WDEF: The former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor who’s been charged with stealing and keeping highly classified material over the course of two decades put U.S. intelligence officers and operations at risk by possessing their names, according to a court filing Thursday.
In the filing with a Maryland federal court, the Justice Department confirmed for the first time specific details about the type of information Harold Martin took from the NSA.
Harold Martin’s Detention order filed on October 27, 2016 is found here. His bail hearing held on October 28 resulted in a denial of freedom and a bail release.
“As an example, information stolen by the Defendant includes numerous names of intelligence officers of the United States,” the filing said. “These officers operate under cover outside the United States, and putting the secrecy of their identities at risk by removing information about those identities from appropriate, secure storage not only endangers the lives and safety of those officers and the individuals with whom they work, but also risks exposure of American intelligence operations.”
The Justice Department added that if numerous intelligence sources and methods for highly sensitive intelligence operations fell into the wrong hands, they “could be rendered nearly useless.”
Prosecutors estimate that a substantial portion of the 50 terabytes of digital information found in Martin’s possession contains “highly classified information.” Authorities also found thousands of hard-copy documents containing “highly classified information” in his possession.
In the filing Thursday, the Justice Department did not say whether the names of intelligence officers were shared with U.S. adversaries and it’s still unclear whether Martin was selling this information or if he was simply hoarding the information in his home.
Regardless of his intentions, the Justice Department plans to charge Martin under the Espionage Act. He has already been charged with theft of government property and removal and retention of classified materials for stealing half a billion pages of U.S. secrets and records between 1996 and 2016.
Martin, 51, of Glen Burnie, Maryland, made his first public court appearance in a Baltimore federal courtroom on Friday and the judge ruled that he must remain detained because he poses a “serious risk to the public.”
In court documents filed last week, government lawyers said that Martin committed theft that was “breathtaking in its longevity and scale.”
The Justice Department revealed only earlier this month that Martin had been arrested in late August when officials used search warrants to look through his home, two storage sheds and car. Martin was a Booz Allen Hamilton Employee.
This comes three years after Edward Snowden, a NSA contractor who also worked for Booz Allen Hamilton, leaked top secret U.S. government documents from the agency.
Author Archives: Denise Simon
FBI to Re-Open Hillary Clinton ServerGate Case Confirmed
Update: There are countless investigations ongoing and as it relates to this reopen of the Hillary case:
New emails found on a government official’s device, likely Huma Abedin tied to the FBI’s Clinton inquiry were discovered during the investigation into Anthony Weiner’s sexting.
It appears there are countless emails coming into evidence that are the cause of the House Oversight Committee and the FBI may be re-opening the email/server investigation. Given the handful of days remaining before the general presidential election, it is assured that something significant has come to the surface that would approve this decision.
Speaker Paul Ryan has just called for cancelling all security briefings for Hillary Clinton.
Jason Chaffetz@jasoninthehouse
FBI Dir just informed me, “The FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation.” Case reopened.
Back in September:
Smith Calls for FBI to Reopen Clinton Investigation
Sep 28, 2016Press ReleaseWASHINGTON – U.S. Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas), chairman of the U.S. House Science, Space, and Technology Committee, today urged FBI Director James Comey to reopen the FBI’s investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email server.
At today’s House Judiciary Committee hearing titled Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Rep. Smith questioned Director Comey and described several recent developments that would justify a reopening of the investigation, including:
- Reports that an employee at a company that managed former Secretary Clinton’s private email server said on the forum Reddit.com, “ . . . I need to strip out a VIP’s (VERY VIP) email address from a bunch of archived emails….” This same employee called a new retention policy designed to delete emails after 60 days a “Hillary cover-up operation.”
- A former Clinton Foundation employee who also managed the Clinton server destroyed devices used by Clinton by smashing them with a hammer.
- Two employees involved in maintaining the Clinton server recently pleading the Fifth Amendment to Congress to avoid self-incrimination.
Rep. Smith also urged Director Comey to ensure that the FBI complied with the Science Committee’s recent subpoena of documents related to the server. More here.
Related reading: House Oversight Chairman promises years of Clinton investigations: ‘She’s not getting a clean slate’
We don’t know if another whistleblower has come forward or if the WikiLeaks emails are at the center of the decision to re-open the Hillary servergate issue but the letter signed by James Comey does offer some clues.
BusinessInsider: NBC News also reported that the FBI will reopen its investigation. In a letter to Congress, FBI director James Comey wrote that the investigative team in charge of looking into Clinton’s server briefed him on Thursday on new emails they found that might contain classified information.
“The FBI cannot assess whether or not this material may be significant,” Comey wrote.
****NYPost: For months now, we’ve been told that Hillary Clinton’s 33,000 missing emails were permanently erased and destroyed beyond recovery. But newly released FBI notes strongly suggest they still exist in several locations — and they could be recovered, if only someone would impanel a grand jury and seize them.
In a May interview with FBI agents, an executive with the Denver contractor that maintained Clinton’s private server revealed that an underling didn’t bleach-clean all her subpoenaed emails, just ones he stored in a data file he used to transfer the emails from the server to Clinton’s aides, who in turn sorted them for delivery to Congress.
The Platte River Networks executive, whose name was redacted from the interview report, said PRN tech Paul Combetta “created a ‘vehicle’ to transfer email files from the live mailboxes of [Clinton Executive Services Corp.] email accounts [and] then later used BleachBit software to shred the ‘vehicle,’ but the email content still existed in the live email accounts.”
Unless one of Clinton’s aides had the capability to log in to the PRN server as an administrator and remove a mailbox, her archived mailboxes more than likely still reside somewhere in that system. And they may also materialize on an internal “shared drive” that PRN created to control access to the Clinton email accounts among PRN employees. PRN has been under FBI order to preserve all emails and other evidence since the start of its investigation last year.
Clinton’s missing “personal” emails may also be captured on a Google server. According to FBI notes, Combetta “transferred all of the Clinton email content to a personal Google email address he created.” Only the FBI never subpoenaed Google to find out.
The FBI documents also reveal that Hillary’s server was mirrored on a cloud server in Pennsylvania maintained by Datto Inc., a tech firm that performs cloud-to-cloud data protection.
When PRN contracted with Datto, it requested that Hillary’s server be backed up locally and privately. But the techs forgot to order the private node, and they sent the server backup data “remotely to Datto’s secure cloud and not to a local private node.” The FBI never subpoenaed Datto’s server, either.
Then there’s the laptop Combetta loaded with the Clinton email archive and allegedly shipped back to a Clinton aide in Washington, who claims it got “lost” in the mail. Not so fast: The latest FBI document dump includes a series of interviews with an unidentified former “special assistant” to Clinton at the State Department who said the elusive Apple MacBook laptop was actually “shipped to the Clinton Foundation in New York City.”
But in a June follow-up interview, FBI agents inexplicably left it up to this critical witness to “inquire about the shipment” with the foundation’s mailroom manager, who works in Rockefeller Center. The FBI still does not have the laptop in its possession.
It turns out that investigators also know the whereabouts of the original Apple server Clinton used in her first two months in office. Recovering that equipment is critical because it contains a mass of unseen emails from Jan. 21, 2009, to March 18, 2009 — a critical period in Clinton’s tenure at State. Witnesses say the equipment was not discarded, as first believed, but “repurposed” as a “work station” used by staff in Clinton’s Chappaqua residence.
Yet the FBI says it “was unable to obtain the original Apple server for a forensic review.” Instead of seizing it, the agency has taken Clinton’s aides’ and lawyers’ word that the server’s bereft of relevant emails. In fact, the agency confesses on Page 27 of its 47-page investigative case summary that it failed to recover other equipment and data as well: “The FBI’s inability to recover all server equipment and the lack of complete server log data for the relevant time period limited the FBI’s forensic analysis of the server systems. As a result, FBI cyber analysis relied, in large part, on witness statements.”
Congressional investigators say FBI Director James Comey in his year-long “investigation” didn’t even bother to send agents to search Clinton’s homes in Chappaqua or Washington, DC. Nor did he dispatch them to the offices of the Clinton Foundation or Clinton Executive Services Corp. in New York City.
“The Clinton residences and other locations should have been treated like any other criminal investigation — with federal grand jury subpoenas or search warrants issued by judges and served in the middle of the night,” said veteran FBI special agent Michael M. Biasello, who worked criminal cases out of New York and other field offices for 27 years.
“Never — I repeat, never — in my career have I or any FBI agent known to me investigated a criminal case without the use of a federal grand jury, grand jury subpoenas or search warrants,” he said. “It’s disgraceful they weren’t used in this case.”
The most damning evidence against Clinton may never have been actually destroyed. It was simply left untouched by the FBI.
It should also be noted that many schedules have been applied to continue Congressional oversight after lawmakers return to session:Chaffetz, Goodlatte Request Perjury Investigation of Hillary Clinton
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Today, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (UT-03) and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (VA-06) sent a letter to the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia requesting an investigation into whether former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton committed perjury and made false statements when testifying under oath before Congress.
The letter states:
“The evidence collected by the FBI during its investigation of Secretary Clinton’s use of a personal email system appears to directly contradict several aspects of her sworn testimony. In light of those contradictions, the Department should investigate and determine whether to prosecute Secretary Clinton for violating statutes that prohibit perjury and false statements to Congress, or any other relevant statutes.”
During a July 5, 2016 hearing before the House Oversight Committee, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director James Comey stated the truthfulness of Secretary Clinton’s testimony before Congress was not within the scope of the FBI’s investigation. According to Director Comey the Department of Justice requires a criminal referral from Congress to initiate an investigation into Secretary Clinton’s congressional testimony.
Additionally, Chairman Chaffetz sent a letter to Director Comey requesting the FBI’s full investigative file from its review of former Secretary Clinton’s use of an authorized private email server.
Chairman Goodlatte sent a letter to Director Comey pressing for more information about the FBI’s investigation and also led a letter signed by over 200 members of Congress demanding answers from FBI Director Comey regarding the many questions surrounding his announcement that he does not recommend federal prosecution against former Secretary Hillary Clinton for mishandling classified information through private email servers.
The Honorable Channing D. Phillips
U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia
555 Fourth Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20530Dear Mr. Phillips:
We write to request an investigation to determine whether former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton committed perjury and made false statements during her testimony under oath before congressional committees.
While testifying before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on July 7, 2016, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director James Comey stated the truthfulness of Secretary Clinton’s testimony before Congress was not within the scope of the FBI’s investigation. Nor had the FBI even considered any of Secretary Clinton’s testimony. Director Comey further testified the Department of Justice requires a criminal referral from Congress to initiate an investigation of Secretary Clinton’s congressional testimony. We are writing for that purpose.
The evidence collected by the FBI during its investigation of Secretary Clinton’s use of a personal email system appears to directly contradict several aspects of her sworn testimony. In light of those contradictions, the Department should investigate and determine whether to prosecute Secretary Clinton for violating statutes that prohibit perjury and false statements to Congress, or any other relevant statutes.
Thank you for your attention to this important matter.
UNESCO Denies Jerusalem Israel History in Vote
Jerusalem (AFP)- Israel recalled its ambassador to UNESCO for consultations Wednesday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced, after a second resolution accused of denying the Jewish connection to Jerusalem.
The Israeli ambassador to the UN body, Carmel Shama Hacohen, told public radio that “we are studying the possibility of breaking all contact with UNESCO”.
Despite what an Israeli official called long efforts to get the resolution amended or dropped, the heritage committee, made up of 21 member states, adopted the text proposed by Kuwait, Lebanon and Tunisia.
The resolution refers throughout to the Al-Aqsa Mosque/Al-Haram Al-Sharif religious complex, without using the Israeli name “Temple Mount,” according a copy seen by AFP.
The 14-hectare (35-acre) rectangular esplanade at the southeastern corner of the Old City is the third holiest site in Islam and the most holy in Judaism. More here.
Related reading: The First Temple – Solomon’s Temple
UNESCO approves new controversial resolution on Jerusalem
PARIS (AP)— The U.S. Ambassador to UNESCO condemned as “inflammatory” a resolution approved Wednesday by UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee on the status of conservation of the Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls — a document that Israel says denies Judaism’s deep ties to the holy site Temple Mount.
In Wednesday’s secret ballot, the international body agreed to retain the site on the list of endangered world heritage and criticized Israel for its continuous refusal to let the body’s experts access Jerusalem’s holy sites to determine their conservation status. The document refers to the Jerusalem site that Jews called Temple Mount only by its Arab name — a significant semantic decision also adopted by UNESCO’s Executive Board last week that triggered condemnation from Israel and its allies.
“This item should have been defeated … These politicized and one-sided resolutions are damaging the credibility of UNESCO,” U.S. Ambassador Crystal Nix Hines said in a statement to The Associated Press. “These resolutions are continuously one-sided and inflammatory.”
The resolution was passed by the World Heritage Committee’s 21 member countries. Ten countries voted for, two against, 8 abstained and one was absent. Neither Israel, the U.S. nor Palestine is on the World Heritage Committee.
Israel suspended ties with UNESCO earlier this month over a similar resolution.
Elias Sanbar, the Palestinian ambassador to UNESCO, fired back at those upset with the resolution, which was sponsored by his delegation.
“What Israel wants, in fact, is to put politics in religion. This is the most dangerous thing that is happening now in UNESCO,” Sanbar told the AP. “They are politicizing religion and this is very dangerous.”
The resolution is the latest of several measures at UNESCO over decades that Israelis see as evidence of ingrained anti-Israel bias within the United Nations, where Israel and its allies are far outnumbered by Arab countries and their supporters.
The site in Jerusalem has been on UNESCO’s endangered list since 1982.
UNESCO’s World Heritage Site list is known throughout the world for its work in highlighting sites of historic and cultural significance, and endangered global heritage.
Related reading: US lawmakers urge UNESCO panel to reject text erasing Jewish ties to Temple Mount
Senators, Congressmen call on World Heritage Committee to vote against ‘yet another attempt to rewrite history’
It’s time to disband UNESCO
Rubin/AEI: On October 13, 2016, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), a body charged with protecting and defending culture and cultural heritage, voted on a resolution denying Jewish ties to the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism. The good news, as UN Watch noted, is that the resolution passed with only a plurality 17 countries abstaining. Normally, anti-Israel resolutions pass with overwhelming majorities.
Still, the resolution is itself so toxic that it delegitimizes UNESCO and raises questions about its continued existence. In effect, UNESCO has become so polluted by political hate, that it has embraced a resolution that advances a counterfactual narrative completely at odds with the archaeological, cultural, and historical record. It is one thing to criticize Israel and Israeli politics, but it’s quite another to suggest that there is neither Jewish history nor legitimate ties to Jerusalem. That’s akin to saying Hagia Sophia in Istanbul was never a church or that Cordoba cathedral was never a mosque. In effect, rather than advance cultural preservation, UNESCO is laying the ground work for ethnic and sectarian cleansing.
Among the countries voting for the UNESCO resolution were China, Brazil, Russia, South Africa, and Mexico. In effect, they demonstrate how easy it is to abet hatred and anti-Semitism so long as the money coming from Arab states and Iran is right. Again, diplomatic opposition to Israeli policies is no excuse, as UNESCO is supposed to be a cultural institution. The abstainers, however —among them France, India, Argentina, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, Greece, and Italy — really are no better. After all, at issue is a clear matter of historical fact. Only six countries — the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Netherlands, Lithuania and Estonia — opposed the resolution.
Organizations form for good reasons. Few foresaw how the UN Human Rights Commission (later the UN Human Rights Council) would transform itself into a body to launder and excuse the worst human rights violations. When the UN founded the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the organization genuinely hoped they could resettle Palestinian refugees in Arab countries within a few years and disband; its founders never would have believed UNRWA would become a mechanism to launder money for terrorists and hide their weaponry. UNESCO is simply the latest organization that has outlived its utility and now threatens more harm than good. The UN General Assembly and Security Council are valuable as places for countries to meet and discuss common problems, but outgoing UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has been far more interested in traveling and grandstanding than repairing the internal rot that infuses the organization over which he presides.
Already, some UN diplomats are scrambling to paper over the UNESCO resolution and, feeding from the trough of bloated UN salaries, why shouldn’t they? But sometimes, when gangrene sets in, the best recourse is amputation. It’s time to let UNESCO fade into the dustbin of history and allow a new organization — perhaps one less beholden to politics and therefore outside the formal mechanisms of the UN — assume the responsibility to protect cultural heritage.
Justice Department’s Bank Terrorism Funding Radical Orgs/Activism
Congress held hearings, defunded several of these programs, but Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch found innovative methods to continue the funding by financial terrorism and extortion. This is all without the oversight of Congress and mostly in legal secrecy.
In part from the report by the Government Accountability Institute:
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Lamar Smith took a very direct approach
in his January 25, 2012 correspondence addressed to Eric Holder. He stated:
I am concerned that the terms of the Justice Department’s recent settlement
with Countrywide Financial Corporation and certain affiliates (collectively,
“Countrywide”) will allow the Department to give large sums of money to
individuals and organizations with questionable backgrounds or close
political ties to the White House without any guidelines or oversight. If that is
to be the case, this sort of backdoor funding of the president’s political allies
would be an abuse of the Department’s law enforcement authority.85
He was specifically addressing a December 28, 2011 DOJ settlement with Countrywide,
which required that Countrywide deposit $335 million into an interest-bearing escrow
account to remedy alleged violations of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act and Fair Housing
The Rise and Fall of ACORN
Saul Alinsky’s influence is undeniable. Since the publication of Reveille for Radicals
in 1946 and Rules for Radicals in 1971, grassroots organizations have been launched for the
purpose of community organizing and systemic social/political change.91 As the movement
grew, organizers created several national support organizations including the Industrial
Areas Foundation (IAF) which was founded by Alinsky. Other organizations that grew out
of the Alinsky philosophies included NACA, and ACORN. One of the first was The National
Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO), an activist organization founded in 1966, focused on
welfare rights.92 Both John Calkins, founder of The Direct Action and Research Training
Center (DART) and Wade Rathke founder of ACORN worked with the NWRO.93 Other
groups that appeared on the community organizing scene who modeled Alinsky’s style of
activism were groups like DART, National People’s Action (NPA) and La Raza.
One of the chief beneficiaries of this wealth redistribution by the federal
government has been ACORN. In its July 2006 report, “Rotten ACORN, America’s Bad Seed,”
the Employment Policies Institute described ACORN as a “multi-million-dollar
multinational conglomerate.”94 The report described ACORN’s hunger and pursuit of
political power:
ACORN’s no-holds-barred take on politics originates from its philosophy,
which is centered on power. An internal ACORN manual instructed
organizers to sign up as many residents as possible because “this is a mass
organization directed at political power where might makes right.”95
This sentiment aligns with the Marxist underpinnings of the Students for a
Democratic Society, a group that housed Rathke. ACORN enjoyed rapid growth facilitated
through government grants and contracts before, during, and after the 2008 election.
Handwritten notes obtained from an FBI investigative file by Judicial Watch through a FOIA
request indicate ACORN’s headquarters was working for the Democratic Party.96 During
and after the 2008 election there were numerous allegations of massive fraud on the part
of ACORN.97 In 2009, several major scandals involving ACORN and its affiliated groups
broke into the national news. These included rampant embezzlement, fraud, and evidence
that ACORN and their affiliated groups were advising individuals how to break the law.98
A July 23, 2009 Staff Report for the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on
Oversight and Government Reform in its title asked, “Is ACORN Intentionally Structured as
a Criminal Enterprise?” Then offers the following findings in its executive summary:
The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) has
repeatedly and deliberately engaged in systemic fraud. Both structurally and
operationally, ACORN hides behind a paper wall of nonprofit corporate protections
to conceal a criminal conspiracy on the part of its directors, to launder federal
money in order to pursue a partisan political agenda and to manipulate the
American electorate.
Emerging accounts of widespread deceit and corruption raise the need for a
criminal investigation of ACORN. By intentionally blurring the legal distinctions
between 361 tax-exempt and non-exempt entities, ACORN diverts taxpayer and taxexempt
monies into partisan political activities. Since 1994, more than $53 million
in federal funds have been pumped into ACORN, and under the Obama
administration, ACORN stands to receive a whopping $8.5 billion in available
stimulus funds.
Operationally, ACORN is a shell game played in 120 cities, 43 states and the District
of Columbia through a complex structure designed to conceal illegal activities, to use
taxpayer and tax-exempt dollars for partisan political purposes, and to distract
investigators. Structurally, ACORN is a chess game in which senior management is
shielded from accountability by multiple layers of volunteers and compensated
employees who serve as pawns to take the fall for every bad act.99
One of the events described in the report was the cover-up of the embezzlement of
$948,607.50 by Dale Rathke, the brother of ACORN founder Wade Rathke.100 These and
other events led to a ban on all federal funding for ACORN affiliated groups in 2009.101
Fox News reported that the former director of New York ACORN, Jon Kest, and his
top aides renamed New York ACORN to New York Communities for Change (NYCC), used
the same office and stationary as New York ACORN and employed many of the same staff as
previously employed by New York ACORN.106 In 2013, Fox News and several other news
outlets reported that contracts for services known as Navigator grants under Obamacare
were awarded to former associates of ACORN and its affiliated organizations. Wade Rathke
had announced in September 2013 that The United Labor Unions Council Local 100, a New
Orleans-based nonprofit, would take part in a multi-state “navigator” drive to help people
enroll in Obamacare.107
In the most recent consent orders from Bank of America, Citigroup and
JPMorgan settlements offered credit for giving to nonprofits. These not only require banks
to make donations to nonprofits but incentivize them to give more than the required
amount. The evolution of these consent orders illustrates the growing effort by the current
administration to funnel money to these nonprofit groups.
The DOJ limited distributions to “HUD approved housing counseling agencies,” such
as the groups set to receive mandatory minimum payments under the Citigroup and Bank
of America settlements, and incentivized payments under many of these settlements. These
organizations had been preapproved by prior administrations. These included La Raza,
Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA) and part of the old ACORN
network who in the wake of the scandal and congressional prohibition against further
funding restyled itself as the Mutual Housing Association of New York (MHANY). The HUD
website lists MHANY’s contact as Ismene Speliotis. Speliotis previously served as the New
York director of ACORN Housing. Furthermore, an examination of tax returns for the
nonprofit reveals that MHANY Management, Inc. maintained the EIN (72-1303737)
previously used by New York ACORN Housing Company, Inc. Between the 2007 and 2008
tax filings, only the group’s name had changed.147 This corporate entity was merely New
York ACORN Housing Company, Inc. rebranded with a new name and clothed in a new
“moral garment.” Despite the prohibition on ACORN funding from Congress, New York
ACORN Housing Company, Inc. had sidestepped congressional intent by simply changing its
In September 2012, FHC hosted its annual conference in Orlando. The keynote
speaker for day two: Judith Browne Dianis,198 longtime liberal activist, attorney, and
scholar.199 In its 2012 post-election newsletter, FHC published Browne Dianis’s editorial on
that election.200 She did not mention the word “housing” once. Instead, she denounced what
she termed “the greatest rollback on voting rights in more than a century.” This was her
terminology for the “partisan” voter ID laws passed that year, and the subject of so much
litigation. Furthermore, as its website clearly shows, Browne Dianis’s Advancement Project
was in the thick of this litigation.201 In her FHC editorial, she condemned those laws at
length, and called for Election Day to be made a national holiday, and a “next generation
voting-rights movement.”202 She denounced other practices that she claimed amount to
voter suppression. She quoted the recently re-elected Barack Obama on these same issues.
So who was she and how did she find her way to the editorial page of the FHC
newsletter and the keynote speaker slot at the FHC convention? Advancement Project’s tax
return for 2012 lists a grant of $25,000203 to a 501(c)(4) advocacy group known as Florida
New Majority.204 The grant was designated as “Voter Protection Program” – amounting to
nearly one-tenth of the approximately $280,000.00 in grants given out by Browne-Dianis’s
nonprofit, the Advancement Project, for such purposes that year.205 Interestingly, the
Florida New Majority’s 990 for 2012 says nothing about protecting voters, but includes
nearly half-a-million dollars to “reach and mobilize voters during the 2012 elections with
the objective of promoting progressive federal and state legislators…” (emphasis added)206
Asian Americans for Equality: Margaret Chin and John Choe
Margaret Chin cut her political teeth as a student activist in the Communist Workers
Party (CWP) while attending the City College in the 1970s. It was Chin who stood before
the cameras and condemned the killing of five of her party members in Greensboro, North
Carolina where the CWP had sponsored a “Death to the Klan” rally which led to an armed
confrontation with the Klan.221 The “Communist” moniker would not serve them well in
their efforts to influence politics in New York City, but a solution was forthcoming. In 1974,
protests erupted in Manhattan’s Chinatown and Asian Americans for Equal Employment
was formed to fight discriminatory hiring practices on a federally-financed construction
project. A “stunning civil rights victory” ultimately led to the founding of Asian Americans
for Equality (AAFE) and a continued focus on “civil liberties” issues.222 Chin, a founding
member of AAFE223 and other members of the CWP, found great success in identifying an
issue important to the community and wrapping themselves in it. We know this because of
the overlap of individuals involved the CWP and AAFE. Many of the founders of AAFE were
also active with the CWP. AAFE shared an address and phone number with the CWP for
several years. It seemed that CWP veterans regularly ended up as AAFE officers. Chin
served as President of AAFE from 1982 to 1986 and was associated with AAFE until 2008
when she began efforts to run for the city council. Her work at AAFE served as a launching
pad into New York politics and in 1986 and with the help of the progressive liberal group,
the Village Independent Democrats, she was elected to the Democratic State Committee
were she served two terms. The AAFE afforded Chin the kind of resources and respectable
platform from which she could chase her political aspirations.224
In 2009, AAFE announced it had joined the NeighborWorks America charter.225 With
this came the “seal of approval” from HUD and federal funding. NeighborWorks funding also
increased—from just over $250,000 in 2008, the year before the announcement, to over
$700,000 in 2013 alone. In total, since 2008, AAFE has received over $4 million in grants from
NeighborWorks.226 Some have not only lamented, but have charged that the AAFE has left
its activist routes to become no more than a “housing developer.” As the New York Times
described it:
Down from the ramparts, fists unclenched, their protest signs long ago set aside,
Asian Americans for Equality — leaders among a cadre of community groups that
brought thousands of demonstrators into the streets of Chinatown and to the steps
of City Hall in the mid-1970’s — is now a major landlord and residential developer.
That same article published the following criticisms:
“I think AAFE has aligned itself with business interests and political interests at the
expense of Chinatown’s residential and low-wage workers,” said Margaret Fung,
executive director of the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund. ”They
want to acquire properties or city-owned buildings so that they can be the
developers, instead of some other group. They favor themselves.”
A Rising New Star
In January 1993, an article in Chicago Magazine described how “a huge black turnout
in November 1992 altered Chicago’s electoral landscape-and raised new political
star.”243 Leading up to the election George Bush had been making gains on Bill Clinton in
Illinois. Carol Moseley Braun who had previously been seen as “unstoppable” was on the
ropes amidst allegations regarding her mother’s Medicare liability. Even so, she was able to
win her seat and Bill Clinton won the state. The article attributed their success to “…the
most effective minority voter registration drive in memory…” which was the result of the
efforts of Project Vote. At the helm of Project Vote was a young lawyer named Barack
Sandy Newman, a lawyer and civil rights activist who founded Project Vote
explained the work of the nonprofit organization in the election as follows:
Project Vote! is nonpartisan, strictly nonpartisan. But we do focus our efforts on
minority voters, and on states where we can explain to them why their vote will
matter. Braun made that easier in Illinois. (emphasis added)
Project Vote’s work in voter registration was hailed as the reason Braun was elected
drawing a direct correlation with voter registration activities and election outcomes.
Indeed, in another portion of the article the writer contrasts the old way of doing things
and the new paradigm created by Mr. Obama’s efforts through the nonprofit:
To understand the full implications of Obama’s effort, you first need to understand
how voter registration often has worked in Chicago. The Regular Democratic Party
spearheaded most drives, doing so using one primary motivator: money. The party
would offer bounties to registrars for every new voter they signed up (typically a
dollar per registration). The campaigns did produce new voters. “But bounty
systems don’t really promote participation,” says David Orr, the Cook County
The article suggests that the old political engine previously supplied by the “Regular
Democratic Party” had now been replaced by a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and its leader, Barack
Billionaire George Soros founded data utility company, Catalist, to mobilize liberal
voters through nonprofits. Catalist provides the advanced data analysis necessary for
micro-targeting and is building a base of voters and contributors for the exclusive use of
progressive left-leaning groups. Its compatriot is an organization called Nonprofit VOTE
whose goals include providing “high quality resources for nonprofits and social service
agencies to promote voter participation and engage with candidates on a nonpartisan
basis.”247 Their website mentions that Nonprofit VOTE is a nonpartisan organization, and
they acknowledge the demographics of the voters that nonprofits are most likely to reach
are “young, low-income, and diverse populations.”248 Studies have shown that this
demographic is most likely to vote Democrat. As the Wyss memorandum points out these
populations “tend to be reliably progressive on economic […] issues.”249
In 2012 and 2014 Nonprofit VOTE ran pilot projects to increase voter turnout
through nonprofits. The project report acknowledged the help of Catalist, LLC, an
organization that “works with and for data-driven progressive organizations to help them
effect change: issue advocates, labor organizers, pollsters, analysts, consultants, campaigns,
and more.”
The two stated goals of the project were to:
• “For nonprofits already doing voter engagement and those considering it, the goal
of Track the Vote program was to provide tangible data to assess the impact of
nonprofits on increasing voter participation—using that data to ground their work
in outcomes and make the case for voter engagement as an ongoing priority.”
How is This not a War Crime in Syria Due to Russia and Assad?
Both John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov know what Russia is doing in Aleppo is a war crime.
Reuters: U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry voiced concern to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Monday about renewed fighting and air strikes in the Syrian city of Aleppo after a break of several days, the State Department said.
Lavrov and Kerry discussed the situation in Syria in a phone call and agreed that experts from several countries meeting in Geneva would continue searching for ways to resolve the Aleppo crisis, the State Department and Russia’s Foreign Ministry said.
Lavrov told Kerry the United States must fulfil its obligation to separate moderate opposition groups from “terrorists” in Syria, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement. More here.
Leaflets dropped in Aleppo: “If you don’t evacuate you will be eliminated. Everyone has abandoned you, no one will help you”
**** Hezbollah to stay in Syria until ‘apostate project’ defeated
BEIRUT (AP) — Fighting returned to Syria’s Aleppo Sunday after a cease-fire to allow rebels and civilians to leave the city’s besieged eastern districts expired with no evacuations.
As rebels and pro-government forces battled in the contested city’s southern countryside, a pro-opposition media outlet circulated footage of a powerful and hard-line Islamist rebel coalition announcing that the campaign to break the government’s siege of the city’s east would begin “within hours.”
Jaish al-Fatah commander Ali Abu Adi al-Aloush told the Qasioun News Agency that “zero hour has drawn near,” and that militants and kamikaze fighters had begun moving toward Aleppo. It was unclear when the interview was recorded.
A second northern Syrian rebel coalition meanwhile warned civilians in Aleppo to stay away from government positions around the contested city.
Meanwhile in Lebanon, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah cast the insurgency against Syrian President Bashar Assad as a facade designed to weaken Iran’s regional access and make “changes to the map”, vowing to stay in the country until it could “defeat the apostate project.”
Nasrallah in a speech Sunday afternoon said the Syrian rebellion is “not about the fall of the regime, but about targeting the axis of resistance,” a reference to the Iran-Syria-Hezbollah alliance. Assad has long provided a corridor for Iranian weapons shipments to the Lebanese militant group which grew out of the resistance to the Israeli occupation of Lebanon’s south between 1982 and 2000. Thousands of Hezbollah fighters are on the ground in Syria in defense of Assad’s government and senior commanders in Iran’s powerful Republican Guard are in advisory positions.
Government artillery shelled the strategically important village of Khan Touman, which overlooks the highway connecting Aleppo and government-held cities in the center of the country, the activist-run Shahba Press reported Sunday. Rebels led by al-Qaida-linked militants took the town from government forces in a surprising advance last May, dealing a setback to the joint Russian-Syrian campaign to expel rebels from Aleppo.
The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group reported incremental advances for pro-government forces against al-Qaida-linked Fatah al-Sham Front militants in the city’s southern countryside.
Al-Manar TV, run by Hezbollah, broadcast footage of tanks and fighters advancing under heavy fire along a ridge reportedly in the Aleppo countryside.
A spokesman for the Nour el-Din al-Zinki rebel faction in Aleppo said an operation to break the government’s siege of the rebel-held eastern districts of Aleppo was “coming.”
Yasser al-Yousef clarified rebels would not target civilians in Aleppo’s government-held districts, but warned of collateral damage from the anticipated operations.
The escalations follow the conclusion of a three-day cease-fire arranged by the Russian and Syrian military commands to allow rebels and civilians to leave eastern Aleppo. No evacuations were seen during the period.
The fighting around Aleppo ran in parallel with renewed clashes further away from the city between Turkish-backed opposition forces and Syrian Kurdish forces over territory formerly held by the Islamic State group. The activist-run Aleppo Media Center said Turkish forces struck over 50 Kurdish positions on Sunday alone. The U.S. has backed both the Turkish-backed forces and the Syrian Kurdish forces in the area, though it has clarified that it does not support the Syrian Kurdish forces that have come under Turkish attack in the Aleppo countryside.
The Turkish military intervened in the Syrian war in August this year under orders from Ankara to clear the border area of Islamic State fighters and U.S.-backed Syrian Kurdish forces linked to Turkey’s own outlawed Kurdish insurgency. The Turkish government considers both to be terrorist groups.
To the country’s south, a 24-truck convoy arrived at the formerly besieged town of Moadamiyeh, in the suburbs of Damascus, to deliver food, winter clothes, lamps, and medical supplies.
The convoy was the first to reach Moadamiyeh since a deal was made to restore the government’s authority over the former bastion of rebel strength and support. The government recently granted safe passage out to some 2,000 rebels and civilians.
Local resident Mahmoud, who did not give his name out of security concerns, said the materials would be distributed Monday.
He said locals have been able to move freely in and out of Moadamiyeh for the first time in years and that the prices of goods were cheaper in areas that were under government control.