agreement on Tehran’s nuclear program.

One of the documents, dated to 2012, appears to highlight Saudi Arabia’s well-known skepticism about the Iranian nuclear talks. A message from the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Tehran to the Foreign Ministry in Riyadh describes “flirting American messages” being carried to Iran via an unnamed Turkish mediator.

Another 2012 missive, this time sent from the Saudi Embassy in Abu Dhabi, said the United Arab Emirates was putting “heavy pressure” on the Egyptian government not to try former president Hosni Mubarak, who had been overthrown in a popular uprising the year before.

Some of the concerns appear specific to Saudi Arabia.

In an Aug. 14, 2008 message marked “classified and very urgent,” the Foreign Ministry wrote to the Saudi Embassy in Washington to warn that dozens of students from Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries had visited the Israeli Embassy in the U.S. capital as part of an international leadership program.

“They listened to diplomats’ briefings from the embassy employees, they asked questions and then they took pictures,” the message said, asking the embassy for a speedy update on the situation.

Another eye-catching item was a document addressed to the interior and justice ministers notifying them that a son of Osama bin Laden had obtained a certificate from the American Embassy in Riyadh “showing (the) death of his father.”

Many more of the dozens of documents examined by The Associated Press appeared to be the product of mundane administrative work, such as emails about setting up a website or operating an office fax machine.

The AP was able to partially verify a handful of documents’ authenticity by calling the telephone numbers included in many of them. WikiLeaks spokesman Kristinn Hrafnsson told AP he was confident that the material was genuine.

It is not clear how WikiLeaks got the documents, although in its statement the website referred to a recent electronic attack on the Saudi Foreign Ministry by a group calling itself the Yemen Cyber Army. Hrafnsson declined to elaborate on the statement or say whether the hackers subsequently passed documents on to WikiLeaks.

“As a matter of policy we’re not going to discuss the source of the material,” he said.

The Saudi Embassy in Washington did not immediately return repeated messages seeking comment.

In its statement, WikiLeaks said the release coincided with the three-year anniversary of its founder, Julian Assange, seeking asylum in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.

Assange took refuge in the embassy to avoid extradition to Sweden, where he is wanted for questioning about alleged sex crimes. Assange has denied any wrongdoing.  To access: WikiLeaks’ Saudi Cables site: