What About Those Chinese Illegally Crossing our Borders?

Let us begin in Maine and the pot farms. Criminal networks with suitcases full of cash are buying up land of various sizes in Maine and elsewhere. In fact in Maine there are an estimated 270  farms and they are using exceptional electric power and water for the growing of the crops. A recent raid in Maine of just 34 properties included DEA, FBI and Homeland Security so no one can claim ignorance. 

How many are here that will soon be illegally exporting sensitive machinery or technology? Well just last month out of the San Francisco FBI field office, an investigation led to the arrest of two Chinese nationals conspiring to illegally export U.S. technology semi-conductors back to China. Are there more doing the same? According to FBI Director Christopher Wray…yes, including now former employees of Google for stealing AI secrets.

Remember those clandestine Chinese police stations around the country?

Now here is a case that did not get any press.

A San Gabriel Valley woman has admitted to defrauding the U.S. Postal Service of more than $150 million.

Lijuan “Angela” Chen, 51, of Walnut, carried out the scheme by using counterfeit postage to ship tens of millions of packages, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

From November 2019 to May 2023, Chen and her accomplice, Chuanhua “Hugh” Hu, 51, owned and operated a package shipping business in the City of Industry.

The company provided shipping services for China-based logistics businesses.

To save money, Hu created fake postage stamps to ship packages by printing duplicate and counterfeit Netstamps, which are stamps purchased online from third-party vendors and printed onto adhesive paper.

In November 2019, authorities became aware of the counterfeit operation and Hu fled the country and moved to China where he continued making counterfeit postage, officials said.

Chen remained in the U.S. to oversee the warehouses that she and Hu were using to ship their packages during the scheme.

In 2020, the pair began using the counterfeit labels to send mail through the United States Postal Service.

They would receive parcels from vendors and apply fake shipping labels before arranging for the items to be transferred to USPS facilities.

“The shipping labels were fraudulent and frequently included, among other red flags, ‘intelligent barcode data’ recycled from previously mailed packages,” according to court documents. “Intelligent barcode data is used in some postage shipping labels to evidence the payment of required postage for the shipped item.”

From January 2020 to May 2023, Chen and Hu mailed over 34 million packages with counterfeit postage and shipping labels, officials said.

This scheme caused more than $150 million in losses to the USPS.

Chen pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to defraud the United States and one count of the use of counterfeit postage. She has been in federal custody since her arrest in May 2023.

As part of her plea agreement, Chen also agreed to forfeit funds that authorities seized from her bank accounts, insurance policies, and real estate in several cities including Walnut, Chino, Chino Hills, South El Monte, Diamond Bar, and West Covina.

Hu remains a fugitive believed to be residing in China. He was charged with one count of conspiracy to defraud the U.S., three counts of passing and possessing counterfeit obligations of the U.S., and one count of forging and counterfeiting postage stamps.

A sentencing hearing for Chen is scheduled for Aug. 2. If convicted, she could face up to five years in federal prison for each count.

This case was investigated by the U.S. Postal Inspection Service and IRS Criminal Investigation teams.


Those coming across are now part of a propaganda army using Tik Tok and other forms of social media. It was only a few days ago that former National Security Advisor to President Trump, Robert O’Brien was in Houston at Rice University for an event. He was met with the chanting of protestors numbering more than 100. When he looked closely, he said at least half of the protestors were Chinese.


Yet another under-reported scandal in birthing hotels. Many are located in California. Reported by the LA Times this past January, in part:

A new documentary streaming on PBS, called “How to Have an American Baby,” wrestles with that question. Filmmaker Leslie Tai embedded with a group of Chinese mothers for more than a decade as they navigated the underground industry, including one family staying at the Rowland Heights townhome complex targeted in the raid.

Tai began her film in 2013, when birth tourism was such an open secret in Southern California‘s suburbs that residents began to complain. Local officials could not work out whether enforcing federal immigration policy should be their job. Los Angeles County officials formed a birth tourism task force in 2015, but after complaints about the practice fell off in 2018, the task force ended, said Alex Garcia, who had helped lead the operation.

Even when the task force was operating, its primary purpose was to prevent improper uses of buildings and property, Garcia told me. But what troubled residents was the idea that foreigners were scamming their way into American citizenship. For months after the raid, I would get voicemails and emails leaving information on the movements of pregnant Asian women, with no guarantee that they were actually Chinese or violating immigration law.

Federal agents serve warrants and question several residents at the Pheasant Ridge Apartment complex in Rowland Heights, California, while investigating alleged 'birth tourism' centers on Tuesday (informational/education use source photo)

Tai’s film tackles this question by insisting on the humanity of the women involved. Her dogged camera work follows mothers into delivery rooms, doctors’ offices and into the hotels themselves. There’s little narration except the women’s interviews, but the point is clear anyway: Few, if any of these women are getting the American dream. Most women in modern China still struggle to exercise basic financial and personal independence. Gender discrimination is illegal on paper, but Chinese laws governing divorce, inheritance and childbirth always favor men.

The birth tourism industry is depicted as a world in which everyone seems to be scamming one another. In China, Tai captures salesmen marketing birth tourism packages arguing about whether to tell customers about price hikes and cost cutting. A maternity hotel operator instructs expectant mothers on what to say at the hospital to get the most time in the hospital bed. A mother who gives birth in America decides to stay and start her own birth hotel, lured by the rumors of easy money.

Even the drivers hired to ferry the women around discuss how to avoid being taken advantage of by the clients with more powerful, wealthy connections.

This is a condition going back to at least 2015, where these women are paid up to $80,000 each to give birth.


It is limitless on exactly the nefarious duties assigned to these illegal Chinese operatives….




A Reminder for You on Who the National Lawyers Guild is Exactly

Back in 2020, this site published an item describing the lawyers working on behalf of Black Lives Matter. Now is the time for a current update.

As recently as 2023, Fox News had an item about the National Lawyers Guild and their representation of ANTIFA. In part:

Two activists arrested Sunday on domestic terrorism charges for the “Cop City” terror attack in Georgia have links to the National Lawyers Guild (NLG), a radical left-wing legal group that defends Antifa extremists and provides support and training to activists involved in and arrested for protest actions.

The NLG has a history of supporting controversial movements, some of its past members later boasted affiliations with militant groups, and it explicitly supports abolishing police and prisons.

The Atlanta Police Department named the 23 activists it arrested for domestic terrorism on Monday after a protest of the proposed 85-acre Atlanta Public Safety Training Center, labeled by opponents as “Cop City,” turned into a violent assault on law enforcement. The individuals arrested conducted a coordinated attack on construction equipment and police officers at the site east of Atlanta, using large rocks, bricks, Molotov cocktails and fireworks.

Among those arrested was Georgia-based Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) staff attorney Tom Jurgens, who the SPLC identified as a legal observer for the NLG. North Carolina resident James Marsicano, who goes by “Jamie” and identifies as a “White trans femme organizer,” was also arrested. Marsicano, a past organizer for Charlotte Uprising, a group that fights for a “world without police or prisons,” was previously arrested for assaulting a police officer in 2020 following the death of George Floyd. He also has ties to the NLG.

Now, today with the massive and violent protests on college campuses….just why are there so few arrests, such reticent in real prosecutions and capitulation? Enter once again the NLG.

The Biden administration has several members of the NLG in official positions. Shocker? Yeah not so much.

Then my friend Sam Faddis published a very recent summary on NLG. Hatip good sir.

In part: Social media documented the presence during the occupation and clearance of a number of legal “observers” from a group called the National Lawyers Guild (NLG). They were there to intercede on behalf of the folks illegally occupying a public space. The NLG opposed the formation of NATO. It opposed the Truman Doctrine which committed the United States to opposing the spread of Communism. It pushed for cooperation between the United States and the Soviet Union.

In the years since, the NLG has consistently been identified with groups that seek to overthrow the existing social order and impose a revolutionary Communist government on the citizens of the United States. NLG attorney William Kunstler wrote in 1975 that “the thing I’m most interested in is keeping people on the street who will forever alter the character of this society: the revolutionaries.” A number of NLG members were connected to the Weather Underground, a domestic terrorist organization that carried out at least 25 bombings in the United States in the 1970s.

Beginning in the 1970’s the NLG increasingly began to forge connections to the foreign enemies of the United States. NLG delegations have since traveled to Vietnam, China, Iran, Guatemala, Southern Africa, Chile, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip. 

The NLG has consistently opposed the state of Israel. In May 2021, the NLG’s International Committee released a statement saying “the Zionist settler colonial movement with the support of imperialist powers established the state of Israel.” It asserted “the legal right of Palestinians to resist the colonizing power that seeks to annihilate them,” including through armed struggle.

The day after the October 7, 2023 attacks by Hamas inside Israel, the NLG affirmed “the legitimacy of the right of the Palestinian people to resist” and declared the group’s support for “the people of Palestine in their struggle against the settler colonial state of Israel.” The NLG argued that the terrorist attacks upon civilians were justified and that the terrorists involved were simply “exercising their fundamental and protected right to self-defense and to liberate their land and people from occupation and colonialism.” The Guild called for “all Palestinian and Lebanese resistance organizations” to be removed from the list of U.S.-designated terrorist groups.  Read more here. 

At least since May of 2021, the NLG has stood firmly to resist the illegal military occupation….as they position it along with the long claims of apartheid and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. Now you understand where and how those terms are used and used everywhere including by the Biden White House.

NLG stands with the corrupt government of Venezuela, they fought successfully for the pardon of Chelsea Manning and they provide robust legal services to ‘asylum seekers.


Have you Seen the Documentary Wirecard? You Must…

We often wonder why Germany is so feeble with policy when it comes to NATO obligations and further, helping Ukraine. The short reason is the present and past government of Germany has been compromised with purpose including BND, their intelligence service.  This includes former Chancellor Merkel and Scholz.

How much does the United States know about this? All of it. Why? It is due to one particular point man….Jan Marsalek. Think of billions of dollars by fraud…hence the documentary Wirecard…..take a pause and go watch it…come back to this article soon… for the rest of the story.

Wanted by Interpol due to a Red Notice.

Jan Marsalek: Flüchtiger Ex-Wirecard-Vorstand wendet sich über ...

All the 007 movies combined hardly measure up to the rest of the Marsalek story. Furthermore, it is a wonder that at no time did Tucker Carlson discuss the topic of poisoned/dead Russians during his meeting with President Putin. Wonder why? Well, it seems that the network by Jan Marsalek wormed all the way through Europe, especially Germany, Britain and even Spain. Was this a scandal previously agreed to between Carlson and Putin to not discuss mostly due to the Wagner Group and Ukraine, Libya or Syria?

Many intelligence agencies worked on the case including the CIA, but though many journalistic and intelligence reports, Germany…not so much. In fact Chancellor Scholz never bothered to met with any Wirecard executives as was his responsibility during his time as the German Finance Minister…compromised and a willing accomplice playing out today as Germany for the most part plays a very tepid role in the war between Ukraine and Russia and perhaps beyond to Georgia and Estonia.

Tucker Carlson has railed on President Zelensky and his work to shit down the Orthodox church. Why would Zelensky do that in the first place? Well….the Russian Orthodox Church is highly compromised by Putin also as a willing accomplice and has deep historical connections to the Orthodox church in Ukraine. Why is that bad? Jan Marsalek, now living in a small town in Russia continues to be a spy and operates as a Russian priest under the total management of the Russian Orthodox church….

So…below are some links from several independent investigative sources that explain the rest of the story….well the story til now that is. The first link is the easiest to understand, so start there. The second link is a long very detailed summary and the third is rather short and sweet.

In the end…all things we think we know…is hardly the full story.

The Double Life of Former Wirecard Executive Jan Marsalek

Since the collapse of Wirecard, Jan Marsalek has been on the run and is one of the most wanted men in the world. A DER SPIEGEL investigation has revealed how he went underground and that he’s a Russian spy.

And then most recently is the software in use today….

During his time as Federal Minister of Finance, Olaf Scholz (right) and his State Secretary Jörg Kukies had their cell phone communication protected with security software from Virtual Solution. Behind the company is an investor with interesting connections
During his time as Federal Minister of Finance, Olaf Scholz (right) and his State Secretary Jörg Kukies had their cell phone communication protected with security software from Virtual Solution. Behind the company is an investor with interesting connections
© IMAGO / photothek
The owner of an IT company that ensures communication from authorities maintained contacts in the area of the ex-wirecard board. Most federal ministries – and so far Olaf Scholz and his most important employees rely on the products

When top officials from the federal government write emails with their smartphones, many of them have a small addition at the bottom: „ Sent with SecurePIM “. SecurePIM is a security solution that is intended to protect the mobile communication of the authors and the exchange of confidential documents. The software is used by numerous federal authorities, right up to the top floors: by state secretaries, German diplomats and ambassadors worldwide, the management level of the Bafin financial regulator. Also under emails from the new Chancellor Olaf Scholz and his closest confidants, who move into the Chancellery with him, was at least in his time as Federal Minister of Finance: „ Sent with SecurePIM “. source to read on 

Then just last week –>Documents from the U Committee show: A lobbyist for the notorious payment provider Wirecard was given access to all of the Republic’s files under Interior Minister Herbert Kickl (FPÖ) – the former CSU politician is now being summoned to give evidence. The latest revelations surrounding the fugitive Wirecard manager Jan Marsalek, who is suspected of spying for Russia, have given the case new urgency.


Biden’s Immigration Policy is Designed to Alter the House of Representatives

A few months ago, this website published an article describing the new development in Texas called Colony Ridge. It is north of Houston and is only for migrants. Anew voting district underway to add another U.S. Representative for only migrants appears to be the mission. But let’s look at some other details for context and history.

  • During the Clinton administration, there were two initiatives launched to stop illegal immigration: Operation Gatekeeper and Operation Hold the Line. In fact during this time, the San Diego Sector was the area enduring the most chaos. so, President Clinton got his Department of Justice to act and AG Janet Reno made several visits and was shocked with what she saw.
  • The Biden Department of Justice is not prosecuting criminal cases of illegals that were previously deported.
    NYC secures $106M in federal funding for reimbursement of migrant costs after months of delays and the $106 million to NYC is just a portion of the $150 aid package promised by the Federal government thanks to Senator Chuck Schumer.
  • DHS failed to file paperwork which caused 200,000 cases to be tossed out under Biden and Mayorkas.Last week, the second-in-command of violent Colombian street gang Los Santanás was apprehended in New Braunfels, Texas, a suburb of San Antonio, by Homeland Security agents working with state and local authorities. He was subsequently handed over to US Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

    Aderbis Pirela, 29, was on INTERPOL’s top 10 most wanted list and has warrants out for his arrest in Colombia in connection with at least four murders, as well as drug trafficking and extortion. He had been in the United States since January after being allowed in by claiming political asylum.

    According to NBC15, Pirela managed to flee Colombia last year before making his way through Central America up to the Mexico-US border. Upon being granted permission to enter, he and his fellow gang members began conducting their business out of a migrant shelter.

    On January 27, authorities were made aware of his actions and began searching for him.

    As Fox News reports, police and the mayor of Bogotá are hoping national law enforcement will ensure he ends up in prison and is rendered unable to continue carrying out his crimes while behind bars.

  • The Chinese have built major marijuana grow operations in several states across the country. Who is buying the land? Some arrests have been made. 
  • A Lebanese man arrested at the southern border told U.S. authorities he traveled from the Middle East because he was a member of the terrorist group Hezbollah and planned to build a bomb once in the United States, the Washington Examiner has learned.
  • Even more interesting,Vadim Wolfson, a friend of Putin, a Russian oligarch was arrested in Texas.The arrest came from a federal warrant issued by the Southern District of New York. According to court documents, Wolfson and others have been indicted on federal charges related to violations of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA) and money laundering. Is he an operative of the Kremlin? Appears to be so according to the charging documents.
  • Bringing it forward many years to just yesterday as reported in part by the Boston Herald (pay-wall):
  • Do we really want these people here that will have representation if the U.S. Congress?

Biden Considers Haitian Refugees in Guantanamo?

In recent days, it is being reported that the Biden White House is considering sending Haitian refugees to Guantanamo if conditions get worse. Exactly how much worse when the gangs control 80% of Port au Prince? But know this….it is not a new concept at all by the Biden administration….no you ask? Nope….you see Al Jazeera reported in back in September of 2021.

What is worse actually is the U.S State Department and the Department of Homeland Security have known about the doom and pending collapse of Haiti at least since early 2021 and did….nothing. Now it is at a crisis. But history repeats itself…what do I mean?

Well in the 1990’s Guantanamo was used as a makeshift camp for thousands of Haitians. Yet just last year….the President of Haiti, Jovenel Moise was assassinated…and so here we are in a total collapse and Secretary of State Blinkin visited to tell the interim government led by Ariel Henry  to just leave..which after a day or so he did. Meanwhile, Blinkin is pledging money everywhere all while a Marine Anti Terrorism Unit has just arrived in Haiti allegedly to protect government personnel at the U.S. embassy while American citizen volunteers are begging for help to get out…another Kabul, Afghanistan is now.

Police rebels in Haiti occupy the streets of Port-au-Prince to protest ...

According to Matthew Miller, the State Department spokesperson, the U.S. has no idea how many Americans are in Haiti and how many want to get out…all too familiar…..Miller also said that Haiti has ben a Level 4 country since 2020 which means, the United States advises for no Americans to travel to Haiti. 4 years…

Haiti: Thousands Trapped as Gangs Battle for Control in Port-au-Prince source and for educational purposes.

Will Nicaragua and Venezuela or even Ecuador be next?

So, Florida Governor DeSantis is in full blown offense in the Key West region to fight back against an incursion and he should. Haitians are fleeing already to the Dominican Republic but…..the DR too is on the offense and using every bus it can mobilize to removed the Haitian migrants back across the border to Haiti.

So, after of few minutes on the State Department website to see any actually posts about Haiti…well no unless you scroll to page 2-3 and beyond. For instance, in November of 2023, there was a post of an increase in the reward for information leading to the arrest or capture of a Haitian gang leader…$2 million dollars for organized crime. The post also include some text referring to the 400 Mawozo gang engaged in kidnapping 16 U.S, Christian missionaries and holding them for ransom. However there is no update to the condition of those kidnapped or anyone arrested.

Ah be more recently, Secretary Blinkin was in Brazil holding a multinational security support mission ministerial meeting where of course sustainable planet talk was first to be mentioned only later did Bliknin discuss the gangs in Haiti. He did declare the gangs were in control of 80% of Port au Prince and these armed groups use sexual assaults and rape to terrorize the population. They are blocking trade routes and have cut off access to food, clean water, healthcare and electricity. He said nothing of kidnapping sick people right out of hospital rooms or the burning of houses and people by the gang leader, a former cop known as bar-be-que. 

But Blinkin did allocated $189 million then and just this week another $400 million…for what? No clue and payable to whom? Again, no clue. So…call in the United Nations…right? Well, the U.S. is already there and has been since the earthquake in 2010.

Perhaps putting gang members and leaders in Guantanamo is the right thing to do actually.