Biden Considers Haitian Refugees in Guantanamo?

In recent days, it is being reported that the Biden White House is considering sending Haitian refugees to Guantanamo if conditions get worse. Exactly how much worse when the gangs control 80% of Port au Prince? But know this….it is not a new concept at all by the Biden administration….no you ask? Nope….you see Al Jazeera reported in back in September of 2021.

What is worse actually is the U.S State Department and the Department of Homeland Security have known about the doom and pending collapse of Haiti at least since early 2021 and did….nothing. Now it is at a crisis. But history repeats itself…what do I mean?

Well in the 1990’s Guantanamo was used as a makeshift camp for thousands of Haitians. Yet just last year….the President of Haiti, Jovenel Moise was assassinated…and so here we are in a total collapse and Secretary of State Blinkin visited to tell the interim government led by Ariel Henry  to just leave..which after a day or so he did. Meanwhile, Blinkin is pledging money everywhere all while a Marine Anti Terrorism Unit has just arrived in Haiti allegedly to protect government personnel at the U.S. embassy while American citizen volunteers are begging for help to get out…another Kabul, Afghanistan is now.

Police rebels in Haiti occupy the streets of Port-au-Prince to protest ...

According to Matthew Miller, the State Department spokesperson, the U.S. has no idea how many Americans are in Haiti and how many want to get out…all too familiar…..Miller also said that Haiti has ben a Level 4 country since 2020 which means, the United States advises for no Americans to travel to Haiti. 4 years…

Haiti: Thousands Trapped as Gangs Battle for Control in Port-au-Prince source and for educational purposes.

Will Nicaragua and Venezuela or even Ecuador be next?

So, Florida Governor DeSantis is in full blown offense in the Key West region to fight back against an incursion and he should. Haitians are fleeing already to the Dominican Republic but…..the DR too is on the offense and using every bus it can mobilize to removed the Haitian migrants back across the border to Haiti.

So, after of few minutes on the State Department website to see any actually posts about Haiti…well no unless you scroll to page 2-3 and beyond. For instance, in November of 2023, there was a post of an increase in the reward for information leading to the arrest or capture of a Haitian gang leader…$2 million dollars for organized crime. The post also include some text referring to the 400 Mawozo gang engaged in kidnapping 16 U.S, Christian missionaries and holding them for ransom. However there is no update to the condition of those kidnapped or anyone arrested.

Ah be more recently, Secretary Blinkin was in Brazil holding a multinational security support mission ministerial meeting where of course sustainable planet talk was first to be mentioned only later did Bliknin discuss the gangs in Haiti. He did declare the gangs were in control of 80% of Port au Prince and these armed groups use sexual assaults and rape to terrorize the population. They are blocking trade routes and have cut off access to food, clean water, healthcare and electricity. He said nothing of kidnapping sick people right out of hospital rooms or the burning of houses and people by the gang leader, a former cop known as bar-be-que. 

But Blinkin did allocated $189 million then and just this week another $400 million…for what? No clue and payable to whom? Again, no clue. So…call in the United Nations…right? Well, the U.S. is already there and has been since the earthquake in 2010.

Perhaps putting gang members and leaders in Guantanamo is the right thing to do actually.



Confirmed Biden’s Secret Chartered Migrant Flights

Who are these people and where are they exactly and what are they doing?

In part from the Daily Mail:

Aliens who cannot legally enter the U.S. use CBP One to apply for travel authorization and temporary humanitarian release from those airports.

Under this parole release, migrants are able to remain in the U.S. for two years without obtaining legal status and are eligible for work authorization.

The administration first said it would not reveal which airports the undocumented aliens were transported, citing a ‘law enforcement exception’ in the refusal to hand over information.

But new information from the Center for Immigration Studies lawsuit reveals the locations were not disclosed due to fear ‘bad actors’ would inflict harm on public safety or the information would create law enforcement vulnerabilities.

CBP lawyers wrote that revealing the airports would ‘reveal information about the relative number of individuals arriving, and thus resources expended at particular airports.’

That would in turn reveal ‘operational vulnerabilities that could be exploited by bad actors altering their patterns of conduct, adopting new methods of operation, and taking other countermeasures.’

CIS said that the secretive flights are ‘legally dubious’ and claimed that since CBP will not disclose the locations for fear of ‘grave’ consequences, it is likely not a program that should continue.

Lawyers also did not disclose the locations of foreign airport departures, making it unclear where these migrants are coming from.

But those eligible for the CBP One applications are citizens from Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Colombia and Ecuador.

But it is actually a little worse as the Biden administration is actually loaning money to migrants…do they need to pay back the loans? Nah…
The International Office of Migration….yes with a budget paid out of the State Department at an estimate amount to be $2.4 billion….but read on…

The International Organization for Migration’s (IOM) Travel Loan Program helps to provide penalty and interest-free loans to refugees arriving in the United States. Refugees who accept these travel loans are required to sign a promissory note prior to departure, committing themselves to repayment of the debt within a determined period after arrival.

IOM arranges travel for refugee using funds furnished by the Department of State and is mandated to subsequently receive refugees’ repayments on behalf of the Department of State. Repayments made are remitted to a revolving fund created between the Department of State and IOM for use by the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) to defray the cost of future refugee travel.

A Travel Loan repayment is initially assigned either to IOM itself or to a resettlement agency.

The core belief of the Program is that refugees’ financial participation in making repayments against their debt will strengthen their determination to make a success of their migration. Furthermore, repayments are utilized by IOM and other receiving agencies to help establish the credit worthiness of the newly arriving refugees. Not only does that help refugees better integrate and contribute to the US economy, it also serves as a protection tool against abusive and predatory lending markets for those without credit worthiness.

The Bidens, a hospital chain and Americore

It is a LONNNNG read but necessary….What is worse is the Department of Justice knows full well the whole story as noted in part below.

Pennsylvania Seeking Medical Supplies From Hospital Driven Into Financial  Ruin by Venture Linked to Biden's Brother Free Beacon pretty much had the story back in 2020.

From Politico:

Biden’s brother used his name to promote a hospital chain. Then it collapsed.

Jim Biden played a major role in a company called Americore, which the government has accused of massive Medicare fraud.

The consultant, Jim Biden, had no experience running hospitals. But he did understand the federal government and had ties to labor unions. Perhaps more important, he was the younger brother of Joe Biden.

The email, obtained by POLITICO from a person close to the company, documents one of the many ways in which Jim Biden invoked his brother’s name and clout in the course of his work with Americore, whichhas since gone bankrupt, wreaking havoc in rural communities in the process.

Jim Biden spoke of plans to give his brother equity in Americore, according to one former Americore executive, and install him on its board, according to a second. He also said that if Americore could find a winning business model for rural health care, his brother could promote the company in a future presidential campaign, a third former executive told POLITICO. All were granted anonymity to discuss a company mired in legal and political controversy

In order to fund Americore’s expansion, Jim Biden offered to secure capital from investors in the Middle East, according to the emails and executives. When the expected money did not arrive, it aggravated Americore’s preexisting financial issues. The company collapsed, leaving behind unpaid bills and neglected patients.

The management failures took a human toll as hospital staff went unpaid, services dwindled, and authorities were forced to intervene. At Americore’s hospital in southeastern Kentucky — ravaged by staff departures and dwindling medical supplies — a patient died of cardiac arrest in late 2018 after receiving substandard care, according to a Department of Health and Human Services report obtained by POLITICO.

Meanwhile, the Justice Department found that Americore’s hospital in Pennsylvania entered into sham service agreements and paid kickbacks as part of a scheme that billed the government for medically unnecessary lab tests the hospital shipped out to be performed elsewhere.

Those actions are at the center of a federal prosecution of a $100 million conspiracy to defraud Medicare that has netted a guilty plea from the recipient of the kickbacks, and, according to a person familiar with the case, remains ongoing.

Now, House Republicans pursuing an impeachment inquiry focused on the relationship between the president and his relatives’ business dealings have also homed in on Americore. The House Oversight Committee is set to interview Jim Biden on Feb. 21 as part of the inquiry.

The investigation also reveals that Joe Biden’s name and inner circle were more involved with the company than has been understood: In addition to the accounts provided by former executives, investor materials described Jim Biden as an adviser to his older brother. And on top of Joe Biden’s own previously reported encounter with the firm’s CEO, at least three of Joe Biden’s relatives did work with Americore. They include Jim Biden’s wife, Sara, and his son, Jamie. The president’s son, Hunter Biden also met with its CEO, and his personal doctor — current White House physician Kevin O’Connor — joined a meeting with Jim Biden and the president of a hospital being acquired by Americore, according to a former executive and emails obtained by POLITICO.

While the extent to which Joe Biden’s relatives have invoked their ties to him to advance their business careers has been a subject of ongoing controversy, the documents obtained by POLITICO demonstrate that Joe Biden was a central element of Jim Biden’s pitch to potential partners and investors during this period.

Read it all for yourself….in full here

China has now Postured to Control our Agriculture and Food

Anyone paying attention to the others things going on at the United Nations?

Meet FAO….Food and Agriculture Organization and the Director General Qu Dongyu, located in Beijing. According to the website:

After three decades of economic reform, China has become the second largest economy in the World. In the 21st century, FAO’s cooperation with China has entered a new era. In addition to receiving needed assistance, China has become one of the major supporters to the FAO led endeavours to fight hunger and food insecurity through offering its successful experience to the rest of the developing world.

FAO’s Work in China

China is now in its 14th Five-Year Development Period (2021-2025), and FAO, together with multiple stakeholders in the country, has developed the Country Programming Framework (CPF) for 2021-2025, which is positioned to provide strategic support for China to promote all-round rural revitalization in the post-pandemic era, ensuring food security and promoting high-quality agricultural development. Meanwhile, it is envisaged to step up cooperation with China in global food and agricultural governance and promote the implementation of Global Development Initiative in the agriculture sector, sharing China’s progress and experience in poverty reduction, agricultural development and 2030 agenda implementation with the international community. It sets out three priority areas:

  • Supporting people and prosperity and better production and better nutrition through rural revitalization
  • Protecting planet and better environment through a sustainable and resilient agri-food systems
  • Enhancing partnership and better life through international and regional agriculture cooperation
Why is this so terrifying? The video below explains it all and just about every nation’s representative at the United Nations knows full well what is happening.

So, where exactly is our U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations? Where is the State Department? Anyone have a connection to the House Committee on China?

The video is about 40 minutes but is explains so much, you may need to take notes.

U.S. farmers are actually going broke and soon to be extinct and here is but one reason why….Syngenta

Notice paraquat and the EPA on the same page? Syngenta is mentioned a few times in the video above.

So, we have China hacking us as noted several times in congressional hearings.

Then they tried to break us financially and physically with a virus.

Now China has teamed up with other rogue nations to break us militarily.

But mostly and certainly visually Chinese are invading our borders especially now in California. Who are they and why?


DHS so Desperate to Process Illegals, the VA is being Used

And no one in The House, with the authority of how the Federal government spends money has approved any Veterans Administration people, resources or money be used to process or treat illegals from the Southern border.Vet commits suicide in front of hundreds at VA clinic in Texas ...


The VA’s Austin, Texas-based Financial Services Center (FSC) has been contracted by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) since 2002 to process reimbursement claims by providers who offer services to detained migrants.

In fiscal year 2022, which ended Sept. 30 of that year, FSC processed 161,538 such claims, with the ICE Health Services Corps (IHSC) paying out an average of $584 — a total of $94.3 million in taxpayer money, according to a July 2023 Department of Homeland Security report on “Healthcare Costs for Noncitizens in Detention.”


The Department of Veterans Affairs is getting some flak for helping U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) process health care treatment for illegal immigrants despite a growing backlog of U.S. veterans.

Under the arrangement, which has been around for more than 20 years, ICE pays for the VA’s Financial Service Center (FSC) to process medical claims for ICE’s Health Services Corps (IHSC), as well as other government agencies. IHSC is only responsible for authorizing healthcare services and obtaining providers to deliver the health care.

In fiscal year 2021, FSC processed $74 million worth of claims budgeted by IHSC. The following fiscal year, FSC budgeted more than $94 million in ICE funds, according to a Department of Homeland Security report on “Healthcare Costs for Noncitizens in Detention.”

It comes amid a growing backlog of benefits claims by veterans. As of December 2023, that number stood at 378,000 claims.

The department has attributed the growing number of claims to the PACT Act, which it says accounted for a surge of benefit applications — surpassing previous records by nearly 40%.

The increase in the number of applications, the VA said, has led to an increase in application time. In some cases, processing can take longer than 125 days, and the department anticipates that the backlog will grow in 2024.

A Wednesday report from The New York Post highlighting the VA’s arrangement with ICE, cited veterans and Republican lawmakers who criticized the deal, given the circumstances.

GOP Rep. Derrick Van of Wisconsin, a retired Navy SEAL on the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, called the arrangement “despicable” and said it “needs to be stopped immediately.”

Former Marine Chad Robichaux, who led civilian evacuation efforts in Afghanistan, said it was a “giant slap in the face to Americans and to the military community,” that “millions of taxpayer dollars [are being] taken from our veterans to instead incentivize and care for an invasion of illegal aliens.”

A VA spokesman contacted by Fox News Digital called the report “extremely misleading,” and was emphatic that the department is not providing funds or healthcare to illegal immigrants in ICE detention.

He distinguished veterans’ healthcare from veterans’ disability claims, which is a separate process. The VA says it processed veteran benefits at a record rate in 2023, delivering $163 billion in earned benefits, including $150 billion in compensation and pension benefits to more than 1.5 million veterans and survivors.

VA Press Secretary Terrence Hayes said the VA’s work for ICE is administrative in function only, involves no more than 10 employees, and is fully paid for by ICE. None of these employees have been diverted from other roles, and no resources for veterans are used for this agreement.

“[The arrangement] “has been in place for every administration since 2002,” Hayes said in a statement. “Our job is to deliver world-class care and benefits to our nation’s Veterans, and we will continue to fight like hell to do exactly that.”

It remained unclear why, if ICE has the funds to pay the VA, it cannot — after 20 years — hire additional personnel of its own to process the paperwork within the department.