“Perseverance and spirit have done wonders in all ages” General George Washington
“I would not be understood that I should choose to march, but as I engage in this glorious cause, I am willing to go where I am called.” Lt. Joseph Hodgkins
“We want great men who, when fortune frowns, will not be discouraged.” Col. Henry Knox
Is it general fatigue that keeps your distance from the fight to protect and defend the Constitution and the United States of America? Is it a feeble excuse of lack of time to devote to perform your duty as a citizen? Is it envy of others’ wealth and income that alters your focus to dismiss patriotism for a future hour? Is it tantamount to be entertained and live in the moment that prevents you from questioning government?
America is in an age of turmoil. America today is in a time not unlike those historical periods where intrepid forces are minimizing and in most cases destroying our foundation.
The day of reckoning has arrived, there is no option for delay in our quest to protect and preserve our Republic. Honesty and admission are part and parcel, the solution as energy and action finish the equation. Our Founders did more with less, yet vision, integrity and dreams of freedom were the pathway to their success, a legacy we take for granted and exploit.
Indifference and complacency have ruled citizens for decades with a consequence of conditions we find ourselves today. There is no excuse viable for a patriot citizen to not maintain the fight or engage to stop the fall from grace and greatness. There is no room for division in the citizen ranks given the understanding of the risks to freedom. We have a duty to question, a duty to teach, a duty to halt corruption, a duty to embrace and a duty to preserve.
We have no cause to stop, no pretext for fatigue and no excuse to fail. We curse this day with unsound logic. The Founders wore full dress and wigs; we have flip flops and air-conditioning. They had an ink well and parchment, we have email. They had a horse; we have the television remote control. They had artists, we have digital cameras. The Founders had farms, we have grocery stores. The Founders had books, we have DVD’s. The Founders had muskets, we have rocket propelled grenades. They had home medicinal remedies we have lasers.
It is Thanksgiving, it is our day and as with all days ahead, that we give praise for the vision and spirit of the Founders, that we may learn and embrace their virtues for energy, attention and action.
Failure is not an option; men’s souls are tried, while honor and freedom will rise in our pursuit.
Thanks is giving.