Obama, I can Ignore the law I signed

Only today did Barack Obama sign a law authored by Senator Ted Cruz that would forbid entry, legal entry by a visa to Hamid Aboutalebi. Who is Aboutalebi? Well one must go back to 1979, when the U.S. Embassy was taken over by a group of Iranian radicals and 52 hostages (US diplomat and citizens) were kidnapped for 444 days.

The bill Cruz authored passed with ease and Barack Obama signed it into law, but…but only minutes after signing the new law, he said he would use it only as advise and would not especially enforce it.

  Obama decided to treat the law as mere advice. “Acts of espionage and terrorism against the United States and our allies are unquestionably problems of the utmost gravity, and I share the Congress’s concern that individuals who have engaged in such activity may use the cover of diplomacy to gain access to our Nation,” Obama said in his signing statement.

Read more here on the blowback of Barack Obama’s statement. Remember Barack Obama tells his staff daily they can take action without Congress and we have seen that promise and statement play-out quite well with regard to Obamacare and Immigration.

As a matter of just how this administration sees foreign terrorists, a reminder is important that Aboutalebi has a long history of nefarious connections.

Who else seems to approve of terrorists and has the same warm feeling for letting terrorist go free? Well Eric Holder of course. Holder was acting Attorney General during the Clinton administration and the case of the FALN came up for a pardon. FALN is Fuerzs Armadas de Liberacion Nacional, a Puerto Rico clandestine paramilitary organization of MarxistLeninist orientation with deep ties to the Weather Underground and Black, Inc.  FALN was responsible for 5 bombs in New York in 1974, a bomb-making factory in Chicago was found in 1976 that was theirs and 11 of them were arrested in 1980 for armed robbery. But that is not all, they actually made an assassination attempt on President Truman and seriously injuring a handful of Congressmen.

See history of FALN here, which is a fascinating historical reference.

There are several staggering items in all of this, one is Eric Holder was never completely challenged during his AG/DoJ Confirmation hearing and he worked the clemency deal for President Bill Clinton, who signed it. Oh and by the way we see Bill Ayers of Weather Underground around the country often and he not only is a friend of Barack Obama but he also was the ghost writer for Obama’s book “Dreams of my Father’.

We must wonder what these people think or have any moral clarity on anything.

Posted in DOJ, DC and inside the Beltway, Terror.

Denise Simon