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A Reminder for You on Who the National Lawyers Guild is Exactly

Back in 2020, this site published an item describing the lawyers working on behalf of Black Lives Matter. Now is the time for a current update.

As recently as 2023, Fox News had an item about the National Lawyers Guild and their representation of ANTIFA. In part:

Two activists arrested Sunday on domestic terrorism charges for the “Cop City” terror attack in Georgia have links to the National Lawyers Guild (NLG), a radical left-wing legal group that defends Antifa extremists and provides support and training to activists involved in and arrested for protest actions.

The NLG has a history of supporting controversial movements, some of its past members later boasted affiliations with militant groups, and it explicitly supports abolishing police and prisons.

The Atlanta Police Department named the 23 activists it arrested for domestic terrorism on Monday after a protest of the proposed 85-acre Atlanta Public Safety Training Center, labeled by opponents as “Cop City,” turned into a violent assault on law enforcement. The individuals arrested conducted a coordinated attack on construction equipment and police officers at the site east of Atlanta, using large rocks, bricks, Molotov cocktails and fireworks.

Among those arrested was Georgia-based Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) staff attorney Tom Jurgens, who the SPLC identified as a legal observer for the NLG. North Carolina resident James Marsicano, who goes by “Jamie” and identifies as a “White trans femme organizer,” was also arrested. Marsicano, a past organizer for Charlotte Uprising, a group that fights for a “world without police or prisons,” was previously arrested for assaulting a police officer in 2020 following the death of George Floyd. He also has ties to the NLG.

Now, today with the massive and violent protests on college campuses….just why are there so few arrests, such reticent in real prosecutions and capitulation? Enter once again the NLG.

The Biden administration has several members of the NLG in official positions. Shocker? Yeah not so much.

Then my friend Sam Faddis published a very recent summary on NLG. Hatip good sir.

In part: Social media documented the presence during the occupation and clearance of a number of legal “observers” from a group called the National Lawyers Guild (NLG). They were there to intercede on behalf of the folks illegally occupying a public space. The NLG opposed the formation of NATO. It opposed the Truman Doctrine which committed the United States to opposing the spread of Communism. It pushed for cooperation between the United States and the Soviet Union.

In the years since, the NLG has consistently been identified with groups that seek to overthrow the existing social order and impose a revolutionary Communist government on the citizens of the United States. NLG attorney William Kunstler wrote in 1975 that “the thing I’m most interested in is keeping people on the street who will forever alter the character of this society: the revolutionaries.” A number of NLG members were connected to the Weather Underground, a domestic terrorist organization that carried out at least 25 bombings in the United States in the 1970s.

Beginning in the 1970’s the NLG increasingly began to forge connections to the foreign enemies of the United States. NLG delegations have since traveled to Vietnam, China, Iran, Guatemala, Southern Africa, Chile, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip. 

The NLG has consistently opposed the state of Israel. In May 2021, the NLG’s International Committee released a statement saying “the Zionist settler colonial movement with the support of imperialist powers established the state of Israel.” It asserted “the legal right of Palestinians to resist the colonizing power that seeks to annihilate them,” including through armed struggle.

The day after the October 7, 2023 attacks by Hamas inside Israel, the NLG affirmed “the legitimacy of the right of the Palestinian people to resist” and declared the group’s support for “the people of Palestine in their struggle against the settler colonial state of Israel.” The NLG argued that the terrorist attacks upon civilians were justified and that the terrorists involved were simply “exercising their fundamental and protected right to self-defense and to liberate their land and people from occupation and colonialism.” The Guild called for “all Palestinian and Lebanese resistance organizations” to be removed from the list of U.S.-designated terrorist groups.  Read more here. 

At least since May of 2021, the NLG has stood firmly to resist the illegal military occupation….as they position it along with the long claims of apartheid and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. Now you understand where and how those terms are used and used everywhere including by the Biden White House.

NLG stands with the corrupt government of Venezuela, they fought successfully for the pardon of Chelsea Manning and they provide robust legal services to ‘asylum seekers.


CCP’s Little Red Classrooms Across America, Does Anyone Care?

Reposting in full from FNC:

Parents Defending Education (PDE), a grassroots organization dedicated to fighting indoctrination in the classroom, says it has uncovered disturbing evidence linking Chinese Communist Party (CCP)-sponsored financial entities to American K-12 schools.

The findings are detailed in a new report dubbed “Little Red Classrooms,” which was sent to 34 governors, key lawmakers and committee chairs on Wednesday.

“The alarming evidence uncovered by our investigation should concern parents, educators, and policymakers alike. Families deserve to know who is influencing the American education system so that they can make informed choices about what their children are learning behind closed doors,” PDE president Nicole Neily told Fox News Digital.

“The Trump administration took steps to rein in Confucius Institutes at colleges and universities. It is frightening, however, that no such transparency mandate exists at the K-12 level,” Neily continued. “Accordingly, it is imperative that elected officials at both the federal and state levels take immediate action to gauge the extent of these programs in order to ensure that American schoolchildren receive a high-quality education free from undue foreign interference.”



Parents Defending Education, a grassroots organization dedicated to fighting indoctrination in the classroom, says it has uncovered disturbing evidence linking Chinese Communist Party-sponsored financial entities to American K-12 schools. (Getty)

Parents Defending Education bills itself as “a national grassroots organization working to reclaim our schools from activists imposing harmful agendas. PDE’s sister organization, PDE Action, sent the “alarming” results of its lengthy “Little Red Classrooms” investigation to House Education & Workforce Committee Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-N.C.; House Armed Services Committee Chairman Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Ala.; and House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Rep. Mike McCaul, R-Texas.

According to the letters, which have been obtained by Fox News Digital, the investigation exposed how millions of dollars of China-linked funding has flowed into America’s K-12 classrooms. PDE believes American students are subject to CCP propaganda under the guise of Chinese language and culture programming.

“The fact the Chinese government had so much access to American classrooms, students, and curriculums should worry families,” PDE senior adviser Michele P. Exner wrote to McCaul.

The committee chairs were informed that through “records requests and publicly available information, it was discovered that 143 school districts across the United States have engaged in contracts to establish Confucius Institutes and Classrooms,” including in three of the nation’s top science and technology high schools, and several that are near 20 U.S. military bases.

“Considering China’s adversarial relationship with the United States, this poses significant security risks that warrant immediate attention from your committee,” Exner wrote to Foxx.

“The Chinese government has long touted their Confucius programming as a way to advance their strategic goals around the world. In 2009, former Chinese Communist Party Senior Chairman Li Changchun admitted that Confucius Institutes were an ‘important part of China’s overseas propaganda set-up’ and in 2017 Chinese government officials lauded the programs as a way to push China’s Belt and Road initiative,” the Foxx letter continued. “Security concerns with these China-led courses in America’s schools are well documented.”


Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) arrives to a caucus meeting with House Republicans on Capitol Hill

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Rep. Mike McCaul, R-Texas, was notified of Parents Defending Education’s findings. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

PDE also listed “examples of the alarming relationships China’s government has established with American K-12 classrooms,” such as the Simpson County Board of Education in Kentucky entering into an agreement with the North China Electric Power University to develop the Confucius Institute of Western Kentucky.

“The North China Electric Power University works directly with the Chinese government’s energy sector to push China’s global energy initiatives. The Chinese International Education Foundation (CIEF) tasked the university with selecting more than 34 Chinese teachers to send to Simpson County Public Schools for the 2020-2021 school year,” Exner wrote.

PDE also pointed to a pair of Chinese nationals who taught Mandarin at Appoquinimink School District in Delaware during the 2012-2013 school year. “According to a district webpage, these teachers underwent a ‘rigorous selection process’ in China. This includes interviews with Chinese government officials ‘at the national level,’” according to Exner, who also serves as PDE Action’s director of federal affairs.

The letter to McCaul noted that “34 states and the District of Columbia have had schools that have engaged in financial exchanges with the Chinese government or affiliated entities ranging from a few thousand dollars to more than a million dollars per contract,” according to PDE findings.

“Since 2009, the Chinese government has used Confucius Institutes and Confucius Classrooms to push their agenda in schools around the globe. Chinese Communist Party officials have openly stated how they are using these educational partnerships established under the guise of ‘cultural and language immersion programs’ to expand China’s overseas propaganda campaign,” Exner wrote.

“In a Chinese state media article from 2016, the Chinese Communist Party ‘lauded’ Confucius Institutes and Confucius Classrooms for promoting its Belt and Road Initiative. Security concerns with these China-linked programs became so problematic that the State Department declared them a ‘foreign mission’ during the summer of 2020,” Exner continued. “These programs have created significant security vulnerabilities for the United States and gave the CCP unfettered access to curriculums and America’s classrooms. PDE uncovered at least two connections between U.S. and China schools tied to the Chinese military and energy operations.”


PDE also accused the CCP of openly using deceptive tactics to influence the next generation of Americans to advance their own self-serving agenda.

“We cannot allow this to happen. We urge the committee to take immediate action to investigate, expose, and hold hearings on the Chinese government’s involvement in America’s schools. PDE looks forward to working with you in protecting our students from the threats of the CCP,” Exner wrote to McCaul.

PDE informed Rogers that Confucius Institutes and Classrooms were operating in schools in the vicinity of the following U.S. military bases including U.S. Naval Academy, Buckley Air Force Base and Space Force, Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Dover Air Force Base, Fort Bliss, Fort Liberty, Fort Knox, Naval Station Great Lakes, Hanscom Air Force Base, Hill Air Force Base, Lackland Air Force Base, Langley Air Force Base, Los Angeles Air Force Base, MacDill Air Force Base, McGuire Air Force Base, U.S. Coast Guard Academy, Nellis Air Force Base, Naval Station Norfolk, Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and Naval Base San Diego.

“Allowing China to have unfettered access to America’s schools poses significant security risks to students and their families. It becomes even more dangerous when this is happening near sensitive locations containing information critical to our national security,” Exner wrote.

Democratic Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs

PDE sent a letter to Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs urging an investigation between Arizona’s public schools and Chinese government sponsored programs. (AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin, File)


PDE Action also wrote to several other influential lawmakers including Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt.; and Sen. Bill Cassidy, R-La. The House China Select Committee, the Senate HELP Committee, the Senate Armed Services Committee and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee are expected to be notified of “Little Red Classrooms” findings, too.

PDE Action political director Alex Nester also sent a letter, which has been obtained by Fox News Digital, to Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs.

“Documents uncovered via online searches and public records requests show that three schools in Arizona — Catalina Foothills School District and Tucson Unified School District, as well as the International School of Tucson — forged ties with Chinese government backed programs over the course of a decade,” Nester wrote.

“PDE Action respectfully requests the Office of the Governor of Arizona to investigate ties between Arizona’s public schools and Chinese government sponsored programs, such as Confucius Classrooms,” Nester continued. “While it’s vital for American students to have opportunities to learn world languages and cultures, public school districts should not give the Chinese government unfettered access to K-12 classrooms. This has the potential of posing significant security risks to students, families, and our national interests.”

A similar letter was sent to 33 additional governors on Wednesday morning, including Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul, Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

PDE’s “Little Red Classrooms” report details more examples that the group finds deeply concerning, breaking down the $17,967,565 spent across 143 school districts in 34 states plus the District of Columbia.

Biden Admin Using Taxpayer Dollars to Fund CCP Research at UVA

With the decades of proof of the intellectual theft and espionage by the Chinese inside the United States, the Biden administration is not protecting America at all in fact helping to fund the Chinese Communist Party operations inside the United States.

During the Trump administration, espionage was so dangerous, two embassies were shuttered. Then there is the matter of Tik Tok….but now this? Is this a John Kerry climate agenda item and is it going on at other U.S. universities or institutions?

The Free Beacon reports:

The Biden administration is using taxpayer cash to fund a University of Virginia climate change partnership with a Chinese Communist Party-controlled school that conducts research for China’s military.

President Joe Biden’s National Science Foundation last year awarded more than $130,000 to the University of Virginia to conduct climate change research with Beijing-based Tsinghua University, federal spending disclosures show. Tsinghua University, which counts Chinese president Xi Jinping among its alumni, will work with University of Virginia researchers to chart the global “transition to a low-carbon economy,” according to the grant description.Board Approves 'Great and Good' Strategic Plan for University of ... UVA source

Tsinghua University is funded by China’s Ministry of Education and maintains a “CCP Committee” that keeps the school “in accordance with President Xi’s hopes.” It also holds “secret-level security credentials” for classified military research, trains students for China’s nuclear weapons program, and has allegedly carried out cyberattacks for the Chinese government, according to the Australian Strategic Policy Institute. It is also one of several Chinese universities under the supervision of the communist nation’s State Administration of Science, Technology, and Industry for National Defense, a CCP agency that works to deepen university involvement in the defense sector.

The National Science Foundation’s decision to fund the partnership with Tsinghua calls into question the foundation’s vetting process as it enjoys a record-high budget. The bipartisan CHIPS Act, which Biden said would help “counter China,” authorized $80 billion in funding for the National Science Foundation to invest in research and development. But in the case of its University of Virginia grant, the foundation found working with the Chinese on climate change “worthy of support.”

For American Foreign Policy Council fellow Michael Sobolik, the foundation’s decision to use “taxpayer money to facilitate research cooperation with a People’s Liberation Army-affiliated university” is “questionable at best.”

“We’ve seen time and again how the CCP leverages people-to-people ties to further its malign influence within the United States,” Sobolik told the Washington Free Beacon. “When you’re in the midst of a cold war, you can’t play both sides of the ledger. The sooner we accept that reality, the better.”

The National Science Foundation downplayed Tsinghua’s role in the project, with research security strategy and policy chief Rebecca Keiser saying the Chinese school’s involvement stems from “researcher-to-researcher collaboration.”

The foundation “has instituted a first-in-government analytics process to identify research security concerns and ensure transparency when assessing proposals and awards to ensure that any international collaboration provides mutual benefit,” Keiser said in a statement. “In any international research collaboration, [the National Science Foundation] only funds the U.S. side.”

The grant, which started in October and runs through 2026, funds University of Virginia research into “the transition to a low-carbon economy.” Tsinghua and a second Chinese partner, the China University of Petroleum-Beijing, will conduct similar research in China, the results of which “will be used to develop a U.S.-Chinese collaborative course on climate leadership skills.” That collaboration, the grant says, “will lead to better strategies for lowering emissions in the United States that are complementary to those in China.” China is by far the biggest polluter in the world—in 2019, it emitted more greenhouse gases than all developed nations combined.

This is not the first time the University of Virginia has partnered with Tsinghua. The two schools are exchange partners, and the University of Virginia’s engineering department in 2017 developed a “teaching collaboration” with Tsinghua that saw students from both schools pair up for homework assignments. That project, however, does not appear to have received federal money. Beyond the October grant, the National Science Foundation has only funded projects linked to Tsinghua on two other occasions—once under Biden last June and once under former president Barack Obama in April 2011. Both of those grants, which went to Boston University and Drexel University, respectively, funded academic workshops that included participants from Tsinghua.

A University of Virginia spokesman defended the university’s work with Tsinghua, arguing that because the project “does not involve critical technologies or military applications,” it does not compromise U.S. national security interests.

“An important part of researching global challenges like climate change is working with institutions around the world to compare the effects of a warming climate and the efficacy of different proposed solutions,” university spokesman Brian Coy said. “As part of those efforts, we take seriously our responsibility to operate within all U.S. laws and regulations regarding the protection of intellectual property and U.S. national security interests.”

“Our university collaborates closely and transparently with federal regulatory and law enforcement partners in order to ensure our collaborative research efforts contribute to human understanding of global challenges without compromising our interests as a nation,” Coy said.

The university’s partnership with Tsinghua could attract scrutiny from Republican Virginia governor Glenn Youngkin. “Since being elected, the governor has taken steps to protect Virginians from the malign influence of the Chinese Communist Party,” Youngkin spokesman Christian Martinez told the Free Beacon. “Through his TikTok ban on all state devices and networks, prohibiting foreign adversaries, including China, from acquiring the commonwealth’s agricultural land, requesting Fairfax County schools cut ties with CCP-linked entities, and preventing a Trojan horse deal for a CCP-linked battery manufacturer to produce electric vehicle batteries propped up by U.S. tax incentives, the governor has made it clear that there is no room in Virginia for the Chinese Communist Party.”

National Science Foundation director Sethuraman Panchanathan, who serves at the pleasure of the president, in 2014 was put on the foundation’s National Science Board by Obama. Then-president Donald Trump in June 2020 went on to elevate Panchanathan to foundation director. Biden has appointed 10 of the National Science Board’s 24 members.


While the National Science Foundation’s grant did not send federal money directly to Tsinghua, the Chinese university has received money from American actors in the past. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation—one of America’s largest liberal nonprofits—gave Tsinghua more than $1.5 million in 2021, the Free Beacon reported in January.


The Border Czar is Cass Sunstein NOT Kamala

Stop blaming Kamala, blame Biden himself. The president has filled his administration with militants and radicals. There is no denial. It was 14 years ago that Glenn Beck did they work and declared on this point that Cass Sunstein was the most dangerous man in government.

“There is a reason that I have called Cass Sunstein the most dangerous man in America,” Glenn said on radio this morning., the website co-founded by Kyle Olsen, the co-author of Glenn’s latest book Conform: Exposing the Truth About Common Core and Public Education, was the first to draw attention to the spooky article from the Nudge author.

Sunstein begins the article wondering what would happen if a government began a program with the explicit goal of indoctrination students:

Suppose that an authoritarian government decides to embark on a program of curricular reform, with the explicit goal of indoctrinating the nation’s high school students. Suppose that it wants to change the curriculum to teach students that their government is good and trustworthy, that their system is democratic and committed to the rule of law, and that free markets are a big problem.

Will such a government succeed? Or will high school students simply roll their eyes?

Questions of this kind have long been debated, but without the benefit of reliable evidence. New research, from Davide Cantoni of the University of Munich and several co-authors, shows that recent curricular reforms in China, explicitly designed to transform students’ political views, have mostly worked. The findings offer remarkable evidence about the potential influence of the high school curriculum on what students end up thinking — and they give us some important insights into contemporary China as well.

He goes on to explain that the indoctrination program began in 2001 when the country made “significant changes in the textbooks used by students in grades 10, 11 and 12.” Ultimately, Sunstein questions whether such a program could produce similar outcomes in a non-authoritarian country.

At the time, Sunstein was the regulatory czar…now….today he is at DHS and in charge of destroying the sovereignty of the United States as the real border czar. Obviously more dangerous today for reasons too long to list but certainly Biden has accepted the Sunstein doctrine to collapse control of immigration.

It was in 2021 that the following was published by Bloomberg:

Harvard’s Sunstein Joins Biden’s DHS to Shape Immigration Rules

  • Progressive groups had raised concern about Sunstein’s record
  • His wife is Biden nominee for international development agency

In part:

Former Obama administration official Cass Sunstein on Monday joined the Department of Homeland Security, where President Joe Biden is moving rapidly to roll back Donald Trump’s immigration policy priorities.

Sunstein is a senior counselor who will be responsible for making sure that the rules put forward by the department and its agencies are based on evidence and consistent with the law, an administration official said.

In 2018, Sunstein received the Holberg Prize, the equivalent of the Nobel Prize for law and the humanities, from Norway’s government. He also worked in the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel during the Carter and Reagan administrations.

Sunstein’s wife, Samantha Power, is Biden’s nominee for administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development. Power’s financial disclosures showed Sunstein earning consulting fees from Apple Inc. and Global Asset Capital LLC, as well as advisory fees and stock options from Humu Inc. He also reported royalties from dozens of book publications. More here.


This past January, Bloomberg also reported:

The impasse over President Joe Biden’s immigration wish list on Capitol Hill has increased pressure on a Department of Homeland Security official working to overhaul the system through regulation.

The administration last year tapped Harvard Law professor Cass Sunstein to advise on DHS regulations. The legal scholar is best known for his role as the Obama White House’s rulemaking czar and his writings on behavioral economics and regulation — not the finer points of homeland security.

Biden and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas wanted someone equipped for the regulatory challenges the agency faces on immigration, as well as disaster response, aviation security, and other DHS matters, Sunstein said in an interview.

“The first obligation is to do it right,” he said.

The immigration proposals in the works at DHS are critical to meeting at least part of Biden’s ambitious campaign pledge to create a path to citizenship for millions, end long-term detention, and revamp the legal immigration system. The congressional stalemate has made DHS-led efforts more urgent.

DHS first unwound several of former President Donald Trump’s policies, from restricting entry to the U.S. and expanding enforcement. Next, the agency is focused on reducing backlogs in the asylum system and reinforcing protections for immigrants brought to the U.S. as children without authorization.

Photo: Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images
Cass Sunstein speaks at an event at AOL Studios on May 31, 2016, in New York City.

Sunstein is shepherding those efforts. Officially, he is senior counselor to the secretary and co-chair of the agency’s climate change action group. Unofficially, he’s the wonk tasked with restoring order in a department battered by public criticism and leadership gaps during the Trump administration.

“I sensed that there was a real appetite for, let’s say, good order,” Sunstein said of the DHS regulatory team’s attitude when he joined the agency almost a year ago.

Sunstein is working on regulations and internal processes across the department’s portfolio, but immigration has taken center stage.

The agency is attempting to cement protections in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which launched via an Obama-era memorandum and has never been reinforced in an official rulemaking. The proposed rule already faces headwinds after a federal court questioned the department’s authority to offer such status.

Another proposal would revamp the asylum process for border crossers, letting U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services officers adjudicate claims instead of funneling them to backlogged immigration courts.

The approach would streamline the process “so that people who don’t deserve asylum can get that answer in short order and they won’t live in Dante’s purgatory,” Sunstein said. “People who deserve asylum will get that answer in shorter order,” he added.

DHS is also working on a rule that would clarify who’s eligible for asylum. The department will likely release a draft this year, Sunstein said.

“Neither of these is on the backburner,” he said of the asylum measures. The Biden administration on Thursday finalized an increase in visas for temporary nonagricultural workers.

“With Congress not making any major changes in the immigration space right now, regulations are often the best way to make lasting change in the way the laws are interpreted within the department,” American Immigration Council policy counsel Aaron Reichlin-Melnick said.

Bolstering Rules

At the same time, Republicans have taken up border security as a cudgel against Democrats in the lead-up to the midterm elections, and GOP-led states are taking the fight to federal courts — with frequent success so far.

That gives Sunstein the critical job of anticipating possible critiques and making sure the agency’s actions can withstand them. His placement in DHS shows the Biden administration recognizes the legal hazards that lie ahead, former agency official Theresa Cardinal Brown said.

Sunstein “knows the process probably better than just about anybody else you could find right now,” said Brown, now managing director of immigration and cross-border policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center. “He literally has written books on this.” Read more here.

I'd consider a White House job offer in a heartbeat' - Dublin-born former  advisor to Barack Obama - source and adjacent article here

At the very least, czars should be defunded and let the FOIA requests begin.


Suitable Ratings for the Audience/Students Must be Challenged

In 1945, The Motion Picture Association began to apply a film rating system for the suitability of movies for the audience. It is a classification that is applied to matters of profanity, sex, violence and substance abuse that adults consider for children and adolescents.

It is still used today but quite selectively and all levels of government now appears to ignore the suitability of what is now a matter of indecent exposure.

Pornography is defined as sexually explicit exploitation of lurid writings, videos and images. The FBI investigates and successfully prosecutes these types of cases every day across the country. The FBI has a warning on their website known as ‘sextortion’. It refers to online activities, but does it end there? What about in public school classrooms or libraries or on television or or streaming apps and basic TV commercials? That is where local, state and the Federal government appears to fall silent except where encouraging and teaching such behaviors. Sadly, however, the FBI misses countless cases such as the female gymnasts scandal. This case involves an estimate 90 gymnasts of whom many have testified before Congress. So…where is Congress? Where is the Department of Education? Where is the White House? Where is the church of all faiths….almost a questionable item there however.

We are now in a place where various sexual exploitation is literally taught in public schools to children at very young ages and lesson plans along with organizations advocate for gender dysphoria which alters the emotion conditions of it’s subjects, often with lifelong damage.

So, exactly where are the classification applied to motion pictures as they should be applied to TV commercials, public school classrooms, books, images and videos? Why do we have such a fracture in all of this? We often hear various Federal government leaders including the president refer to America values. Is this type of alleged suitability now part of the American value system?

Title 9 is essentially over with. It was a good fight to codify Title 9 into law but now, with the ‘woke’ sexually explicit advocates it is over with. We have gender jumpers challenging all sorts of women’s sports. The Scouting program is almost completely destroyed. Gender specific housing is gone as are locker rooms and bathrooms.

There are criminal sex offenders that have jobs in the public schools and in other government jobs where children and even adults are vulnerable to the threats of being victims and many are including the very recent matter in the Fairfax, Virginia school system.

The Left and the sexually explicit advocates will cry censorship and compare it all to the banning of books by Nazi Germany.

All of this has caused a new and more engaged block of voters….mothers….and fathers fighting back against the progressive school systems, unions and school boards as we have seen in several states including Virginia and Florida. The levels of government cannot replace the duties of parents and must never do so. Consider this particular case from January in Florida.

In Missouri –>


New Missouri law bans ‘explicit sexual material’ in private, public schools

ST. LOUIS — Some St. Louis area school districts are reviewing materials that may be in violation of a new Missouri law that bans content containing “explicit sexual material” in both private and public schools.

What You Need To Know

  • SB 775 goes into law Aug. 28 and was part of a Missouri bill addressing child trafficking, sexual assault and other related crimes
  • The bill defines explicit sexual material as any visual depictions of acts of sex and genitalia
  • Materials that are exempt include those that “have a serious artistic significance, works of anthropological significance or materials used in science courses”

SB 775 goes into law Aug. 28 and was part of a Missouri bill addressing child trafficking, sexual assault and other related crimes.

The bill defines explicit sexual material as any visual depictions of acts of sex and genitalia, according to a summary of the bill. Materials that are exempt include those that “have a serious artistic significance, works of anthropological significance or materials used in science courses.”

Violations of the law are a Class A misdemeanor resulting in a year in jail and a $2,000 fine, according to the bill.


So, perhaps in summary, we should legislatively use that model rating system of the Motion Picture Association for public schools, TV commercials, college campuses, books and images for the sake of American values, whatever they are anymore.

Coming on August 30, 2022, Project Veritas is introducing a multi-part series about the secret curriculum and it could just include such scandalous issues described above.