The Free Palestine Movement Never Mentions Mohammed Salameh

Has anyone asked Rashida Tlaib, the Palestinian congresswoman from Michigan about Mohammed Salameh and his prison sentence? Who is he and what did he do you ask…. well the first World Trade Center bombing was caused by massive explosives inside a van in the parking garage and Salameh…rented that van. He was later arrested after he reported the van stolen and wanted his cash deposit of $400.00 refunded….ah HAH!

He entered the United States on a six-month tourist visa in 1988 but then overstayed. He was still in the country illegally in 1993 during the World Trade Center bombing. He applied for an immigration amnesty under a 1986 law that set up the Special Agricultural Worker program despite never having been eligible. However, he was still guaranteed work authorization.

World Trade Center Bombing 1993 — FBI

Salameh’s 1978 Chevy Nova was used to ferry the nitric acid and urea used to construct the bomb used in the past 1993 bombing.

Despite failing his driving test four times, Salameh had been the driver for the group. On January 24, 1993, he jumped a curb and tore the undercarriage from his car, injuring himself and Ramzi Yousef. He was checked out of Rahway Hospital the following day and went to the garage to clean his car while Yousef remained in the hospital for four more days.[3]

With his Nova in for repairs, Salameh got Nidal Ayyad to use his corporate account with Allied Signal to rent him a new car. However, he got in a car accident again on February 16 and collided with a car.

***Parole Board Votes to Release RFK Assassin Sirhan Sirhan

Then there is Sirhan Sirhan…remember him? He killed Robert Kennedy, at the time he was a presidential candidate. The Jordanian Palestinian was in fact paroled and George Gascon refused to oppose his release but Governonr Gavin Newsom eventually blocked the release of Sirhan in 2022 and he was again denied parole in 2023.  Sirhan was born in ‘mandatory Palestine’ of the West Bank and later became a citizen of Jordan. His family immigrated to te United States when he was 12 years old. He never became a U.S. citizen.


Now at issue is President Biden is considering issuing visas to Palestinians in Gaza that have family members in the United States. Discussions are in fact underway and include those who are legal permanent residents in the U.S. become U.S. citizens. It is notable that no country in the Middle East especially Jordan or Egypt want any Palestinians. Biden’s mission is to use a tool called DED, deferred enforced departure. Those Palestinians already i the United States that are under threat of deportation for various reasons have deferral under his executive order for at least 18 months.

One has to ask if those pro-Palestinians or in fact are Palestinians that have been arrested for the threats and protests on college campuses are protected under the Biden DED program.

Russian warships Arrive in Cuba, Complete with Hypersonic Missiles

Meanwhile, our Commander in Chief has left the United States for a G7 Summit in Italy.

Cuban armed forces said in a statement Thursday, confirming the military exercises first disclosed by U.S. officials on Wednesday.

The Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces said the Russian missile frigate Admiral Gorshkov, the nuclear sub Kazan, the oil tanker Pashin and the salvage tug Nikolai Chiker are included.


(exact text from USNI)

THE PENTAGON – A nuclear Russian submarine carrying guided missiles with a range of 1,000 nautical miles is operating off the East Coast as part of Russian missile drills in the Atlantic.
Kazan, a Yasen-M-class guided missile submarine, is part of a naval action group the Russian Ministry of Defense deployed to the Atlantic. The group is bound for the Caribbean as part of military drills ordered by the Kremlin against the backdrop of the war in Ukraine, according to the MoD.

On Tuesday, Kazan and the advanced guided-missile frigate Admiral Gorshkov tested anti-ship missiles in the Atlantic at targets with a range of more than 350 miles before resuming its transit to a previously scheduled port visit to Havana on Wednesday, the Russian MoD said in a statement.

Ship spotters are tracking the Russian action group off the coast. The group was operating just east of the Florida Keys as of Tuesday afternoon and is under surveillance by at least three U.S. guided-missile destroyers and a P-8A Poseidon anti-submarine aircraft, according to public flight and ship tracking data.

A Navy spokesperson referred USNI News to the Office of the Secretary of Defense when asked about the U.S. warships. A Pentagon spokesperson would not confirm the details, but provided a Monday statement about the Russian exercises.

“Russia will conduct heightened naval and air activity near the United States. These actions will likely culminate in a global Russian naval exercise this fall. We are expecting that Russia will temporarily send combat naval vessels to the Caribbean region and these ships will likely conduct port calls in Cuba and possibly Venezuela,” reads a statement from OSD.
“There may also be some aircraft deployments or flights in the region. Russia’s deployments are part of routine naval activity and we are not concerned by Russia’s deployments, which pose no direct threat to the United States. “

While Russian ships operating in the Caribbean is not new, the submarine and the frigate are among the most advanced Russian warships and their presence is the largest visit of Russian Navy ships to the region in years. For example, last year the training ship Perekop sailed to Havana.

The modern Kazan and Gorshkov both field a variety of anti-ship and land attack weapons. While it’s unclear what weapons the two ships used during the Tuesday test fire, they both can field the 1,000-mile range 3M-54 Kalibir NK land attack cruise missile, the P-800 Oniks anti-ship missile and the 3M-22 Zircon hypersonic anti-ship cruise missiles.

According to a report in RUSIKazan could field up to 32 P-800s, 40 Kalibirs and an unknown number of Zircons.

The Kalibir, modeled on the U.S. Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles, is a key weapon for the Yasen submarines.

The silent operation and weapon load out of the 13,800-ton submarines are reasons U.S. officials have used to describe the boats as some of the most capable in the world.

For the Yasens, “long-range strike missions appear to … a primary task. This will likely necessitate a change in how NATO manages the anti-submarine warfare challenge in the High North, given that a strategy of barrier defense at the Greenland–Iceland–U.K. gap may actually do little to impact Russian submarines, which may have little need to traverse this barrier in order to achieve their operational ends,” according to RUSI.

Last year, then-commander of U.S. Northern Command Gen. Glen VanHerck said the deployment of cruise-missile submarines off the coast of the U.S. is increasing and is a growing concern for homeland defense.

“[The risk is] absolutely increasing. Within the last year, Russia has also placed their [Yasens] in the Pacific,” he said.
“Now not only the Atlantic, but we also have them in the Pacific and it’s just a matter of time – probably a year or two – before that’s a persistent threat, 24 hours a day. … That impact has reduced decision space for a national senior leader in a time of crisis.”

8 ISIS-K Arrested in 3 Cities After Crossing the Southern Border

In part from USA Today, hardly tells the whole story about this case.

WASHINGTON ― U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents in recent days arrested eight foreign nationals in the U.S. suspected to have ties with the terrorist group ISIS, a U.S. official familiar with the investigation confirmed.

The eight individuals were detained on immigration charges from New York, Los Angeles and Philadelphia. Each is from Tajikistan and entered the U.S. at the southern Mexico border, the official said. They remain in U.S. custody.

The official said no derogatory information was detected about the individuals during their initial screening at the border but the U.S. later learned information that tied them to ISIS. They don’t currently face any terrorism charges. More here. 

A deeper dive:

The FBI had been tracking these operatives for several weeks, long before the most recent fake Biden Executive Order on the southern border. Obviously the White House ignored not only the case and intelligence but continues to ignore the warnings put forward by FBI Director Christopher Wray in several congressional hearings.

Bill Melugin
BREAKING: Per federal source familiar, ICE, in conjunction w/ the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force, arrested 8 Tajikistan nationals w/ suspected ISIS ties in NYC, LA, and Philly in recent days. I’m told all 8 crossed the southern border illegally, received “full vetting”, and had no initial derogatory information that flagged. I’m told derogatory info/potential national security concerns flagged later on – apparently after release into the US. Source was unable to say when and where they crossed illegally into the US. All are now in ICE custody pending removal proceedings and an active federal investigation. This was initially scooped by

& New York Post, who report at least one of the individuals was caught on a FBI wiretap talking about bombs. FBI/DHS joint statement to

“Over the last few days, ICE agents arrested several non-citizens pursuant to immigration authorities. The actions were carried out in close coordination with the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Forces. The individuals arrested are detained in ICE custody pending removal proceedings. As the FBI and DHS have recently described in public and partner bulletins, the U.S. has been in a heightened threat environment. The FBI and DHS will continue working around the clock with our partners to identify, investigate, and disrupt potential threats to national security. ”

In part from CBS:The official noted that it is very difficult for the U.S. to deport migrants to Tajikistan due to both operational and diplomatic reasons. In fiscal year 2023, ICE deported only 4 migrants to that Central Asian country, according to agency data.

The arrests were carried out in close coordination with the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Forces, the FBI and Department of Homeland Security said in a statement, adding that the individuals who were arrested are in ICE custody pending removal proceedings.

“As the FBI and DHS have recently described in public and partner bulletins, the U.S. has been in a heightened threat environment,” the statement went on to say. “The FBI and DHS will continue working around the clock with our partners to identify, investigate, and disrupt potential threats to national security.”

*** Per UPI:

“Now increasingly concerning is the potential for a coordinated attack here in the homeland, akin to the ISIS-K attack we saw at the Russia Concert Hall,” Wray testified in April.

“As the FBI and DHS have recently described in public and partner bulletins, the United States has been in a heightened threat environment,” according to Tuesday’s statement on the arrests.

“The FBI and DHS will continue working around the clock with our partners to identify, investigate and disrupt potential threats to national security.”

According to the National Counterterrorism Center, IS-K is among the deadliest branches of ISIS, conducting attacks in Afghanistan and Pakistan as well as in Iran, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan while seeking to conduct similar operations in the United States and Europe.

It was sanctioned by the United States as a foreign terrorist organization in 2016.

Actor George Clooney’s Wife Plays Key Role in ICC Arrest Warrants for Netanyahu

Imagine having to defend your country for years against terrorists and using every humanitarian tactic seen and unseen and then have the International Criminal Court issue an arrest warrant for doing just that. Imagine how many other leaders have never been investigated or have an arrest warrant…those like Bashir al Assad, President of Syria to killing innocent civilians with bombings and even chemical weapons. Imagine purposely starving and jailing dissenters and never having an arrest warrant…how about allowing children that are classified as migrants being sold or turned over to known sexual predators or being housed as slaves to work off the debt to human traffickers…..

Yes, all that and more…yet Amal Clooney says it goes something like this –> Oh and she for sure along with George is a globalist…

“There is no doubt that the step taken today by the prosecutor is a milestone in the history of international criminal law,” the group added. “There is no conflict that should be excluded from the reach of the law; no child’s life valued less than another’s. The law we apply is humanity’s law, not the law of any given side. It must protect all the victims of this conflict; and all civilians in conflicts to come.” source

Don’t kid yourself, this is part of the Biden administration’s ploy for a regime change in Israel…

The court’s prosecutor, Karim Khan, accused Netanyahu, Gallant, and three Hamas leaders — Yehya Sinwar, Mohammed Deif and Ismail Haniyeh — of war crimes and crimes against humanity in the Gaza Strip and Israel.

Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders condemned the move as disgraceful and antisemitic. U.S. President Joe Biden also lambasted the prosecutor and supported Israel’s right to defend itself against Hamas. source

Amal Clooney launches her own award in partnership with Prince's Trust ...

Per the Daily Mail in part:

Amal Clooney played a key role in the International Criminal Court’s decision to issue arrest warrants for Israel’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Hamas’ leader Yahya Sinwar over alleged war crimes, it has been revealed.

Clooney, a renowned human rights lawyer, was named as one of the six legal experts who helped British prosecutor Karim Khan come to the decision, announced today, to seek warrants for Netanyahu, Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, as well as three Hamas leaders.

Clooney, who is married to Hollywood legend George Clooney, revealed that she had been asked to help Khan evaluate the evidence of alleged war crimes in Gaza and Israel four months ago.

She added in a statement on her foundation’s website: ‘As a human rights lawyer, I will never accept that one child’s life has less value than another’s. I do not accept that any conflict should be beyond the reach of the law, nor that any perpetrator should be above the law.’

An Israeli official slammed the ICC’s move as a ‘baseless blood libel’ against the country, while senior figures including President Isaac Herzog called the move ‘outragious,’ saying it ‘cannot be accepted by anyone’.

‘[The] ICC prosecutor’s baseless blood libel against Israel has crossed a red line in his lawfare efforts against the lone Jewish state and the only democracy in the Middle East,’ the official said, according to the Financial Times.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Monday denounced as ‘shameful’ a bid by the International Criminal Court prosecutor to arrest Israeli leaders, rejecting the court’s authority and saying the move put ceasefire efforts at risk.

‘We reject the prosecutor’s equivalence of Israel with Hamas. It is shameful,’ Blinken said in a statement.

A spokesperson for British prime minister Rishi Sunak said: ‘This action is not helpful in relation to reaching a pause in the fighting, getting hostages out or getting humanitarian aid in.’

‘We fully respect the independence of the ICC,’ Austrian chancellor Karl Nehammer said. ‘The fact however that the leader of the terrorist organisation Hamas whose declared goal is the extinction of the State of Israel is being mentioned at the same time as the democratically elected representatives of that very State is non-comprehensible.’

Read the full article here from the Daily Mail for total context.

More about Amal: She has held various appointments with the Government of the United Kingdom and the United Nations, and is also an adjunct law professor at Columbia Law School. In 2016, she and her husband, the American actor George Clooney, co-founded the Clooney Foundation for Justice. Originally from Lebanon, her father is Druze and her mother is Sunni. She enrolled at the New York University School of Law (NYU Law) to study for an LLM degree. She received the Jack J. Katz Memorial Award for excellence in entertainment law. While at the university, she worked for one semester in the office of American lawyer and jurist Sonia Sotomayor, who was then a judge for the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit and an NYU Law faculty member. Since 2015, Amal has been a visiting faculty member as well as a senior fellow at Columbia Law School’s Human Rights Institute, where she co-teaches the Human Rights Course with Professor Sarah H. Cleveland.

Judge Merchan is Part of an Incestuous Legal Template

There is a clique, a tribe and even a dynasty when it comes to judges, law firms and cases…they do collude and certainly between Washington DC and New York.

Juan Merchan - Zeydanspriyadi Judge Juan Merchan

So, have a look at the Judge overseeing the Trump ‘hush-money’ case, Juan Merchan…You may need to even take notes for this.

  • Merchan was born in Bogota, Columbia and later emigrated to New York and is a graduate of Hofstra University.
  • Merchan’s career began with the appointment to a Bronx Family Court by then Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Then Democrat Governor David Patterson appointed Merchan to the New York State Supreme Court.
  • He has given campaign donations to the Democrat Party, to Joe Biden’s campaign, to the Progressive Turnout Project and to Stop Republicans, a subsidiary of the Progressive Turnout Project.
  • Merchan presided over the Trump Organization in the tax fraud case that sent Allen Weisselberg to prison.
  • He too was the Judge in the Steve Bannon case for fraud.
  • His daughter Loren serves as President of the Chicago based Authentic Campaigns, a digital firm that does online fundraising, web design and mobile messaging.
  • Authentic Campaigns has history of work for: Senator Corey Booker, Avow (abortion advocacy), Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Governor Katie Hobbs, Governor Tina Kotek, the Immigrant Justice Fund, the National Immigration Law Center, Vote dot Org which uses Taylor Swift, the United Nations Populations Fund, Adam Schiff for Senate, Biden Harris, Governor Kathy Hochul, Congressman Dan Goldman, Senator Mazie Hirono, Hakeem Jeffries and even Ilhan Omar.
  • New York Congressman Dan Goldman also prepped Michael Cohen as a witness for the Trump trial.Goldman also paid more than $157,000 dollars to the political consulting firm of Merchan’s daughter, Loren Merchan, Federal Election Commission disbursement filings.
  • Congressman Dan Goldman, per Breitbart running in New York, is part of a new cohort of left-wing prosecutors who have brought their “woke” left-wing ideas into law enforcement, where their mission is to liberate criminals through “reform,” while persecuting conservatives.

    He was once an obscure former Southern District of New York prosecutor who appeared occasionally on MSNBC, where he helped spread the “Russia collusion” conspiracy theory. Notably, he was taken in by Christopher Steele’s so-called “pee tape.”

    He then found his way to the House Intelligence Committee, where he was employed as Schiff’s committee counsel. In that role, he led the impeachment investigation — such as it was — into President Donald Trump’s supposedly scandalous phone call with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky.

  • The staff at Authentic Campaigns per the website is made up of 55% Cis-women, 36% Cis men and 10% non-binary and well it seems the entire organization is about pronouns too.
  • In 2020, Kamala Harris paid Authentic Campaign for services along with Perkins Coie (the firm that initiated the Trump dossier) and Act Blue.
  • Loren Merchan has raised so far $93 million just off the Trump ‘hush-money’ case while raising $73.6 million for the Senator Schumer led Democrat Senate PAC.
  • Judge Juan Merchan’s wife, Lara Merchan, worked for 21 years as a Special Assistant in the New York Attorney General’s office, including three years when Letitia James served as AG. James had led a widespread investigation into Trump’s business dealings and last year won a $350 million civil fraud case against the former president.
  • UPDATED: Bannon surrenders to NY prosecutors Letitia James and Alvin Bragg

And then this –>

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) sent a letter to New York Attorney General Letitia James demanding documents about New York County District Attorney (DANY) Alvin Bragg’s lead prosecutor Matthew Colangelo as the Committee continues its investigation into politicized prosecutions.

Given the perception that the Biden DOJ is assisting in District Attorney Bragg’s prosecution, Chairman Jordan has requested communications and documents related to Colangelo’s previous employment at the New York Attorney General’s Office, where he worked several anti-Trump investigations. The fact that a former senior Biden DOJ official—whose previous employment consisted of leading “a wave of state litigation against Trump administration policies”—is now leading the prosecution of President Biden’s chief political rival only adds to the perception that the Biden DOJ is politicized and weaponized.

Yesterday, May 15, 2024, at 10:00 am ET the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government held a hearing to examine the weaponization of the rule of law.

Excerpts of the letter to New York AG Letitia James:

“Mr. Colangelo’s recent employment history demonstrates his obsession with investigating a person rather than prosecuting a crime. At the New York Attorney General’s Office, Mr. Colangelo—who, for some time, held the title of Chief Counsel for Federal Initiatives—ran investigations into President Trump, leading ‘a wave of state litigation against Trump administration policies.’ On January 20, 2021, the first day of the Biden Administration, Mr. Colangelo began serving as the Acting Associate Attorney General—the number three official at the Justice Department. Upon the confirmation of Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta, Mr. Colangelo then served as the Principal Deputy Associate Attorney General. In December 2022, District Attorney Bragg ‘beefed up [his] office’ by hiring Mr. Colangelo to fill the void left by the departure of politicized line prosecutors Mark Pomerantz and Carey Dunne. District Attorney Bragg hired Mr. Colangelo to ‘jump-start’ his office’s investigation of President Trump, reportedly due to Mr. Colangelo’s ‘history of taking on Donald J. Trump and his family business.’ Mr. Colangelo is now a lead prosecutor in President Trump’s trial.

“District Attorney Bragg’s prosecution concerns federal subject matter that is identical to a matter that the Justice Department closed in 2018, raising concerns that a state-level prosecutor is seeking to relitigate an issue on which the federal government previously declined prosecution. In addition, Bragg’s prosecution relies heavily on the testimony of his star witness, Michael Cohen, a convicted felon with a demonstrable bias against President Trump. Cohen pleaded guilty to lying to Congress in 2018. In 2019, when he testified before the Democrat-led House Committee on Oversight and Reform in a hearing orchestrated by a longtime Democrat activist to aid their fruitless investigation into President Trump, Cohen lied again—six times. In the years since, Cohen has been vocal about his deeply personal animus toward President Trump.

“District Attorney Bragg’s politicized prosecution of President Trump has serious consequences for federal interests. The fact that a former senior Biden Justice Department official—whose previous employment consisted of leading ‘a wave of state litigation against Trump administration policies’—is now leading the prosecution of President Biden’s chief political rival only adds to the perception that the Biden Justice Department is politicized and weaponized.”

Read the full letter to New York AG Letitia James here.

Read the full letter to AG Garland here.

Read the full letter to Matthew Colangelo here.

Read the full letter to Alvin Bragg here.