DHS Knew Illegals Made False Claims for Asylum

Fire the bastard, Jeh Johnson, recall him, prosecute him and dis-BAR him….and the rest of his staff that are complicit in this scam.

JudicialWatch: The Obama administration let hundreds of illegal immigrants stay in the U.S. even though federal authorities knew in advance that an open borders group coached them to falsely claim “credible fear” to get asylum, according to documents obtained by Judicial Watch from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

The operation was part of a scam conducted by an immigrant rights organization called the National Immigrant Youth Alliance (NITA), which in recent years has coordinated demonstrations along the Southwest border in Texas and Arizona. In mid-2014 the group orchestrated a racket seeking to bring 250 illegal aliens into the U.S. through the Otay Mesa Port of Entry in San Diego, California. To assure the migrants were allowed to stay in the U.S., the group had them falsely claim that they had a “credible fear” of returning to their native country. Foreigners can claim asylum under five categories, based on fear of persecution over race, religion, nationality, political opinions or membership in a specific social group

In this particular case, the DHS agency charged with guarding the border—Customs and Border Protection (CBP)—actually admits knowing about the ploy in advance but allows the illegal aliens to stay anyways. Here’s an excerpt from the records obtained by JW through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA): “BACKGROUND: The National Immigrant Youth Alliance (NITA) activists have coordinated previous demonstrations along the Southwest Border (Laredo, Texas and Nogales, Arizona). During this iteration, NIYA seek to bring 250 people to the Otay Mesa Port of Entry where they will request entry to the U.S. Previous CBP reporting of these events indicate the individuals applying for entry will have no entitlements to enter, pass through or remain in the United States and will summarily claim Credible Fear (CF).”

This is downright outrageous and has been going on for years, though we’ve never seen written evidence that the feds were complicit in a specific “credible fear” scam. In 2013 JW wrote about a San Diego news report that said droves of illegal aliens were flooding the Otay crossing claiming “credible fear” of Mexican drug cartels. In just one day 199 migrants had entered through Otay, the story revealed. The piece quoted a Border Patrol agent saying this: “They are being told if they come across, when they come up to the border and they say certain words, they will be allowed into the country.”

Credible fear asylum in the U.S. has become so popular that illegal aliens are hearing about it on Facebook and federal immigration authorities are overwhelmed with applications. In the last few years the number of foreigners, including large numbers from terrorist countries, asserting credible fear to gain asylum in this country has skyrocketed. During congressional testimony a few years ago, the heads of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and CBP confirmed that the percentage of individuals expressing a fear to remain in the U.S. has risen tremendously in the last few years.

The figures are incredibly alarming. In the last five years the number of “credible fear” asylum applications made at the border has increased sevenfold, from less than 5,000 to more than 36,000, a former Department of Justice (DOJ) and federal immigration official told Congress during a hearing earlier this year. Now a law professor at a prominent university, the official told lawmakers that statistics from USCIS Asylum Division show an approval rate of 92% for credible fear claims before the 2014 border surge. “Unfortunately the high approval rate for credible fear claims, and the resulting backlog in the immigration court system, have meant that in practice ‘credible fear’ has served to screen into the United States undocumented aliens wishing to make asylum claims,” the professor, Jan C. Ting told Congress. “That explains why many illegal border crossers don’t run from the U.S. Border Patrol, but instead seek them out to make asylum claims subject only to the low threshold of credible fear.”

Today, the backlog of credible fear cases pending in federal immigration courts is an astounding 450,000, according to a news report published this month. This could create huge national security risks because often asylum seekers are released from custody to await a court hearing. Just last week eight Syrian refugees turned themselves into U.S. immigration authorities along the U.S.-Mexico border. They are asking for asylum because the fear returning to their war-torn, terrorist-infested nation, but U.S. authorities have no reliable way to vet them.

Obama Orders ISIS Intel Report Investigations

Great, now the White House deflects blame and places it on the intelligence community. This is also coming from a commander in chief that misses 59% of the daily presidential briefings. Imagine what we know by virtue of watching any of the news, by doing individual research or listening to testimony before Congress. Perhaps Barack Obama should watch C-Span if he refuses and wants intelligence reports altered to fit his political narrative. Further, imagine what more troubling the intelligence facts and estimates can be outside of the scope what is in the public domain.

Barack Obama is being highly criticized by the domestic media, world leaders, the Pentagon, Centcom and the intelligence community for his lack of attention and ‘will’ to engage in defeating terror in the Middle East and Europe. Heck, his campaign on fighting terror is perfect as he tells us and all others are wrong, so he blames the analysts. Further, how about all those personal phone calls the White House has with other world leaders? What is Susan Rice, his top National Security Council advisor and director of this war on ISIS telling her boss?

But one should ask what is in the evidence like White House emails on the topic.

Tampa: Speaking at a news conference before leaving Malaysia to return home at the end of a 10-day overseas trip, Obama said he expected the Pentagon’s inspector general to investigate allegations that significant changes were made to reports from analysts at the U.S. Central Command, which is based at Tampa’s MacDill Air Force Base.

“I don’t know what we’ll discover with respect to what was going on in CentCom,” Obama said. “What I do know is my expectation — which is the highest fidelity to facts, data, the truth.”

Emails show DOD analysts told to ‘cut it out’ on ISIS warnings; IG probe expands

FNC: Analysts at U.S. Central Command were pressured to ease off negative assessments about the Islamic State threat and were even told in an email to “cut it out,” Fox News has learned – as an investigation expands into whether intelligence reports were altered to present a more positive picture.

Fox News is told by a source close to the CENTCOM analysts that the pressure on them included at least two emails saying they needed to “cut it out” and “toe the line.”

Separately, a former Pentagon official told Fox News there apparently was an attempt to destroy the communications. The Pentagon official said the email warnings were “not well received” by the analysts.

Those emails, among others, are now in the possession of the Pentagon inspector general. The IG’s probe is expanding into whether intelligence assessments were changed to give a more positive picture of the anti-ISIS campaign.

The former Pentagon official said there were “multiple assessments” from military intelligence and the CIA regarding the “rapid rise” of ISIS in Iraq and North Africa in the year leading up to the group’s territory grab in 2014.

Similar intelligence was included in the President’s Daily Brief, or PDB – the intelligence community’s most authoritative product — during the same time period. Yet the official, who was part of the White House discussions, said the administration kept “kicking the can down the road.” The official said there was no discussion of the military involvement needed to make a difference.

The IG probe started earlier this year amid complaints that information was changed to make ISIS look more degraded than it really was.

Among the complaints is that after the U.S. air campaign started in August 2014, the metrics to measure progress changed. They were modified to use measures such as the number of sorties and body counts — a metric not used since the Vietnam War — to paint a more positive picture.

Critics say this “activity-based approach” to tracking the effectiveness of strikes does not paint a comprehensive picture of whether ISIS is being degraded and contained.

The New York Times first reported on Sunday that the IG investigation was expanding and adding more investigators, and that the office had taken possession of a trove of documents and emails as part of that probe.

Asked about the report, House intelligence committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., said Sunday that his committee and others are involved in the investigation.

“We heard from a lot of whistle-blowers and other informants who have given us information. And not just … related strictly to the latest allegations,” Nunes said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

Citing the renewed focus on ISIS after the Paris terror attacks, he added: “So the president to have a successful strategy is going to admit that they’ve got it wrong and they need to relook at a larger strategy that deals with north Africa, the Middle East, all the way over to Afghanistan, Pakistan, and then work closely with our NATO allies with what appears to be a command and control structure that ISIS has created successfully in Europe.”

President Obama, speaking at a press conference in Malaysia over the weekend, said he expects to “get to the bottom” of whether ISIS intelligence reports were altered – and has told his top military officials as much.

“One of the things I insisted on the day I walked into the Oval Office was that I don’t want intelligence shaded by politics. I don’t want it shaded by the desire to tell a feel-good story,” Obama said Sunday. “I believe that the Department of Defense and all those who head up our intelligence agencies understand that, and that I have made it repeatedly clear to all my top national security advisors that I never want them to hold back, even if the intelligence or their opinions about the intelligence, their analysis or interpretations of the data contradict current policy.”

At the same time, he said, “As a consumer of this intelligence, it’s not as if I’ve been receiving wonderfully rosy, glowing portraits of what’s been happening in Iraq and Syria over the last year and a half. … [I]t feels to me like, at my level at least, we’ve had a pretty clear-eyed, sober assessment.”

The president’s call for a thorough investigation was greeted with cynicism by those involved in the 2014 intelligence assessments, since the administration did not act on the earlier raw intelligence that painted a dire picture of developments, especially in Iraq.

The Vatican, the White House, the Migrants, Millions

Catholic Bishops Financial statement (see page 10 for description summary)

In an NTEB Special Report, we have recently received information that the Catholic Church received payments totalling $79,590,512.00 to facilitate the flow of undocumented and illegal immigrants into the United States in 2014. This is six million dollars more than they were paid in 2013. Now y0u know why Pope Francis is so eager to push Obama’s insane flood of illegal migrants, he’s getting paid millions to do it!

In the face of President Obama’s veto threat, the House passed a bill to slow Syrian refugees. But the Republican Congress also has the power to hold hearings into the millions of taxpayer dollars being funneled through Catholic and other church groupsto bring them here. Many Catholics and non-Catholics alike would like to know how “religious compassion,” using federal money, is increasing the potential terrorist threat to America.

You may recall that Pope Francis promoted the Obama administration’s pro-immigration policies during his visit to the U.S. Left unsaid was the fact that the American branch of the Roman Catholic Church is getting millions of taxpayer dollars to settle refugees. According to their financial statement for 2014, the latest year for which figures are available, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops received over $79 million in government grants to provide benefits to refugees.


Anonymous Hacked ISIS, Terror Plots Revealed

  1. ———————————————————————————————————————————–
  3. ===================================================================================================================================
  4. Tl;dr: Daesh plans attack on Paris and the world on the 22nd of November. #22Daesh #OpParis http://pastebin.com/wkigzJZD
  5. ^^^^^^ You can copy this as a post for on social medias. Required trending #: #22Daesh
  6. ===================================================================================================================================
  7. Short summarization:
  8. All proof was submitted to official authorities all around the globe days ago. They have it and it is their responsibility to do something with it. But because they have not done anything with it yet and it’s almost the 22nd, we have taken matters into our hands. We only take the responsibility of warning civilians (incase the authorities do not act well enough).
  9. We have seen and received threats from several (pro-)Daesh accounts, but not just regular threats. These threats were all focussed on 1 date: the 22nd of November. Our intel team started gathering Intel after having verified the threats and has narrowed all it’s findings down to this pastebin.
  10. This is a warning to anyone going to any of the events listed below or going to any event with a lot of people, church services included – but the risk of any churches outside Paris/France being targeted is low.
  11. =======================================================================
  12. Events in Paris that have been confirmed are at risk:
  13. —————————————————–
  14. – Demonstration by: “Collectif du droit des femmes” (Group for women’s rights) (Demonstrations are now banned, cancelled)
  15. – Cigales Electroniques with Vocodecks, RE-Play & Rawtor at Le Bizen
  16. – Concrete Invites Drumcode: Adam Beyer, Alan Fitzpatrick, Joel Mull.. at Concrete (Probably cancelled)
  17. —————————————————–
  18. Events we have received/found threats for, but weren’t 100% confirmed:
  19. —————————————————–
  20. – WWE Survival Series (US)
  21. – Feast of Christ the King celebrations (Rome/Worldwide)
  22. – Al-Jihad, 1 Day Juz (Indonesia)
  23. – Five Finger Death Punch (Milan, Italy)
  24. – University Pastoral Day (Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, Lebanon)
  25. “Threats” aren’t the same as “plans”, even though some threats look like plans it doesn’t mean they are all planned to be executed.
  26. We hope that at these events adding more security will be enough to prevent any possible attacks.
  27. —————————————————–
  28. There will be big events worldwide on the 22nd, go at your own risk.
  29. (..) = Added notes after our official release
  30. =======================================================================
  31. History: http://pastebin.com/pX0z2mi7
  32. Official press release: http://pastebin.com/u03Rr634
  33. —————————————————–
  34. We are Anonymous.
  35. We are Legion.
  36. We do not Forgive.
  37. We do not Forget.
  38. Expect us.


Anonymous says ISIS planning attacks in US, Paris, elsewhere Sunday

TheHill: The hacker collective Anonymous says the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is planning to launch attacks in the U.S., Paris, Indonesia, Italy and Lebanon on Sunday.

OpParisIntel, the name of Anonymous’ mission against ISIS, released a statement Saturday saying it had uncovered information regarding new terror plots “on Paris and the world” scheduled for Nov. 22.

“All proof was submitted to official authorities all around the globe days ago,” the statement said, as first reported by the International Business Times. “They have it and it is their responsibility to do something with it. But because they have not done anything with it yet and it’s almost the 22nd, we have matters into our own hands.”

“We only take the responsibility of warning civilians (incase the authorities do not act well enough),” the statement added.
Anonymous warned against attending events with large crowds, especially church services, but added that “the risk of any churches outside Paris/France being targeted is low.”
The group listed several events in Paris that it said “have been confirmed are at risk” and several events around the world that are not yet “100% confirmed,” including a major WWE pro wrestling event in Atlanta, Ga.
“The goal is to make sure the whole world, or at least the people going to these events, know that there have been threats and that there is possibility of an attack to happen,” the statement continued.
Anonymous told IBT that it has sent the information to U.K. intelligence agency MI5, as well as the CIA and the FBI in the U.S., but has refused to release proof of the attacks publicly.
“If we share the proof [publicly], everyone will start calling it fake because screenshots can be edited and accounts can be deleted,” the hacking group said. “We have purposely not shared account links publicly because they would be shut down immediately and then no one would believe the proof.”
Anonymous declared cyber war on ISIS after the group claimed responsibility for a terrorist attack in Paris last week, killing at least 132 civilians and injuring hundreds.
The collective claimed to have shut down 5,500 ISIS Twitter accounts earlier this week.

Paris Terrorist Hiding in Brussels, Country Lockdown

When a war is ranging on in cities in Europe, when borders are open, when migrants roam through the streets and towns, metropolitan areas take on the appearance of World War ll.

DailyMail: Hunt for world’s most wanted: Final Paris fugitive is alive, hiding in Brussels and has SKYPED his friends – as his brother pleads with him to turn himself in

  • Salah Abdeslam phoned friends who claim he is now hiding in Brussels
  • The dangerous fugitive used skype to contact two friends while on the run
  • Abdeslam’s brother Mohammed has urged Salah to give himself up 
  • An international arrest warrant has been issued for Salah Abdeslam following his role in the deadly Paris attacks
  • Four people dragged from their car and arrested by police in Brussels 
Salah Abdeslam, 26, is believed to be the eight gunman and is wanted in connection to the horrific co-ordinated ISIS attacks

Salah Abdeslam, 26, is believed to be the eight gunman and is wanted in connection to the horrific co-ordinated ISIS attacks

The fugitive ISIS gunman wanted in connection to the deadly Paris attacks has spoken to three friends via Skype and is thought to be hiding in Brussels, Belgium.

Salah Abdeslam, 26, is believed to be the eight gunman and played a key part in organising the horrific co-ordinated ISIS attacks.

Two of the jihadi’s friend told Salah’s brother Mohammed, that they had spoken to the wanted man although it remains unclear why he made contact.

Fresh photos of Salah emerged this week with the radical Islamist wearing a pair of large framed glasses and long floppy hair.

It is believed the wanted gunman may be in disguise after photos were published of him as part of a wanted poster.

‘I believe he is not far away,’ Mohammed Abdeslam when asked about the phone conversation, sparking suggestions his brother may be hiding in Brussels.

He urged his brother to give himself up and contact the authorities.

Salah Abdeslam, a French national, lived in Brussels for several years, and is thought to have played a key part in organising logistics for the shocking terror attacks in Paris.

Despite an international arrest warrant on his head, the French national has so far managed to evade capture after going on the run on November 13.  

Police did stop Salah Abdeslam just before the Belgian border but after briefly questioning him, they mistakenly allowed the wanted terrorist to carry on his way.

It is believed the dangerous gunman was assisted over the border along with two men, who were later arrested by police. 


"I believe he is not far away,' Mohammed Abdeslam (pictured) when asked about the phone conversation, sparking suggestions his brother may be hiding in Brussels

‘I believe he is not far away,’ Mohammed Abdeslam (pictured) when asked about the phone conversation, sparking suggestions his brother may be hiding in Brussels

Mohammed Abdeslam was questioned and later released by police after the horrific attacks in Paris. Three days ago he was spotted lighting candles in remembrance of the victims in the attack

Mohammed Abdeslam was questioned and later released by police after the horrific attacks in Paris. Three days ago he was spotted lighting candles in remembrance of the victims in the attack

The embarrassing gaffe was later confirmed by the police who are pursuing Abdeslam having tracked down and killed the attack’s mastermind Abdelhamid Abaaoud.

Abaaoud died in a hail of bullets after a lengthy shootout with police, in which over 5,000 gun rounds were fired by police and two of the three heavily armed wanted men. 

Abaaoud’s cousin, Hasna Aitboulahcen, was also killed in the shooting, although initial reports that she had died after detonating a suicide vest proved to be false.

A third suspect in the flat is thought to have detonated his vest, killing Hasna Aitboulahcen and wanted ISIS poster boy Abdelhamid Abaaoud. 

Arrest of terror suspect Salah Abdeslam in Molenbeek

Wanted: Police have issued an international arrest warrant for 26-year-old Salah Abdeslam, from Brussels, who is one of three brothers said to be involved in terror plot and rented their getaway 

Wanted: Police have issued an international arrest warrant for 26-year-old Salah Abdeslam, from Brussels, who is one of three brothers said to be involved in terror plot and rented their getaway

Hiding: Authorities had believed he might be hiding with Abdelhamid Abaaoud, the suspected mastermind of the Paris terror attacks, pictured, who was staying in a flat in the Paris suburb of Saint-Denis 

Hiding: Authorities had believed he might be hiding with Abdelhamid Abaaoud, the suspected mastermind of the Paris terror attacks, pictured, who was staying in a flat in the Paris suburb of Saint-Denis

Brahim Abdeslam, brother of wanted jihadi Salah, blew himself up at le Comptoir Voltaire
Belgian Bilal Hadfi, 20, left, detonated his suicide vest at the Stade de France
French bomber Omar Mostefai, centre, killed himself at the Bataclan
y Amimour, 28, was also involved in the gig attack

Suspect: Salah’s brother Brahim Abdeslam (left) blew himself up at le Comptoir Voltaire. Belgian Bilal Hadfi, 20, (centre left), detonated his suicide vest at the Stade de France, French bomber Omar Mostefai, centre, killed himself at the Bataclan and Samy Amimour, 28, (right) was also involved in the gig attack

Timeline of events: Eight terrorists carried out the devastating attacks on Friday night, leaving 130 people dead and another 352 injured

Timeline of events: Eight terrorists carried out the devastating attacks on Friday night, leaving 130 people dead and another 352 injured

The hunt for Salah Abdeslam comes as heavily armed police and soldiers patrolled in the streets of Brussels today.

The city’s subways as well as many stores were closed as the government warned of a threat of Paris-style attacks.

Prime Minister Charles Michel said the decision to raise the threat alert to the highest level was taken ‘based on quite precise information about the risk of an attack like the one that happened in Paris.’

The plot involved ‘several individuals with arms and explosives’, according to the Prime Minister who speculated the jiihadis may have been looking to target several locations.

The Belgian Federal Prosecutor’s office said Saturday that several weapons were discovered during the search of the home of one of three people arrested in connection with the Paris attacks, but said no explosives were found.

Authorities across Europe, the Mideast and in Washington are trying to determine how a network of primarily French and Belgian attackers with links to Islamic extremists in Syria plotted and carried out the deadliest violence in France in decades – and how many may still be on the run.

Brother of Paris Terror fugitive speaks out in Molenbeek

Prime Minister Charles Michel (pictured centre) said the decision to raise the threat alert to the highest level was taken 'based on quite precise information about the risk of an attack like the one that happened in Paris'

Prime Minister Charles Michel (pictured centre) said the decision to raise the threat alert to the highest level was taken ‘based on quite precise information about the risk of an attack like the one that happened in Paris’

The city's subways as well as many stores were closed as the government warned of a threat of Paris-style attacks

The city’s subways as well as many stores were closed as the government warned of a threat of Paris-style attacks

Belgian soldiers patrol the streets of Brussels as the government raised the terror alert level following 'serious and imminent threat'

Belgian soldiers patrol the streets of Brussels as the government raised the terror alert level following ‘serious and imminent threat’

Heavily armed and watchful, troops have been keeping a careful eye in Brussels ahead of security worries

Heavily armed and watchful, troops have been keeping a careful eye in Brussels ahead of security worries